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00:00 - 23:0023:00 - 00:00

Dang, 12.. goodnight!
All the tutorials on tombstoning/data persistence are for 'a string' or some other primitive type, if you actually want to persist your view model then you need to learn about serialization, which then leads to 'serialization surrogates', 'marshal by value' etc.
I've done some simple serialization in other languages but .NET has a rediculous collection of classes for dealing with it - it becomes a rabbit hole
'Data Contracts'
So frustrating when I put effort into an answer that just gets ignored :(
Also, hello all
10 mins ago, by Brendan
I've never had so much grief learning a programming framework
@Brendan What framework did you mean?
I think it is .NET really - I don't mind XAML too much
Ah, the entire thing ... thought you meant a specific subset like WebForms or MVC3
Well the bits that I've dipped into during some WindowsForms programming a while back and now Windows Phone 7
Some of it could be c# as well, it can be hard to tell the difference
I haven't had to persist view models, I found it was easier to just just persist necessary values between redirects / GET and POST ... talking about MVC3 here
Of course domain models just go to the DB.
HTML is totally stateless though
So everything needs to be in cookies or the URL
WP has a few tiers of state which come and go depending on the users actions
Well if you're persisting a view model, the values are typically attributes on HTML elements, which can then be submitted back through POST
So yes, back through the URL
So they are already nice and serializable in text form
Yep, of course there's some parsing in my controller for things like date values
And for data that need to be kept server-side, I persist to DB and then retrieve by some unique ID posted back through URL
So there are a few ways to store data for MVC too
Not whoring for rep, but is this unclear? The question OP doesn't seem to know much about vector operations
A: understanding and implementing Boids

robjbVelocity If you look at their pseudocode for vector addition and subtraction, they are explicitly performing these operations on three-dimensional vectors, e.g. PROCEDURE Vector_Add(Vector v1, Vector v2) Vector v v.x = v1.x + v2.x v.y = v1.y + v2.y v.z = v1.z + v2.z RETUR...

lol, who starred a bitshift?
@KendallFrey you get stars for the weirdest things.
gross, or totally awesome?
A: C# .NET: Work with arrays

Travis Jnote: worst case scenario is going to be that every pair is included which is 100,000,000 the sum of 0..10,000 (n* n-1)/2, 10,000 times = 499,950,000,000 values. This math may not be entirely accurate, as the complexity could include a factorial. In my opinion, this scenario is not solvable in a...

Yeah the vector thing makes sense
I think you are right and the OP just doesn't understand the magnitude notation
k, just wasn't sure if there was something I could add to make that clearer for him
@TravisJ Sorta gross at first glance, but totally awesome if efficient
You could emphasise that it is the magnitude of the difference in vectors i.e |diffb.position| < 100 where diffb.position = b.position - bJ.position
Those nested List variables look scary
@robjb - I added an explanation below. Due note though, solving NPC problems for any problem set is, well, impossible.
@Brendan How about now?
@TravisJ Well, unless P = NP :P
Looks good
Cool :)
@robjb - P = NP? Jeez, why didn't I think of that!
Just picking on your use of the word impossible :)
later all, grabbing some food
If you really wanted could mention that subtraction of vectors work exactly like addition. The only division or multiplication in the Boid webpage is scalar i.e. v/|v| so you could explain that it is elementwise
Heh or you could get some dinner
00:00 - 23:0023:00 - 00:00

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