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In Visual Studio, is there a way to split the WPF designer and XAML into separate windows?
use dual screen :D
I can't.
This works:
A: Separating designer from XAML window for WPF in VS2010

VoodooChild Open your XAML file as usual. In the solution explorer, right-click on your XAML file and choose "Open with...", then "Source Code (Text) Editor", then OK. You should now have two tabs for your XAML file, one in design view and one in code view. At this point, you can drag one of them onto you...

yeah it does
doesn't split window works??
never tried though
split window? where?
Is that a menu item?
yeah, it must be in the window menu
Oh, that only works for code, to show two sections at once.
I can split the XAML, but not move the designer to a new window.
well i am sure i've seen it being used to see design and view code
don't know how, but it does
Yeah, but on separate monitors?
you have dual monitor??
and the link answer did'nt worked for you??
Yeah, but it's a workaround.
I don't get automatic updates anymore.
Wait. I do. NVM.
:) great
I need 3 monitors. 1 for code, 1 for designer, 1 for browser. ;)
I approve.
I'd like one for SO, one for reference, one for debug, and one for code.
SO is the reference.
Or weren't you referring to stackoverflow.com? ;)
I don't debug my code, or use the reference.
That scary feeling when you hit the wrong function key, and you stare at the screen waiting for something bad to happen.
hi guys
@KendallFrey i thought u nvr made mistakes bro!!
lol I quote: "I don't debug my code."
yeah u get it right first time ;)
hows things going today btw
Not bad.
It's only 9:34, though, so no telling when something will blow up in my face.
lol well its Friday
im sure ull make it to the wknd
and blow up on the weekend
I try to avoid thinking like that until 4:30 or so.
golden rule.. never deploy anyting on friday..lol
Why is an <input> treated like IE's old box model treats stuff; height/width include padding and border?
Got a quick question. Is it slower to run a program in Visual studio vs a compiled version?
"compiled version"?
Do you mean run it in Debug mode, when you say "run a program in Visual Studio"?
It always compiles before running. You can't run without compiling.
Debug is slower than Release, and running with the debugger attached is slower than without.
compiled in the sense that its an independent program, so its not run within VS. (i wasnt sure if i was using the correct terminology, sorry)
I think you're referring to having the debugger attached.
F5 runs with the debugger. Ctrl+F5 or running the EXE runs without.
Running without is faster.
so a solution with an installer, installed and run on ur pc is the same as running a solution in VS without debug selected?
Pretty much.
Note that there is a BIG DIFFERENCE between compiling in Release mode and running outside the debugger.
Those two are not connected in any way.
Hi everyone. When I download .net libraries, the DLLs tend to come alongside a .pdb file and an .xml file (which looks like it has doc strings in it). Do I need to keep these files in version control?
@RyanKaskel No, build artifacts should be generated from the source in source control. e.g. PDBs contain debugging info.
The PDB file is for debug symbols, which allow you to step through the DLL code in a debugger,
@robjb I don't think he's downloading the source though.
you would want to keep third party binaries in a separate folder in sourcecontrol
GAH how did I not know about the ?? operator! So many null checks could have been simplified...
Ohh, misread the question
@KendallFrey compiling in release mode = creating an installer?
Okay, that debugging symbols may be useful.
"When I download .NET libraries" :P
what about the doc string file?
that way everyone will use the same version... if you are using VS2010, I would rather manage binaries via NuGet Package Manager though..
@HansRudel No.
So yes, in that case, probably put the PDBs in your source control since they're 3rd party.
@RyanKaskel That's Intellisense, I'm guessing.
of course this only pertains to binaries available on NuGet, otherwise, it is the third party folder in Source Control
Ok, thanks. I will keep that. One last question, I am using mono and I compiled my library and alongside the DLL is an .mdb (Access db?) file. Does anyone know what that contains?
The only difference between Debug and Release is that Debug code is optimized to allow debugging, and Release is optimized for plain execution.
it contains the schema and data for your database
mdb = schema and data, ldb = log files, pdb = debug info for your dlls ..lol
correct me if I am wrong please
I think with Mono the .mdb is your debug info - the Mono version of a .pdb.
