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00:00 - 15:0015:00 - 00:00

5 hours later…
Buenos dias
1 hour later…
It's time
GoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOd Mornin' neglecterinos!
@Squirrelkiller insert drama music here
Hello ladies.
Hi roel ♥
honey bun how are youu xoxoxoxo
good morning
@Squirrelintraining Oh, hey girl! xxx I'm doing sooooo good, but I haven't seen you in, you know, like, forevaah!!! How are you hun?? xoxoxo
not enough hearts on the i
@Hozuki screech yes It must have been, liek i don't know, 18 hours since we last chatted? Oh my gosh, time jsut flies by doesn't it?
I'm like super fine and stuff, only tom like oh my gosh TOM?! he spoke to me
Can you believe that hunny bum?
I so know right! I missed ya hon! O. M. G. Whaaaat girl?!!! That cutie hun talked to you?! O. M. G. Like, what?!
I know riiiight
... Well I've had enough of that for a month.
thank you
@Hozuki 😂 I feel you
I can't do a teenie girl that good anyways
Whenever I see those types in movies, I want to slap them.
I can't help it.
On the birght side - I had my first raid on my twitch channel yesterday.
I was completly overwhelmed ':D
Suddelny I didn't have 0 but 3 people watching my stream which where actually active in chat while I got my ass whopped :D
You were streaming Aoe2, weren't ya?
You like streaming?
A fellow "little streamer" decided to raid my channel to support the other little streamers. A nice guy he is definitely.
Yeah it's good fun, you don't feel as allone when blasting out your thoughts or gameplay.
Even if that is only an illusion :D
I tried it a few times, and it was alright. I wasn't excited or discouraged by it, but I'm glad you're enjoying it :D
I watch some aoe 2 vids on youtube irregularly
I did so to, that is what got me back into that game :D
@CaptainSquirrel You have a PR. Why does SparrowBot even have both master and develop branches? Why not just master and features?
Why even branch?
To enable reviews via PRs
Also enable CI/CD to check if it even builds before merging to master
I'm not sure SparrowBot has CI/CD
No, no CI/CD there. @CaptainObvious make some CI/CD for poor SparrowBot? You know about Azure pipelines.
I mean just copy the azure-pipines.yml from botler and you're probably good to go
yeah man, just do that!
p3k ded?
@CaptainObvious Does it run on features too? I don't understand the azure kind of yaml, but it seems to run on master only?
Wait it would also try to copy the build artifact to your azure storage. That wouldn't work.
Help I need an adult
Is that contradicting itself?
@Squirrelkiller because i wanted to keep the current live code on the master branch
this ofc was when i was actively working on it...
morning all
@ntohl So it's your fault i started getting them as suggested videos lol
@DAustin that and cuz viper's good
@Squirrelintraining the random suggested video i got the other day was so funny
and Hera and the aoe stat guy
These 2 chatting about their time in the miliary makes for some funny stuff
viper > hera
sorry 2 say
@DAustin i'll lsiten to that this afternoon :)
@Squirrelintraining Enjoy, it's just audio really so doesn't need your full attention, colleagues did wonder why there was a lot of laughter out of the side office last week xD
@Squirrelkiller It can do, I think you just need to set the triggers
Uh yeah copy it to different storage. Or copy it to mine idc
As long as it doesn't overwrite mine, stick it in a different "container" and then it should be good
@Squirrelkiller No. I actually have an application here that is using Asp.Net core 2, but the actual application runs on .net 4.7.2
@DAustin this i cant do in the morn'
omg I've got too many azure tenants
My azure bill for that tenant which has the bot build artifacts is interesting...
When its says pet project. what it the meaning on it?
or if someone ask u
@BeginnerCoder Context?
personal project you do for fun
This is my pet project: teambuilder.z6.web.core.windows.net
ok thanks
It's broken currently
SignalR decided to not connect anymore
But it's been like this for half a years at least lol
signalr is ezpz
Oh you're using wasm blazor hahaha good luck
But yeah azure pipelines are amazing <3
Especially because theyre' freeee
azure pipelines are so complicated ffs
I'll take gitlab style over that any day
T900 is the stat guy
what no they're easy
@Squirrelkiller I needed 2 hubs. 1 for Blazor server - rest of the world, and 1 for Blazor server - blazor client
Oh the server is a normal asp.net core webapi
So I just have the one hub to connect to the client
Fucking blazor (wasm variety)
Why is it so dum
Strange enough, I had it running before
Unfortunately I have no idea how I broke it
i don't like t90 to much
to much hype casting to little facts
@CaptainSquirrel Now you have two PRs
@Squirrelkiller when I switch on logging, I see, that the controllers hit by, there are some SignalR registration/calls etc.. I couldn't use that hub, because when I used HubConnection coming from SignalR client nuget, it didn't join it
In your own project? Or on my teambuilder api?
