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@kush thats what i'm saying, just because you can make websites with tables doesn't mean you should
but for electricity stuff
you should check some of these apps to see how they run on your users hardware
@Steve yes, thank you
just because you can do simple animations with winforms doesn't mean you should when there is something more powerful, faster, and extendable available
to get a sense of performance
Steve why do you miss the point
@DavidDV ok thanks
I didn't mean you personally sorry... I was just spitting into the wind
lol oh okay
We do all our stuff back in WinForms after trying it in WPF because it was too slow in WPF on our users hardware
Crap don't have .Net frame work 4
Download it.
lol what are your users using, computers from the early 2000s
What version of the .Net Framework does WPF need?
Depends what you develop for.
Windows XP
I'd never develop for less than .NET 4.
so thats a yes
Big Fortune 50 company
gotcha, yeah they're slow to upgrade
(head in face)
For all I now ZioN's users are still on XP too
i'm guessing (i could be completely wrong) but he isn't writing this for a fortune 500 company
Well some are and some are on win 7
shhhh zion ;)
they're all on 7
Ok so I guess winforms it is
If my users are on Win7 and I can use .net 4, I will switch to WPF probably
until then...
Do not use WinForms....
But my PC, the Develop pc is XP
@DavidDV You're the WinForms fanboy, I'm afraid.
So if WPF need win 7 then I can't do it
WPF is simply better than WinForms.
WPF doesn't need Win7.
@KendallFrey "it depends"
ok but it need .Net framework 4?
Doesn't need 4, but there's no reason to use a lesser version.
you should use the latest version of WPF, version 4 or 4.5
I don't see me upgrading all the user frame works
all versions below WPF 4, suck
because they can't render small text
which is something that you probably want :p
hey guyz !
small text
you have a link I can learn more how to develop a WFP application, because I have no idea
it has kind of a steep learning curve, a book might be better than a link
compared to winforms that is
Um, no. You'll need to find tutorials that you can work with.
If you can't use WPF version 4 or higher then don't bother
Or a book.
mmmm... don't like the learning cure
@DavidDV .NEt 4 is free.
@ZioN You will be glad you know how to use WPF in the future.
Zion said "I don't see me upgrading all the user frame works"
Which is true, just more or less how long will it take me to learn?
So if he wants to use .net 3.5 on XP, stick with winforms
A week to be able to make a simple application, a month to know what you're doing, a year to become really good at it.
that is a big learning cure
I don't have a dead line for this application, but I have already made a first version using bitmaps
If you have a deadline, best not to learn a new technology.
But once you have time, learn WPF.
You'll thank me.
I would like to learn WPF
But thanks for your input
i haven't gotten a star in a few days, i need to think of something witty to say
How do you get starts>
Can you star yourself? No.
no you can't star yourself
Is there a way I can show off my application on Stack Overflow?
don't post it as a question but if you link to it in here some people might take a peek
or if you want people to review your code codereview.stackexchange.com
Guys. Crisis right now.
@Steve I think I will do that
I have questions about my code
My brother's wedding is Saturday. I'm the Best Man. My speech is in disarray. Halp.
but don't know how to get the answers
@TomW lol nerve racking
Wing it. My friends were joking about that the other day.
now I know for a fact that I can't ad-lib public speaking, my fight-or-flight reflex just won't cope with it.
So I'll be reading off my script, which I can do
don't try to be funny, just be sincere
Well thanks guys
As Mum said to me, Tom, Don't try to be funny or charming, just be yourself
no problemo
this group chat has helped me a lot
@TomW I agree with Steve. Just be sincere. and please try to make it short
Speak from the heart and no fat jokes...
(I'm using that one)
apparently there is a difference between the commonwealth and north american styles
@TomW aye?
round here, audiences like the best man to be a comedian, the largest part is to be taken up by character assassination of the groom
everytime i try to be funny i'm just offensive, especially when i'm nervous, but when i'm relaxed and just being myself i'm naturally funny
the hardest part now is actually thanking and complimenting people
