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1 hour later…
Good morning
@Wietlol Be glad he didn't paste it into a word document and sent that :D
@HamreenAhmad Seriously though why the fuck would you make a photo of you screen
win+shift+s makes very nice screenshots of exactly the part of your screen you want.
Also you need to expand those inner exceptions to see what's going on. Something wrong with your connection, could be server not found could be wrong authentication could be many things.
I am still waiting for Hamreen's question... they said they had one, but never cared to share it
@Squirrelkiller phahahahaha
Probs making a video
@Squirrelkiller I can list quite a few reasons
the most dominant one being "I have a BSOD and it has already process over 100% of the things it wanted to do"
cant really recall what it is actually doing when a BSOD happens... havent had one in a while
Definitely the most dominant one
hello C#
Hello mr5
hey, how is you
I've been out of touch for the past days haha
very busy at playing D2R :D
and watching TI10!!!
way to go
if I just pursue my gaming career, I would have been there too jk :D
sad there is no crowd in the TI
@Wietlol loool
win + shift + s masterrace
for me, it is just [printsc]
praise Lightshot
ironically, I almost wrote Lightshot on my first internship
prtsc is deprecated
Lightshot is not
dfuq is that
the REAL print screen tool
oh, like a Monosnap
perhaps, except Lighsthot is cross platform, free and probably better still
greenshot for me
> you can even capture complete (scrolling) web pages from Internet Explorer.
how ancient is this software?
I mean, that is useful, except that it is for IE
if it works on Chrome/Chromium, that is a nice feature
Monosnap have most of its features
also, does it have blur tool?
> send to printer
yep, ancient
there is not really a blur tool, but you can just draw a black (or any color) rectangle over the area you want to be hidden
greenshot gang rise up
printer is deprecated
it serves the purpose but is not fancy
if there is one thing I would want Lighshot to have, it'd be region snapping
ShareX has a very good region snapping iirc
Greenshot too
Monosnap too
in the end of the day, it's win + shift + s + MSPaint
Also small editor with highlighter, obfuscator and one-click-imgur-upload
ctrl alt print scrn
@mr5 oh shit thats cool asf
Steam is creating a "Cheering" system :D
cuz there is no crowd in the TI, they're trying to invent something to make it feel there's a crowd.
> When watching a match in-client, and soon via Twitch, simply click on the team logos at the top of the screen to send a cheer for your team. We take all of the cheers from the entire audience and sum them up, then represent them visually on screen as well as with the roar of the crowd. So while we can't hear you in person, your passion and voices will still have an impact on the event.
I wonder if the sound volume is also based on the how many clicks the logo
easiest approach is to just base the sound on the percentage of cheers over the total number of viewers
it gives you a percentage between 0 and 100
tried it. It doesn't feel very effective though
I tried clicking on the logo, but I think I have to time it when something interesting is happening to trigger the cheer sound. Overall, izz pretty bad
oh, I meant to say I tried using the implemented system kek
but yeah, the dynamic sound volume is not there
fricking lazy devs
if only one person cheers, then there should be no sound
there should be some minimum percentage or amount in order to trigger the sound
otherwise someone could be very annoying for everyone
1 hour later…
> JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<String>(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(value))
I think I need to take a shower...
Perfect deep copy lol
ironically, it is not a deep copy
We have this so often in our angularjs too
Oh right <string> wtf
what about that?
I didn't see the <string>, thought it's just making a deep copy^^
But why deserialize a string into a string
the <String> is mandatory, otherwise C# compiler will not be able to figure out what I want to return from that function, even though the function already told it
maybe in C#9001, they will finally fix their dumb compiler
But JsonConvert.SerializeObject returns a string...
the reason is because I want to get the value from an enum
Value like the name, or the underlying number value?
Cuz SerializeObject will either give you the name or the number, depending on converter config
JsonConvert.SerializeObject(value) will give me a JSON string token containing the value
then I JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(token) in order to get rid of the stringyness around it
getting rid of the leading and trailing quotes and possibly unescaping any escaped characters
@Squirrelkiller it wont
normally, it will give you the member value of the enum value
if not present, it will give you the name of the enum value
Just make your own enum ToString
just a sec
I have a ToHumanString or something flying around here somewhere
enum {
    [EnumMember(Value = "1")] V1,
ToString() will always give the name
keep in mind, this is hundreds of enums that have this setup
so a function that gives me the value for a specific type wont work
Although mine uses [Description]
Nah it works for all enums
That was the point why I made it, it wouldn't have been worth it writing it for just one specific type
I suppose it would, but what would the implementation be?
value.getdescription??value.tostring basically
GetDescription is probably a very annoying function to write though
public static class EnumExtensions
    public static string ToFriendlyString<T>(this T enumValue) where T : struct, IConvertible =>
            ?.Description ?? enumValue.ToString().CamelCaseToHuman();
enums are structs?