@KendallFrey "Note that there is a BIG DIFFERENCE between compiling in Release mode and running outside the debugger." so compiling in release is when u select release in VS. Running outside the debuger is when u have an installer and have installed ur program?
Ah, that must be it. No database being used here (I don't think, I'm new to the mono/.NET world)_
thanks for all your help!
@Crwth good one! see, I was wrong!
can I give you guys a thumbs up? or something like that?
@HansRudel No, running outside the debugger is running any way besides pressing F5.
Ctrl+F5 runs without attaching the debugger.
i wasnt aware of the dif/ctrl+f5, cheers for that info
If you navigate to the project output folder and double click the exe, it will also run without the debugger.
Note that you can attach/detach the debugger any time from within VS.
The word bro-fist just doesn't sit well with me.
@KendallFrey been watchin too much porn ;)
I don't want anyone fisting me through the internet.
@KendallFrey that's assuming you have a vag
Not if it's a bro-fist.
sorry if that went xxx .. apologies
This is a high five:
so, one result has an <error>OK</error> node. Another result has <errorMessage>Something went wrong</errorMessage>. I want to punch someone.
Oh, on that second one? No error is <successNotification>data</successNotification>
Looks nice and consistent, @Billdr
Does anyone know if its possible to construct an equation based on user inputs? ie a user to enters "A + (B/6)" where A and B would be recognised as variables and mapped to internal variables?
Hey. Does anyone know how I can adapt the answer to my question stackoverflow.com/questions/12169496/… for longer strings? Trying to use LCS for pretty huge strings isn't working too well.
There are a variety of ways you could accomplish that, @HansRudel, depending on the flexibility and security you're looking for.
@Crwth level of security = minimal since im the only one using it.
@HansRudel You'll need a parser, then the ideal result would be an Expression that link to a varible.
You don't need to use Expression though.
@KendallFrey howd u mean? @Crwth what options did u have in mind?
You can either use Reflection, which provides for flexibility, but introduces possible security concerns, depending on whether your variables are encapsulated in their own environment or not; or you can parse it and conditionally evaluate it with a lot of if/{}/else blocks or switch blocks.
Or you could also call the compiler and trust that the expression is well-formed and safe (something like discussed here: stackoverflow.com/questions/5023540/…)
Use Roslyn for that.
which would be the simplest approach. All seem pretty involved from a first glance
I'm doing something wrong. My interface looks like this: bool DeleteSmsGroupMembers(IGroupSmsData groupSmsData, ICollection<ISmsRecipients> smsRecipients); my implimentation's signature looks like this: public bool DeleteSmsGroupMembers(GroupSmsData groupSmsData, Collection<SmsRecipients> smsRecipients) VS is telling me I implemented the method incorrectly. What should I be looking at?
What's the message?
Error 39 'VendorJobs.SmsTextMessaging.Sms' does not implement interface member 'VendorJobs.SmsTextMessaging.ISms.DeleteSmsGroupMembers(VendorJobs.SmsTextMessag‌​ing.IGroupSmsData, System.Collections.Generic.ICollection<VendorJobs.SmsTextMessaging.ISmsRecipient‌​s>)'
You need to accept interfaces in your implementating method as well
Implementation of interface method needs exact same signature as declaration, you narrow from IGroupSmsDatato GroupSmsData, from ICollection to Collection, etc.
Here's how to implement the interface, while still accepting a subtype.
Well, that clears the error; but I guess I'm a bit confused.
Trying to frame my thought here, one moment.
Create a new method that matches the interface signature, but add IInterfaceName before the name.
Nevermind, I think I got it.
@KendallFrey That wasn't his problem though
Polymorphism, etc, etc etc.
But Kendall did address my goal.
I must have missed that bit, thought he was addressing the error
I was trying to accept an implementation of the objects defined in the interface. If I took his path, I'd still be able to do that by adding to the interface.
I really think though, that accepting concrete types is a bad idea. Only accept interfaces.
Yea, I switched it to an interface.
That avoids code duplication and is a much more OOPY way of doing it.
I should probably restructure one of my other methods for consistency too.
Oh, I see what Kendall meant, my mistake :)
@HansRudel Hans.. how about this?
Q: I need a fast runtime expression parser

Chris LivelyI need to locate a fast, lightweight expression parser. Ideally I want to pass it a list of name/value pairs (e.g. variables) and a string containing the expression to evaluate. All I need back from it is a true/false value. The types of expressions should be along the lines of: varA == "xy...

