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3:00 PM
Trying to man
Really need help
its been bugging me since last night
so you got the value of the heigh of the containing element yeah?
you've made a binding to that value which is correct
Also, I am not allowed to use any other layout
@JansthcirlU mhmm
@Hans1984 Hitler only wanted to have peace!

A piece of poland, a piece of france, etc.
3:02 PM
@d4rk4ng31 if you define a value converter, you can do calculations on the value of your binding, for example return 0.15 times the value
Hmm... lemme try
I wonder waht happens if you combine the mongolian whitespace with a link:
But I still might need some push.
3:03 PM
Nothing much really, petty :<
well, the gist of it at least
define for example a HeightConverter class that inherits from IValueConverter, then implement the interface so that the Convert and ConvertBack methods appear in your file
namespace HelloApp
	public partial class MainPage : ContentPage
		public MainPage()
			BindingContext = this;
		public readonly double Device_Height = DeviceDisplay.MainDisplayInfo.Height;
This is the .cs code
right, just add a new class to your project and let it implement the IValueConverter interface
Hmm... okay :)
call that class something like HeightConverter.cs or something
so you know that's what it's going to be doing
3:06 PM
	public partial class DeviceProperties : IValueConverter
		public object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
			throw new NotImplementedException();

		public object ConvertBack(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
			throw new NotImplementedException();
This is what Visual Studio generated
Now I am lost... :/
Is that all needed?
now change the body of Convert from throw new NotImplementedException() to return 0.15 * (double)value;
Done :)
what does your XAML look like?
3:08 PM
I deleted the Height attribute
I will add it back again
yeah please show the code where you had your binding
		HeightRequest="{Binding Device_Height}"
ok good
so this is all contained in a Window or something right?
I guess
yeah that
where you define a bunch of namespaces?
3:11 PM
I haven't defined any
ok well now's your chance
add a namespace to where your new converter is located
namespace HelloApp
	public partial class MainPage : ContentPage
		public MainPage()
			BindingContext = this;
		public readonly double Device_Width = DeviceDisplay.MainDisplayInfo.Width;

	public partial class DeviceProperties : IValueConverter
		public object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
			return 0.15 * (double)value;

		public object ConvertBack(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
oh no no I meant inside of your xaml
Oh! Okay
haha silly me
you should have something like
<ContentPage xmlns="http://xamarin.com/schemas/2014/forms"
         Title="Enable Buttons">
3:14 PM
@JansthcirlU seeing you
have fun here kids
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<ContentPage xmlns="http://xamarin.com/schemas/2014/forms"

	    HeightRequest="{Binding Device_Height}"
Don't trash the place
Jack, tell d4rk4ng31 format
peace @Squirrelintraining
||tell d4rk4ng31 format
Invalid command! Did you mean: tel, telll, help? Try help for a list of available commands..‍.‍.‍.‍
3:14 PM
Jack, funfriday
Seeeing you ♥
Buh bye @Squirrelintraining
ok so @d4rk4ng31 you can add xmlns:converters="clr-namespace:..."
where ... denotes the namespace where your converter is located
Can we have 2 xmlns:?
you can have as many as you like
3:17 PM
are you sure it's not HelloApp.ConverterClasses ?
ok so now that you've added a namespace to your converter, you still have to add that converter to your ContentPage's resources
Wait a sec
I think I messed up
namespace ConverterClasses
	public partial class DeviceProperties : IValueConverter
		public object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
			return 0.15 * (double)value;

		public object ConvertBack(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
			throw new NotImplementedException();
This is supposed to be in the .xaml file right?
no, the class that implements IValueConverter is definitely a .cs file
so you've done it right
Oh! then wait
I put it in the .XAML file
3:20 PM
I don't understand mate
using System;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Globalization;
using Xamarin.Essentials;
using Xamarin.Forms;

namespace HelloApp
	public partial class MainPage : ContentPage
		public MainPage()
			BindingContext = this;
		public readonly double Device_Width = DeviceDisplay.MainDisplayInfo.Width;


namespace ConverterClasses
	public partial class DeviceProperties : IValueConverter
		public object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
This is how my .cs file looks like
Is that correct?
yeah that seems about right
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<ContentPage xmlns="http://xamarin.com/schemas/2014/forms"

