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With ASYNC for networking... You can await read-calls and handle a single buffer for read calls. But with it being async, would I need to assign each client a secondary buffer for writing to the network stream? Or should I do an object pool of buffers to pull from?
2 hours later…
@FatalSleep most async is done over the network, usually what the bottleneck is.
@mr5 Parallel space time, we in another world?
Australia in tropical rain forest
1 hour later…
[MR.TaNk] The joke is Australia put in the place of Austria
1 hour later…
@Freerey Uncondition yourself
Also good morning
[Squirrel in Training] GoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOd Mornin' pleberinos!
hello guys
I wish I would have thought of that sentence before it came true, would have been a perfect trap. But no this guy actually goes and gets elected.
[Squirrel in Training] lol links aren't embeedded in discrod
@CaptainObvious Fix that
[Alex (Yaazarai / FatalSleep)] @juanvan yeah but memory/object management is always a good thing to consider. Plus if you have multiple async tasks running they can overwrite each other in memory.
@Squirrelkiller also cool read
Next new hit: "The Rise of Adolf Hitler"
Turns out it's not Nazi Germany for once
Hitler rises using social media this time around
[Hozuki Ferrari] Wasn't a movie made with that premise?
[Hozuki Ferrari] Er ist back?
[Hozuki Ferrari] Or Er ist wieder da is something
I remember dinosaurs
Haha nice.
[Hozuki Ferrari] It's not a good movie tho.
Have you seen it? Any specific phrase or event there as a drink trigger?
[Hozuki Ferrari] Drink each time someone laughs because of a hitler.
Sounds good
is there a common way of doing metrics per function?
to see the average/min/max duration of each function and how many times it has been called and stuff
it doesnt have to be on every function, just the cherry picked ones
Test runners can do that for you
e.g. ncrunch will show you execution time of each LoC where it has coverage by hovering over its indicator.
[Squirrel in Training] bad book imo
[Hozuki Ferrari] Haven't read the book, so I wouldn't know.
[Squirrel in Training] it was hyped back in the day for being so LoL here in germany
[Squirrel in Training] But I didn'tenjoy it.
posted on December 04, 2020 by jonskeet

During lockdown, I’ve been doing quite a lot of tech work for my local church… mostly acting in a sort of “producer” role for our Zoom services, but also working out how we can enable “hybrid” services when some of us are back in our church buildings, with others still at home. (This is partly … Continue reading VISCA camera control in C# →