I nearly type Hands everytime I type Hans.. sorry buf
Then stop thinking of it pronounced Hanns, and think of it as Hahns.
@tranceporter looks promising. Ill have a dig, thanks bro
Or just type @Frazer. He'll get it.
Whenever I see Hans around I think of this:
Can anyone suggest how I would get the answer to my question stackoverflow.com/questions/12169496/… working for longer strings?
@JoeyMorani How? By waiting longer.
I've used Longest Common Subsequence algorithms for strings in the tens of kb's
I get "An unhandled exception of type 'System.OutOfMemoryException' occurred"
@JoeyMorani Then something is wrong.
@SWeko Longest common substring, not sequence.
In mathematics, a subsequence is a sequence that can be derived from another sequence by deleting some elements without changing the order of the remaining elements. For example, the sequence \langle A,B,D \rangle is a subsequence of \langle A,B,C,D,E,F \rangle . Given two sequences X and Y, a sequence G is said to be a common subsequence of X and Y, if G is a subsequence of both X and Y. For example, if : X = \langle A,C,B,D,E,G,C,E,D,B,G \rangle and : Y = \langle B,E,G,C,F,E,U,B,K \rangle then a common subsequence of X and Y could be : G = \langle B,E,E \rangle. This would no...
It error happens on the line:
var L = new int[s.Length, t.Length];
Too long or something?
as I've red the question, it's a subsequence
That a problem.
@SWeko It says sequence, but I think it means string.
How much are the s and t long?
@KendallFrey Yes, it's a string
Around 100000 characters long. Guess that's why.
2G memory should handle up to 10000 * 50000
Yes, that's why.
@Billdr Arnie is the man!
You'd need 40G memory for those.
I'm not even sure if you get more than 2G ever.
Damn. Shall I split the string into parts then?
And do each separately?
That would be extremely complicated.
Hmm, is there another way I can do what I'm looking for then?
A brute force of Longest common substring should have a worst case of O(n^3) and wouldn't be too hard to implement.
First things first. Do you mean substring or subsequence?
If you don't know the difference, find out.
I don't so I will :P
Above wiki page explains it.
also there are some algorithms here
Ah, so a subsequence wouldn't contain the correct order of the string?
In computer science, string searching algorithms, sometimes called string matching algorithms, are an important class of string algorithms that try to find a place where one or several strings (also called patterns) are found within a larger string or text. Let Σ be an alphabet (finite set). Formally, both the pattern and searched text are vectors of elements of Σ. The Σ may be a usual human alphabet (for example, the letters A through Z in the Latin alphabet). Other applications may use binary alphabet (Σ = {0,1}) or DNA alphabet (Σ = {A,C,G,T}) in bioinformatics. In practice, how the st...
I need it to remain in the same order
@JoeyMorani Order, yes.
so I guess substring.
Unordered would be subset.
no, the order is the same, just the consecutiveness might be affected
is it the same substring you have to replace?
The question is, what is the result of "126753" and "16739"?
1673 or 67?
1673 -> Subsequence
67 -> Substring
also, are both strings similar in size, or is one significantly larger
also, how long does it have to take, any performance considerations?
One is larger
and no. No performance considerations
Basically, trying to reduce the size of the second string by comparing it to the first
and removing any matching "sub-sequences" or substrings ?
I'm confused myself if I need subsequence or substring.
Answer my last question, then we will know.
If "126753" is the first string and "16739" is the second, then I guess it'll be substring.
You want "67"?
noob question: I have a "Log" form which the user can close and reopen. however they can also hide it and show it with a toggle button.

