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Good morning
@mshwf I guess I'd just write both [HttpGet("GetAll")] and [HttpGet("Get")] above the same controller method.
Although actually I'd just omit the "get" and "getall" and let the "/" route get all the orders and have another route with "/{orderId}" or something
I want to avoid using Route, looking for some configuration in Startup
Ah, old .net framework?
.NET 5
No Route attribute needed then?
HttpGet/Post/etc have a route parameter
@Jonathan well, that is highly debatable
Yet still true
C# is sure the best out of the set of .net languages
@Squirrelkiller I mean avoiding the attribute in the controller, say, it's not permitted to modify controllers
you get a golden star
@Falling10fruit That would be pressing X
Ah and I think it runs in a loop
But I have actually never used unity so no idea lol
@mshwf Can't you just pass the get controller method to "api/orders/getall" in a .Map call?
6 hours later…
Hi all
Hi Squirrelkiller
I'd asked about this a week or so ago: how to generate a random value. There's a twist now: how do you ensure the value is unique in a column on the database? In other words, how do you prevent two or more users generating the same random value and trying to save it at the same time?
The column has a unique index on it (index used because it needs to allow nulls).
If two people try saving the same value, it'll stop them at the db level. I wonder in C#, what's a good way to save the value and ensure it's unique?
Hmm. TransactionScope isolation level might do the trick
In C# there are really only two ways:
1. You know the data: In an atomic (locked) operation, ask the DB if your generated key exists before saving it. Basically the same as just letting the DB do it but also slow because of the lock.
2. You don't know the data: Use a Guid as the ID and let the DB take care of the practically impossible case of a duplicate.
Thanks, Squirrelkiller. Thinking atomic is the way to go. Slower but that's okay
TransactionScope will make it atomic and provide different locking levels
If you generate the key in C# without EF, you could still get a dupe, so you might have to catch that rare exception to regenerate the key.
This is against Identity Framework. There's a custom column on the AspNetUsers table that holds a two-char random value: first char is a number and the second is a letter, such as 8L
When a new record is created for some users, we need to set this column to a unique, random value
Then the question is which isolation level to use in the TransactionScope
generally speaking, you assume it works, you send the value to the database, if it isn't unique, the query will fail with a specific message, catch that and try again with a different value
it lowers the scope of the lock and therefor allows the database to handle more requests
also, generally speaking, if you use a Guid.NewGuid(), you wouldnt even care about the case where the value is duplicated
as it would probably not happen more than once in the lifetime of your application
Wish it could be a GUID
Let me look up what exception C# gets when there's a unique index violation
Might just throw one in a unit test to see
use a mocking database, prefill it with a specified value, try to insert with a seeded random generator that produces the same value for the first time, assert that it retries
Challenge here: this isn't EF -- it's using Identity Framework's own UserManager and other classes to perform the record write
if your unit test cannot see if it retried, add logging to provide the information, let the test assert the information is present in the logs
if your unit test cannot read logs, then whack your shitty logging framework
I like that ^ :)
@Alex whichever framework you use, it should work with an in-memory database
if not, the data library sucks
I've used Serilog before and love it. NLog on current proj. Wasn't my choice
I use my own logging framework :D
That's even better
it is one of the worst ones to write yourself
You can't mock the DB?
as it is the primary tool for your information
looking at the log4j story, it doesnt surprise me how many systems had to update because they used that one logging library
Well doesn't matter too much actually, just build it without the catch and create the same ID twice then see what happens lol.
I've done unit tests with Identity Fmk. Not easy, especially trying to mock users, controllers, contexts, etc. Done it but not fun
you have logging everywhere, and if you mess up, you mess up big time
the problem of frameworks is that they try to use magic to solve your problems
and that magic only works if you abide to their rules
Yep, the main challenge was determining the approach: locking vs. hitting db/catching exception
and usually, unit tests violate those rules
Yes, mocking that stuff is quite involved. But once you figure it out, you abstract it away and can just new up a user with whatever roles attached that you want. Then hit a mock controller's action and see if the user has access
lock(Program.UniversalLockObj) lol
Well although, how often do you really create a new user?
At most a few dozen
as soon as it goes live? my bot will create a few dozen... million
Free surprise stress test!
I like it lol
1 hour later…
how can I walk my https://pkgs.dev.azure.com/xxx/sbms/_packaging/yyy/nuget/v3/index.json

nuget repo with NuGet.DependencyResolver.Core?
It's always throwing 401
on web it's working, but it's clear it's doing some auth
(it's a Azure git repo, so it's obvious won't work without auth)
I have UserAuthentication, HostAuthentication, VstsSession cookies when I success to call it
how can I feed it to PackageSourceCredential?
Hi, quick question hopefully, not worth an SO question:
Vector3? intersection = rayCast.Crosses(edgeList[j]);
if(intersection.HasValue) {
The `Add` function wants a `Vector3` but the param is `Vector3?`. How can I pass the compiler check to accept this code?
@Flame Vector3 intersection = rayCast.Crosses(edgeList[j]) ?? new Vector3();
what about intersection.Value ?
that seems to work
Sounds good to me.
i dont want to add an empty vector :p
this is kinda explicit syntax
but it works
Of course make sure you're checking for nulls before you send it along.
@Flame This should pass the compiler check
Ah wait
Object? != Object
Then it works
@Flame for nullable structs, you indeed do need myStruct.Value
for nullable classes, the .Value is unnecessary and does not exist
welcome to consistency.net
So, when you add a very long string to the footer of an asp.net core website, it doesn't line wrap. Have added paragraph tags and explicit CSS styling, it still won't wrap. Here's the code I've added.

<footer class="border-top footer text-muted">
<div class="container">
<p id="footerText">&copy; 2021 - A stupid name - Privacy Policy: We're not actively tracking your information. No cookies are used on this website.</p>

and my CSS looks this

.footer {
padding-left: 1em;
padding-right: 1em;
Dev tools does not show any conflicts with overflow-wrap, word-break, or line-break.
#footerText is a correct width, but the text does not respect it.
So if I put something just into a <p> without any css, it breaks just fine
Let me give it a go.
That is not my experience.
That was using a brand new project
If it's in the main tag it does break, but not if it's in the footer. We're working against the _layout.cshtml file, for reference.
I'll just throw line breaks all over the place. :-/ Thanks for having a look.
Or wbr tags
@mshwf Umm how else would you map each one, if you didn't add a Route attribute? You can map some of them in the startup, but it will get to be a cluster nut in no time.
Were cookies always set in the header? or is that a new thing?
I think it's always been a header
Maybe it wasn't strictly enforced

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