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Is the data being sent fast enough to keep a thread busy? If not, you shouldn't have to use another thread.
If you use an event, it will process windows events and serial port reading side by side
hrm. I'll play around some more - that is not what i'm seeing.
reading large chunks locks down the application.
until the read is complete - then messes with visual feedback.
How large? Is it sending the data in big batches?
If you do need to read large chunks at a time, then you will want a background thread.
@KendallFrey well lets put it this way, 36 registers from the table of 10 000 takes ~300-500ms to retrieve
Modbus is a serial communications protocol published by Modicon in 1979 for use with its programmable logic controllers (PLCs). Simple and robust, it has since become a de facto standard communication protocol, and it is now amongst the most commonly available means of connecting industrial electronic devices.Bill Drury, Control Techniques Drives and Controls Handbook (2nd Edition) . 2009, Institution of Engineering and Technology, Online version available at: http://knovel.com/web/portal/browse/display?_EXT_KNOVEL_DISPLAY_bookid=2995&VerticalID=0, page 508 and following The main reasons...
And they arrive all at once?
As in, are all in the buffer?
well the device times out if I read any more than ~128 at once.
so I am chunking it out and reading blocks of no larger than 32 at a time
but the addresses for each register are user defined. so one chunk may be 32, one may be 2
or 1
i also suck at explaining :P
I'm still confused, but if there is ever a pause between values, you should be fine on a GUI thread, but if not, a background thread would be good.
I had the application working before - this is a re-write so i'm just attempting to ensure it's done right this time :P
ok well once I'm done i'll post it up on github and you can pick apart my work :P
we don't sell the application - internal and for our OEM partners to get their HMIs working
so I can open source the shit outta it :)
love getting paid to write open source code.
tsss Windows RT will be a big failure and there is only 1 reason for that
@Jez What is the structure of your web project? Is it usual Controllers, Models, Views folders?
if yes, then you can create one more folder called Services, and place your services there
@Jez don't create services if you don't really need them
lib/includes (for generic helpers, bootstrap, classes etc)