so the razor page had an include on the SignalR client nuget, and some other API too
Because I got Blazor to join the hub using a HubConnection
in my own proj
Where can you actually watch the .net conference today?
nvm found it
I have the normal Microsoft.AspNetCore.SignalR.Client in the Blazor client
@DAustin You can't just say thatwithhout posting your solution
@CaptainObvious Sorry :) looks like it'll pop up here when its on: channel9.msdn.com/Events/dotnetConf/2020
doesn't kick off til 3pm gmt i think though
or 4pm actually
either way not for a while
@Squirrelkiller yes. That's one of my hubs. The other one is built in coming from blazorserver template
@Squirrelkiller teeaeaaaaam builder apio
it still liffs?
Although I have no idea on which build both api and client are lol
It's quite possible I deployed a dev version of the api at some point as to more easily work on the Blazor client
/api/teams works, but it may or may not return hard coded values
On the newer version I actually use the signalr hub for getting data, so the http endpoint is deprecated. Although I think I'll implement it as a fallback, after seeing how easily I can break the SignalR connection forever.
@Squirrelkiller I'll try and remember to look later
@Squirrelintraining you don't talk in your stream
@mr5 i do
a) I didn't c your contribution
b) i got raided like 1hr after u left
@Squirrelintraining What you streaming?
lul. I saw you're losing yesterday
AoE II DE, DotA and sometimes GTA
Mainly aoe
Actrually I was winning, my teammate dropped which made me loose
cool, will drop by sometime if you send me a linky link
not today though, im at work lol
@Squirrelintraining I was that 'markiel5' guy
did u see mi chat?
I did
a bit lat but i did, ineed chat sound :D
https://www.twitch.tv/noobiontheloose feel free anytime
I usually try to start the stream about 9pm german time
Got waifu and kdis taht needs to be taken care of before
twitch together
the family that stream together, stays 4ever 😁
how old is your smol self?
The family shouldn't need twitch to stay together
5, 2 and -5months
3 smol self?
that means that squirrel better collects a lot of nuts
cuz you know keedz are expensive
@Squirrelintraining got it, will try to remember to swing by
@Squirrelintraining plz stream dota2
@mr5 soon yes
@Hans1984 not rly nop
danke kong
@mr5 only for dono of 1 phil usd
sure =P
@Squirrelintraining well maybe squirrel kedz are easier to satisfy
@Hans1984 keds r super ez to satify
grownapes are ze one making problemz
wanting moa 4 ze kids zan ze kids want usually
grownapes suckz
or rather the kid is happy with little 2
germany need more smol people
more swole ppl
like me
no,. you are right we need more keds
but imigrants are doing this for us
can I haz te immigrants also?
you know they reproduce like rabbits
I want to reproduce there someday
@Hans1984 hey
That's racists!
"mr5 was here"
p3k mimi thats racits
im just stating facts
also you are stating fuc*s. Hence the reproduction rate...
Funfact, I have to hold bacc on my dark humor in chat way to often
im stating fucking stats !
No pun intended, right 😏
of course not
@Squirrelintraining lol
@Squirrelintraining what are they saying?
I know a song and it annoys everyone
@mr5 I know a song and it's getting on everybodies nerves, everybodies nerves, everybodies nerver [repeat]
But if you translate it like me, it actually kinda rhymes!
kenn' = ken
ein = eyn
lied = leed
auf = oof
die = dee
nerven = neven
jeez. why making it complicated.
Did you get colonised by the dutch at some point or what?
I think no
it can still happen
be careful
you never know with the dutch
just look at Wietlol
Sounds very germanic
I know Afrikaans comes from dutch colonisation
Whatever is spoken in Pennslvania comes from coincidentally many german people moving there
first Pennsylvania then the whole US
@Squirrelkiller ture
@mr5 you sound a bit like paltdeutsch
@mr5 what about the dutch west indies?
wrong place
The Dutch East Indies[3] (or Netherlands East-Indies; Dutch: Nederlands(ch)-Indië; Indonesian: Hindia Belanda) was a Dutch colony consisting of what is now Indonesia. It was formed from the nationalised colonies of the Dutch East India Company, which came under the administration of the Dutch government in 1800.
dunno much about history
The Dutch East Indies (or Netherlands East-Indies; Dutch: Nederlands(ch)-Indië; Indonesian: Hindia Belanda) was a Dutch colony consisting of what is now Indonesia. It was formed from the nationalised colonies of the Dutch East India Company, which came under the administration of the Dutch government in 1800. During the 19th century, the Dutch possessions and hegemony were expanded, reaching their greatest territorial extent in the early 20th century. The Dutch East Indies was one of the most valuable colonies under European rule, and contributed to Dutch global prominence in spice and cash crop...
