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It is wrong always, everywhere and for everyone to believe anything upon insufficient evidence. - W. K. Clifford, British philosopher, circa 1876 (source)
7 hours later…
/imagine Shibainu wearing a red cloak that keeps her from turning into a wolf in riverside of the iridescent river with winds through fairy town that tainted by the wildness of magic...
Network error: `Unexpected character ('<' (code 60)): expected a valid value (JSON String, Number, Array, Object or token 'null', 'true' or 'false')
at [Source: (org.apache.http.conn.EofSensorInputStream); line: 1, column: 2]`
sensor input...
goat moaning
it's bleeding out it's internals
goat mourning
Good moaning
Goood morniiiing CeeeeShaaaaarp! Have you had your coffee yet? Hope you feel better than Oak!
not by a long shot
its monday after all
@nyconing This is beautiful
@Squirrelkiller My daughter caught cold this Saturday and tonight she woke up vommiting at 2:30am, so I'm not sure if I feel better than Oak
@Darj Unexpected stream in the character, oh damn.
@OakBot Unexpected character ('<' (code 60)) - usually this happens when the code expects some sort of JSON response and for some reason the server replied with some HTML starting with <. It might've been it, it might not. Not enough data, not enough code, not enough PTO for me to have some rest lol
Ah, typical server miscommunication. It's likely an endpoint mix-up or the backend is serving an error page instead of a proper JSON response. Always a dreadful way to start the day, having to sift through logs to figure out the hiccup. It might be an API change, an incorrect content type set in the request, or you're hitting an authentication wall that responds with HTML—so many possibilities, so little coffee.

If this looks like a persistent issue rather than a temporary glitch, better roll up your sleeves and dive into debugging mode. Consider checking the endpoint, the request headers,
> Darj.ificação
I'm no Portuguesse
@Darj Hi no Portuguesse, I'm Oak!
@Squirrelkiller majestic
bows down
but now
no, YOU are going to make that coffee for me
coffee is the only thing that can get us through monday
lets face it
STRONG coffee
/imagine strong coffee
I'll take your word for it being strong
mhh perfect
well... I'm not sure what I expected. But I think it fits
i dont know if i woudl by from THOSE two
they look kind of
i take the other coffee
She's holding the GIANT MUG with just her fingerips. Seems strong
you can have that one
/imagine i.sstatic.net/ow2mH.jpg with milk
@VLAZ Bad human! You are over quota and can't make any more requests right now. Try again in 24 hours.
Is the quota just 2 nowadays?
I think it was more before. Well, when it was also cheaper, I suppose.
/imagine i.stack.imgur.com/ow2mH.jpg with milk
way too much milk
oak always overdoing things
This is probably the strongest milk
too much cream, too much coffee, too much milk
/imagine the strongest milk on earth
thats milkman
not milk
@Hans1984 I don't believe you. It says "milk". Must be milk.
/imagine milkman
@Hans1984 Bad human! You are over quota and can't make any more requests right now. Try again in 24 hours.
i know
but you just have to do what i say
end of discussion
Sometimes I'm really not sure if I should share these
what the fuck
Oh damn you even came out of discord
okay now we know who milkman is
maybe we shouldnt have asked
@Hans1984 Some knowledge is forbidden for a reason
lets watch some calming shibas
alcoholic shiba
Shiba has seen some things. Drinks to forget.
@Squirrelkiller wow, where you generate that? it was outstanding
oh night cafe link
@VLAZ hes seen milkman
Yep, copypasted your prompt into nightcafe
I was not expecting that when I opened chat this morning
I come out of discord all the time, seemingly at random I will switch between messaging from there and here
if the shiba have a correct count of legs and tail, I cant find any evidence that was generated
shibas have 5 legs and one tail
Botler, shiba
oh botler is still drunk from saturday I see
Hello friends!
Hi, Botler.
Botler, shiba
@Hans1984 the bottles are empty
so that tracks
wait I loked closer and they have a weird opaque finish. Maybe they're not empty
smart Botler
left some for monday
since we all know mondays are ridiculously difficult
Nah, Monday's fine
Once you get over it then it goes downhill from that
so it gets worse
Just happened to me, damnit. Last week ended like "ok this property just has to be this extended type now".
Monday started like "well now I have to re-import the wsdl because it's now composition instead of inheritance so I'll have to amend initialization on our end, damn".
