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`await` means wait this task until it complated in current task dispacher.
this method not a async method, cannot use `await`.
`Task.Run` means create and run a new task, if without `await`, it will run in async way of current thread. so it won't block this thread.
=>enter method
=>create a task to run "BackgroundOperationAsync" => run in async
=>exit method
and "BackgroundOperationAsync" may not need declared as async method.
Task.Run common with a sync method.
or .. you can...
it's an other simple way to write it
public async voie BackgroundOperationAsync() {...}
and call it in code:
lol why on earth you did call callback inside async method
@Mr.Squirrel.Downy Thank you !!!!!!!!!!!!
7 hours later…
[Squirrel in Training] GoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOd Mornin' neglecterinos!
2 hours later…
hii Good morning
I have a issue please help me to solve this....
I am trying to generate pdf from image agter generated .. when I tried to print thats Pdf then there is defferenece different page size... There I got with issue and Unable to solve this please suggest me best
2 hours later…
@ShashankSingh How are you converting the image to a pdf file?
can I share code here ?
If it's just one class, put it in a gist: gist.github.com
If it's just a few lines, paste it here and format with ctrl+k
If it's more, make a repository and share that
Q: How can set Image and PDF size in UWP C#

DharmishthaI am trying to generate a pdf in my project where I converted Image into Pdf and Image generated from Layout. Generated image size is very large and also There are not received good quality. Please Help me to solve this. I am using this code in program. RenderTargetBitmap renderTargetBitmapimg =...

please review ths
                //MERGE ALL IMAGE TO ONE PDF DOC
                string pdfPassword = Constants.USERPASSWORD;
                PdfDocument doc = new PdfDocument();
                PdfSecurity security = doc.Security;
                security.KeySize = PdfEncryptionKeySize.Key256Bit;
                security.Algorithm = PdfEncryptionAlgorithm.AES;
                security.OwnerPassword = string.Empty;//Constants.OWNERPASSWORD;
                security.UserPassword = pdfPassword;
this is my code and Privious some day I am stuck here.
when I print then there One page is right but other page width reduce.
Is that class PdfDocument part of UWP? I don't know that one.
Or another library?
part of UWP .
And what exactly do you mean by "page size"? You want the pdf to have one page exactly as high as the image and width +80?
How big exactly is the image, and how big is the resulting page of the pdf?
@Hans1984 Maybe you meant: shiba
@Squirrelkiller I take width for Increase size of image.
When I see image in pdf then there width is perfect but Print time there width problem.
1 hour later…
@ShashankSingh What do you mean "width problem"? Is it too big? Too small? By how much?
Do you print on A4?
1 hour later…
ey we finally moving away from webforms to .NET 6, and found out .NET 6 is kind of annoying
welcome to the club
what is bugging you in this case?
there's something about how microsoft made it so that views are now set as private, or something like htat
what ui framework are you using now?
just added mvc, ya
[Hans1984] ymca🎶
[Hans1984] oh mvc
[Hans1984] nevermind
ah, the classic Yeet Model Controller Application pattern
where your application is behind a YMC wall, where you yeet models to your controller which passes them to your backing application
although, that is not a UI pattern
[Hans1984] 😲
2 hours later…
1 hour later…
for some reason this comic made me wonder if it's sad that I've been finding myself in my most tranquil state lately ever since I started deliberately avoiding socialization
3 hours later…
Typically an HTTP request will timeout without a response and prematurely close the thread. So instead you run and await the sync task which essentially sleeps the thread until you receive the HTTP response.
@InVladimirPutinWeTrust .
@FatalSleep Thank you even I don't really understand. :-)
Using VS Code for the first time and I type "for(int i = 0; i" and VS Code says: Oh, it looks like you're trying to type "for(int i = 0; await". Let's correct that for you automatically.
What part of this situation makes VS Code think I want "await"? And how can I get VS Code to stop inserting its ridiculous ideas into my code when I press space?

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