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2:22 AM
2 hours later…
4:59 AM
@Squirrelkiller great info for new members like me
1 hour later…
6:10 AM
Hello :)
I was not here for month.
I have to read / understand a large code base. The problem. Many variable names are longer than 45 chars. It look like --> thisIsProjectNameThisIsAboutATopicAndHereAnInfoAboutASubTopic.
It would be good to seperate topics with an underscore like aaaAAAAA_otherStuff_someSubTopic
but the dev told me, that it is against JAVA naming conventions. :/
I suffer :D
6:32 AM
Good morning
@kame Wtf is wrong with the variables, longer than many of whole lines of code
[Squirrel in Training] GoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOd Mornin' pleberinos!
@kame You need more classes
Even if it's static classes that only hold variables
Hi @Squirrelkiller, you wrote the obvious :D
Your dev is right in that specific point: underscores are a no-no in java. I wouldn't accepts them in C# either.
strange that the programmer want the project name in almost all of the functions :/
6:37 AM
Yeah that is weird
Okay, but this sounds good ---> put items in subclasses
If it's local variables, use a class and instantiate it. I hear it's a kind of programming trying to focus on the handling of "objects" being a thing you can pass around and interact with where each can have different attributes and behaviours. Think they wanna call it "object-oriented".
project name, class name, feature name, type name, my_ or maybe you_ whatever, it is invented because of C/C++ language, old forks doesnt like to change their coding style.
that is redundant and annoying in c#, who did that I called it had relly bad project code structure, like god object
I once built an app that had a god object. I was very new and had no professional experience yet. It did not have that long variable names.
Then again I was never a professional C/C++ dev
6:52 AM
nice, but if in some rare scenario we really need a huge god object, prefix_ maybe useful
no, Im ultimately doesnt like god object
I've a class in a project called DeliveryAddressTableThatNeedsReplacing
It's a really bad name but the problem is that it shouldn't exist.
class like YourAdvertisementHereCallMeNow
It should be, as the name suggests, replaced.
6:58 AM
why? refactored from DeliveryAddressTable?
It was used in multiple places, refactored some stuff but one of the places couldn't use the better code for stupid reasons.
7:11 AM
That's what we have [Obsolete] for though
7:22 AM
@Squirrelkiller It's Java. And I added @deprecated to it, as well.
I work in a mobile testing framework with appium now.
Why is C# in the top 5 most populated chat rooms? Most social programmers?
most desperate programmers for help ;)
@SivaSankaran you have to be very careful when trying to follow YAGNI
because it contradicts other core design principles
it even contradicts itself
you might think "I dont need a library because a simple string split suits my use case"
on the other hand, you might think of it this way "I dont need to write my own implementation because this library already solves my problem"
yagni is applied on features of a program and layers of its implementation
for example, you dont need your application to send and receive emails, so dont build it in
and, you dont need your application to use dynamic programming to query your list of users, so dont use that approach
7:52 AM
@Squirrelkiller ironically, everyone wants to do Object Oriented Programming, but they all avoid actual Object Oriented Programming as much as they can
@nyconing if you are in that scenario, you need to step back and rethink the problem
fun <T> get(type: Class<T>): T {
  val list = listOf<Base>()
  val instance = list.first { ... }

val instance = get(Something::class.java) // Something : Base
>> null
should be Unit
quesstion, why is isAssignableFrom returning false?
because the instance is not assignable from the given type
considering Something is a subclass of Base?
Isn't instance.javaClass returning the type of the instance first, and I am comparing by types here, no?
