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are these the original names of the files?
you can have any names, it doesnt matter
where did you get that W3 Client
Fiddler sends connect commands for some reason, so your stuff doesn't recognize it
hold on
@paulik w3client
our lecturer made it i think
@paulik thanks
// Break up the headers
string[] headers = header.Split(new char[] { '\n' });
string requestLine = headers[0];
string[] requestLineElements = requestLine.Split(new char[] { ' ' });
string requestMethod = requestLineElements[0];
string remoteHost = requestLineElements[1];
this is completely wrong parsing of the headers
yes :)
then how would u do it
what about carrige return?
empty entries
change it in the file pleeeease
@paulik btw did u manage to find out why it wasnt reading off the config?
I pasted my code
it is reading now :)
i think u shud stay drunk more often =)
you've been using some old school stuff in there I don't wanna deal with
yeah most of the code is the sample code by the lecturer but feel free to change it around
you are reading hostname from there
I see it now...
If I don't specify host - it crashes
it actually does
but you know
the response I get using the w3 client, for some responses its different to the one shown in the sample, (obviously not the dates etc), it would show extra lines that are not needed
which framework you use?
TCP protocol
which version of .NET
I see know generic collections in the code, do you know what it is?
so I can use it
how to find out?
never mind :)
I will not use it then
ok =) i am not really good at proramming
this is interesting
when use browser
you gotta use firefox
it sends a request: TYPE HOST PROTOCOL
but when use this tool
there is no host :)
oh so is there a way to fix it?
so you parser instead of getting a host, gets the protocol
there is
snap, sorry =(
you smartie
@paulik you gonna get 30 bucks if you make it work =) you are a sweetie hehehe
I don't need any 30 bucks
I need beer
if you were in NZ, 30 bucks buys you 2 boxes =) would have delivered it to you
also, I have IPv6
it crashes because of it :)
let me switch to v4
Oh yes me forgot mention that
sorry again 9;
hm... I get some mix now...
I send v4
but Dns still resolves to v6
i have never come across that coz mine is v4 so dont know how to fix it
@paulik u fine bub?
need some time
in msdn
ok =)
Amber's that chick in high school that got the nerds to do her homework while she went drinking with her friends.
yeah I know
@RyanJMcGowan i asked for help
@paulik you dont have to do ittt
but will appreciate it if you can help
and I even offered to pay
They'd do it for free cuz you add extra letters to your words for inflections.
Im almost there
totally changing my name to Candy after today
@RyanJMcGowan dont know why you are getting so annoyed at me for. I havent done anything to u
Candy Sharp
Who said I was annoyed??
you sound like you hate me
I'm just observing humans being human
No. Not at all.
I will keep to myself now
soundsl ike i missed alot
This chat is made for help
you're in the right place
so candy what was your issue again?
@E.LDunn <3 hahaha
Learning MVC and best practices for it. Where would you put a UrlHelper class?
or would you maybe make it a part of global.asax?
the host that suppose to answer to the OPTIONS is down
HTTP/1.1 503 Service Temporarily Unavailable
so I can't test it
but it doesn crash
so once it's online, it should work
can't you map it to another host?
Yeah for some reason when I ran the code before I sent it to yu, it was having the same thing, so i thot it was my code that was wrong
I have to compare it to the sample response so its best to test it on that
I would map it somewhere else in the interm just to make sure it works, then remap it when the host is back
I have my own IIS runnign at home
I get this
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: Microsoft-IIS/7.5
X-Powered-By: ASP.NET
Date: Fri, 24 Aug 2012 06:00:21 GMT
Connection: close
Content-Length: 0
yeap thats fine
so I think these Allow is what you need
exactly what i need
yes correct
lets see #5
thank you!!!!!
Step 5 - works but the whole response is not

So what's the exchange rate for Russia? How much vodka does $30 get you?
30NZD =)
I am actualy bloody serious, you are giving me ur paypal and Ill ask my bf to put 30 bucks in there
I can't check #5
public server do not allow traces
but your test host is down
its np, yes it happens
for part 6, i have written the SendError() stuff, but for some reason instead of giving 501, it says moved permanently
I am pretty sure the code I have is fine

if (!(requestMethod == "POST" || requestMethod == "GET" || requestMethod == "OPTIONS" ||
requestMethod == "TRACE"))
System.Console.WriteLine("Method not implemented " + requestMethod);
SendError(501, "Method Not Implemented ", "Method Not Implemented ");
I sent it back
Thanks paulik =) me wil have a look now
gimme ur paypal please!!!!