A) is this a good idea?
B) is this stupid code?
        public void ToggleLogForm()
            if (Log.IsDisposed)
                Log = new frmLog();

            if (Log.Visible)
@rlemon Looks OK to me.
i think i'm just rethinking this entire "toggle" button
@JoeyMorani So you want the Longest Common Substring algorithm. Google can help there.
@rlemon Hang on, I did something similar. Let me pull it up.
When Toggle was clicked, I did Visible = !Visible
I don't know if you can do that, but you should be able to.
ahh, yea that would be shorter.
but does it make a difference once it is compiled me wonders?
I didn't check for Disposed though.
or just readability
@rlemon Probably.
yea I need to check if it's Disposed. I keep the control box on the form
The if block will probably compile to a branch, while the ! won't.
requirements: all non dialog forms MUST be minimize/maximizable
@rlemon Oh, but you can prevent it from being closed when they click X.
prey tell?
I think by setting e.Handled, and calling Hide in the Closing event handler.
You can check what is closing it, and only hide if it's the user clicking X.
ok so this is the better approach then
off to slap my keyboard wildly! wish me luck!
Can a label in Winforms hold wrap around anything but Text?
        public frmLog()
            this.FormClosing += frmLog_FormClosing;

        void frmLog_FormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e)
            e.Cancel = true;
this should suffice yes?
@LewsTherin English please.
@rlemon Looks right.
works too!
which of course is only half as important as how it looks
Forget where I used it, but I think I did.
tbh I completely forgot about an entire feature in this project. now i'm just slapping it in
the logger needs to be visible :P it would help to actually have a way to view the logs.
I hate that feeling.
"All done!"
"Where's feature X?"
"Aw, crap."
and lemon's here :L
getting error for this one

<asp:TextBox ID="txtb" OnTextChanged="javascript:return RestrictCharToInteger();" runat="server" Width="46px">20</asp:TextBox>
i don't do asp
someone tell me whats wrong with me calling it like that, oh yeah please :)
You tell us what's wrong (error message)
We tell you how to fix it.
meow, 1 minute
I'm gonna take my car to the garage and say "It doesn't work," and expect him to fix it.
@KendallFrey - after years and years of being a technician , that is almost better then the user telling you what they are pretty sure is wrong
I found your problem. Line 69105: As it turns out this is really a compiler error and I don't know how you will go about fixing it. I spent all last night thinking of a solution and still have come up empty.

If you would like we can look into this further and maybe Kendall will be able to offer his insights on the issue as well.

