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I know engineers. They love to change things. - Dr. McCoy (source)
🐟 Alex's line quivers.
Hello friends!
🐟 Alex throws in a line.
Hello friends!
2 hours later…
🐟 Alex's line quivers.
1 hour later…
🐟 Alex's line quivers.
2 hours later…
🐟 Alex's line quivers.
hi, anyone well versed in dotnet-dump analyze? i do wonder what dumpheap -string columns are. the docs hardly explain what each command provide.
method address (related to type), memory address, memory size, memory value
dumpheap -string only had like 3 columns though.. am i on different version..?
@Feeds XKCD #2965 Explained: The Fujita Scale is a scale for rating tornado intensity The Richter Scale is a scale for rating earthquake intensity The Scoville Scale is a scale for the spiciness of chili The Mohs Scale is a scale for mineral hardness
Hey friends
Is anyone here good at rx?
I asked this question but no one has had a crack at it yet:
A: Use RxExtensions to aggregate stream of data

Lews TherinI think I came up with something close. I changed _personSource.ToObserverable() to Subject<PersonData>. Then: _subs= _source.GroupBy(x => x.Name).Subscribe( personsByName => { var windowedObservable = personsByName.GroupByUntil(x => x.DollarAmount, x =>...

The problem is Buffer is using clock time. I can't figure out how to use a window of time based on the object's timestamp field
To the person who flagged 15 messages from a combination of OakBot and a user interacting with it as "spam/offensive": that's not really what those flags are for... ROs can handle that with kicks/moving messages to a trash room. Those flags, if validated, ban the poster for half an hour each.
That said, I'm happy to remove the messages if people want them gone. Never mind, I'm handing this over to the ROs :)
^ in addition, if a user is very talkative with one of the bots, and it annoys you, you can kindly suggest them to move the conversation to the sandbox using
Please go play in the sandbox
I doubt the conversation needs to be moved, but am willing to change my mind on that
@Wietlol I'll defer to you on handling this; feel free to raise a "flag for moderator" in the (hopefully unlikely) event that you need handling of something beyond what ROs can do.
have a nice day
You too!
lol who flagged them
ah, on fish game?
@BagusTesa could be memory address, memory size, memory value
any reason you doing it? hunt memleak?
@LewsTherin I'll check into it
@ntohl thanks. I doubt it is possible to use a timestamp field. I might just have to ditch rx and write my stuff
.Window is inherently about the clock time yes
so is .Buffer but I want to use the source object timestamp field to calculate the historical interval
I'll take a look also, just it's taking time
and meetings etc
Hello friends!
Guten Morgen.
Morning chaps
it's too hot
@RyanM what was flagged? This sort of thing seems to happen outside the room's usual active hours as far as I can tell
and when
@CaptainObvious Some of the fishing messages were flagged. Nothing that was extraordinary for Oak. Also, it was yesterday afternoon-ish.
@CaptainObvious roughly speaking, the flagged messages were the Alex/Oakbot back-and-forth from ~16h ago
Chat flags show up for all users with 10k+ rep. We can't see who flagged it but we can vote to validate or reject the flags. I rejected the ones I saw.
And it must have been flagged not too long before I came into the room and said that, though I don't think it actually says when a chat flag was raised
@VLAZ that means they do show up for you, right? :)
Wait no it does, it's just on the page that's literally not linked from anywhere
@Wietlol Flag + message (+ room the message is in) - yes. Flagger - no.
If you're in the room, you'll also see the message marked in the room. But you also get to see all flags from the entire chat server.
@VLAZ Flagger - only for moderators (with some caveats on Chat.SE that don't apply here), and only while the flag is active
Okay there are actually more flagged messages than I saw this time. I don't know if they were all flagged by the same person.
Probably it got attention this time because there were 15 of them
Anyway, I know who it was that raised the 15, so hopefully they see this conversation. If not and it keeps happening, a more direct conversation can be had.
But yeah, the 15 flags were raised 7/30/2024 ~7:05 AM (in what I assume is UTC). Other smaller groups of OakBot fishing interactions were flagged 7/29/2024 at ~12:45 PM and ~3:22 PM.
I apologize to the non-Americans for our terrible date format, but it's what the page uses :-p
16h ago is evening UTC right
I know a few times there's been a spam on the starboard but I wasn't there when the message was starred so didn't see who did it
@CaptainObvious Yes, it's 08:55 UTC right now
Hmm. Was it someone who is a contributor here regularly?
@CaptainObvious I'm not gonna narrow it down tooooo much (nor do I want to dive deep into history to determine exactly how active they have been over time), but yes, they've sent more than a handful of messages here
*gasp* I knew it! It was Botler!
@VLAZ bro can't even stay in the room for long enough
The perfect cover
🎵 Will the real mass flagger please stand up 🎵
who hate fish here
 private (DataItem, string) FindMatchingDesignDataItem(IEnumerable<DesignDataItem> collection, string name, CalcValueType type, string unit, string kpUnit, bool canEditApprovedData)
can someone explain this private method ?
I got an idea who it might be but im not taking any guesses
you mean that return type?
its a tuple
sleepy tuesday shiba
@nyconing ah yeah, I see not the method returns tuple <T, string>
@nyconing I hate some fish not all
idk when c# introduce that syntatic sugar, maybe c#6.0 or 7.0
its same as Tuple<>
@Hans1984 sleepy silent afternoon