i don't write asp code
so this is for node.js or PHP
@tranceporter yes, it is
hehehe what error message do you put when your logger fails?
catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show("this is a bad error. you probably should call Rob over...");
Make it ping www.microsoft.com and retry.
If logger is broken, MS gets DoS'ed
Happiness either way.
I suppose so :P
@rlemon Why are you telling all your users to call me? :(
because then I don't have to deal with them
Also... this
@TheGreatRupert, Kitchener, Ontario. Canada
a.k.a rlemon. I write code; some of which works!
1k tweets, 50 followers, following 106 users
You live near me?
where you live
i'm in KW
I could tell you, but you probably never heard of it.
try me :P
North of Waterloo, past Elmira.
Near Moorefield.
Ever hear of it? :P
Now kiss!
lol name the city/town
I live past X and near Y - ever heard of it
lol ohh
no, but I know the area
I work in north waterloo - by conestoga mall
That's my address, but I don't actually live in Moorefield.
Waterloo, that is close :)
don't judge the site it was there before I started
You... work there?
yes sir
Coding dryers? lol
And their moisture.
you kid, but it is actually pretty intense
embedded systems development
and then some desktop applications for remote management and testing / debugging HMIs
unfortunately almost nothing is off the shelf so we have to reinvent all wheels.
I just got back from the gas station. I picked up pringles and combos. I forgot the self-respect.
make an octogon wheel for fun!
since you have to reinvent it, why not?
Damn it. Now I want Pringles.
I have some
Guys, any of you who have had experience with MVC projects. where is a good place to put my service classes? I'm wondering whether to put them under /Helpers/Services/, or /Services/
As in what folder?
put them in a different project
why a different project?
separation of concerns
services = business logic
but it's the same concern
more lolz
the separation is in classes, why does it need to be in projects
in a different project, its also easier to reuse them
@Jez it doesn't
in other projects
@KyleTrauberman yeah but you're not going to want to reuse something so tightly coupled to one project's views
then you're doing it wrong
I'm currently working under the paradigm Kyle's pushing. It helps you know where to go to bug-fix down the line.
that is why you put it in folders
if they are tightly coupled to one projects views, then something is wrong
@KyleTrauberman Tightly coupled is not wrong
That said, I have just made a folder called /workers/ and that seemed to do just fine too.
Tightly coupled = good
@KyleTrauberman i don't see how. view models are meant to be tightly coupled to views. you could almost define them in the same file as you define the view.
yes, but look at the name "view models"
they aren't domain models, which is what your services layer should be working with
Tightly coupled = Less effort and time
@KyleTrauberman im using these services to return view models.
domain models = something you don't need probably
How did we get to view models being tightly coupled with views? I thought you were talking about service classes?
yes, services which return view models
Ohh, alright then.
I hope its not a real service like WCF
but anyway, where should i put these service classes?
In a separate folder
@KyleTrauberman I am thinking of the same lines, but in his case, he wants to returns viewModels specific to views from his service. Regardless though, I too feel that different projects are a good idea
now, ask again
different projects are not needed
so yeah good idea :)
root-level folder?
David, where should I put these service classes?
C# development -> doing stuff without reason is great :D
in a folder
if its just a site
@Jez look at the service as something that just abstract data retrieval, filtering and mapping from the controller..
@tranceporter my view is that the business domain should not be tightly coupled to the views
Simple = GOOD / Complex = BAD
It sounds like these service classes are truly factory classes for your view models, in which case I would keep them in the MVC project.
@DavidDV except when the simplest thing causes lots of overhead in the future
which is what tightly coupling does
If there is a future.
@KyleTrauberman yes that is called Overdesigning
it makes it harder to mantain code
Perhaps just /Services/
harder to reuse code
If you program against "might be needed in the future" then stop
thats not what I'm saying
that is what I am hearing