there's usually a parable about marriage at the end, then a toast
I saw a joke on a website that I think is far too rude for any civilised occasion, but funny nonetheless
what is it?
"I know of one reason why [bride] might be pleased that she has married [groom]. Although I have never seen it myself, I am led to believe that he is blessed in the manhood department. I know this as whenever I walk into a room with him everybody says, ‘Here comes [groom] with that fat knob.’"
I thought the best man is in charge of slamming...
lol won't that piss off the bride
That's actually quite funny
only if she's a zilla
is she a 'zilla?
nah, this one's a good sport
the only thing that'd bother me about her reaction is if she thinks she hasn't got one of my lines, she'll worry
not that i expect that to happen, i'm not being subtle
i am putting some humour into it, mostly at his expense
TBH, I haven't been to a wedding in probably 5 years.
now for the other stuff, compliments etc. They don't come naturally to me, unlike piss-taking
Haha I know how that is.
indeed you do
I get slammed a lot too.
@ZioN -> this was the wpf app that I was thinking about -> logiccircuit.codeplex.com
poor kendall :(
acceptable to insert a joke at the expense of the ushers/groomsmen?
So if you need anything at all, just speak to one of these fine gentlemen - and if they're busy, try Adam.
(Adam is one of the ushers and could rarely be described as a fine gentleman)
In case you're wondering "The bridesmaids look great despite their weight" will NOT go over well... just sayin
thanks for that. I don't have Aspergers
lol sounds like something id do
now doing everything i can think of to avoid writing any more. Hey, washing up those empty mugs and glasses looks really interesting right now
I love it when I fix stuff that I don't want to mess, and it goes right. It feels so right to not touch this again...
What's the 'code' for a bullet text?
In ... ?
Browsers typically use bullets for unordered lists (i.e. <ul>), but you'll also want to use your CSS to reinforce this presentation
if you need to design something fast -> twitter.github.com/bootstrap
Hey I was wondering if someone couldn't throw me a quick answer. The requirement is that I simply need to call the following URL periodically: mywebsite.com/Rss/InsertRssItem?id=1. I have asked a question about this and they say to use Quartz.net, but it looks too difficult to install (I haveto install a server or something). Is there any easier way to simply call a URL on a schedule? Ideally it would exist on my server...
What exactly do you mean by call it? Do you want to send an HTTP request?
Yes, just as if I were doing it in my browser. The script just runs and updates my db with the data from the querystring.
You could call it from C#. I'm not sure of the class name. WebRequest maybe.
You could either schedule it within the program, or run the program via task scheduler.
But wouldn't task scheduler require that this PC be turned on? I would like it to be independent of any particular machine (other than the server).
Erm, you want to schedule a task on a PC even when it's turned off?
I don't want to use task scheduler because, my understanding, is that the PC has to be on in order for it to run (obviously). So, is there anyway I can call the URL via the webserver, similar to a chronjob?
I don't see any way to send a request to a URL from a powered off computer...
No, thats why I don't want to use task scheduler on my computer. I am asking for a server program (such as Quartz.net) but it looks like the installation is too complex so I wanted to ask if there was as simpler solution.
How could it be at all possible, no matter what libaries/frameworks/applications you have, to send an HTTP request from a powered off computer?
You seem to be asking something impossible.
I think he wants to send the request to the server from the server so scheduled task would still be the answer
Dear Hive-Mind, can somebody please point me to a Q&A or tell me how to have a winforms control (with buttons, comboboxes, checkboxes, etc) that is disabled but acts like a button (e.g. responds to a click)
Control.Enabled: "Gets or sets a value indicating whether the control can respond to user interaction."
If it's truly disabled, it can't respond to a click, since that is user interaction.
Your requirement is a little unclear.
@KendallFrey This I know. What I want is a layer on top of said control which captures mouse click events without passing them to the control
Or something that has the same effect
Q: working with Razor and javascript to get a drop down list element

