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7:30 AM
[Squirrel in Training] GoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOd Mornin' pleberinos!
7:55 AM
Good morning
Guten morgen
2 hours later…
9:55 AM
@Squirrelkiller And how long you have now been studying this for?
Started October 2020
3 years is it?
It was, but was officially upped to 3.5 years because of corona
How you finding it?
10:11 AM
Hello - I'm a high school student (last year) Going to study software engineering at uni, was wondering if you guys have any advice for me :)
@Squirrel.98 The programming and computer science part is quite easy so far, only maths is really copmlicated. From the modules in higher semesters, I think it'll become really interesting.
And what's the most valuable lesson have you learned so far through out your studies?
10:33 AM
Always read the whole fucking task before starting
10:43 AM
@Tanner make time to study on your own also
don't rely on school ;)
Yeah, I generally enjoy coding, I can spend most of my day just learning about it etc, so I suppose that's a good sign, do you guys have any particular 'things' in terms of coding I should focus on in personal studies?
immutability & pure functions, single level of abstraction and idempotency
10:59 AM
seems interesting, you guys find getting your 'first job' hard? I always see things about the getting the initial job being a process and then after once you have 'experience' it becomes a lot easier
Although I suppose if you are able to display the set of skills required for that particular job you may not have issues?
@Squirrelkiller :D noiceee
@Tanner I learned most from person projects - just get an idea, create it and share your code on codereview.stackexchange.com wait for somebody to review it.
Yeah currently I am working on a mobile app that I have to do for my scholarship for this year so I am learning quite a bit at least in terms of the basics as far as mobile development goes.
What does your app do?
Nothing complex really, had to be kind of relevant to the school and we have our 'stakeholders' (mine being fellow students). My app is just a note taking app that you can write anything essentially in with due dates if you wish etc
How far you through the project?
11:08 AM
uhm, we had finished our 'prototype testing' (For the whole year) we've had to write up a brief, project management brief and we are currently on a prototype report which displays our testing. At this point currently we have started the actual process of making the app and getting feedback for the functionality, UX design etc
We have had to learn all the coding ourselves, the teacher doesn't teach the code that is required as that is part of the 'learning process' for this year.
You in charge of the project?
Yeah, it's a solo project, each student has to make their own application, whether that be a website, mobile app, database etc
Cool man - seems like you're on the right track, share some pictures of the app - I'm interested to see what it looks like
bahah, you wont be that impressed in all honestly it is pretty basic, but sure
pictures of the app? what is this front-end fetish over here?
11:15 AM
I am having issues with one thing though if you do have experience in xamarin forms?
Not really, but fire away.
I have a CollectionView for the items where the notes are seen in the item page, I then have a SwipeView on those items so that when the user swipes on a note they can delete that note. The swipe works and the delete comes up, However, I cannot get the item to delete, I am unsure how to get the Id of the item and then execute a delete command
Aswell as have the observablecollection update
Let's see your xaml
I have the question up here stackoverflow.com/questions/68524513/…
Am I meant to use command or Invoked?
11:35 AM
I actually don't know the answer.
Maybe the Observable Collection isn't being listned to properly.
You could try adding a (this is just dummy code): colleciton.Changed += (_, _) => NotifyPropertyChanged("Collection"); in your viewmodel
If you understand what I am trying to say with that :D
Maybe you need to refresh the data?
yeah I assume the command isn't getting the binded item as when I have Items.Remove(item); nothing happens upon swipe, I did try using the DataStore.DeleteItemAsync which uses the Id but again nothing happens. I tried a manual reload with both methods but switching between pages as when page loads a load method is done. So not entirely sure aye
Have you tried setting a breakpoint and see if the item is actually removed from the list?
Does the App even build?
11:49 AM
Yeah, is there a way I can send you a clip of what I a meaning?
All tutorials I have tried to follow seem to use a button, and none suggest the swipeview, the swipeview page on Microsoft also don't really display how to execute a command on invoked swiped. Unless I am skipping over some information.. quite possibly the case ahah
Try ScreenToGif
12:10 PM
How do I upload on here?
There is an upload button
or in imgur and send link
the SO chat actually suckss balls
which is why most of us migrated to discrod
That's not on my screen?
Welcoem to SO chat
Just have send
Maybe it's linked to a certain amount of rep?
the so discörd
also bottler is down again
Anyway just use something like greenshot
[Squirrel in Training] @butler1233 bottler down i repeat bottler down
Doesn't look very down from here
Oh wait I think greenshot cant do gifs
12:16 PM
[Hans1984] evacuate the building
[Hans1984] sup Buttler
I know the swipe does work because I've used a Display alert which did display when the item was swiped/invoked so I think it is just the issue of me not getting the id from the swiped item and therefore no item is deleted from the collection
[Hans1984] BUTTler
[Hans1984] 🤭
GIF not loading
12:24 PM
ill send it on the disc, which chat?