@KyleTrauberman thats true, but then in his case, the service will have to return POCO classes which are flattened respresentation of bigger entities, and then he can call the mapper layer separately from the controller to map the POCO to the view model
I'm saying that a program should be designed to be easily maintained, and you're doing yourself a favor if you consider that before you start coding
easily maintained = Less Complexity
how does tight coupling equate to easily maintained?
@tranceporter that's what i'm saying too, but he's tightly coupling his service logic to the view models
eliminating any sort of mapping
@tranceporter -> experience
That was for David, not Kyle
Loosely coupled takes more time more code more maintenance
there is no Maintenance gain
Doing the same thing more complex is not better
it does take some more upfront overhead, yes
just because "in the future"
it takes constant overhead
but in the long run, loosely coupled code is extensible and can be easily updated or replaced
depends on how you couple it
if you're tightly coupling everything, you're not a good developer.
and tested
@KyleTrauberman yup. he can return flattened entities (POCO) from services, and call mapping separately, to return view model.
If you create extra layers/project and services and domain models and DI and other crap that you don't need then please go ahead
call yourself a good developer
@DavidDV what you are saying in essence is "Do things the lazy way because you cannot predict the future. If shit hits the fan, i will resign and start over"
doing it in a folder instead of a service doesn't matter
yes, a new project is not necessary - i will agree with that
but it makes it easier to separate things
doing things tightly coupled because you can is a good thing
@DavidDV Irrespective of good or bad, separating concerns is a good approach
yes it is
but you can seperate concerns with a folder or a namespace
not with projects / layers / DI / interfaces
there is a big time difference
and if you don't need it, then a folder is good enough
if folders such an awesome idea, why did MS give projects?
for portability, code code re-use
in what way is DI an obstacle?
I'm not talking about not seperating concerns, I'm talking about how to seperate them
Otherwise the whole project can me made of folders, and we can give one dll and say blast everything else
DI takes more time
@DavidDV how?
Why think about code reuse when there will be no code reuse
Does anyone know of a good WYSIWYG editor for XML documentation in VS?
DINGDINGDING: The bout is a draw.
@JohanLarsson because you have todo extra stuff to do DI :)
like what?
@KendallFrey I don't know, but if you find one would you drop the name in the wiki? I'm likely to need one some day soon.
add a constructor argument and add an IoC mapping?
thats not a lot
and an interface
I did find Document! X, but I'd like to use Sandcastle instead, and just want the editor.
yes and no
you can, and should
and constantly update that interface
but you can use DI without them
yeah that is not more work
but I agree with you that for small projects it is faster to just do it as simple as possible
@DavidDV So you are saying keep an interface up to date with an implementation is extra work? With tools like ReSharper, it takes seconds to right click -> pull members up
@tranceporter extra work is extra work
Writing static classes, extension methods from the get go is a tightly coupled lazy way of coding, that crashes half a dozen apps, when one static method logic gets changed
you really don't have a lot of experience
@JohanLarsson for prototypes, that's okay. for an actual production product, no matter how small, you're doing yourself a favor by planning for the future
and it shows
I spend a lot of time learning to do things the "right" way, just for learning if nothing else
doing things the "right" wayN
@DavidDV I am sure it does :)
Most programs can be made simple 2 layer CRUD style
without DDD/Di and all that stuff
@JohanLarsson -> "right" way -> infoq.com/presentations/15-lessons-architecture
Your solution should not be complexer then the problem you need to solve
There are a lot of ppl that think that this is a good way todo projects -> microsoftnlayerapp.codeplex.com
and it just isn't so
@DavidDV You are so full of it dude. I am sure you are absolute wet noodle to work with your self righteous propoganda. Now that I see you profile, I can see that you are spamming you "anti pattern" logic other places as well
A: IRepository Pattern