No explicit where T: enum unfortunately, this is as close as I could get
I dont have T tho
Technically it works without T too, but then you'll have to trust people to only use it with enums because you can't put the constraints
Instead of typeof(T) just use enumValue.GetType()
GetType is also cached after the first call so performance doesn't get too bad
CamelCaseToHuman basically just...inserts a space before each new word
Made it to easily generate a display name without having to put a Description on every single enum member
camel case though?
This way we only have to set Umlaute and things like dashes between names
arent your enums pascal case?
I am indeed. Neither me nor the two reviewers realized what I did🤣
my IDE would yell at me all day
Ah no it makes sense actually as it doesn't matter
Also because some people call PascalCase "upper camel case"
But mostly because there isn't a space in front of the first word anyway
public static string CamelCaseToHuman(this string text) => new Regex(@"
        (?<=[A-Z])(?=[A-Z][a-z]) |
            (?<=[^A-Z])(?=[A-Z]) |
    RegexOptions.IgnorePatternWhitespace).Replace(text, " ");
Not sure about that performance tho
Guess the regex should be a single instance if this ever gets called at scale
But here it gets called for like, 50 values in only the first init call for a few pages, so it doesn't really make a difference.
<remarks>Source: stackoverflow.com/a/4489046/4364057 </remarks>
I did not actually write that regex
maybe I should refactor my CaseConverter to regex
1 hour later…
hi i'm trying to call a local server from xamarin android emulator
but it says i can't connect
any idea on what ip address should i use to call the web api
Hi Riccardo
Have you tried
Does your application actually make the call now or does it still stop before getting to that?
Please go and play in the Sandbox
Hello friends!
@Botler where the fuck have you been
@Harry With yo moma 11
shut up kieran
Sorry am on sick leave and couldn't take care of him <3
Also I am not kieran :<
@Squirrelkiller it gets stucked when i use such ip
which one of you little ginger rats is kieran i forget
i tried another ip i had from ip config and that returns 500
if i use this fucking address from a browser i successfully make the damn call
i can't understand why @Squirrelkiller
@Harry El Capitan of course
good good
[Captain Obvious] @Harry Kieran is the captain
@Harry pfft lnch is so forgetfull
Here, take my way more attractive cat
@Squirrelkiller now i've got this error when i try to call the web api from browser
ExceptionMessage":"The system cannot find the file specified"
@Riccardo What file
"ExceptionMessage":"The system cannot find the file specified","ExceptionType":"System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception","StackTrace":" at DomainDLL.Repository.AdminRepository.GetHomeRendering()
It seems you should make sure your API actually work correctly before trying to call it from your app
i tried to remove and add the web server again non iis
they worked till few yesterday
@Squirrelkiller awww
cute cat indeed
this error is from minutes ago
@Botler oh shit yeah hahahh
don't you remember that i told you it worked the web api stopped working when i deleted the .vs folder
but i realized only now that it doesn't work
[Captain Obvious] That seems unlikely
was Hans always doing the shiba stuff?
i redeployed to iis and it doesn't work and don't know what to do
Debug, read the exception, fix it
it's not a code exception
it doesn't find the damn file
it's outside the code
Maybe make sure the file is there then
it worked till yesterday
[Captain Obvious] Maybe include the package it's expecting
don't you get it?
Also how can something be outside your code when your eyes aren't real
@Freerey no
but since the bot isnt giving me any images I posted them myself
yesterday i called the webserver today i can't
[Captain Obvious] anyway brb it's food time
how can this be possible?
hi hans
hey Harry
Well does the API rely on a certain file being there? Is it still there?
how are things
yes mate all good :)
the api call some two dlls
yeah im doing alright aswell
one for the business and one for the data access layer
3 days till my birthday
Are the DLLs there?
another year older
i deployed the web api project on local folder
where is kieran anyway
hell yeah they're there
but corona numbers are somewhat stable over here they say almost 80% are vaccinated
Does the loading happen on a line in your own code?
when i deployed the web api on local folder it compiles the whole fucking solution i have no error
Do you provide the path to the DLLs?
the deployed was successfull
yes to everything you ask
Right before you load the DLLs, put this:
i instatied those dlls in the web api to make the backend calls
if(!File.Exists(pathToDll) throw new Exception ("It's not fucking there");
the problem is here
in E:\\dev\\FattoriaLepiniSolution\\DataDLL\\DataLayer\\AdminRepository.cs:line 219
it enters the fucking exception
Why do you erase the outer exception?
using (context = new ApplicationDbContext())
                    List<RenderingDTO> resultList = new List<RenderingDTO>();
                    //get only published articles by selected category where publishToHome and isFirstCategory are true
                    var blogs = context.BlogContents.OrderByDescending(x => x.Created)
                        .Where(x => x.Publish.Equals(true) &&
                            (x.PublishToHome == true) &&
it's not a database problem and i can't tell you what the fuck is going on
all i can tell you is that it worked till yesterday
You can scrap the if(blogs.Count() > 0) - if there are no blogs, the foreach below will just do nothing.