Monday is currently ending like "I imported the wsdl and the whole thing is fucking different than before".
WSDL, Soap, XML, Contracts... my world lately
I'm glad I don't have to deal with this any more. It's funny - at Uni we had a web course and we had to evaluate SOAP vs REST. At the time, I thought REST is basically better but suffered from the discoverability of endpoints. And SOAP was heavier but had better tool support. In the end, both were somewhat equal. Then I had to work with a SOAP backend and...it was only not a complete nightmare because the app was basically "finished".
Well, I got there for the finishing touches. When the WSDL definition updates you don't really know what you'd get. Like, half the application might then stop compiling.
And rebuilding the SOAP client was its own form of hell. The call to get the WSDL would some times randomly fail due to some network errors. Nothing to do with either side of the call.
But each might also have a problem, too.
what year is it
Let me check on MySpace
Last time I had to deal with that shit was 2018? when Royal Mail released their new shipping api which only worked with SOAP
Except it wasn't even standards compliant so any libraries that would help with it would generate envelopes that the server would reject because it wanted some cursed syntax
Unsurprisingly after not very long I gave up on it and then after a few months or maybe even a couple of years they finally released a REST version which used json payloads.
By that point though we'd already given up with them
The almost-dead project I worked on which had SOAP was in 2018. The application itself is much older. I'm not really sure how old. Maybe another 10 years before that or something.
@VLAZ Hi not really sure how old, I'm Oak!
At least part of this application is dotnet 8 already. You work with develop and master? Well say hello to develop2, getting merge requests from feature2/whatever-it-is to deploying master2 in production!
It's a whole new git flow I tell ya
Oh, our git layout might be even dumber. there is develop, then integration, preprod, and prod. These are 1. environments with their deployment, database, whatever else needs to run the software 2. also each is a git branch.
So, how do you move the software through the environments? You make a merge from dev to integration. Then from integration to preprod. Then from preprod to release.
Preprod and release are also have one branch for each release. So if you're releasing, you also need to create the new preprod branch. And then the new prod branch.
@VLAZ This sounds almost reasonable, almost the original git flow. We cherry-pick anything part of the release from develop(2) into a new release branch taken from master(2).
Since what you're releasing is not actually even a monolith but 40-ish services...that can't can only be released as a whole (basically a monolith but with more steps) there is a script that creates all the merges you need.
When I brought up that this was insane (well, used a more work-appropriate description), I was told that basically "works for now, it'd be changed anyway". Because the build pipeline was scheduled to be entirely replaced. Well, it's still scheduled. It's been 3 years, though. But we're told it's finally on the roadmap for this year.
I really hope devops don't keep the current model.
lol great
@VLAZ This sounds similar to what we had at workspace and it was quite good
Except you're meant to move over build artefacts between environments. Not the code. Each step means diverging the code base and introduces potential for merge conflicts.
Because of course if it's a code base anybody can just add code to it.
we developed on main, then at the end of a sprint main was merged into a "release" branch where it would sit and be deployed to our pre-release environment and everyone can play with it for 2 weeks
then after the 2 weeks it merges into stable and prod release goes from there
Well, there are pull requests and such but still - making sure fixes from one environment are propagated everywhere is completely manual. More than once it has been missed or otherwise not done completely correct.
the idea being if any hotfixes need to be done they can target the respective environment branch and be backported to main
/imagine i.sstatic.net/ow2mH.jpg with milk
Where is the milk?!
WTF happened with the woman?!
Still havent fiddles with the strength value
Why is she a demon and/or witch now?
Guy at the back is wisely not looking towards her any more.
@Hans1984 Url needs to start with http:// for Oak to treat it as a image variation
@Michael alright
eventually it'll add milk right
@VLAZ Yes it used to be 5 but other people in other rooms are using it now too so I had to lower it. :)
@OakBot WTF
I can't modify images directly, but the image you're referencing sure shows a gigantic cup of coffee labeled "THE STRONGEST COFFEE!!" Someone's clearly in awe of the size and strength of their caffeine fix. There's no sign of milk, though – if you're looking to lighten that dark brew, you're out of luck with this picture. And as for the woman, she's striking an excited and slightly exaggerated pose probably because of the comically large coffee cup. The man in the back seems amused by the situation. No witchcraft or demons here, just some coffee-induced excitement and artistic liberties.
the coffee looks disgusting now
what happened to the woman, did she grow old while trying to add milk ?
