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I only need to globalise the system a bit tho
but... Apple didn't own Emacs
they didn't own the concept of wedge-shaped laptop designs, either
you are suggesting that if anyone can format their iMac and install a linux on it, Apple can sue linux?
no lmao
I'm suggesting that's Apple's demeanor when it comes to lawsuits
I know that, but it's different this time
I guess it would be like trying to fire a hole into a cloud
they sued new stuff, which they stupidly copyrighted
Like this is what my thing looks like
Emacs was before Apple
And the entire thing is always goign to be in english because everything is shipped from here
looks hot
Except the customer didn't pay £109
They paid 109kr
what is that format? it's def not ASP
Because it's swedish
So I need to basically just globalise the money display
And then maybe as a bonus get a conversion going on yo convert it to real money
@Freerey Format of what
of the app itself...like what language was it made with?
It's all asp.net core with a basic UI in bootstrap
@CaptainObvious nice design.
ohh I getcha
yeah bootstrap is nice
also, linkedin changed their design as well, similar to FB
Oh god why
those text fields kinda looks off with the theme though
maybe gray?
only thing I think looks weird is the teal
I like the teal
me 3
@mr5 what text fields
those white controls
The big white? That's me removing sensitive customer information lol
how about from the right side?
errm, how does one redirect from Views/Login/Login.cshtml to Views/Users/Index.cshtml? asp-action does not find the path :(
So it actually looks like this
@d4rk4ng31 You redirect to an action in your controller, then your controller spits out that view
Errm, its a login page. Does it need a controller? It does not even have a model
Well how are you viewing your Login.cshtml
Umm... it's the default page. The path has been set in Startup.cs
> I am open to adapt to new tools and environment as the need demands
Oh jesus christ
uhm, is this grammatically correct?
Aside from maybe "environments" I don't see an issue
@CaptainObvious err... lemme guess, I have it wrong again?
@CaptainObvious how about "...as the needs demands it"?
Then you will need demand instead of demands
@d4rk4ng31 Kinda. MVC isn't the best acronym because the order of the letters is unhelpful.
This is how our teacher taught us: You can have only one 's' (unless of course, that 's' is a part of the name)
@CaptainObvious what happens if the character length exceeds the control width?
MVC should really be CMV - The controller is like the manager, and the views are just subordinates which look pretty
If you want anything to be done, you need to speak to the controller
Oh! Well... errm... will add the controller then😅
For example, if you want to load a page about an order (lets link the 2 conversations, and talk about the context of that order screen), you create a link to the OrderController's Details action, with the order ID you want to view
It then "tells" a view to give you something to look at, based on some processing the controller did itself, and the model, which it gives to the view
But then why did the page render in the first place if it did not have a model?
I think ig you're using the built in Identity stuff there's some weird shit going on where there kind of is
@CaptainObvious No I did not use that
Specifically removed the check mark
Cause I never understand half the stuff vs puts in the code
Also there doesn't have to be a model. You can generate a view without a model, but obviously thgere won't be anything dynamic on it
@CaptainObvious But then you can't redirect right?
All the model does is carry data. If you don't have anything to carry then it's fine
What is your login page submitting the form to at the moment?
umm... it ofc has to submit password and username, but at the moment, simply clicking on submit should take me to Views/Users/Index.cshtml
So I am guessing I do need a model
(also it would have definitely made more sense to learn MVC basics before trying to play with logins and stuff)
umm... it is surprisingly not included in the official tutorial
Yeah so it sounds like you need a model and a controller
hmm... right
So first thing, create a Login controller
Okay :)
And then create a Model for your login. At the least you need a username property and a password property
Umm, I usually create the model first, and let the scaffolding tool take care of the Controller and View
Is it me, or is Spotify's desktop UI as janky as f*** ?
Nope, spotify's dektop is horrible
I switched to YouTube Music Long Back
Anyway, @CaptainObvious model and controller has been added
is it really? I mean I never thought it was great, but didn't think itw as horrible?
and youtube music? why use that on desktp when you can just use youtube?
@Freerey It's just a click away
@CaptainObvious but it still cannot redirect
my only problem with using yt music app is that it insists on showing commercials for my own music
and they're video ads, too
@Freerey Do you have a premium subscription?
Its literally 1.2$/month
I don't, but I shouldn't have to pay subscription just to avoid videos that eat my bandwidth
literally just audio ads are fine
@Freerey That's how it works... you pay or watch ads
What did you put in the model?
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace AdminControl.Models
	public class Login
		public Login()
		public Login(string username, string password)
			Username = username ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(username));
			Password = password ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(password));
		public string Username { get; set; }
@d4rk4ng31 but do they need to be video ads that eat up my bandwidth?
spotify at least has radio-style ads
That looks reasonable
@Freerey Yes
@CaptainObvious you want to see the controller?
I'm listening to music; I'm listening. with my ears. not with my eyes. stop showing me videos.
hammer time!
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;

namespace AdminControl.Controllers
	public class LoginController : Controller
		public IActionResult Index()
			return View();
		public IActionResult Login()
			return View();
p3k mimi "you're not the boss of me now" "and you're not so big"
Okay so you need to add the model as a parameter to the login method
And add the model type in the cshtml of the login page
Like this?:
@model Login

