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so any plans for weekends? Today's weather was supposed to be "lovely". It's been grey mostly
Yes, going to Paper Diamond show :)
Does anyone know a .NET bitwise operations library? e.g. masks, population count, truncate, etc.
Our weather has been grey and rainy as well
hmm.. weather in UK is a but unpredictable :).. my friends are going to London tomm based on the good forecast...
now it's umbrella time :D
@GregRos What exactly are you looking for? integral types and BitArray cover most of it.
A lot of different things. Population count, truncates, subrange, highest set bit, lowest set bit...
BitArray is IEnumerable, so you could LINQ it.
oh god no XD
this is for fairly low level stuff
performance is an issue
You could always do it yourself.
Yes, that's what I've been doing. But if there's one already... (I can't find anything on nuget for some reason)
I can see the use case. I once spent nearly a week debugging an issue in a whole slew of bitwise operations, where the problem was a shift that was off by 1
Just curious, what're you writing? :)
data structures.
It is.
In F#. They're functional.
I'm outta here.
Well. Put not intended.
huh. Okay.
So long
I'm not, actually
I just don't like F#.
Why not?
Because it doesn't belong in .NET
It's a .NET language :P
But it shouldn't be.
Well. Why... not?
.NET is imperative.
If by .NET you mean IL, it is stack-based too.
Your point is?
by a similar argument, everything else should be stack based. At any rate, everything is imperative on some level. A functional language provides abstractions above that level.
Anyway, F# isn't purely functional either.
:P he did. IT's not one or the other. I mean, C# has plenty of functional constructs.
I'm getting depressed again.
Have you tried F#?
Why not try it then?
But I saw it.
It looks... less than appetizing.
When I want to write something in a functional style, I choose Haskell
I like the syntax a lot more than what I saw in F# :)
see u guys
have a great weekend
Later, have a good one!
@robjb Ditto.
@KendallFrey You like electronic music right?
Yeah, why?
Just found a song I wanted to share :P
If you like Yeah Yeah Yeahs, then bonus
@robjb comparing F# to Haskell is like comparing urm...
Kinda like comparing Scala to Java
Why Scala to Java?
wouldn't that rather be F# to C#?
Hybrid paradigm compared with specific paradigm
F# to C# works too, but I wasn't considering the runtime environment
I guess. I wouldn't compare them like that.
F# tries to be a functional language. Haskell is far superior in that regard. Far, far superior.
I like zneak's java/javascript comparison.
That's the main factor in my eyes.
lol @KendallFrey , agreed.
Unfortunately, F# has the advantage of .NET.
Or, well, fortunately. I don't know.
Meh, it's an interesting experiment
Hmm, maybe if I ever create a new language, I'll call it HamScript.
It's past an experiment :P
hamscript sounds good
I'll create a language called Hamster, just to keep the joke going.
IT's officially supported now. And it has many advantages over the vanilla.
Just ham.
They stopped development though, right?
Uhm, no?
Man, where do I come up with these crazy ideas?
It's developing along with C#, Visual Studio, and .NET Framework
I keep remembering things that aren't true.
There are lots of annoying things about F# though.
F# and Scala are very similar. Scala's syntax and library code are a lot worse in my opinion.
But F# protects its abstractions too zealously.
I kinda like Scala syntax
For example, in both F# and Scala there is something called a discriminated union or a case class.
The implementation is exactly the same in both. The case class is implemented as an abstract class with nested (or not nested) implementations.
However, this is invisible in F#. You can't see the abstract class. You can't write any code in the constructor, define fields, etc.
Is it compiler generated?
Yeah, in both cases. Everything is compiler generated.
In Scala you define an abstract class, and can control it. In F# you don't see anything like that.
It's so annoying and frustrating that I'm tempted to alter the generated class in a post-build process.
(e.g. using Mono.Cecil or something like that)
Sounds like a fun project ;)
Tinkering with MSIL, that is ... haven't had the need
Oh, it's not hard. You don't really have to tinker much for a specific result.
Having a dependency on a post-compiler is problematic though.
Hmm, you know one interesting thing F# doesn't take advantage of at all is memoization.
Because it's tricky to require on the build process? ... could you write some sort of script to do the MSBuild, then the post-compiler operation?
how are you all :)
can i post a question here?
if(questions.First() == "Can I ask a question in here?") return questions.Skip(1).First();
i am having problem
Oct 8 at 23:42, by Kyle Trauberman
If your first question is "Can I ask a question in here?" please proceed to your second question.
in importing excel sheet
Well, the more dependencies you have the worse things are. A post-build process is an annoying requirement.
lol kyle
ok . I am importing a excel file
and binding it to devexpress grid
using the functions of infragistics
Importing into where?
Plus, it's bound to go wrong. IT's easy to get a specific change, but not in all cases. E.g. some specific cases would make the process generate things badly.
but when the excel file is imported .. the date column is giving random numbers
i can show you the snap shot
Things get worse if you have a second post-build process you want to run, like PostSharp or something.
how cani put image
how can i put image here
Upload somewhere, paste URL
Upload it to imgur
then paste the url into its own chat message.
Also, press up to edit messages.
I m nt sure why i am not able to do anything with image
but if you all have any links
related to same problem
please do suggest
import dates of excel
Ensure the date column is being interpreted as dates, and not as numbers.
How to interprete that
strConn = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" + "Data Source=" + strFileLoc + ";Extended Properties=\"Excel 8.0;HDR=Yes;IMEX=1\";";
OleDbConnection sqlconn = new OleDbConnection(strConn);
OleDbDataAdapter myCommand = new OleDbDataAdapter();
OleDbCommand sqlcommand = new OleDbCommand("SELECT * FROM [Sheet1$]", sqlconn);
sqlcommand.CommandTimeout = 15;
myCommand.SelectCommand = sqlcommand;
I am using this to open the sheet
DataTable myDataTable = new DataTable();
DataColumn myDataColumn;
DataRow myDataRow;