Ammar- why not ZoidbergI am trying to change the text of a div depending on the selected element in the drop down list this is what I have in my view. <select name="Department" id="Department" onchange="mychange(this.value);"> @foreach (string s in Model.DepartmentList) { <option value="@s.ToString()"&...

I am stuck with razor+JS. if anyone can help then I would love you forever
I like you
bt i cant
@Ammar-whynotZoidberg I don't know if this will help but asp.net/mvc video 6 on the right hand side might lend you some clues
good morning
Hey guys, would you describe ASP.NET Razor as a "template engine"? I'm not sure why it's not on this page: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Template_engine_%28web%29
should it be, or is there a fundamental difference between Razor and a template engine?
been a while since I came here
been a busy month (or two)
finally got a project off of the ground!
@dav_i You could derive a new control from System.Windows.Forms.Button and override its OnMouseX and other UI methods
this event writing is so stupid :(
@walkingTarget I'm not exactly sure what you mean.
        public static void WriteToLog(string message)
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(message))
                throw new Exception("Exception message was empty when attempting to log and exception");
                if (!EventLog.Exists(TIMERJOB_NAME))
                    EventLog eventLog = new EventLog(TIMERJOB_NAME);

                if (!EventLog.SourceExists(TIMERJOB_NAME))
My problem in more detail:
anyone knows why this looks complicated to me :L
I have an event handler for a button and I am adding a combobox. How can I fire the button automatically upon selectedIndex changed for the combobox? (This is winforms)
I feel like I am asking the wrong question here...
@kush comboBox.SelectedValueChanged += new EventHandler(button_Click);
wow thanks
I heard three beeps but I only saw dav's reply
Oh I edited it, that may be why.
Beware that the sender and EventArgs will be from the ComboBox and not the Button
But this may not be a problem for you.
what parameters do I pass in?
This time is easy because `SelectedValueChanged` and `Click` both use `EventHandler` but if a different handler is used, you can do the following:
`someControl.SomeEvent += new SomeEventHandler((sender, e) => button_Click(null, EventArgs.Empty));`
@kush What do you mean?
Also do my above if you don't want to pass the sender and EventArgs from the ComboBox to the Button
I'd have to do a RaiseEvent for that?
how can I override the editor-label text? Can I do that in the div?
Ah sorry I'm a C# man, I'm not familiar with this `Handles`thing.
In C# you use `Control.Event += EventHandler(...)`
@kush ...Actually wait... you're in the wrong chatroom for VB surely!?
@Grixxly Place a [DisplayName("text")] attribute on the property in the view model
or replace the call to @Html.LabelFor with the text you want displayed
I don't think there is a VB room
@dav_i I'd think it would be a simple change as all I wanted to do was to make it seem like I clicked a button when there is a selected index changed but...
@KyleTrauberman Thanks. Do I need to tell css that this particular textbox (string) is multi-line?
that's controlled by the fact that multi line textboxes use the <textarea> tag vs the <input> tag in HTML
@dav_i what are the disadvantages of taking whatever the searchbutton is doing and putting it in the selected index changed event?
What if you're using @Html.EditoryFor?
It is duplicating the same code in two places which is probably not ideal
@dav_i msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms171725.aspx - what I'm talking about is the extended variety
so I took the two duplicates and created a new sub for it
@Grixxly Html.EditorFor will render an input box by default
to get it to render a multiline textbox, apply the [DataType(DataType.MultilineText)] attribute to the view model property
Q: ASP.NET MVC3 - textarea with @Html.EditorFor

jj09I have ASP.NET MVC3 app and I have also form for add news. When VS2010 created default view I have only text inputs for string data, but I want to have textarea for news text. How I can do it with Razor syntax. Text input look like this: @Html.EditorFor(model => model.Text)

or you can switch to Html.TextAreaFor
I am creating programmable keyboard user control in C#.NET. When user click on keyboard button; content of Texbox (With Windows Form) is copied into Keyboard text area and highlighted. Now, I want to auto delete all text (which is highlighted) when user click on any key on keyboard. Which event I should used
I'm trying to create a method that will do the following: if an item exists, update it with the new values, otherwise, create it. I'm just not sure what to name this method...is there a generally accepted name for this kind of method?
Not that I can think of.
You know what really grinds my gears...
telling people to use tables to format forms...
A: Need to understand how to format controls in aspx page

Scott SelbyIf you really don't want to use css you could try something like this set the width of the label to something <asp:Label ID="CreditCardNumberLabel" runat="server" AssociatedControlID="CreditCardNumber" Text="Credit Card Number" Width="200"/> set the width of the text box to the ...