<form asp-action="../Views/Users/Index" class="form-group" id="login-form" method="post" runat="server">
	<input class="form-control" placeholder="ID" runat="server" style="text-align: center; width: 30%; margin-left: 35%;" />
	<input class="form-control" placeholder="Password" runat="server" style="text-align: center; width: 30%; margin-left: 35%;"
		type="password" />
	<button class="btn btn-primary form-control" value="submit" type="submit" />
Okay set the asp-action="Login"
@CaptainObvious Done... now?
And then on your username and password field remove add the asp-for attribute
@model Login

<form asp-action="Login" class="form-group" id="login-form" method="post" runat="server">
	<input asp-for="Username" class="form-control" placeholder="ID" runat="server" style="text-align: center; width: 30%; margin-left: 35%;" />
	<input asp-for="Password" class="form-control" placeholder="Password" runat="server" style="text-align: center; width: 30%; margin-left: 35%;"
		type="password" />
	<button class="btn btn-primary form-control" value="submit" type="submit" />
Is that right?
finally I'm done with my resume.
That looks correct
Would you guys take a look at how I compose it. I would really appreciate it. Thanks!
@mr5 its nice. Add a photo if you can
ugh no
I won't lol
idk. I don't actually put pictures in my resume ever since.
also thanks. do you think my grammar is correct?
Also, change the format like this: 1drv.ms/w/s!AjuTj95-wqRwnEHVqSwivIjgSDr2?e=tNyexT
@mr5 mhmm... Yes
@d4rk4ng31 nice.
what is KDE?
whoa. you know 4 human language
Yes, all Indians know 3 by default
@CaptainObvious Now?
Cause its now even opening now :(
So now in the controller you decide what you're doing on your login logic
But why is the view not rendering?
Oh yeah you'll need another method on your controller also called login but for HttpGet
But the form has HttpPost
Wait which view are you talking about
ah fuck I just ate part of the sticker on my apple
It will turn up tomorrow morning, don't worry :D
Then you'll have you shit labelled lol
Anyway, the form has post but when you're loading the page to log in you need to have a Get action too
But it can't overload
It needs a different signature
So the get action takes no parameters
Your post method should have parameters
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using AdminControl.Models;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;

namespace AdminControl.Controllers
	public class LoginController : Controller
		public IActionResult Index()
			return View();
		public IActionResult Login(Login login)
			return View(login);
		public IActionResult Login()
			return View(login);
That fine?
So now is the interesting part. You need to decide what's a valid login and what isn't
For a "valid login", you'd want to redirect to the Index action
Which you can do by returning RedirectToAction("Index"); instead#
But why is submit redirecting to Login.cshtml?
It's not
Ignore the cshtml
The views have nothing to do with it
You know what, for good measure, rename the cshtmls to something completely different
There's no relationship between the actions in your controller and the views
no, something different, to highlight the seperation
Maybe call your index page cat.cshtml and your login page dog.cshtml
or that
Seriously it doens't matter
Any action can spit out any view
Controller does something. View just presents the data in different ways
But shouldn't the view name be same as the controller method name?
Not nescessarily
hmm, no, why?
You ask the controller to retrieve a list of all customers. The view sorts it alphabetically and highlights the one you searched for
does that make any sense?
You need to realise that your actions in your controller and the cshtml views are not related
Oh! Okay
admittedly, there wouldn't be much difference between getting customers and showing the customers, so maybe in that case, they'd be named the same
but telling the controller to update a particular customer isn't something the view does..
so you wouldn't have a corresponding view method
The only relation that they currently have is that they happen to have the same name, which is a feature of the framework to return a view with a matching name if you don't tell it what view to return
umm... wait lemme stop you right there
hammer time!
Shitty bot
the controller defaults to the view with the same method name
Like, in our case
when I renamed the views index and login to cat and dog, it has stopped working again
So how do I set that?
The controller will by defaullt render the view with the same name as the action that was called
@d4rk4ng31 return View("name of view", "name of controller")
You can specify what view you want it to do simply by changing the return line to return View("cat");
or return view("name of view") if it's the same controller
The View method has LOADS of overloads
But the actions don't have to render a view
They can send you somewhere else, like to a different action
If I call an async method without await, will it still run on a separate thread?
3 mins ago, by DAustin
@d4rk4ng31 return View("name of view", "name of controller")
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using AdminControl.Models;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;