The compiler is reading the code on that line and throwing an exception on PileOfLeaves.Count; i'm not sure why it is doing this? Maybe lack of Unicorns?
or possibly you have forgot to include a Narwhal resource?
"The mouse scroll wheel doesn't do anything. I think it's because I saved a file to the D: drive accidentally."
my buddy told me that should fix it
Nothing comes up , all my controls disappear
Buddies? Now that's just wrong.
@TimeToThine They should be an error message somewhere, no?
can I put a select statement and insert statement together in sql command then do execute scalar ?
there was one, but trying to get it again
bah, my well thought out troll with multiple layers of trolling... and not a single fuck was given.
@rlemon Oh, I gave two, but I don't put my f*cks here.
@KendallFrey - is that allowed?
It is now.
Actually, it's up to you. Flag or don't flag, at your own discretion.
The error was:
c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\12\TEMPLATE\CONTROLTEMPLATES\tor\rol.ascx(13): error CS1026: ) expected
I ment my sql statements
@Billdr Use upload.
Places that block xkcd aren't work working at.
Oh, I don't know.
@Billdr My job doesn't block anything that my blocker doesn't.
@Billdr my work doesn't block anything
It's not my job, repeat, not my job.
It's my rents.
ok stupid question. I don't normally work with GUIs so form design (making it pretty) is a PITA for me (wish it were all HTML tbh)
Can't it all be html?
but how do I force a toolstripmenuitem (text button) to always look 'hovered'
XML style syntax, all the GUI is in code.
I thought that was only for WPF
well I can't now. :P
I will for next project
I swear if I could kill the person who got a useless wifi for the college I would.
@KendallFrey "hold or wrap"
1 min ago, by rlemon
but how do I force a toolstripmenuitem (text button) to always look 'hovered'
Labels only take text.
i feel that got lost behind "SWITCH TO WPF"
where the hell has grixxly been lately?
he's my sql question guy
I know just enough SQL to get by
Probably crumpled and went back to SQL.
I know just enough SQL to be dangerous.
I know enough C# to be really dangerous.
Winforms for life
yea , I know just enough , but I want to select lat and long from my zipcode table then insert those lat and long in an insert command , and I know I don't need 2 seperate trips to db for that
use a sp
or transaction
I've avoided them this long - im not giving up now
better to avoid EF/NH then to avoid SP's
a big MEOW !
especially for Batch-CUD stuff
really , I haven't needed them , since I learned to declare variables , temp tables and multiple select statements all in sql commands
but mixing select and insert, thats where I ask for grixxly help
You should be able to do it in one command, @ScottSelby, depending on the SQL flavour...
Strawberry Kiwi is the best.
I think Id declare lat and long , select from zipcode table , then insert using those paramaters and executeScalar()
orange Pineapple banana
Is that a new one? Never heard of it.
@DavidDV Disagree. Better to avoid SPs than to avoid an ORM.
haha , you don't want to be fisted through the internet , sounds pretty awful
Oh no, not that again.
Hey Kendall, e-fistbump!
@robjb better avoid crappy perfomance
Good morning all
@DavidDV True, but ORMs don't create crappy performance unless you use them wrong. :)
@DavidDV Best: Avoid old technology. *ahem* WinForms
@AntLaC Oh, no! VS has become sentient!
irony.codeplex.com < Looks so cool
Problem is that most EF/NH users are using it wrong
WinForms are awesome sauce. if you don't think so then you are wrong.
I am the Hulk, I win all arguments
@KendallFrey @rlemon problem is while loading script
@rlemon I define you to lose, therefore you do.
try {
} catch( opposingSides ) {
  return true; // because all my arguments end with me being true.
and that code does not error
know why?
because I said so.
rlemon = null;
You're gone, I'm still here.
@rlemon The type or namespace opposingSides could not be found
Are you missing an assembly reference? :P
that cus their dead
Your cousin's dead?
using (var vampire = new KenDallFrey())
var answers = GetAnswersForQuestions(vampire);
That's not me, that's some new instance.
Must be a bug in my Singleton-ness.
Q: How to assign a select result to a variable?

phillHow do I store a selected field value into a variable from a query and use it in an update statement? Here is my procedure: I'm writing a SQL Server 2005 T-SQL stored procedure which does the following: gets list of invoices id's from invoice table and stores to Cursor Fetch invoice id from ...

Screw you sp's - don't need you
How bad is it if I cast decimal to int
90% of the badness is in using decimal.
Unless you're dealing with money, then it's OK
When should decimal be used?
I have a confession. All my money calulations are in doubles.
Documentation for decimal says "Compared to floating-point types, the decimal type has a greater precision and a smaller range, which makes it suitable for financial and monetary calculations."
OK, I'm saying it. Using AutoMapper to map entities to view models is officially cheating. ;-)
it's too easy
Damn, I'm jealous
double has 15 significant digits, which is plenty enough for most money stuff.
I just did a project where I could've used that, discovered it when I was done
Plus, double behaves much nicer.
Q: Is a double really unsuitable for money?

doekmanI always tell in c# a variable of type double is not suitable for money. All weird things could happen. But I can't seem to create an example to demonstrate some of these issues. Can anyone provide such an example? (edit; this post was originally tagged C#; some replies refer to specific details...

Did you know? Just because decimals (d1 == d2) does not mean (d1.ToString() == d2.ToString())
I didn't, but it's not surprising
The real way to store money is an int storing the number of cents :P
They probably use some epsilon in comparison of decimal values
No they don't.
double uses binary fractions, decimal uses decimal.
Oh yea, fixed point, duh
No, not fixed point.
Decimal is fixed point, so machine epsilon isn't necessary. That's all I was saying
According to who?
It uses the same representation as other floating-point formats, just with a different base.
According to C# language team?
Okay, I'm definitely wrong
Ctrl+F - fixed - not found
How the hell did I get that misconception?
Well thanks for making me aware :)
@Jez interesting... I found out that flattening with AutoMapper is a pain.. if both objects do not have matching number of properties, then my code would be cluttered with .ignore statements..

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