It is the sthiingiast roffee!! though
@CaptainObvious Yep. It might be on-brand for that type of coffee.
@Hans1984 Dunno, seems adding more milk just corrupts the woman more and more.
anyone else want to give it a go
Is this what happens when AI models are fed AI generated content
@CaptainObvious If it makes into the alien that woman turned into - not right now.
/imagine i.sstatic.net/YgP3v.jpg add milk to the coffee and make the woman younger
Guy at the back still looks normal but more and more as if he doesn't want to be there.
she is slightly younget looking, just don't look at her hands
Look at his progression, he goes from excited, to now silently praying this nightmare is over
"athangeiste coffee" at least looks normal. Not mould infested
@VLAZ pretty crazy huh
she must really HATE milk
probably one of those vegans
Considering she is apparently some sort of alien demon witch - might just be normal for her.
@VLAZ hes just a tool in this play
/imagine i.sstatic.net/X4ukA.jpg add milk to the coffee and make the man older
turned her into an old geezer
oak is unhinged
its funny how this pic was turned more and more into a total mess with each new command
and there you was thinking AI wouldnt mess up our lives
there might be a certain way you have to write the prompts idk
"prompt engineering"
@Hans1984 And there is still no milk, lol
The broken telephone of what the coffee is, is also amusing
The latest one is apparently IIOFFEE
i need to save this precious moment of AI evolution
When the robot apocalypse starts, we'll show them this picture and they'll flee in shame
yes, they ll never get over this embarassment
I wanna view the stack trace(s) of a crash dump that happened on a dotnet 8 app on ARM 32 linux. How screwed am I?
I'm starting to wonder if the reason VS refuses to do anything with it is because it came from a single-file executable, rather than an environment with a nicely compartmentalized dotnet system libraries folder.
Depends on if you have a dump or not
I was gonna say use windbg but then I saw on linux so I don't know lol
I thought GDB is better than windbg
tho I used it for C++
Seems like most of the non-VS prescribed approaches involve running lldb or dotnet-dump analyze on the same platform as what produced the crash, which is problematic here since it's a wacky custom yocto linux someone in the company set up for IoT-ish devices.
> No, I'm fine without it. I was just wondering it it was possible already.
fyi, gdb has some way to debug child processes. It may be worth looking into if you want to make this a feature on Linux
So I don't even have the power of apt-get to fulfill dependencies
So I guess I'll try to collab with the resident linux gurus to try and get lldb available on this lil' device, as well as maybe try to put full-fledged debian install onto ARM32 qemu emulator and hope it's a "similar enough" environment for analysis.
@nyconing :o
@nyconing xD
we were having segfaults on arm via dotnet running in docker on mac the other day
solution: don't use mac lmao
@ntohl looks like a nice read, thanks
no prob
"...if you could connect remotely from lldb to the gdb server..." Such magic exists???
/imagine cdn.shibe.online/birds/… with bigger eyes and more colors
@Hans1984 Bad human! You are over quota and can't make any more requests right now. Try again in 18 hours.
18 freaking hours...
Ah yep, that linked victim encountered a glibc version-too-small issue, something I knew of but am currently unaffected by. But all the debugging posts up to that point might still be valuable techniques.
God bless MSFT for lowering the glibc requirement in 8.0 compared to 7.0
2 hours later…
/imagine cdn.shibe.online/birds/… with bigger eyes and more colors
nightmare fuel lol
/imagine cdn.shibe.online/birds/… a duck with very large eyes and brightly-colored feathers
that looks pretty much the same lol
/imagine static.wixstatic.com/media/… a duck with brightly-colored feathers standing next to a pond in the spring-time
/imagine static.wixstatic.com/media/… a duck wearing a baseball hat
i give up
posted on April 29, 2024 by Rachel Kang (SHE/HER)

Are your apps keyboard accessible? Learn more about keyboard traps and find out how you can ensure your .NET MAUI apps are keyboard accessible. The post The Journey to Accessible Apps: Keyboard Accessibility and .NET MAUI appeared first on .NET Blog.

@Feeds XKCD #2926 Explained: Miss Lenhart is teaching a class about about the concept of redshift and using the Doppler effect as a demonstration. However, she gets distracted by how cool sirens are and doesn’t explain fully the concept of redshift (apparently because she doesn't ...
so, strength doesn't help lol

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