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3 hours later…
Good moring
@VenkataShivaram Sounds like you're passing a config parameter so some framework function but the parameter is empty. Like a connection string missing from config.
@nyconing No Win11 for you.
1 hour later…
Afraid to upgrade anyway
I was fully prepared for Win10 to be the final Windows
[Squirrel in Training] GoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOd Mornin' neglecterinos!
'sup SiT
Morning all
1 hour later…
[Squirrel in Training] That moment when you want to retrieve one entity and the EF generates a query that retrieves 1.393.920 lines
that moment when you realize that your one entry actually is 1.393.920 db records
[Squirrel in Training] That moment when you realize, you fucked up!
\[**[Squirrel in Training](https://discord.gg/PNMq3pBSUe)**] Yeah welp it's 1.393.920 with the includes

Actually EF doesn sth really stoopid
That moment when you realize, your job is forgiving, you can fuck up all day long, as long as it is in dev environment
[Squirrel in Training] I guess it's ef i don't really fully udnerstan d:<
[Squirrel in Training] Actually it cant be EF it's SQL that is stoopid, (filling up the same data x times)
you are probably suffering from the 1+N problem of relational databases
perhaps a document database is more suitable for your use case
[Squirrel in Training] Can youz explain why is problem?
if your model is a structure of multiple layers, a relational database model is often separated over multiple tables
one object in your runtime is the main record, but (some of) it's properties are other records in the database
to retrieve your object, (assuming you allow the database client to include all the properties,) you will need to query multiple tables, or the same table multiple times
your runtime object could be constructed of millions of records quite easy if you have a complex bi-directional model
doing a query for 1 record will in turn add N more
hence 1+N
Q: What is the "N+1 selects problem" in ORM (Object-Relational Mapping)?

Lars A. BrekkenThe "N+1 selects problem" is generally stated as a problem in Object-Relational mapping (ORM) discussions, and I understand that it has something to do with having to make a lot of database queries for something that seems simple in the object world. Does anybody have a more detailed explanation...