[EduardsGB] Got it
I put it in the so-chat-csharp
[EduardsGB] Are you aiming to delete on swipe?
[Tanner] yeah
[EduardsGB] Or Swipe > Show Button > then click to delete
[Tanner] just on swipe where mode="Execute"
[Tanner] so user swipes then the note is deleted
[EduardsGB] Set a breakpoint on Items.Remove(item);
[Tanner] let me just set up the code for command again, had deleted it to test for invoke method
[Tanner] ok running with break point now
[EduardsGB] Is the item null?
[Tanner] uhhhh
12:46 PM
Breakpoint not getting hit?
Not getting hit yeah, but managed to solve it now.
Binded the command like so Command="{Binding Source={RelativeSource AncestorType={x:Type local:ItemsViewModel}}, Path=DeleteItemCommand}"
1:12 PM
Ya you need to walk the dependency tree sometimes to get the property you want
What's the best way to find a date in a string?
lol best
I uh
I think a LINQ list I made is resetting itself
resetting? your scope right?
had a list doing that last night, kept only have 1 item in the collection
lists dont reset
lists are lists
if you recreate them they do 'reset'
then you have a different list
that is not the same as resetting
if I build you a chair and then build another, did the first chair reset?
1:16 PM
umm you have a different game when you reset too
one with lives to play
if you reset the game, you clear out your progress
but the game remains the same
you didnt buy a new game
if you create a new list, you have a new list
treat them that way
point stil stands: list is emptying itself for what seems like no reason
can you reproduce the issue in isolation?
no because I can't figure out why it's happening
if I set it as private static IList<TransItem> transLst = new List<TransItem>();, it shouldn't reset itself, right?
static list?
1:21 PM
I'm removing the static part; I usually only keep that for things that aren't lists
that still depends on what you mean with "reset"
@Wietlol I mean the list clears itself for no apparent reason
bool startDate = false, endDate = false, validity = false, notes = false;
why no
bool startDate, endDate, validity, notes = false;
it goes back to having zero rows
in that case private static IList<TransItem> transLst = new List<TransItem>(); is not enough information
1:23 PM
okay, removing static made things worse
@Wietlol all I was asking is that the list shouldn't reset itself if static, right?
Don't do that
lists never reset themselves
neither do they clear themselves
well you can call clear
static has nothing to do with it
and yet this one is
@juanvan don't do what?
1:24 PM
@juanvan then you clear it
the lists dont
so the declaration of your field/property is not enough information
there are certain special types of lists that could (partially) clear themselves, usually used for caches and history
just removed every instance of transLst.Clear(); let's see what happens
but not System.Collections.Generic.List
@Wietlol and mine seems to be clearing out of caching, which makes me wonder fi this is just an IList thing because I rarely use interfaces like that and wanted to see how this would go
the interface has nothing to do with it either
but your calls of transLst.Clear() certainly do
weird, because its' only supposed to clear before and after the interface that deals with the list is called
now it seems to be working fine, but I'm gonna look deeper
2:21 PM
my employer just lost one of the IT guys, but an old one from before I even worked here is comin back lol
Lost? or he left?
he left
2:40 PM
How to get DateTime.TryParse to accept 19/01/2012 as a date
DateTime.TryParseExact... turns out you can tell it the format to expect
3:01 PM
I have my own convenience library with a parse
public static IResult<DateTime> ParseDateTime(String value, DateTimeStyles style = DateTimeStyles.None, IFormatProvider formatProvider = null) =>
	DateTime.TryParse(value, formatProvider ?? CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.DateTimeFormat, style, out DateTime obj)
		? Success(obj)
		: Failure<DateTime>(new FormatException($"String '{value}' was not recognized as a valid DateTime."));

public static IResult<DateTime> ParseDateTime(String value, String format, DateTimeStyles style = DateTimeStyles.None, IFormatProvider formatProvider = null) =>
you'd probably want to use
DateTime.TryParseExact(value, "dd/MM/yyyy", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.DateTimeFormat, DateTimeStyles.None, out DateTime obj)
3:14 PM
 if(DateTime.TryParseExact(item, "dd'/'MM'/'yyyy", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, DateTimeStyles.None, out DateTime dtStart))
Philippe Beaudette on July 29, 2021
Here’s a brief recap of what we accomplished in Q2, along with details on our Q3 plans.
2 hours later…
6:00 PM
[Captain Obvious] Fuck sake
[Captain Obvious] I'll try to sort him out later
6:37 PM
lol the error-handler usercontrol keeps showing up blank and I have no idea why 😄
7:26 PM
How to delete a file from c# (permanent delete) should not move to recycle bin.
7:48 PM
file.Delete(moveToRecycleBin: false)

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