namespace AdminControl.Controllers
	public class LoginController : Controller
		public IActionResult Index()
			return View();
		public IActionResult Login(Login login)
			return View("cat",login);
		public IActionResult Login()
			return View("cat");
Like this?
@d4rk4ng31 return View("cat","Login");
speech marks + case sensitive
@DAustin Nope. Not working. Know what? I'll buy a good tut on pluralsight, no use wasting you guys' time. I'll have to start again from the basics
Thanks loads for the help @CaptainObvious
@DAustin It depends. The async method creates a task, which will be run by the task scheduler. The default task scheduler just assigns tasks to the thread pool, so the task will run a separate thread. However, this is at the whim of the task scheduler. If you have a different one than the default one, you'll have to look at how it behaves to know whether or not the task will run on a different thread.
tbh its just about sending a bunch of emails out in parallel rather than in serial
so instead of await myAsyncMethod(); I can just do myAsyncMethod.Start(); ?
which should dispatch it to a background thread and carry on the current thread without waiting
but wanted to check before spamming the mailserver lol
You don't even need to call Start(). That said, sending e-mails with one thread per e-mail is incredibly inefficient. If you have more than a few e-mails, like 10-20 or more, consider making a queue with a bunch of reserved worker threads.
@Hozuki fair point, im just slapping something together for now but any ideas on a deent guide for that?
it's just to avoid the user having to wait for each email to be sent before the view gets updated
@DAustin I'd just use a BlockingCollection and create a few LongRunning tasks to enumerate over that. Just make the amount of tasks equal to the paralellism you want.
its roughly 20-30 emails, running them in serial with waiting makes the task take about 90 seconds
im guessing most of that is waiting for a response from the mail server
Then just make one long running task operating on a blocking connection, forget about it, and just add emails to the blocking collection. No need to do any await stuff in your code, just enqueue!
righto, my task and threading skills are noob-level, something I'm trying to work on
Start may not be called on a task that has completed
    class MailQueue
        private readonly BlockingCollection<MailMessage> _collection;
        private readonly object _syncRoot;
        private Task _consumer;

        public MailQueue()
            _collection = new BlockingCollection<MailMessage>();
            _syncRoot = new object();