			HeightRequest="{Binding Device_Height}"
And that's my .xaml
ok great
Now what?
3:23 PM
now you convert to Kotlin
so now above your `StackLayout` element in your `xaml` file, add a `ContentPage.Resources`element like so:

now chant with me
Because it says the namespace is not found
Kotlin! Kotlin! Kotlin!
Assignment in C#! Assignment in C#! Assignment in C#!
3:24 PM
don't worry about the namespace just yet
you disappoint me, my young disciple
@JansthcirlU Done
<ContentPage xmlns="http://xamarin.com/schemas/2014/forms"
is what your file looks like now?
Exactly like that
good, now inside the resources element, you can now add the converter like so: <converters:DeviceProperties x:Key="DeviceProperties" />
oh sorry, I actually meant this:
    <converters:DeviceProperties x:Key="DeviceProperties" />
do you get any squigglies?
3:28 PM
Everything is in squiggles
everything or just the namespaces?
either way, show me what you've got so far
ooh I see
yeah you need to write:
        <converters:DeviceProperties x:Key="DeviceProperties" />
Now it can't find the namespace
that's okay
worries for later
3:31 PM
Phew okay
so you got your value converter, and you have a resource that allows your xaml file to use that converter
now all you need to do is add the converter to the value you're trying to convert
so in your HeightRequest property, you should be able to write this:
HeightRequest="{Binding Device_Height, Converter={StaticResource DeviceProperties}}"
Okay, the squiggles under xmlns have vanished
but those under <converters....> still remain
yeah I'm not sure what's up with that but try to build the project
do the squigglies still show?
3:36 PM
And it still does not compile!
Sorry I'm hit or miss - am daddy daycare
huh, strange
The type 'converters:DeviceProperties' was not found. Verify that you are not missing an assembly reference and that all referenced assemblies have been built.
ok how about setting the converters namespace to just ConverterClasses instead of that e toilet stuff in front of it
so xmlns:converters="clr-namespace:ConverterClasses"
yeah I tried that
3:38 PM
and does that help at all?
@JansthcirlU Err... That is the app I am actually making. I have made a clone to try out stuff
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<ContentPage xmlns="http://xamarin.com/schemas/2014/forms"
			 xmlns:converters="clr-namespace:App_for_e_Toilets.ConverterClasses" xmlns:converters1="clr-namespace:ConverterClasses"

			<converters1:DeviceProperties x:Key="DeviceProperties" />

This is what Visual Studio has generated from fix potential problems
well you could've just changed the converters namespace instead of adding converters1
And it compiles
But does not show up
so nothing green shows up?
No, it shows up, but at the original height
3:42 PM
Even when I changed 0.15 to 0.50
can you click on the line where you changed 0.15 to 0.5 and press F9
F9 adds a break point that pauses the execution when that part of the code is being handled
Added the breakpoint
3:44 PM
ok try to run the app and tell me what the value of value is
You want me to debug?
any luck?
Just a sec
My emulator's hung up
Err.. its 9:17, and my German class begins at 9:20. Can I return back by 10:20?
Or whenever you have time :)
I'll just try one last time :)
3:50 PM
oh sorry I'm about to wrap up work myself
Ermm... How about tomorrow?
I suggest you post a question on SO with the code you got so far
Okay sure :)
Thanks a lot
so people can see you've already tried the value converter approach
Sure :)
3:51 PM
sorry I couldn't be of more help, I really thought that would do the trick
Nah! That's fine
You helped a lot
I did learn something new :)
Thanks loads
keine Ursache ;)
Gotta run now :)
Errm... Ursache?
Sorry, still ain't that good
it's no problem in German (afaik)
I use Keine Problem
Auf Wiedersehen!
4:47 PM
Q: What is wrong with passing r-value to function returning it?

Not A Zoomed ImageI want to create a function Service that energize an exhausted phone and return it as follows. The input phones are passed to Service as follows. int main() { Phone& p = Service(Phone()); p.Status(); cout << "Ending..." << endl; } The expected output is: Ctor Energy: 100% Dtor D...