@Lindsay - I would call it something like AssureExistence
@ScottSelby - I still use tables for formatting.
Until they can come up with a decent grid that's what I'm going to use.
@SpencerRuport - i know - we went over this yesterday or the day before
I forgot haha.
@SpencerRuport Depressing :(
@robjb - What is?
Still using tables for formatting
Why? They work well.
I wouldn't say well
I have a DataColumn that has a Row that will always be boolean.
They work better than any other html construct.
say you want to change a label from CC# to Credit Card Number , its going to change the whole width of the column and mess everything up
What is the best thing to do? parse or cast ?
@ScottSelby - That's... how grids are supposed to work?
TryParse is much slower than normal parse and cast...
ARRGGGHHHH , that's how grids are supposed to work! but it isn't a grid , its a form for entering CC information
And it will ALWAYS be a boolean field. Because of the database.
its a field that can't be null in db?
If it's always a boolean why do you need to parse/cast it in the first place?
Doesn't the DataColumn store the type of the field?
@Spencer: AssureExistence seems like a strange name to me
Yes @ScottSelby Non nullable field.
@ScottSelby - Then just increase the colspan
that what are you parsing it to
@KendallFrey It actually stores the type. But I can't send the value to a var without telling what it actually is.
@Lindsay - It was just an idea. :)
@AndréSilva Can we see some code?
@Lindsay What about 'Set'?
bool blnAtivo = bool.Parse(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["Situacao"].ToString());
If I remove the parse, it will return an error...
@Spencer I appreciate it.
@Kendall I like that, that makes sense to me.
@AndréSilva - Why don't you change the database field to an int and just do something like
@AndréSilva - your turning bool to string back to bool
@Spencer Tables are for tabular data, not layout... using them for layout is semantically wrong. Perhaps they do work better than any HTML construct, but that's why we have CSS.
bool blAtivo = ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["Situacao"] == 1;
bool blnAtivo = ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["Situacao"]
@AndréSilva Isn't it returning a bool boxed to an object? Unbok it with a cast.
@SpencerRuport Eww.
c# will know what to do
@robjb - And using divs to try to make a grid is a hack job.
@KendallFrey That is what I am asking, is it better with a cast or parse... Because with parse I have to put the object as string..
bool blnAtivo = (bool)ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["Situacao"];
Vs returns me an error. But ok, I will cast it.
@AndréSilva cast.
@KendallFrey - What's wrong with that? It's fast.
if column "Situacao" is returning a bool you don't need to cast
@SpencerRuport If you mean a grid layout, I disagree. If you mean a grid of data, well then yes, that's exactly what tables are for.
@SpencerRuport You're right. Let's store everything as a string, because it's a simple data type. </sarcasm>
@ScottSelby I cannot implicit an object as bool...
@KendallFrey - It's an int.
@AndréSilva That's what the cast does.
It explicitly converts the object to bool.
@KendallFrey I know, I'm just answering the answer scott gave me
@robjb - Show me any grid layout using divs and I'll show you how I can break it.
@SpencerRuport Same poo, different pile.
then do what kendall said
@KendallFrey - I still don't get what the issue is. Using 0 and 1 to represent boolean values is done all the time.
boo, primitive types
This may be a silly question, but is there a way to extend the Convert class? The one that converts base data types. So I could do something like this.