//MIN/MAX Values used to frame the working size of the Excel data to be imported.
int minCellRow = Int32.MaxValue;
int maxCellRow = Int32.MinValue;
int minCellColumn = Int32.MaxValue;
int maxCellColumn = Int32.MinValue;

Infragistics.Excel.Workbook internalWorkBook = Infragistics.Excel.Workbook.Load(strFileLoc);
foreach (Infragistics.Excel.WorksheetRow row in internalWorkBook.Worksheets[0].Rows)

foreach (Infragistics.Excel.WorksheetCell cell in row.Cells)
I thought you 'imported' into something.
Please don't paste large blocks of code in the chat
oh i m sorry
i m chatting for first time
sorry all
No problem, use codepad.org or something similar to share your code
Paste large code blocks into gist.github.com instead of directly in the chat.
Thanks you all for your help.
But if you could suggest something for my problem
Why is pasting in the chat a problem? Not good readability but other than that I dont see any.
Guys, I hope some of you will be amused by an error that I encountered in our product today
turns out there's a windows setting that causes our app to crash if it tries to load or save any files
this windows setting is intended to stop applications from using cryptographic providers that aren't certified safe by FIPS (Federal Information Processing Standard)
when the FIPS verification setting is enabled, the .NET crypto API wrappers throw
Turns out it's quite pervasive - NONE of the managed crypto algorithms are certified, nor are many products, including MS ones. Sharepoint can't be installed on those systems, for example - and MS' response is "switch the setting off, or go away"
so, switch the setting off :)
problem - some customers will have it enabled, it's mandatory for anyone using a computer in a U.S. government department
or so I am led to believe by the explanation in windows of what it does
another stupid question. these are the things that keep me up at night.
I have a "connect" button and once connected there should be a "disconnect" button. Ok cool. Now I have an option, hide/disable the Connect button and show/enable the Disconnect or just toggle the same buttons functionality and change it's text.

one button OR two buttons with toggling visibility.
and they're pretty unlikely to understand if we try to tell them about it, and won't be able to change it anyway
Two buttons.
@rlemon Two buttons
so it means that you basically can't use cryptography on a US gov network :)
@SWeko No, it means you have to used approved crypto.
the cryptography is for mangling the file format so that certain other vendors can't leech off our IP
but if none of them are approved...
which in turn means you have to pay a ton of money for a license for a half-arsed solution that some bureaucrat rubber-stamped.
follow up question: [connect] [diconnect] (both visible always with enabled toggled)
or [connect/disconnect] (one visible at once, visibility is toggled depending on state)
i usually goto UX room but they are kinda ghost town atm
@rlemon whatever looks best
@rlemon I'd have disconnect take connect's place.
i hate making ux decisions
One visible, if it's not too much of a burden.
@rlemon - Hide the current state
nice, consensus is in.
There's a UX room?
@Billdr I do the same thing :)
:) you guys rock! (and girls... if there are any)
I wonder if they understand Metro style.