@nyconing Very recently I saw something where the compiler complained that (string, string) and Tuple<string, string> were incompatible. I thought they were exactly the same for all intents and purposes. But seems there are some occasions they aren't.
I can't remember the exact case. I'll try and find it later.
yes! actually its different type
if you use for return multiple object they are same in purpose
recently i use tuple I found its slow (in mono)
after that I like to create a new class just for that and then return a new class type
also Tuple<> is immutable
inconvenience in some case
tuple is mutable can set the value to another later
hmm... let me confirm this with gpt
Yes, Im correct
the tuple can also put name in element :O
(string name, string value) = (name: "hello", value: "world")
I still prefer the class
given you can create a named "tuple" by simply doing public record Named(string Name, string Value); it is really easy to use (record) classes instead of tuples and give them proper names
perhaps public record DesignDataItem(DataItem Item, string Match); (not sure what the values in the tuple represent)
@nyconing Ah, that makes sense! I didn't look it up but I suspected that might be a difference, since you're creating it like new Tuple<string, string>("hello", "world"), so I guessed it might be immutable.
makes sense
Hello friends!
/imagine cat
I'm going to use this prompt instead: An adorable domestic cat with fluffy ginger fur. It has large glimmering green eyes filled with curiosity. The cat is sitting comfortably in a lush summer garden, surrounded by colourful blooms of roses and daisies. The sun casts a warm glow on the scene, casting gentle shadows and highlighting the cat's fur. The garden is enclosed by a wooden picket fence, aged but well maintained.
so fluffy!
@Hans1984 Maybe you meant: cat
not so fluffy
Still cute :)
of course :D
theres your fluffy
2 fluffys
@Squirrelkiller plotting his evil plans while cat is meditating
^ that's what I was thinking
cat has accepted its fate
samurai cat
Where is the catana :P
The cat's a Jedi knight, about to repel the attack... hearing the "Duel of the Fates"
The squirrel's an acolyte
[milleniumbug] regarding earlier convo about tuples: (string, string) and Tuple<string, string> are incompatible because (string, string) is actually ValueTuple<string, string>
eugh what a pain in the arse of a morning
[milleniumbug] the System.Tuple types (for like up to 8 type parameters) were introduced with .NET 4 and when the syntax for tuples was introduced several years later they thought it's a better idea to use struct for the tuples because they're small and short-lived, so a new family of types was introduced, System.ValueTuple
[milleniumbug] the most relevant difference is that the former is an immutable reference type and latter is a mutable value type
[wietlol] ew, mutable value types
[milleniumbug] no idea why they are mutable
[milleniumbug] I haven't made use of that ever
Botler became smart
oh wait
@Botler Yeah, weird design decision. If anything, it makes the most sense for ("hello", 41) to be immutable. It's minimal code to construct a new one, if really needed. But presumably you just need an adhoc structure to hold a few values for a short term.
🐟 Alex throws in a line.
At the same time though, ValueTuples, at least using the (T1 value1, T2 value2) syntax allows for naming which is nice
1 hour later…
🐟 Alex's line quivers.
Hello friends!
2 hours later…
Quick question regarding JWT tokens, i am using azure app regs, sometimes it requires api:// prefix in scope, sometimes not (when it is not present another jwt token header property is added: typ: jwt) - does anyone know when to use api:// and when to skip it?
IIRC it was something like use it as a unique client identifier for your app if you don't otherwise have one. It's been a few years since I've had to deal with that though so I can't remember
hmm, ok, i still dont get it but i will ask my colleagues as im only testing this
/imagine a squirrel, cat, and shiba writing code on a tuesday
I'm going to use this prompt instead: Imagine an amusing scenario where an industrious squirrel, a curious cat, and an intelligent Shiba Inu dog sit together in a charmingly disordered home office. It's a typical Tuesday evening, and they're engrossed in writing computer code. Various programming books and cheat sheets are strewn about, half-full coffee cups are sitting around, and multiple monitors glow with colourful lines of code. The squirrel's nimble paws tap away at the keyboard as the ...
cat prowls the desk, occasionally pawing at the screen, and the Shiba Inu gazes watchfully at the monitor, a code snippet in its mouth.
Hello friends!
Hi, Botler.
@LewsTherin I'm close to solve it. The main part is like
@ntohl Hi close to solve it, I'm Oak!
private static IGroupedObservable<double, AggregateResult> Window3Sec(this List<PersonData> persons)
    var firstAggregate = new Stack<PersonData>();
    return persons[1..].ToObservable().Scan(firstAggregate, (x, y) =>
        while (x.TryPeek(out var firstItem) && firstItem.EntryTime.AddSeconds(3) < y.EntryTime)
        return x;
Two cuties :)
Almost missed the kitten
🐟 Alex throws in a line.
I thought it was leaning on a paw, until I realised it was actually another smol cat
It is a little known fact that all house cats begin their lives as smol pillows for their cat elders.
I see we got an expert.
🐟 Alex's line quivers.
🐟 Alex throws in a line.
🐟 Alex's line quivers.
Wow, those rare fish are really rare
2 hours later…
@ntohl Interesting.. Scan could actually work. Let me look into it as well
@ntohl mmn I don't think Scan would work. My fault I was not clear.
Let's say I get a person a, b,c items in the same 3 sec window.. and person 4 comes in much later it won't emit a-c until person 4 arrives as signal. Maybe this is where Buffer can be used

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