Indonesia it was
New Spain
The Philippines was ruled under the Mexico-based Viceroyalty of New Spain. After this, the colony was directly governed by Spain. Spanish rule ended in 1898 with Spain's defeat in the Spanish–American War. The Philippines then became a territory of the United States
So you where spanish at one point mr5
@Squirrelkiller will liek that
yeah a lot of mix culture in here to the point that we don't know our identity anymore.
it sucks tbh
Welp better than americanos
Philippines is an English name but it was supposed to be/planned to change to 'Maharlika'
and we used to have our own lettering called Alibata that got buried in history.
So like Myanmar?
Or bumbai mumbai
A bit silly IMO but what ever floats your boat
yep. we'll follow their lead eventually. they have patriotic leaders das why they've already changed it. meanwhile, ph shithole is still 200 centuries late.
@Squirrelintraining when's the stream gonna start?
It start's when it starts - a wise chineese streamer.
kek. 8hrs from now.
I didn't realize it was 4am yesterday when I was watching
I just saw your reply. you already have 3 viewers chatting
That was luck
As I said I got raided by "a fellow little streamer"
mr popular
Look at billy big bollocks over here with his 3 viewers!
3 viewers, but all of them are him on different devices ;)
hey, I'm a viewer too rember
streaming what again?
@CaptainObvious C'est moi!
@CaptainSquirrel Don't tell 'em my trademark secret
@Freerey P0rn
2 hours ago, by Squirrel in training
AoE II DE, DotA and sometimes GTA
awesome, 2 hours notice for a guy coming to do the dev test
good fucking job its ready then
All hail DPI Scaling
@CaptainObvious lol
it just works
- Todd Howard, a lot
Developer Tests are a waste of fucking time
And I will do everything in my power NOT to do them
@DAustin noice
@CaptainSquirrel gl
@DAustin what does this mean? Is the guy 2hrs late?
Why is winforms DPI awareness so garbage
okay is anyone experiencing their discord bots randomly not working anymore for no apparent reason?
same deal with webhooks
@CaptainObvious cuz of 20 years ago dpi was a pizza dish
@Freerey welcome to discord, use teamsepak
ew wtf what kind of caveman uses that trash app still?
crappy voice quality, bad UI, calls always dropping
actually, better voice quality with UI from the 90s
what more would one want?
the only tmie I used teamspeak was in 2016 when I was trying to do a podcast with some guys, and more than anything the calls dropping out was the most annoying part
which bleeding calls?
It was either the server or your internet connection
or his
Been using teamspeak for over 15 years now to no ill effect.
teamspeak was always stable for me. Only Skype become a trash
Ventri discord teams ok
@mr5 Nah HR told me at 12:30 he's coming in to do the test for 3pm
which considering the test machine is currently stuck in a long ass windows update, may be an issue lol
might have to give him my old Win7 machine
that'll look good! xD
doesn't madder
had code
mad hatter coder
@Squirrelintraining Took me too long to get that lol
It's even written incorrectly so one cal easly do the transferleistung
reminds me of one of my favorite movies
black hawk down
smart shiba
Shibas are in trend atm..
Jack, black
@Hans1984 challenge:
How many memes can u post b4 jack answers
Slow Jack Sparrow, and squirrels.
im busy
wasnt nyconing an actual user?
she is, but the actual person is almost never here
actually nvm she was here a week ago
a day ago
she's here regulary
Just bot abuuse her.
Jack still hasn't responded
Jack, kys
Is jack ded?
he's going to be after I told him to do seppuku
wow, only 10 minutes!
question: why does SerialPort leak memory when the device doesn't answer?
I'm talking to a thermal printer here and when I open the hatch and it doesn't respond, the memory usage quickly shoots up into the multiple gigabytes territory
the thermal printer mines bitcoin
it only mines sadness so far
man this 3mio scoville sauce is nice
having it on my chicken right now
hm, seems like timeout is the only way to handle this
you only need like the head of a needle and everything burns like fire
its crazy
I do have some carolina reaper sauce at home
well this is the hotest sauce I could get
with 3mio
and its brutal
and I LOVE spicy food
anyone know how to get base64 code from an HtmlImage?
in javascript?
in c#
no idea then
specifically asp.net... inb4 "why didn't you use an ASP image": I would've, but the guy before me didn't
in javascript, you'd have to load it onto a canvas first
canvas then has support to retrieve the base64 of the image data
yeah, that's what I do on java
but at this point I'm bout to just say screw it and replace the html image
make backups ;)
whoever made this page did it when I was still struggling with how to make basic asf AI n a java game
00:00 - 15:0015:00 - 00:00

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