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makes life tedious. but I get that warm feeling inside like I have bettered myself.... or something.
    ushort[] ushorts = new ushort[] {1, 2, 3, 4};
    string join = string.Join(",", ushorts);
works without convert it seems
not in 3.5
3.5 it expects a string[]
i could cast it
yea no implicit conversion possible
ohh well.
stupid XP as a requirement
is there a way to mask a text box for password or credit card , but leave like 4 chars plain text ?? or does that have to be done before putting into textbox?
Nope, not AFAIK.
You'd have to do it manually.
@ScottSelby the rules behind that would be grim. what if they only entered 1 letter. is it a * or the real letter.. does it timeout to a * after a period of time?
            ushort[] ushorts = new ushort[] {1, 2, 3, 4};
            string s = ushorts.Join();

    public static class Extension
        public static string Join(this ushort[] ushorts, string separator = ",")
            return string.Join(separator, ushorts);
(If you do it really often)
@JohanLarsson nope! lol but thanks
only do it once (well many times but I only have to write it once, recursion)
@JohanLarsson Bonus: Make it accept an Array, then make it work with all types.
@rlemon - yea that sounds like a lot , I'm just going to have it disabled and display last 4 of account , then if they want to change it goes blank
public static class Extension
    public static string Join<T>(this T[] array, string separator = ",")
        return string.Join(separator, array);
@JohanLarsson Even better.
Q: Showing only last 4 digits in a textbox

CatchI have a textbox in which I am showing credit card or banking info. I want it to be masked ( in the code behind page_load event) so that user can see something like this: xxxxxxxxxxxx-9999. Eg: string creditcard = 1234567812345678 I want to show like this: xxxxxxxxxxxx5678 Thanks!

public static class Extension
    public static string Join<T>(this IEnumerable<T> array, string separator = ",")
        return string.Join(separator, array);
probably needs constraint
@JohanLarsson Now you're opening the door to slow code.
because of IEnumerable?
> new string('x', creditcard.Length - 4) + creditcard.Substring(creditcard.Length - 4);
thanks @rlemon - that is what I thought , then I though .net might have so nifty little built in , like partial mask that I didn't know about
Yeah. Passing LINQ queries could be slow.
Arrays are blazing fast.
see you all monday
ok, but IEnumerable is the most (base?) type
No object is lol
But yeah, IEnumerable would make the most sense for maximum possibilities.
maybe pass a formatstring?
That seems like overkill.
as optional
but im not gonna do it
I tend to overuse extension methods, the syntax is so sweet and fluent
How do you quote again?
> 1
did I fuk thhe spelling?
No, sorry
Was testing something
In Swedish everything that is one thing is one word. In English I always assume the opposite
\> quote
without the slash
@JohanLarsson Lol
Is there a difference between a hard coded string, like "Hard", versus some variable holding a string, like [ cbManNum.Text.ToString ], ?
@GoodBoyNYC The latter is known as soft coding.
there is a small difference
@KendallFrey Lol
If I know what you mean.
strings created at runtime are not interned
strings that are created at compile-time are interned
@KendallFrey Woops :P I forget my terms
soft coding makes it easier to change hardcoded values, but doesn't fix the problem itself.
@GoodBoyNYC I would say the origin is the important, if you have to recompile it is hard coded in my book
To clarify @zneak, string name = "John Doe"; is interned.
@zneak Do you have an opinion on the use of IoC frameworks?
i've never had to deal with them
I hit a snag in an application I'm writing. Where if I hardcode a string value to a function parameter I get an expected response.
But if its softcoded, taken from a combobox input, it will execute but no response is given.
That's not softcoding.
can you verify that the strings are identical?
That's user input.
like before your call, cbManNum.Text.ToString() == "Hard" ?
For example:
fooBar("Hardcoded") //This works as expected
foobar(cbManNum.Text.ToString()) // Where cbManNum="Hardcoded" this doesnt work as expected
Have you looked at the value in the debugger?
may I repeat my last message?
can you verify that cbManNum.Text.ToString() == "Hardcoded" ?
Oh, the irony.
Should the Visitor pattern be called design by side effect?
did I mention VS2010's support for C++ is pathetic?
A: Why visual studio separates arguments with spaces?

Lews TherinThis isn't only with visual studio. Input from the command line always takes its argument delimited by spaces. This is just how it works.