        public void Enqueue(MailMessage message)
            lock (_syncRoot)
                if (_consumer != null) return;
Something like that.
Make it a singleton and just call Enqueue on it.
is it really necessary to lock _syncRoot?
doesn't BlockingCollection do that sort of thing for you?
It does, but I'm just using it there to avoid creating two consumers.
You could move the creation of the consumer to the constructor, and remove locking, but I don't like constructors with side-effects.
oh I see
is there not an equivalent of synchronized in java for a method?
No. Just lock keyword.
Enqueue would be the kind of method you'd declare with synchronized, meaning only one thread can run it at a time
@Hozuki nice one ta, tbf my inefficient method did what I needed, returned the view in 934ms
but i'll make a note to migrate it over to a queue
@Hozuki Ironically im the opposite, I know its bad practive but I prefer to just be able to call the constructor and have it do any business logic there and then, but I dont have code-review here so I can get away with that
@DAustin Sure, it works, for now. Until you add too many tasks, the thread pool is empty, and your entire program comes to a screeching halt because no task runs anymore while the bloody thread pool is hammered sending emails. ;-)
@Hozuki Well i wont be working here in 2 months :D
@DAustin Yeah, it's a no-go for most companies.
but I know what you mean, besides its good pratice
@DAustin Fair enough haha.
@Neil I'd like lock on method level, but alas, C# hasn't got that... honestly would be a nice feature.
@Hozuki You are right though with the constructors, very bad practice and its not something I do too often
we also have the equivalent of lock in java, but I find it nice to be able to declare it on the method like that
the only place i remember doing it was with an AddressLabel class that would do some magic depending on the object you passed to the constructor
@Neil It's one of those rare things I like from Java ^^'
Hey Java isn't b... So you like synchronized? ;)
@Hozuki I understand the caveats listed, except for an empty thread pool? how/what would happen there?
@DAustin The default thread pool has a maximum of threads, and so the default task scheduler has a maximum of tasks. If one e-mail is one task, one e-mail is one thread, and the thread pool is empty. Then tasks will stay in the queue until a thread comes back. That might mean you have thousands of tasks waiting. And your "update the UI" task is AFTER the emails in the queue.
You'll be sitting there waiting a while for that to finish haha
@Hozuki Not me :P the sales guy who has to process these invoices ;)
The problem is that it's unpredictable. Any task would wait. You just don't know what's waiting and why and it might just seem like the program crashed or deadlocked.
sooo if im understanding you there, its in a case where the thread pool was already maxed out before starting the process?
think i've got you, it's something I'll look to change but probably wont get the time to before I go
half my time atm is pre-screening and interviewing candidates
but yeah, of course the view wont update if there isnt a free task to do it, didn't think about that lol
Anyway, I'm gonna toss my dog into the shower. Sad doggo. Be back later.
@Hozuki sounds like fun!
I mean I know there's i18n but it shouldn't be so damn long in the first place
just use the acromnym: i18n
oh lol
what would be an alternative then?
I dont know, it should just be shorter
Fuck sake
"Typo in Internationalisation: Change to: Internationalization"
@CaptainObvious IKR!
Just because they have to spell things like they sound instead of engaging the grey matter :p
I hate it when I dare to use the word "Colour"
I think america just needs to be G E K O L O N I S E E R D again
only reason American words are spelled different is because they wanted to differentiate from the British as much as possible in the 18th century without just inventing a new language
It pains me to add this to my application's config
@Freerey sauce? honestly to me it just seems to be done out of laziness, we dont want to teach a spelling thats different to the sound of the word, after all that is supposed to be the advantage of the latin-based languages
I will not localise the entire application. I will not localise the entire application. I will not localise the entire applicaiton...
Righto cheeky chappies, will catcha later/tomorrow xoxox
ew kisses
@DAustin naw man we also changed our hot drink from tea to coffee just for the sake of diffrentiation
~~~ I shouldn't even still be in lol ~~~
Unfortunately Royal Mail are fucking useless
lmao I just looked up Royal Mail....I love how companies that were created before the US even existed are still up
yeah they're like our version of the USPS
I can send stuff to the US next day more reliably than I can send stuff within the UK next day with Royal Mail
I remember the other day looking at how old Toshiba and Yamaha are and thinking how insane it was that they've been up basically ever since Japan came out of isolation
same with Nintendo, but I already knew how old they were
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Wtf is a WebControls.Repeater
They're only like an hour and a half late lol
@CaptainObvious fucking webforms bullshit
not ideal
hopefully work on the new platform will start soon
130 clients on this application all at various versions
won't happen overnight unfortunately
oh fuck ohfuckl ohfuck
The fucking driver can't open the truck
He's been in the yard for 5 minutes and he's put the phone up to his head while looking at bits of the taillift
pls fix
can anyone explain to me what this means:
basically how fast can a swallow fly
Unladen = with no load ie not carrying anything
how fast can a fly swallow?
no there's a hidden meaning into it.
> But, the real question is not about swallows at all. King Arthur in the movie had two coconut shells that he banged together to simulate the sound of a horse galloping. No one seems to know where he got them. So, the real question is how did the coconut get to medieval England? Is it possible that a swallow carried it over?
It just doesn't make sense to me.
I've seen the movie; I know what the joke is lol
what is it?
Whoever wrote that has massively overthought it
the joke is that the King is still angry cause he got in a fight with a Frenchman about swallows
The coconuts are used because it's a common easy way to do horse foley, and they couldn't afford a horse
And then they thought "fuck it let's jsut run with it
20 minutes donw
and what that has to do with swallows?
because the Frenchman was first making fun of them for using coconuts for horses
that looks like something paranormal activity about to happen.
swallows + coconut + King ...ugh wat
But it's good shit
so I applied for 4 companies already. I think that's enough for tonight. If I didn't receive any response for the next 12 hrs, I'mma be desperate and pass to every job post I will see.
Skyrim turns 9 years old in 2 days omfg
@CaptainObvious you used to rule the world...
oh shit
paranormal it is
nice job doxing yourself
Google limits my ad serving for no f*** reason so expect no ads in my stupid mobile game. Also, the new version is pending :D
Doxing myself how
@CaptainObvious showing us were you work lolol
@Freerey Kisses AND hugs :P
@CaptainObvious Are you being released?
3 hours later…
@Freerey It's not exactly a secret. I talk about work all the time, I've namedropped my employer a few times, and also it says on my github, which is linked from my stack profile, exactly who I work for
Also most regulars in here know my actual name, and if look through the history you can make a decent guess to within a couple of miles about where I live
(Although I have posted my address online in the past, I've moved house multiple times since so outside of stalking me you shouldn't be able to work out exactly where I live. But stalking me would be easy too

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