@Squirrelkiller I want it at runtime tho
constant monitoring, not only when testing
to get more insight of performance
I want to add the monitoring for about ~200 functions in a particular website project
currently, the idea is to make a wrapper function that does the metrics, sends it to a central metric service while doing the actual function
spin up those stop watches
I could write that function myself, but am wondering what other people use
there should be a library to make this really easy
maybe for api calls, but for function calls inside a dll?
what I currently have in mind is making a function public R CaptureMetrics<R>(Func<R> body) which will wrap the body with a stopwatch
converting the functions like this
public R Foo(P1 p1, P2 p2)
	return GetR(p1, p2);
public R Foo(P1 p1, P2 p2) => CaptureMetrics(() =>
	return GetR(p1, p2);
and an async duplicate ofcourse
having a concurrent collection to add the metrics to and processing it and sending it to a metrics service on a background thread
consider caching the stopwatches for each function
and each function call will use the preexisting stopwatch with .Pause and .Continue or whatever
I could indeed make a collection for the stopwatches as object pool
not sure if the GC already does that tho
not sure how you intend to use pause or continue tho
keeping in mind it is a multithreaded application
new ing StopWatch on each function call is bad
shouldnt I use reset or something then?
the main feature that you would use of StopWatch, that you doesn't start from beginning. This way you could throttle reporting. The central metric service would get sums of function durations
[hollystyles] LOL I just got contacted on Linked in from some rando that found a SQL Team article I wrote in 2007!
lol just weighed myself
im telling myself its muscle but idk lmao
@Wietlol Make a pool, inject transient stopwatches, let the provider reset before each reuse
Similar to EF .AddDbContextPool
Basically add a transient provider pulling them from a singleton pool(/factory)
CaptureMetrics would lazily construct 1 StopWatch for a function. Call .Start on it, and every function end would call .Stop not .Reset, so your .Elapsed is the sum of all funciton calls
(I am not allowed to say fuck anymore)
and you can pick a time when the metrics are processed
@Squirrelintraining ill say it for you
for fucks sakes lunch, thanks!
@Squirrelkiller how would that work?
22 mins ago, by Squirrelkiller
Basically add a transient provider pulling them from a singleton pool(/factory)
Like that
.AddTransient(sp => { var pool = sp.GetRequiredService<StopwatchPool>(); return pool.GetStopwatch(); });
Just figure out how to tell the pool when a stopwatch is free again. Maybe make a wrapper around it or something. I remember something abut the DI calling Dispose() on a transient service after the application is done with it.
btw I would check out how did Netflix monitored it's microservices youtube.com/watch?v=CZ3wIuvmHeM
the Visualization of the transport is very nice
Polly indeed
Wow, few minutes into the video and I'm lost with the jargons already.
I wish I have just specialized in back end.
a link... to youtube... on friday...
(cant find the full version tho)
[Captain Obvious] All hail discord
[Captain Obvious] It kills the secret Friday links
that means we just have to fix discord :D
[mr5] There's EmbedBuilder in Discord that can be use to make markups.
love it when something I posted a year ago gets positive rep suddenly lmao
someone drew my bot :D
she's partly inspired by Eden from Rez, as well as Shodan
@Freerey a mmermaid
[Squirrel in Training] feierbaend byee
[Hans1984] bye
So I'm not sure I ever showed you my inner class I wrote to let a SignalR hub access per-client data, which is stored in the context, as if it were a member variable, but I have now improved it:
/// <summary>
/// A property to be used by the hub, redirecting the data from and to the Context.
/// This will allow for properties to be used as user-scoped.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="T">The type of data.</typeparam>
private class Property<T>
	private readonly Hub hub;
	private readonly string key;
	public Property(Hub hub, string name)
		this.hub = hub;
		key = name;

	private T Value => (T)hub.Context.Items[key]!;
	internal void Set(T value) => hub.Context.Items[key] = value!;
Just gotta initialise it in the ctor
1 hour later…
i love the shorthand ctor
sounds so cool
what is t\hat?
same link "An expression body definition for a constructor typically..."
Ryan Donovan on December 04, 2020
Welcome to ISSUE #50 of the Overflow! This newsletter is by developers, for developers, written and curated by the Stack Overflow team and Cassidy Williams at Netlify. We lined up a whole bunch of goodies for our big five-oh: how to write a great resume from a hiring manager who reads hundreds each year, the etiquette of pull…
bye guys
happy weekend!
Anyone know how can I add a query string parameter to a url? im working with angularjs. the issue is that i have a dropdown that the use selects a job to monitor,, but once the page refreshes it gets unselected.
What if C# is replaced by C++?
Dont mine or give me knowledge
I personally think C# is propritery microsoft puppet who wants to forward their growth in any enviroment.

Is i am true?
Please edit me
ive seen some stuff in this room
oh crap I forgot Flash support is over by the end of the month
[Captain Obvious] Omg why are you still working with flash
when did I say I was?
[Captain Obvious] That last message sounded like you were
I miss the old days where I'd play flash stuff on Lego's website
like Worldbuilder
except that might have been Shockwave
I will miss the old flash games
goodbye nostalgia
[Captain Obvious] I thought shockwave = flash?
I was still eating muds when those things are popular.
okay so I could swear at one point you could add custom lock animations in android
one of them was where you made your phone look like a CRT turning off when someone presses the lock button
If you're making a Desktop Manager app, you can do that.
@ntohl I just finished watching this video. Damn that dude kills the presentation. He sound more like a marketing guy but very technical.
4 hours later…
is there a convert for converting a typescript library to a c# library?

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