@LewsTherin that is pretty badass!
@JohanLarsson, @LewsTherin is in here? And I thought I was going to avoid him leaving JAVA room....
Hmm, let me mash somethings out. but disaplying cbManNum to a messagebox yeilds the same value
string s =cbManNum.Text.ToString(); <- breakpoint?
put the breakpoint on the call to foobar
open the Immediate window
@Drose @LewsTherin is my best friend
tye cbManNum.Text.ToString() == "Hardcoded"
@JohanLarsson MEIN TOO!
that'll tell you
you can open the immediate window through Debug -> Windows -> Immediate
Never used the immediate window so I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong with it. But during runtime if i compare these, cbManNum.Text.ToString == "HardCode", and output via MsgBox I get True.
assuming the input for cbManNum.Text.ToString is "HardCode"
well that sounds like you have another problem
string Hardcode = cbManNum.Text.ToString();
if (Hardcode == "Hardcode"
don't make it evaluate during the if , .net gets angry sometimes at that
I would be very, very surprised that .net ever gets angry at that
it does get angry
Once in about every 40 times that I build my website for debugging I get like 100 errors , then if I restart they disappear , that is an example of .net being upset with me
the compiler does get angry for nothing sometimes, and I have experienced that with WPF, stuff won't compile and you just try again and it work
but I have yet to see the runtime do something blatantly wrong
@JohanLarsson Yeah?
(I have seen a few CLR bugs, but not for anything not working as "obvious" as a property then method call)
@JohanLarsson Thanks lol
@zneak - I haven't seen it either , actually the only reason I mentioned it , is because if your using vb you get similar , but a little different warnings , and it warns you not to do that , I never knew why, then I saw him complaining about exactly that
@JohanLarsson You must be the one upvoting me ha ha
I've had like 3 random upvotes tonight.
some time ago one of my friends found a funny bug
I don't remember all the details
@LewsTherin Not random, I could understand them
would not upvote unless
but if you had code contracts on a constructor with a lambda inside, you could get a NullReferenceException assigning a value to any variable
O gawd.
@JohanLarsson Danke schone.
My entire mistake was a bug
I meant to use cbManMsg as opposed to cbManNum
O the joys!
Reality is back to normal.
@JohanLarsson Lol! Did you do so again?
@GoodBoyNYC Good thing you did not start to debug the framework then!
@JohanLarsson I may not be an 10yr vet but I don't think I'd ever like to do that :|
Why can I start bounties on other people's question?
@JohanLarsson For you:
Q: How do you set a type to an IEnumerable<> if the results will have many types?

Craig SmithQuestion I'm trying something new here with a program I made earlier. In the first program I was able to drag and drop table adapters and use the generic "var" to store query results. Now I'm trying to create a new program that has some separation of code. For example in the first program I had a...

I have switched over to laptop without studio
i do not understand the question either (too tired)
Tl;dr :P
select new { a.RecipeName, a.Nationality, a.Event, a.Source, b.FamilyRating, c.Ingredient });
that is prolly problematic to store in a string
That object sounds like it should be normalized.
what is that?
db normalize?
I'm guessing so, even normalize the class if possible.
The properties are not related.
@LewsTherin have you used IoC?
I started with StructureMap today, been procrastinating for a while
Not yet I'm afraid.
How is SMap?
cant tell really but many people recommend it
If I am lucky I want to use IoC some day.
Let me know how it goes.
Wasn't Grixxly using one?
@LewsTherin I can give you a toy sample tomorrow
wrote a dummy using Unity, Windsor, Ninject & SMap
just to try it
can not guarantee that it is properly implemented
Yeah Grixxly was using Ninject
Ninject has nice syntax, but is slow according to benchmarks
I'm jealous.. You are going where I fear to go.
can I upload a sln on gist.github??
I haven't used github but you should be able to
or maybe I github it properly,never done it before
Can you use github for versioning?
yes that is what it is for as far as I know
But everyone can see your files..
coud be a good way to share the toy sln with IoCs if you want to play around
I got no secrets
and I'm not to worried about someone thinking my coding sux either
Keyboard battery died on me
more interested in learning
Yeah I will make a github soon.
we should maybe create something just for learning
do you now xslt?
I know some xslt
Isn't that some form of XML?
it's XML that transforms XML to another form of XML
Hah! mysql engineer confirmed the issue
oh, so stoked
I have used som xslt this week but cant say I know it. Feels it would be good to know when refactoring stuff that is serialized to xml
to be abe to reparse egacy xml
@Johan - "Confirmed, the problem is in the description field of Rank & Clearance not propagated beyond Join3." :D
I want to learn some XML in depth. I'm just so darn lazy
@TravisJ that is a good thing
I like json a lot more than xml :(
there isn't much to know about xml
json is better-suited to most tasks than xml
plus, my json parser is kinda cool :P
You can parse XML with Linq
I assume that'd be cool
Yeah, you could inject an expression to just navigate to it.
It would require an XMLRepository to interact with though, or at least that is how I would envision doing it
is it possible to specify that a property can map to an XmlAttribute or XmlElement without IXmlSerializable?
@TravisJ XDocument?
I haven't worked much with XML
I don't have to deal with legacy
@TravisJ Will Oracle do something about it
@Johan - "Thanks for the feedback, working on it.
Also raising the priority to Critical.