If you know the answer, please let me know.
that's not c# lol
@JorgeAlvarado Yes. Off course. :-)
5:18 PM
"much life suffocating" needs to become a meme one day. the same way "crawling in my skin" did
6:10 PM
I require assistance.
i am making my first and last xamarin app, and all i need to do is overwrite a file.
it is located in the com.applicationwhatever folders
how can i get that path?
on my android device the path is /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.xxx.xxx/files
can i just use that in my file stream?
Can you actually read my messages? I have also never used this chat function.
I will consider that you cannot receive my replies, and i will just make a proper question. I really needed that answer quickly. If you did receive my messages, shame on you for not even responding to the former question.
6:35 PM
So I am doing my first serious Asp.Net core 3.1 web app. And I just idly think Hmmm... I wonder if I can just $('#myselectcontrol').append('<option selected value="admin">Admin</option>'); and post the form back
Well f** me it works without complaint. I am pretty sure the old Asp.Net wouldn't allow that
What am I missing here?
@anti sometimes people aren't here
First Serious? @hollystyles don't tell it that, might make you wear a tie
If it works shipit
github/ is not found ;-)
hehe I knew
6:46 PM
Other than that I am loving this razor page shizzle
First green-field project in a loooooong time
Quit my job at big-bank-corp in August and going it alone in my loft
Just me and my machines
Machine Living
Is a good feel!
LOL yeah
Do you have some clients already?
7:03 PM
I do indeed, I have some old colleagues who had too many clients already and were all to eager to share.
Past two weeks I have been re-writing some internal reporting software for a well known French manufacturer of fine automobiles.
Very Nice
Am working on how to print images and a datatable to a pdf as soon as I get this xaml hooked up. Figure it out, then ship it to the customer.
I'm working on a filter to prevent users making themselves admin and stealing all the other dealers customers
anyone have any experience working with IEnumerable.Distinct()? It doesn't seem like it's working right yet
and I read something about using Equals() and GetHashCode() but I'm struggling
@Jay you have to implement IComparable or something like that, otherwise it just checks memory address of your object and that's always different.
I did this literally this week
okay, I got IEquatable implemented
7:14 PM
public class MyPOCO : EqualityComparer<MyPOCO>
ALT + Shift + F10 => IMplement blah ...
I found I had to do both
public class DealerInfo : EqualityComparer<DealerInfo>
        public string DealerCode { get; set; }

        public string DealerGroup { get; set; }

        public string Name { get; set; }

        public string Region { get; set; }

        public override bool Equals(object obj)
            return Equals(this, obj as DealerInfo);

        public override int GetHashCode()
            return GetHashCode(this);

        #region EqulityComparer
        public override bool Equals(DealerInfo x, DealerInfo y)
Lucky for me DealerCode is a PK so enough to differentiate.
okay, nice, I'll try that thanks
what's the alt shift f10?
After you type the inheritance : BaseType if you do ALT + SHIFT +F10 it generates the override method stubs for you to just fill in
excellent ty
That's probably my most frequent key-chord :)
mine's Ctrl+K+C ^_^
7:20 PM
Oh God no
Commented out code
As long as you don't commit it to Source Control
like just now for example I Ctrl+K+C'd my IEquatable class so I can try your suggestion
I always prefer to CTRL+X and CTRL+V into notepad
I commit my comments all the time, but I'm the only dev so
Region & comment then collapse
               %%%% = =
               %%C    >
                _)' _( .' ,
             __/ |_/\   " *. o
            /` \_\ \/     %`= '_  .
           /  )   \/|      .^',*. ,
          /' /-   o/       - " % '_
         /\_/     <       = , ^ ~ .
         )_o|----'|          .`  '
     ___// (_  - (\
    ///-(    \'   \\ b'ger
7:37 PM
It's my pigpen :)
8:06 PM
I hate regions
and one of my first extensions what I install is "I hate regions"
It's just a scream for another class
Picking them up
This guy was in China at April during pandemic and people don't wear masks 🤔🤔
You sure b/c reports were that China was patrolling the streets picking people up.
8:21 PM
Yeah. I scanned the comment section and he said he just travelled there. The comment was 21 weeks ago. Sus.
Hmm i think April was the time the rona was already ease up.
@hollystyles still getting a buncha duplicates
@jay code?
I bet its the GetHashCode
@hollystyles here's my Program.cs:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Net;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System.Linq;

namespace games
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            using (WebClient wc = new System.Net.WebClient())
                string jsonGames = wc.DownloadString("https://www.website.com/games.json");
                Game[] games = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Game[]>(jsonGames);