 UX Chat

User Experience (ux.stackexchange.com) community chat room: ta...
actually, I'll play the devil's advocate
if the users are prone to "happy clicking", it's better if the buttons are just disabled
@rlemon I'm not sure I agree with these guys. If you code your implementation in a way that makes it clear that what the button is expressing is "go from the current state to the other state", I can see the case for a single button.
I don't think I'm cool enough to talk on SE.
otherwise someone might go berserk on a connect/ disconnect cycle
well single vs double button is kinda moot point. I like double button over large if( state1) { // code } else { // code }
however one visible vs two is kinda.. yea
i'm stupid
If you abstract the viewmodel away to being a generalisation of any bistable system (i.e. supports 'go from state A to state B') then a single button makes perfect sense
ignore me for the next 18.27624 minutes
yeah, two buttons is better for concern separation
@SWeko I normally disable the button while i'm transitioning and hide the current state once next state is established
^ that is what i'm thinking
someone want to convert that decimal to base 60 for me?
16 seconds and 57.44 milliseconds
^ beat me to it
You're boss-like, Travis.
if he were boss like he would have delegated the task to someone in the <C++> room and had him email a response before lunch hour.
How did you know I task people in the C++ room?
I'm gonna head home now peeps - have a nice weekend and I shall catch you all on Monday hopefully
c ya monday
later @Maverik!
love it!
best twelve seconds of the song
4:50 - 5:02
yawn (literally)
@rlemon - winning
@KendallFrey doesn't know good music
I didn't even listen to it.
I don't like rock much but have a huge respect for Metallica
I have a huge respect for their music. not so much their douchbaggery in their later years
a couple of solid albums, what band artist can match that?
Beastie Boys :P
Stones, Miles Davis, Dylan
every album was gold from them
Slayer, Pantera, Megadeath.
White Zombie
Machine Head
RATM (Rage)
tool, sublime, system of a down
not a huge tool fan
but the other two yea
holy typos batman!
recently I have been into dubstep though
I just discovered The Caravans
Any tips about testing data structures?
general use ones.
Pantera are nice, really nice productions crystal clear
But cant take many songs before migraine...
thecaravanmusic.com listen to "six strings" and youtube "words that make you feel good" by them
not much of a blues fan
Welp, I'm as far as I can get until the vendor provides documentation. Now I need to look busy for 90 minutes.
@JohanLarsson I grew up as a death metal fan. then got really into alternative rock. rap and hip hop interest started with my interest in girls and wanting to be able to dance
Kenall don't ruin it
Remember to clean your ears after listening!^^
Speaking of blues, this guy did what the title says and died in prison:
UGH I wish I knew why this was happening:
`Extent2`.`PrimaryId1` AS `PrimaryId1`,
it should just be `Extend2`.`PrimaryId` dafuq!
@rlemon Ok, I listen to most things but mainstream, electronic, hiphop reaggae, soul funk jazz blues
Guys, any tips on unit testing a data structure?
@TravisJ did you get the debugger working?
@GregRos what structure?
Any structure.
I don't even know where the query is held as it is built
e.g. a dictionary or something.
@GregRos whay would you test the framework?
@JohanLarsson that is a lot of things. I listen to music. no real hatred for any of it.
This code is such a frickin mess. It is spread out over 4 projects and like 35 classes
doing nuclear stuff?
I've written them myself :P
blues, country, jazz, etc.
@GregRos ok,
I obviously prefer certain stuff to others. but I can honestly say there is no genre i dislike
kinda like food.
I've grouped some simpler variants with the more complex ones
Add same key twice expect exception
And I'm making sure every output is the same everywhere
i don't actually dislike any foods I have eaten in my life. I just like some more than others.
Oh, I don't mean like that. I mean, it's a semi-complicated thing. I want to test that it's working correctly.
Stuff like exceptions for doing stupid things will come later.
unit test then?
I dislike some food that I have eaten. Especially when it has gotten me sick.
@JohanLarsson And we're back where we started.
Add item Assert count ++ get item?
@KendallFrey how?
As such, I would highly suggest avoiding China Town in Philadelphia.
hmm I've done that sort of thing. I want to do serious testing.
I probably dont understand the question then
He asked specifically about how to unit test.
but I was suggesting unit tests!
