I need to make JavaScriptSerializer ignore [ScriptIgnore] tags. I think I can do this with a custom JavaScriptConverter. However, I am not so sure. All I need to do is ignore the attribute, and the rest can be done with the base definition. You can see the code for JavaScriptSerializer here.
I a...
My cat keeps kneading my back. She wants out now, after my door was open ALL DAY, and she's trying to get me to get up. Too bad I gotta tell her she has to wait till I need to go to the bathroom... And I just went.
@LewsTherin Here's me explaining it:
Let's say the method `ConsumeLoop()` processes the items returned/yielded by `ProduceList()`:
void ConsumeLoop() {
foreach (Consumable item in ProduceList()) // might have to wait here
IEnumerable<Consumable> ProduceList() {
while (KeepProducing())
yield return ProduceExpensiveConsumable(); // expensive
Without `yield`, the call to `ProduceList()` might take a long time because the list is completed before returning:
It's sort of the case where I found a SO question about it and didn't immediately understand the top voted answer
but after reading a few other sources, came to this conclusion, and although the top voted answer makes more sense now, I'm still not completely certain.
@David that's kind of what I was trying to envision, and it ended up feeling like rearranging the code execution, which is what i was trying to convey with the "pseudo-assembly"
We hit this early in MEF, but it was a terrible bug - because it walked a rather large chain of assemblies, looking at every type, looking at every attribute
I'm kinda new as a professional programmer, it's the only language I've used "in the industry" besides a little bit of other stuff here and there
today just happened to be reading up on some functional programming stuff
in short, the topic chain was like: monads -> call-with-current-continuation -> continuations -> functional "equivalents" of goto -> examples in C# -> yield return
It's an operation over the entire group. Many you need to perform a bunch of steps per group.
*per person. And you need to use it at different times during the program.
I mean, let's say you're working with just a List<int> and you want the sum. You would go about calling Sum more than once, right? You'd cache the result.
Well, it's the same thing with Company, except that you need Sum at different times, so you can't cache it locally.
So you would make a subclass, e.g. CompanyWithASummary, and have a property called Summary that would perform the operation lazily -- just once, and then cache it.
Well, that requires editing the source code and recompiling. And we know that has problems. But wait, what if someone changes the Company? Suzy gets fired, for example. Or Bob gets a pay raise.
Maybe I should just write the whole thing down instead of conveying it like this. There is a major point here. Something people miss, and something I realized just yesterday.
I'll give you the short form. If you have an immutable object -- that is, if you know that Company can't change during its lifetime, and that in order to perform 'modifications' you have to create a new instance of Company that includes structural sharing,
you can define and store arbitrary information on every Company object.
You can extend it and let it store information from outside.
You don't need to define a new class of type Company. You just define operation Summary. And it will implicitly store the result in Company. And if Company undergoes a modification, you can adjust Summary because it is an incremental operation.
When company undergoes a modification, I mean, you get a new instance of type Company that is just a bit different, in its constituent persons, from the old one.
Like, imagine you define a normal class Company and leave a special field. A special 'hole' called, I don't know, Hole.
Hole is mutable, but if you assure that you mutate it in atomic and predictable ways according to the rules, using it to store aggregate information on the entire company, it will always be consistent.
And that, is one of the amazing strengths of functional programming. It's far better than sub-classing. There are no class hierarchies to worry about. All operations are reversible, and you can incrementally deduce the cached result of a given summary by the transition between the old Company object and the new Company object.
A summary operation needs to store its information on an instance of Company. But the only way that a single Company can have a real and consistent Summary is if the Company never changes.
Otherwise, the summary can just be out of date. There is no point in storing it. Are you going to try to figure out how Company changed? What if several changes occur at once?
The reason you can store the Sum of a List<int> inside a method is that you know that nothing changed the List<int> after you were done summing it. But that's in the scope of just one method.
Who knows what's going on in the application itself.