David  DVIn short, IRepository is an anti-pattern -> http://codebetter.com/gregyoung/2009/01/16/ddd-the-generic-repository/ In C#/.net land there is a great drive to overcomplicate / overdesign programs, even the simplest of CRUD-application has to be DDD and have a domain model and offcourse (wrongly) h...

IRepository is an anti pattern
A: Situations where Entity Framework should NOT be used?

David  DVIn about every non-trivial real-world situation, if you care more about user-satisfaction then an empty promise of simplicity and programmer-convenience. and if you care more about getting things done then debugging leaky abstractions.

its not my fault?
to name a few. Wonderful stuff. I am done discussing things with you.
do you guys think it would be a good idea if I passed the current controller into my service classes?
Come again Jez?
then i can get my service classes to generate things like HttpNotFoundResults
@jez absolutely not
by saying currentController.HttpNotFound("foo")
Ew, no.
@Jez no
then what's the best way to do it
that is a huge break of SoC
the service wants to indicate "not found"
Make a base controller that all of the others extend.
And put error handling there.
i read that base controllers are generally a bad idea
throw exception, catch it in controller
or return some value that means not found
check it in the controller
i mean at the moment i have this:
Hmm, that's news to me. Can you link me an argument against a base controller?
svcAsmt.GetStartViewModel(id, isSample, User.Identity.Name, out httpNotFound, out error);
so im checking a bool for no found
@DavidDV There is also the benefit of learning == fun
then i need to add another bool if my service wants to redirect, say
feels like it would be better to just return an ActionResult
@Jez That would be inverting the MVC stack. The controller stays on top. It's fed by everyone else, and all it does , like a lazy bastard is to pass that data to the correct view, for that action method
it's js because it is easier to demo :P jsfiddle.net/UpV9Q (i need a looky please)
otherwise i need logic in the controller to say "if it's httpNotFound, do this. if it's httpRedirect, do this."
@Jez it sounds like you need to break that method up
@tranceporter except that the controller has to deal with HTTP errors.
you're probably doing some extra logic in there that should be done in the controller or in another method
@JohanLarsson offcourse but the hardest thing about programming is to learn constraint and to not do every new thing you learn, and also to think about the cost of the things you do and not only the benefits
@KendallFrey help me figure this out and i'll buy you a beer (and a real one to boot!)
none of the e-beer crap
I'm underage lol.
var data = svcAsmt.GetData(id, isSample, User.Identity.Name );
so. i'm native american - now we both are doing something wrong
what is the drinking age in canada?
var viewModel = MapperService.GetViewModel(data;
@DavidDV Partially true, over designing is a cost. But when is it over designed? That is somewhat blurry
18 Quebec, 19 et al
A: What are good candidates for base controller class in ASP.NET MVC?