(And yes, the EF Sql generation code is a bit tricky)"
the world is a better place thanks to you
I think I should go home soon before my head explodes.
wonder how much Jon Skeet charges/hour for coding?
Following the visitor pattern without a debugger is painful.
are you using it because mysql uses it?
I am not using it, I am trying to understand their use of it.
I told you that was a terrible pattern
So, I suppose I am using it per say, but I am not implementing it.
one could say you are used by it?
it's merely okay when you write code and it's a terrible thing to read
is it even solving a problem?
I suggested to name it design by side effect
visitor(one){ visitor(one,two);}
visitor(one,two){ visitor(one,two,three); }
visi..... bleh
it separates the data structure from the algorithms that operate on it
It just seems like a lack of recursive know how to me.
return VisitThis(Edit(CustomConfiguration));
win (ultra simplified).
thats it for me
@TravisJ send your code to Oracle and try to sneak in a wtf somewhere
that would be huge!
aren't there enough of those already?
maybe but I expect the demand to increase
is there a reason the banks use COBOL?
it was the coolest thing 30 years ago
so legacy is the reason?
Knowing COBOL is not a bad idea for this reason
Linq must be one of the nicest things in any language
Create an api that reads like english and is so useful
@JohanLarsson No, assignment is nicer.
no, READING FROM MEMORY is so nice.
@JohanLarsson It.Reads(like => English?0:0)
@KendallFrey just assign 0?
You pedant.
shift+alt+space shows all extension methods in scope with resharper
but the dot has to be written first
that is even better than a cold beer on a hot day
anyone been programming vs the lotus notes api?
lotus notes scare me
it sux pretty hard yes
Should that be "scares"?
but the chat client (SameTime) is actually really good
it probably should
@KendallFrey been working more on whitepad?
No :(
I've had more fun things to do.
But I want to fix some of the tasks I have sometime.
what are they?
I think I have the zoom code if you want it
just a couple of lines (mousewheel)
wrote a thing so that space enabled panning (Photoshop rip)
I don't want mousewheel scrolling.
I don't want keyboard anything either.
it was mousewheel zoom
it zoomed under cursor like standard cad?
@KendallFrey I dont understand
Touch touch touch.
All touch.
I may add special support for mouse/keyboard, but everything needs to be accessible by touch.
I refactored the transformations to separate methods
+ added some convenience methods for creating scale and translate transforms
found it really strange not beeing able to create a translate transfrom by specifying two points or a vector
quirqy ctors for both classes
What classes?
What's quirqy?
TranslateTransform and ScaleTransform
point from and point to ctor overload would not hurt
quirqy is probably not English
Requiring a Matrix is a bit :( but still not hard.
I prefer matrix for that type of operations, then nothing is hard
zoom scale and rotate. just matrix multiplications
Then why refactor?
just moved it to a separate method Transformallchildren
pass any matrix
five lines of code nothing major at all
but the code was duplicated for zoom and pan
Q: Dynamic C# Formula Evaluation

Alex KremerGiven a dynamic if statement in a String is there a method in .net to evaluate and return the correct result. I.E. static void Main(string[] args) { String a = "if(\"Alex\" == \"Alex\"){return 1;}else{return 0;}"; passThroughTest.Program.evalStatement(a); } publi...

Looks interesting
I think .net has support for that
Q: Compile and run dynamic code, without generating EXE?

caesayI was wondering if it was possible to compile, and run stored code, without generating an exe or any type of other files, basically run the file from memory. Basically, the Main application, will have some stored code (code that will potentially be changed), and it will need to compile the code,...

Oh nice
That's actually cool :O

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