[Captain Obvious] I don't understand that logic though
this "problem" is very common as feature, but grows very poorly when you have larger models
[Captain Obvious] What if you need to lookup by some weird property like 4 levels deep
[Captain Obvious] Relational is good because you can lookup by pretty much anything and get a decent view of the relationshops
then you hope that you can specify to load the properties you need rather than to load everything
[Squirrel in Training] ah now the 'N'n part makes sense
Entity Framework does give you the option to load specific properties
the problem comes when you need it all though
[Captain Obvious] Document is great if you don't need to ever do anything across documents with a common value
and then there is my model, which needs both a relational database as well as a document database
eventually, I just ended up using a relational database and have most of the information in a json column
\[**[Squirrel in Training](https://discord.gg/PNMq3pBSUe)**] Relation DB > Document DB in my experience.
But 4 sure it succs the way this is handled.
[Squirrel in Training] Duplicates the first 15 information over multiple hundert thousand records
then your db model design probably can be improved
either you have normalized database models, without duplication
or you have denormalized database models, with intended duplication
[Squirrel in Training] Nah it's not model design.
[Squirrel in Training] It's SQL designt
\[**[Squirrel in Training](https://discord.gg/PNMq3pBSUe)**] SELECT * FROM A LEFT JOIN B
--> WIll duplicate the A table for every B table basically.
[Squirrel in Training] This get rather huge when dealing with 2.000 records
ah, yes, that is indeed a stupid design
[Squirrel in Training] yes very stoopid.
[Squirrel in Training] Now imagine 1kk records and only trhe last 3 values differ from row to row
[Squirrel in Training] yeahy duplication
I used to think that SQL was smarter about sending joined records
use 3 queries
it is what I do when dealing with mass data
[Squirrel in Training] The problem is, it's only edge case - as always.
[Squirrel in Training] But still needs to be done eh?
my ORM SQL client can query a join from the database and stream the result without duplication, however, the database server will still query and send the duplicated data over the wire
1 hour later…
@Squirrelkiller oh ok I am using it in the webforms application will crosscheck in the config.
1 hour later…
I've denied access for everyone fir this folder
Now I cannot access it :/
how can i regain access?
Hello wizards :)
ah got it
@Squirrel.98 hahahahah
shit myself
i bet you did son
quite serious files too
found the problem
now I am a wizard too.
[Squirrel in Training] lujnch always so fuinny
are you having a stroke SiT
Nah he's always like that
wheres kieran at these days
He's at the new job I think
@CaptainSquirrel where u at cap
i miss her
why is the kieran gone
[Hans1984] we all miss caprica
[Squirrel in Training] Kieran isnt gone he still here
[Squirrel in Training] He just posted sth ttoday actually
James doesnt
I miss patrick more
patrick was a wasteman
or jack
[Captain Squirrel] i'm here
[Captain Squirrel] Also @Squirrel.98 if i'm not mistaken you have to forcefully change the owner to yourself
[Captain Squirrel] for the life of me however, i can't remember how the fuck to make it work
fuck off kieran
I contacted our IT they sorted it :D
Oct 7 at 9:43, by Wietlol
make a photo of the image on your desktop and paste it into a Word file, then send it to your phone via email and open it on your phone with Google Documents, then you can download the image from the document and save it on your phone
how it feels to move music to an iphone
tbh though, discord is kinda making a lotta bots useless
like I had a bot for greeting people and making sure they understood the rules....except now I've seen servers where the app automatically shows you a list of rules and forces you to accept before it lets you do anything else
'tis the way of many bots
David Gibson on October 11, 2021
For this edition of Stack Overflow Knows, we did a deep dive into cybersecurity topics across Stack Overflow and Stack Exchange sites to spotlight trends and reflect on how conversations are evolving within the developer and technical community.
anybody worked with recurring schedule data?
@Feeds stfu
@Squirrel.98 I know a thing or two about schedules and their problems
I am struggling to get my head around how I can create tasks, it's frequency, it's status and then display it on the UI.
I can create a simple tasks table, i.e Task 1, Daily, Open
But to display this every day on the UI is what I don't get.
Do I create event triggers in MySQL to create a record daily and add the tasks to the table where frequency = 'Daily'?
same for weekly and monthly..
dont create triggers in mysql
it is your database, not your business
Yeah I agree
I didn't like the sound of it myself.
the UI should just load all the events and display for each day what events will happen then
In terms of loading the events. What would be the logic?

Get all items where `tasks` not in `todaysCompletedTasks`
that depends on how you want it to work
This is the idea:
Tasks = Id, Description, Frequency [Daily, weekly, monthly]
TaskRecords = TaskId, Status [Open, In-Progress, Cancelled, Done], DateOfAction
The UI to show the following:
3 Buttons, [Daily, weekly, monthly]
Depending on the selected button it'll show which tasks are still [In-Progress, Open]
The weekly and the monthly can be completed any day of the week or month. As long as it is complete for the week/month
in that case, perhaps you can just create a scheduled task daily, weekly and monthly that just generates the TaskRecords
then you can just query the records
Ok, something along of these lines:
`query: find record where frequency = 'Daily' and DateOfAction = Today`
if no result found then assume todays list has not been generated.
and then find all daily records from tasks table and generate records for TaskRecords with defailt value of Open
> if no result found then assume todays list has not been generated.
what if there are no tasks?
Good question, in that case I believe this is the solution:
Add another column `Tasks = Id, Description, Frequency [Daily, weekly, monthly], IsActive`
Generate tasks where Tasks column IsActive = true
uhm, that has no effect on the problem
just have a scheduled task generate the records
Brb need to drive home and drop somebody on the way :/
Will get back to this.
1 hour later…
[Squirrel.98] If they are no tasks, that means the list is complete.
@Wietlol Where this scheduled task be ran from?
Using python and deploy it to run using windows scheduler ?
4 hours later…
wherever you want
I would use AWS Lambda with a schedule trigger
but you could do it as a program on a windows machine and use the windows scheduler

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