jfarThere are no good uses of a base controller class. Now hear me out. Asp.Net MVC, especially MVC 3 has tons of extensibility hooks that provide a more decoupled way to add functionality to all controllers. Since your controllers classes are very important and central to an application its rea...

if condition ? HttpNotFound : HttpRedirect
Well yes its blurry but that is the hardest thing, it is REALLY easy to do all the "right" things in each application
you guys are saying that passing the current Controller into the service would break SoC. but aren't these services tightly coupled with controllers anyway? they're returning view models.
i mean, what disadvantage would there be passing in a Controller?
@Jez I guess I'm missing the draw back of a base controller. If you don't want to use it, I won't twist your arm.
@JohanLarsson It's over designed when you feel the need to refactor your code or think.. or re-learn the way you do things. At the moment, you are enlightened. You say, screw this, I am going back to my old ways. That's just the right amount of design.
i think that it's going to be too much logic in the controller to have to say "if httpNotFound then this.HttpNotFound(xyz)"
"if httpRedirect then this.RedirectToAction(xyz)"
surely you dont want that all over the place
Anyway I just get a lot more satisfaction about thinking about the User Experience, and trying to make that better then expected, then to add unneeded complexity internally
@Jez IMO controller handles incoming requests. It's the controller's job. That is where HttpRedirects should happen
@tranceporter I'm def guilty of that
the logic for deciding the http redirects resides there
@tranceporter so the service should return bools to indicate what to do?
@JohanLarsson I was being sarcastic mate.. about some people who just throw in keywords like over designed. As long as you are satisfied that your code is handling responsibilities separately, it should be considered well designed. Then again, someone will come along and show how to do things better. :)
i guess i could write a Controller extension method like DealWithHttpAction(HttpAction), and then have every service set an HttpAction, and the controller calls that method
avoids repeating boilerplate code
one of the reasons I suggested putting the service in another project is because it helps you mentally separate things. If the code is in another project, you think about it as a separate, distinct piece of the solution that doesn't interact (i.e. tightly couple) with other pieces.
@tranceporter np
@Jez Service returns a flatted entity model (like a POCO object only containing model properties required). The the mapper takes that POCO object, and returns a new instance of viewmodel.
@tranceporter screw that. i want the service to directly return a view model
i cant be bothered with THREE layers of models
let's just accept that the services return view models
the question is, how does the service say "you need to give a 404 error"
If I have a class that implements the specifics of an interface, and then use reflection to tell C# that my class implements that interface? The dilemma that I have is that I need to implement an interface from an API that has been defined as internal. In reality I don't think that reflection yields this power of darkness, but I would be very interested if there was a "hack" to achieve this.
or "you need to redirect"?
@LeaHayes duck typing it?
a service returning a view model will bind that service functionality to the that viewmodel. That's all we are saying. That's a bit tightly coupled, because the service knows about the viewmodel (or in turn, the view, which is UI)
@Jez throw exception
@tranceporter this is just a way for me to get my code out of the controller. i'm happy for the service to be tightly bound, because i wont be using the service outside of this web project
@DavidDV Yeah I guess that is what I would like to do
@Jez Have a bool field in the viewmodel, which the service can set, when it returns a view model. do not bind that field to the view
so why would i care about separation?
the determining about whether a 404 or redirect should occur should not be determined by the service
your service should return an object, null, or throw an exception
throwing an exception for a 404 or something is generally a bad idea because of the overhead of an exception
there should be a more standard mechanism for indicating 404
then the controller shold contain the logic to determine what to do with the returned value
there is, remove that logic from the service and put it in the controller
my idea is that the returned value is a view model, or null. if null, the controller checks something to see whether it needs to spit out a 404 or whatever
that sounds right
what does it check though
SO throws exceptions for 404
already, the service knows about HTTP because it's talking about 404
yup, that sounds right.
if the service knows about HTTP, why shouldn't it know about the controller?
@TravisJ SO?
the service should not be throwing 404 errors
that's your problem
it should be returning values
@KyleTrauberman sure it should. it needs to get a view model for, id 596, and id 596 doesn't exist
and letting the controller worry about the HTTP
it needs to say "not found"
does not found == null?
if not found, return null
null could mean one of many errors
the service may also need to say "redirect"
the service shouldn't care about what is done with the object it returns
or "some other error like a DB error"
throw new HttpException("404");
the service should not be saying redirect either
and a DB error should be a regular exception
always seperate UI from Data
@KyleTrauberman the service shouldnt say redirect..... so i need 2 service calls or something
which you're probably doing already
and both are done from the controller?
that's going away from skinny controllers
just making the second call from inside the service method
more logic in the controller
so you want skinny controllers, but are unwilling to add the necessary layers to acheive that? I'm confused
what kind of service are you talking about anyway. is this a singleton?
@KyleTrauberman what layer would avoid this?
@TravisJ service in this context means "business logic"
I call doing a 404 when not having data not really business logic
@KyleTrauberman THIS! you are abstracting logic from controller, into one method call
or maybe 2
how is making 2 calls to the service not skinny?
that's the idea
@KyleTrauberman well there are some books that basically say "if your controller method has more than 5 lines of code it's too big" ;-)
but http logic != business logic, like @daviddv just said
err.. that was meant for Jez.. i was quoting Kyle
sorry ..lol
@jez that's a guideline, not a rule
tell that to my last employer. they basically fired me for too big controllers
also, in practice my controllers are upwards of 10-15 lines
but all the logic is in services classes
ooooh my employer would've gotten mad at that
the trouble with the "skinny controllers, fat models" paradigm is that they never really specify HOW skinny, and HOW fat
that seems to be subjective
@Jez It's just relative to the size of your manager who fired you..
ok im out. cya
Just seperate the parts logically, that is all I can say :p
you know when stuff gets to fat
and when it gets too fat -> refactor
doing all the planning in detail up front is wasted time usually
its better to rapid prototype -> show user -> refactor when needed -> ...
I have to send a username and password over POST. I'm getting invalid username and password responses from the server. My connection string looks like this
`"api/groups.php?username=" + Uri.EscapeDataString("user/name*withSpecialCharachters====") + "password=" + Uri.EscapeDataString("password/with=obnoxious*special characters")`

Am I doing it wrong, or are the credentials they provided bunk?
@TravisJ How's it been in the trenches today?
@Jez Sounds like your last employer was a little anal retentive
@robjb @Jez sounds like someone that counts lines of code to determine job performance
bye bye blokes
homing beacon activated!
bye bye o/
lol, by dude :D
@KyleTrauberman Which is not only anal retentive, it's plain stupid
my previous boss was against databases :)
Our site runs on a 16 disk array. We've been down for 6 hours because of a disk failure. How does that happen?!
with a lot of practice?
I guess it was all striped :p
And our fail-over failed. I think we're paying too much for hosting.
@Billdr Sounds like it's all striped :P
Yea..16 disks of striped data.
that's brilliant.
I was jk
It's either that or what? 7 drives failed at once?
anybody got any ideas with regard to the following question stackoverflow.com/questions/13013564/…
@Billdr Maybe just a couple failed at once and it's taking a while to reassemble the array from remaining disks? Idk, seems like someone screwed up bad.
That's what I said.
We're looking for a new host, but our database backups weren't happening.
So we failed by not having a disaster recovery plan... but christ almighty.

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