get to work people!
Yeah, but they weren't sufficiently strong :P I want to add tons of items, enumerate everything, get things with different configurations
and I'm thinking the best set up to do this
Right now I'm actually doing vector (basically, array list) implementations.
The absolute best way to test something is to put it to work. Use it in an application, then create unit tests for any bugs you find.
That's a good point.
Still, I'm hoping to get together a powerful testing scheme
The best use for units tests is regression testing. Make sure no old bugs come back.
Ugh. Just reminded myself yet again why thinking too much about design patterns is a fool's errand
        public void AddSameTwiceTest()
            Dictionary<string, string> dictionary = new Dictionary<string, string>();
            Assert.Throws<ArgumentException>(() => dictionary.Add("1","1"));
That's something to check for, but I'm more concerned about flaws in the actual algorithm.
e.g. indexing not working as it should etc.
I've just written an abstract Builder that's actually a generic Composite and takes IFactory as a dependency. And worst of all, when I read the code it all makes sense
@KendallFrey I disagree, of course you can not and should not try to test everything up front. Bu try to test the normal path and some edge cases is good
Then you will know if anything changes over time
@KendallFrey That is why I do all my testing in prod.
When it goes wrong, you have the fire of God under your ass to motivate you to getting it working.
@GregRos That was just a stupid example by me, I'm sure there are ways to test indexing etc.
I do find that writing unit-testable code does tend to make me end up with factories coming out of my ears - so I wondered, can I abstract the jobs these factories do? That way madness lies. Just install Autofac and be done with it
In fact the dictionary sounds very testable
@JohanLarsson Of course. The weakness is that when you forget a situation in the code, you will probably forget it in the test too.
@TomW I find it that writing testable code gives better design for me
Any SVN Guys here?
Using Toiroise SVN. Is there a way for me to look at a bunch of task branches and see in one go where they've been merged?
newsflash: all of the cool kids have migrated their projects to git.
dunno if you knew this already
@JohanLarsson true, but it depends on your meaning of 'better'. I prefer having factories everywhere to doing work in the constructor, but it does get a little tedious
I'm so cool, I never used SVN.
Git? Oh, you mean poor man's TFS.
ohh sweet another Canuk !
lies I tried it once.
@KendallFrey Experimental phase in college?
I like your handlebars
When trying to learn version control.
my last company was all about svn. I never did like it so I just stopped committing my code.
ROFL no way
well I worked in Internal Apps - so the other two guys in my pod hated me for it but just committed my code for me
SVN is horrible for team programming.
so yes way - but the code did eventually get pushed
I just finally convinced my boss we needed source control
I remember when I thought locking a file was a good thing.
@TomW yes writing tests takes a lot of time and is sometimes tedious. For me it has been a really good way to learn to program though
no more date-time named folders for this guy!
@rlemon try to convince @TravisJ?
I think the main benefit I got from unit testing was the fact that I got very modular, OOP code.
I don't use date-time names
really.... people still do this?
I yelled at my boss. but he is 60 and an engineer not a programmer
I use version numbers and zip. Fast n ez.
@TravisJ still a PITA if you ask me
@TravisJ You must be a loner.
I meant writing factories is the tedious part, not the unit testing, but I agree with what people are saying
I don't have any programming minions to share the code with.
Big obstacle to unit testing in my place is that the lead developer isn't very good at abstractions, so we end up with very large classes
@TravisJ Figures.
@KendallFrey - How is your boss doing today?
@TravisJ All our code goes into one of 2 repositories: Applications and customizations.
They are OOP, but not as much as they could be - his response when I break it down any further is "All of this stuff doesn't really do anything"
So not much better.
@TravisJ Not sure.
> Some people, when confronted with a problem, think, "I know, I'll use threads," and then two they hav erpoblesms.
@rlemon really big belly laugh for that one. Kudos.
@TomW ok I have been working on stuf that is extremely suitable for tests (a math lib)

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