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01:00 - 12:0012:00 - 23:00

12:00 PM
anyway, I actually have a lot of time to do this since this is just a project that will go in my future portfolio
Removing the IActionResult/ActionResult<T> on webapi actually does nothing.
regardless of that case, mobile project still has problem
maybe you're right
I should just roll another rest client
12:19 PM
@mr5 what is the point of a common interface if it doesnt contain the input/output models?
I am planning to make a specialization of it
that's just the simplification
interface ChatClientService
	fun sendMessage(request: SendMessageRequest): SendMessageResponse

	fun editMessage(request: EditMessageRequest): EditMessageResponse
this is an interface
class ChatClientClient(
	override val lambdaClient: AWSLambda,
	override val serializer: Schema = BitSchemaBuilder.buildSchema(
		listOf(BitBlockBase, WietbotServicesChatClient),
	override val functionPrefix: String = "wietbot-services-chat-client-dev-"
) : ChatClientService, BaseClientService
	override fun sendMessage(request: SendMessageRequest): SendMessageResponse =
and a client library implementation
@Wietlol I have updated the code. Yeah, I am missing that vital part.
also, get by id vs get all vs get paged vs get paged by a different strategy vs get paged by other strategies
@Wietlol nitpicking: aren't you concern on the string literals?
12:24 PM
the function names?
the function prefix?
the serializer source schema?
every string literals
function names are subject to refactor as per IDE specification
the function prefix somewhat should be relative, because it contains the environment "dev", but I only deploy to one environment atm, so "dev" is "production"
the serializer loads it from a shipped resource file inside the jar
why aren't you using retrofit though?
12:26 PM
so no, I am not afraid of those literals
or awslambda is a rest client wrapper?
worst case, the client usage can overrule the arguments
AWSLambda is my protocol client
I send the request (serialized as json) to AWS Lambda to the function (as specified by the prefix and the function name)
I get a response back and I deserialize that
my protocol client is literally the bare bone of what you want it to be
input(functionName, bodyText) -> output(text)
why is the ctor have an arg with override signature
what does that mean?
12:29 PM
in Squirrel's case, it is via http
override val means it overrides the val from a supertype
in this case, they come from the BaseClientService
@Wietlol like OData
iDunno what OData is
in any case, BaseClientService is like
If I use OData, it will basically generate rest client for me and is responsible for syncing the changes.
but I hate it so I don't use that shit
interface BaseClientService {
    val lambdaClient: AWSLambda
    val serializer: Schema
    val functionPrefix: String

	fun <Response : Any> invoke(function: String, request: Any): Response
		val lambdaRequest = ByteWrapper(

		val response = lambdaClient.invoke(InvokeRequest()
			.withFunctionName(functionPrefix + function)

		if (response.functionError != null)
it says "my implementation must have these 3 properties, and I will give it this function"
is that the http client?
is aws lambda concern of the http headers?
everywhere is full of germans
12:53 PM
that is without http
your transport protocol would be http, mine is aws lambda
you would use something like
http.Post(host + function, body: request)
but what transport protocol aws lambda internally use?
I suppose it's http too
it is basically, aws-lambda over http over tcp/ip
aws-lambda just handles certain authentication
which by default, means that only I can call my own services
how does aws lambda handle identification of requests?
does it rely on http headers too?
or is it more like a modified http protocol
1:17 PM
it is a mess
I looked at it once
then gave up
the AWSLambda client library handles everything for you
dotnetfiddle.net/6dmcaX# I'm in the middle of making a fiddle for an asp.net project...I don't think I'm doing it right so far
asp.net objects such as <asp:Datagrid> don't seem to work at all
Is that...webforms?
does this stupid website even support that?
1:52 PM
Webforms is not something I'd use a fiddle for tbf, way too...fiddly
yeah that's what I was saying earlier, but idfk what else to do
but the people offering help on my last stack question are telling me to make a fiddle
how about create a repo instead with minimal source code that can replicate the issue you're having?
how would I do that?
I might be able to check that also. although I have no idea what about WebForms in general
do you have a github?
oh, sure ya
1:57 PM
and a git client?
yea I can do that...but that's also dumb because I already provided the code on the stack page
uhh not on my work pc
or create an account for the company in general
Careful, company accounts always need to be communicated with the IT boss first
Oh wait you mean a personal account with your business address
You can also do: after the page is completely rendered, copy/save the html content and manipulate that instead.
that's kinda how I'm doing it now
2:23 PM
I've just created an Overlay
And aiming to set the opacity to 0.7 for the background
you do more in few hours than my 3 month project :D
Within my XAML - How can I set the opacity background to 0.7 but keep the content visible to full? Here is what i did currently in my XAML
<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type vm:OverlayViewModel}">
        <local:NullToVisibilityConverter x:Key="NullToVisibilityConverter" />
    <Grid Visibility="{Binding Content, Converter={StaticResource NullToVisibilityConverter}}" Background="LightGray" Opacity="0.8">
        <ContentPresenter Content="{Binding Content}" />
        <Button Content="X" FontSize="14" Margin="10" Width="40" Height="40" Command="{Binding Close}" HorizontalAlignment="Right" VerticalAlignment="Top" />
        <ContentPresenter Content="{Binding OverlayViewModel}" Grid.RowSpan="2" ></ContentPresenter>
And my Content Presenter ^
Here is what else I have tried
    <DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type vm:OverlayViewModel}">
            <local:NullToVisibilityConverter x:Key="NullToVisibilityConverter" />
        <Border Visibility="{Binding Content, Converter={StaticResource NullToVisibilityConverter}}" Opacity="0.5" Background="Blue">
            <Grid Background="Red" Margin="50">
                <ContentPresenter Content="{Binding Content}" />
                <Button Content="X" FontSize="14" Margin="10" Width="40" Height="40" Command="{Binding Close}" HorizontalAlignment="Right" Ver
But get this output
The area in Red needs to be fully visible and the blue should be blurred out and not to be touched.
Does anyone know how to achieve such view?
Got it never mind :D this is what I did
    <DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type vm:OverlayViewModel}">
            <local:NullToVisibilityConverter x:Key="NullToVisibilityConverter" />
        <Border Visibility="{Binding Content, Converter={StaticResource NullToVisibilityConverter}}" >
                <SolidColorBrush Color="LightBlue" Opacity="0.9" />
            <Grid Background="Red" Margin="50">
                <ContentPresenter Content="{Binding Content}" />
3:00 PM
this is a good story telling: youtu.be/or92IMcLoIc
Hello friends!
3:22 PM
@mr5 good story teller... not a very good diver
3:36 PM
that's what you get for not following unwritten rules
dust: exists
diver: pAnIk!
diver: "I need to calm down"
also diver: pAnIk!
2 hours later…
5:56 PM
wowwww dotnet fiddle can kiss my ass, not saving my work like that and hiding the save button :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
6:14 PM
@Hans1984 dotnetfiddle.net/PRqS6A okay here's what I have so far, but I'm wondering how I'm supposed to dynamically load data into divCarousel (as I do in my question from 2 weeks ago) when neither the model nor controller recognized divCarousel as an object that's running on the server
01:00 - 12:0012:00 - 23:00

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