don't understand
should i delete those lines ?
this is the whole error message
he system cannot find the file specified","ExceptionType":"System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception","StackTrace":" at DomainDLL.Repository.AdminRepository.GetHomeRendering() in E:\\dev\\FattoriaLepiniSolution\\DataDLL\\DataLayer\\AdminRepository.cs:line 219\r\n
any idea what the fuck is going on? @Squirrelkiller
Which line is 219?
throw ex.InnerException;
that's the line
Change the line to
No reason to erase the outer exception and cut the stacktrace
ok made the change i'm not redeploying to local iss
give me the time to test it out
what is it supposed to happen now?=
The stacktrace has more information
A network-related or instance-specific error occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server. The server was not found or was not accessible. Verify that the instance name is correct and that SQL Server is configured to allow remote connections.
that's the real fucking error
you're a genius
now why this error?
Does your DB exist?
Is it online?
Is your user authorized?
Do you have the correct credentials?
Do you have the correct address?
<add name="DefaultConnection" connectionString="data source=PC48071;initial catalog=FattoriaLepiniECommerce;integrated security=True;user id=riccardo;MultipleActiveResultSets=True;App=EntityFramework" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />
this is my damn connection string
If your run your api without IIS but directly, does it work?
Wait is it net core of framework?
Ah ok
So here it is: It doesn't run as the user "riccardo"
should i run sql server management studio?
should i check that sql server is on?
from services
Your app says "hi db I'm riccardo here's my login I'm already authenticated"
[Squirrel in Training] restartuing server quickly
But your app is not riccardo
its login says it is "IIS_USER"
So the DB says "wtf you're not riccardo gtfo"
In the DB, create a new user
should i try to connect to db using riccardo?
Put the credentials for the new user into your connection string
yes sir
don't use integrated security
integrated basically means "yo just use my windows logon"
what should I do then?
Which doesn't work with a webservice hosted in IIS, as IIS doesn't run on yur user
just username without password
1 min ago, by Squirrelkiller
In the DB, create a new user
1 min ago, by Squirrelkiller
Put the credentials for the new user into your connection string
i was talking about the connection string
i can't expose the user and password
i should only use the username
Well how to get the password to your application then?
Somehow your application has to authenticate
i was using integrated to avoid exposing my password
that's what i believed it was for
If you use source control, usually there's some web.debug.config that adds the secret connection string, included in .gitignore, so it doesn't get committed
Then it's only locally
well doesn't matter i'll do this tasks and let you know asap
Hello friends!
[Squirrel in Training] aaand we back
Hello mechanic slave
@Squirrelkiller maybe i found the damn error
as a matter of fact sql server developer was down i had to started it from system services
cause i had this error while trying to log in with sa account
provider: Named Pipes Provider, error: 40 - Could not open a connection to SQL Server) (.Net SqlClient Data Provider)
42 mins ago, by Squirrelkiller
Does your DB exist?
Is it online?
Is your user authorized?
Do you have the correct credentials?
Do you have the correct address?
That was #2
my bad buddy my greatest bad i didn't read your list correctly
i'm restarting iis
let me see what's up now
it works now
so thanks again for saving my day again
now i have to call the web api from xamarin
@Squirrelkiller that's the uri i'm trying to call
i changed the ip should i retry using yesterday's ip?
Depends, why ...1.12?
Maybe you got the right one^^
Mine was just from some blog post
i finally made the damn call
i wonder why some objects within the array of objects returned null though
problem never end dammit
as a matter of fact the blog table has a column which is content which stores the content which is never null but due to some reason the api returns the column null
even more weirder i try to call the web api from the web application
and i see the damn content
Maybe it's a field instead of a property, or it's not public?
which i can't see if i enter the uri on the browser without calling it from the web app
the fuck is going on now?
I think fields don't get filled by deserialization and neither do non-public properties
see this is the first field of the object within the array of objects
it's null but it shouldn't be
but i tested out the web api from the web application and that field is not null
Does the web application fill it maybe?
Check the actual call from the browser console
If it's filled there, it can only be something about the request, so either some input or some header
Reproduce it with postman, that always helps
I am logged in Discord now. How to connect this chat room with Discord such that whatever you typed in this chat room will be also available in the Discord?
I have noticed Squirrlekiller and his friends do the same here. Is it true, right?
Squirelintraining I meant.
@Squirrelkiller maybe i'm too tired today
i don't need the content field in the home page all i need in the home page is the picture of each blog post my god
the feds are here hide the drugs ! quick !
oh it's just feeds
3 hours later…

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