I know I could always create my own static class, but I'm just curious.
Sure, but if you're gonna represent a boolean, why not use a boolean?
@Lindsay implement IConvertible.
Because I don't like casting. :P
That has nothing to do with it, really.
Thanks. :)
@SpencerRuport You're being kinda dramatic, don't you think? How about you just describe this mysterious flaw that will break any CSS grid layout?
@robjb - I'm saying there is always some kind of content that if you place it in a "cell" of a div grid will wreck the layout.
That isn't the case with tables.
@Lindsay Or not. IConvertible only defines conversions to other types.
Just use custom conversion operators, or constructor parameters.
@robjb - I don't understand why if it's just semantics everyone is so concerned about they didn't just come up with a new tag <grid> that behaves the exact same way as <table>. Then we wouldn't even be having this discussion.
Instead they tell us to use <div> and it's a big mess.
@Kendell - Thanks, I looked into both IConvertible and the Conversion Operator. I think I'll stick with a static class, but I'll definitely keep those in mind for future coding. :) Really good to know about.
For my current project, we're using Twitter Bootstrap as a front end framework. It's easy to install and has layout/grid CSS to make life easier. The only problem we ran into is it messed up our other 3rd party controls because it adds CSS to some of the base html tags such as <table>.
What's the purpose of the project out of curiosity?
We've made our own platform and build custom apps on top of it.
@SpencerRuport Alright, that's more clear :) I'm of the opinion that if you have your CSS rules correct (with respect to floating, hidding overflow, etc.) ... then you shouldn't be able to wreck the layout any worse than you could with tables. That said, a <grid> tag would have been an excellent addition to HTML5.
@robjb - Haha alright. I call that close enough to agreeing ;)
65 points in one day - damn im good
its only noon
A coworker just IM'ed me about my recent code change

"Way to take charge and move the codebase into the 20th century!"

Don't know if this is a compliment or ...
What kind of change was it?
doesn't sound much like a compliment to me
@robjb It was a simple change so users have to select a combo box instead of having to push a Load button afterwards.
so one action as opposed to two
He explained and said the previous version was so 1992
I hate when I can't figure out if something is a compliment or not
Was walking around the other day without my shirt on and some girl said "nice tits"
I'll assume the best, I guess
so he flubbed his words and did actually mean it as a compliment?
What? Some girl said nice tits to you?
Yea lol
If I did that, HR would probably contact Dan in five minutes
I wasn't at work, ha
I decided it was a compliment
rob now we need pics
hmm. I really should buy some food
I've been scavenging around the house for the remaining edible detritus for like a week
@TomW how old are you?
yeah, you should go get groceries
single-minded focus on one job atm
I never really know what to get. It helps when I eat before I go to do grocery shopping.
and i'm away for the weekend for the same reason, so not really any time free to eat it
@TomW on one job? 80085?
still, it gives me creativity. Yesterday i made potato bread
@TomW what is potato bread? I have potatoes at home
well, the recipe I found was basically just potatoes (mashed) butter and flour, then cooked like a pancake
it was...ok
not that much different to mashed potato, except with some crispy outside bits. Not made it before and it matched what i had around
Um, since when is everything HTML5?
since IE 1.0
IE8 responds well to the <!DOCTYPE html> tag and I would suggest using it for everything because of its cross browser support.
that is what I do
caniuse is pretty awesome for detecting support
Should foreign keys be nullable so that individual nodes of an object graph can be removed without corrupting the graph?
I don't do that.
I go back and forth on this issue.
just delete the node entirely to remove it
And the rest of the graph too?
What about it?
It would be wasteful to cascade delete. There is a lot of useful data still there. What I do in that case is a soft-delete. However, I am considering changing the fk to nullable so that if the user really wants to delete, they can and it won't throw huge exceptions everywhere and I won't have to remove the entire graph.
So, you're thinking to make cascade deletes easier?
No, cascade deletes are not allowed.
nullable fks are okay. Its basically a 0..1 relationship, right?
Anyone with WCF experience, having a frustrating issue if you could look at this question: stackoverflow.com/questions/12305639/…
@TravisJ Why not?
Yeah, for those. If it is a many to 1 then deleting one of the many is easy
@KendallFrey - Why not? Don't delete useful data. It is expensive.
with a mapping table, its easy
Any XSLT guru's around?
Q: Replace all instances of a string in XML with ****

Ryan TernierI have a XSL that needs to filter out specific data found in the XML. Somewhere in my XML there will be a node like: <id root="2.16.840.1.113883." extension="9494949494949" /> The following XSL deletes the extension node and adds a nullFlavor="MSK" to the node. But I'm not su...

How do you link a question like that?
@Kyle - What I am talking about though, is removing the 1 from the 1-many relation.
Gets more complicated in a 1-many-many-1-many situation
so it becomes a 0..many relationship?
I guess so lol

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