I don't have it
forget it :)
you are a sweetheart! thank you =)
no prob
Ohh... there is #6
I'll take it. I mean you might as well. Since you're wanting so bad to give money away.
@paulik dont worry about the rest, its due in 2 hours anyway so ill just submit it as it is
@RyanJMcGowan the reason why I offer money is because I dont want to make him feel like I took it for granted
I understand that, Amber. I'm just being dumb.
#6 doesn't work because your socket is not opened when you send an error
let me see
hm.. I may be wrong
1 sec
in the Send Error method
before you shutdown
put Thread.Sleep(500);
you write to a socket and closes it immediately
W3Client have no chances to get the message
doing that now
it says remote connection was forcibly closed
and it will return Non Implemented correctly with 501 code
should work
you know, in the config file, I selected port 8090, but when I run the program, it still shows 8080
lemme see
does it have a problem reading with from da config?
that's weird
I tried on my machine and it reads it fine
I love you Amber. But I have to admit, when you use the "da" and "thot", I just love you slightly less.
check if you have spaces in the key
like <add key=" Port"
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<add key="Port" value="8090" />
<add key="BlackList" value="" />
<add key="UpstreamProxy" value="" />
and when you run it - it says 8080?
@RyanJMcGowan you should come to NZ and see how women talk here hehe you will love us less
I'm in California. Trust me, I'm surrounded by it.
Could be that I havent set up the config properly?
its the same config file i sent you
@RyanJMcGowan I meant accent
Will Windows 8 run Visual Studio 2010 properly enough to develop for WinPhone 7.5 in a VM?
step on in the debugger when it reads the settings and see in the Watch what ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Port"] returns
config looks fine...
@Moshe Sure, if your computer is beefy enough and supports hardware virtualization.
I hate VS2012 color scheme
it's a nightmare
checking wait
The color scheme grows on you, I've been using it exclusively for a while and I really like it now.
@RoelvanUden My computer is indeed powerful. :-D
@Moshe I hope you are joking.
I don't know... I want options
@RoelvanUden I'm not joking, why?
light and dark is like a milk... yesterdays and the day before yesterdays... no more options
I'm virtualizing Win8
What's the joke?
@Moshe The joke being that you think a MacBook Pro is powerful. :D
@RoelvanUden Do you know what's in here?
Specswise it's pretty nice.
How can you generate 2.0 assembly from programatically from a .net 4.0 application
I did a tracepoint
I'm talking about the Retina Display model, beefed up a bit. 16GB RAM, Quad Core i7, 512 SSD all around.
My 4 yr old PC was top of the line in its day, had 4GB, Quad Core C2Q, crummish GPU.
Yeah? Well my e-machine....
@paulik So it's not a Beowulf cluster, but I'm sure it can virtualize just fine.
nothing shows =(
wait me might have done it wrong
null? Empty?
@UberGeek I believe it is just parameters to MSBuild
which can be changes from Visual Studio
or set manually when you build form cmd
So no one is on that's an MVC MVP, right?
MVP being Most-Valuable-Player here?
I'm just learning it
I'm most certainly not, but I might be able to answer questions if you have some. ;)
learning what?
^ Assuming Microsoft ASP.NET MVC3/4?
razor is nice
Because there is a lot of MVZ
Should I put urlHelper in global.asax?
Ok, thanks @paulik. Gnight.
The port is8080
thats what it says
UrlHelper in Global.asax, what are you doing, or rather, what are you trying to accomplish?
Haters gonna hate, downloads gonna download, developers gonna sleep.
@paulik No, I'm generating assemblies using Reflection.Emit. I want the generated assembly's metadata to say, that , it's a 2.0 assembly
@paulik For good conversation.
@AmberArroway try removing everything after ["Port"]
And this appplication which is going to generate this assembly is built using .net 4.0
just semicolon
and see what happens
I want to create a few urlHelper extensions for commonly used folders like image folder for instance.
@Moshe np
@paulik then it shows the port is null prints this "the port is
@RyanJMcGowan Oh. Create them anywhere you wish as an extension method and add the namespace into the Web.config in your View folder to allow Razor to reference them while running the template.
So best practices is probably the model?
@AmberArroway then, config is probably wrong
@paulik send me the project folder please
@UberGeek not sure about Emit... sorry
I am pretty sure my config is rite =(
That was my concern. I was thinking it wouldn't be called unless it was in global.asax.
@AmberArroway 1 min
@paulik thanks
@RyanJMcGowan It doesn't really matter, as long as it is referenced. Generally, you should not place much code in Global.asax instead of the application startup routines. Clearly, a helper is not a startup routine, so put it somewhere else.