7:57 AM
its reversed
not SUBCLASS.isAssignableFrom(SUPERCLASS)?
val a = b // a is assignable from b
[milleniumbug] it follows the same order as a = b
[milleniumbug] exactly
[milleniumbug] and subclass = superclass; won't compile
[Squirrel in Training] a = b = c works fine
[milleniumbug] or derived = base; which is clearer to me which is which
@mr5 maybe you want to use
fun <reified T> get(): T {
    val instance = ...
    instance is T
8:00 AM
my mind is causing ANR ATM
nope. not compiling
ofc it is
(ah, it needs to be an inline fun)
and it needs to return stuff
fun <TActivity : Activity> get(type: Class<TActivity>): TActivity? {
    val ref = activityInstance.firstOrNull {
        val ref = it.get() ?: return null
    return ref?.get()?.let { type.cast(it) }
this is the exact code now
type is ref.javaClass not compiling
oh fakk
@Wietlol As do the best of guidelines
reversing the condition did work
After all, only sith deal in absolutes
8:06 AM
my mind is still processing why it has to be that way...
One of the most important quotes in my mind
why SUBCLASS.isAssignableFrom(SUPERCLASS) not working??
isn't that similar to ^
Because string s = new object() doesn't compile?
[milleniumbug] the order follows the assignment
@Squirrelkiller most dont, do they?
8:09 AM
SUPERCLASS is object and SUBCLASS is string?
[milleniumbug] BASE.isAssignableFrom(DERIVED)
@mr5 Correct
[milleniumbug] Base b = d;
why am I thinking it the other way around
[milleniumbug] because it's confusing
[milleniumbug] "order follows the assignment" is how I remember it
[milleniumbug] so I don't have to decipher the docs every time
[milleniumbug] actually wait there is another way
8:12 AM
It just...sounds that direction to me
[milleniumbug] destination.isAssignableFrom(source)
[milleniumbug] destination = source;
[milleniumbug] note it does not say "is assignable to"
[milleniumbug] it's "is assignable from"
I think because when I go "string s = new object()" it's like, I stuff an object into a string reference, hence TO, which is the other direction as from
Seems we have similar ideas lol
[milleniumbug] you assign to the destination, and therefore the destination is now the same as the source is
[milleniumbug] btw C# is the same here
8:58 AM
@Squirrelkiller Wietbot wasn't shut down out of protest
3 hours later…
12:27 PM
yay, the uk now has a shot at a leader who isn't a complete pos
mr bean?
2 hours later…
2:19 PM
yes, go elect mr bean
id vote for him
oh yeah so I leave all social media for 3 months, get curious and look up my name on twitter, and one of the first things I see is some lying c*nt from a bionicle discord server smh
to my greatest regret, I cannot leavel social media for 3 months :(
do it and you will live 120 years
I never made accounts to leave in the first place :(
2:21 PM
webclient.UploadValues(uri, "POST", nameValuecollection)
Postie Pete
was working few days ago and now throws "node name or server name not provided"
did you remove your node name or server name?
no, the uri is a incoming Webhooks of slack
that sounds like something Slack changed
2:22 PM
curl command still works with the same uri and posts message
c# app spits exception
still, I think you changed your node name or server name
spitting facts
> Expected response.StatusCode to be 200, but found 500
how does FluentAssertions know the value expression?
> response.StatusCode.Should().Be((int) HttpStatusCode.OK);
y'know what, I was gonna come out of hibernating and chew that jerk out, but I'm over this; liars are trash and the last thing I want to do is degrade myself by even posting in the same thread as them
and the syntax of that fluentassertions thing makes it look like if it can't find "OK" it just throws a null..and puts a 500 in place of null
what areyou using fluentassertions for, anyway?
2:39 PM
unit testing, perhaps?
[Captain Obvious] Sorry lads, I've been a bit absent
[Captain Obvious] Been busy in the UKPol discord, cheating on you guys
UK Police?
what have you done?!
[Captain Obvious] Last 48 hours have been absolutely wild, but the fun is over mostly now until probably next week
3:09 PM
[Squirrel in Training] how dare you?!
alright, whose neck did you stand on?
3:57 PM
[Captain Obvious] It's fine, I also had to present our (longest and most packed yet) sprint demo yesterday afternoon while eveyrhting was happening
[KidKai25] I got a trophy of extra mile today at my work place.
[KidKai25] I want to thank all of you here. If I have become any better is because of you all. <3 :')
[KidKai25] Thank you for existing

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