@AmberArroway sent
But generally it would make sense in model, not controller, correct?
@paulik ty
@RyanJMcGowan It is not really part of the Model, either, but Model is broad term -- so it depends on your definition of Model.
@RyanJMcGowan if this is just a helper - create a folder 'Helpers' and put that class there
^ That is what I would do, too.
you may have a lot of utilities and all keep them there
there - I mean folder - not file :)
separation of concerns should be everywhere, even in the folder structure of your project
ah I see. That's a good idea. I'm still wrapping my head around what would be what in MVC, and this didn't seem like a fit anywhere. I guess I was on the right track in a way then. Now I don't feel so dumb.
@AmberArroway do not load my project. It's VS2012 with .NET 4.5
The MVC pattern is also a broad concept with many variations, separation of concerns isn't being taken very literally in ASP.NET MVC, so if you want more separation you might find more comfort in a different framework.
@AmberArroway close your project, copy and paste files from mine to yours and reopen your project
should work
@paulik you have 2 .cs files in there
do I need to use both?
@AmberArroway read the email - Ignore program.cs
yes i believe patterns are good but not at the expense of common sence :)
Thanks so much!!!!!!!!!
@RoelvanUden Are you saying I should stick with Webforms? haha
patterns are everywhere, but you have to recognize where to apply each of them
some people apply them just because they read about it
in the place they don't belong
I can see how MVC works, and it makes sense to me
mvc is nice
mvvm is also very nice
I actually prefer mvvm
@RyanJMcGowan No, ASP.NET MVC, for example, allows your View to call code from anywhere else. If you get right down to it, the original MVC pattern describes the Controller handling the request, retrieving information and passing that information to the View. It never mentions allowing the View to call back to a Controller, Model or a different class. That's where Castle, OpenRasta, FubuMVC and even Nancy differ from ASP.NET MVC
it's like mvvmc
it's from WPF
MVVM is also very real in SPA web applications.
Single Page Application
ahh yeah
HTML/JS(Knockout, Upshot) + REST API
I think I would attempt that after MVC.
@RyanJMcGowan they are very close conceptually
to many acronyms!!
@AmberArroway cool :) I'm glad - really
who know where i can find a Role- Based Privilege Management system, compatible with asp.net MVC
really do appreciate it @paulik <3
SPA does sound pretty cool. Almost like how Flash works. You have one view and stuff all happens inside it.
@paulik thanks anyways.
If you want to do SPA, you really want templates that compile into JavaScript so sticking with Razor is not a good idea at that point.
@paulik What would be the correct chat room to discuss such issues?
@UberGeek it is C# room, so you are in the right place
I just never even thought about preparing 2.0 assemblies from 4.0 code
is there a way of viewing comments by user in this chat room?
or messages
E.L Dunn = Amber's classmate
shut up candy :P
gotcha :)
my MVC web site needs a visualized Privilege Management feature, any help?
@E.LDunn If he is, I will suicide
haha yea im gonna tell the teacher on you ;)
ok peeps
I'm sober
you used the word Teacher, therefore you are not =)
we only use "lecturer"
have to go
noo more beer
@AmberArroway Good luck. @RoelvanUden Thanks for clearing that up for me. @paulik You're russian. Sober is a subjective term to you. Goodnight/day everyone.
unless you where going to say "have to go....get more beer"
3am almost
take care fella
midnight on the west coast
8pm here
Good nite =)
2pm here...
9am :P
Gotta love timezones.
oh no is Roel french
I'm Dutch you fool :<
Calling me French is an insult to me and my people!!1one!1!
haha sorry, i know no one likes being called french :P
The song of the night youtube.com/watch?v=s9MszVE7aR4
you off candy?
sweet it is friday :)
dont you just hate forgetting what day of the week your on
when i use NUnit I got this error : TestLibrary.TestClass.TestGetListOfItems:
System.IO.FileNotFoundException : Could not load file or assembly 'Sample, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.
what is the reason?
please help me
i would love to but there error message only says whats wrong doesnt tell me what your atttempting to do in TestGetListOfItems
plus i dont use nunit
this error is not about TestGetListOfItems
maybe someone else here is better equiped to answer your question.... anyone else alive in here?
can't find reference file
when using nunit u need ref many ref file
this code is example and i test it with NUnit 2.2.* and wasn't any problem but there is this error when i use NUnit 2.6.*
did u changed the .net version?
@Kevin no at the time of create solution i used .net framwork 4 and after that i don't change the .net framework
is anyone familiar with the TPL specifically task factory?
Someone somewhere is.
if i could be where they are that would be awesome
hello everyone

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