                IEnumerable<Game> noduplicates = games.Distinct(new Game());
and my Game class:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace games
    public class Game : EqualityComparer<Game>
        public string[] genres { get; set; }

        public override bool Equals(object game)
            return Equals(this, game as Game);

        public override int GetHashCode()
            return GetHashCode(this);

        public override bool Equals(Game x, Game y)
            if(x == null && y == null)
                return true;
trying to just get a list of distinct genres
string[] will never equal string[] they are arrays so will have different memory addresses even if they have same list of strings in them
yeah, you'd want something like Linq's SequenceEqual
8:31 PM
But it's going to be hashcode that bites hmmm
@Grace you mean instead of Distinct()?
More like in the Equals function in Game.
Instead of x.genres == y.genres, you want, at least, x.genres.SequenceEqual(y.genres), but that only works if it has the same genres in the same order
hence why holly suggested the Except route
But distinct() will go for hashcode first
need to hash a string array
Yeah, that too
yeah they're not necessarily in the same order, the games.json file is quite large
60,000 lines
some games only have 1 genre and some have a combination of more than 1, like Action and Adventure for example
I'm trying to get a distinct list of genres or combination of genres so I'll only see Action once and I'll also only see Action and Adventure listed once together
8:45 PM
I'm trying to think of the best way to do this.
I appreciate the help, I tried x.genres.Except(y.genres).Any(); but it's still returning the same duplicates
You might wanna run .ToLower on the genre strings, too, if they're not normalized already. That and replace game.GetHashCode() with something like
if (genres.Length >= 1)
return genres[0].GetHashCode();
return HashCode.Combine(genres[0], genres[1]);

this assumes every game has has least one genre, so that might help
I scrolled through quite a bit and they seem like they are normalized but good call on ToLower anyway it can't hurt
also, this game : EqualityComparer<Game> stuff is, uh, not really how you're supposed to do things?
If you click on the name of the class, then the little screwdriver icon to the left, is one of the options "Generate Equals and GetHashCode..."?
I've tried a few haha
I tried implementing both examples from here docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/…
8:52 PM
see, the thing is that an EqualityComparer is supposed to compare things that... aren't itself
you should be implementing IEquatable instead, which Visual Studio should help you do with that little screwdriver menu
the options I'm getting are Generate overrides, Generate contstructor 'Game()', Extract interface and Generate constructor...
IEquatable is the first one I tried
ah, the other stuff might be in the preview versions
my advice here is to do IEquatable and do it correctly
that is, correctly comparing your genres in Equals and correctly computing a hash code
I followed the example from that link and still ended up with duplicates
8:56 PM
I mean, I saw the code you posted earlier, you weren't implementing equals correctly with your genre array
There must be some way to just iterate the bytes of the string array and alert at first difference?
how would you do it?
	class Game : IEquatable<Game>
		public string[] Genres { get; set; }

		public override bool Equals(object obj)
			return Equals(obj as Game);

		public bool Equals(Game other)
			return other != null &&
				   EqualityComparer<string[]>.Default.Equals(Genres, other.Genres);

		public override int GetHashCode()
			return HashCode.Combine(Genres);
That's a better start
The better implementation for Equals would probably be

Oh actually I mean a fast hash for string[] maybe this? geeksforgeeks.org/hash-function-for-string-data-in-c-sharp
@Grace not sure where to put this?
9:08 PM
like, replace your existing game class with that
I did that
I mean the !Genres.Except(other.Genres).Any() line
replace EqualityComparer<string[]>.Default.Equals(Genres, other.Genres); with that
same duplicates
well, what does your code look like
my Game class now:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace games
    class Game : IEquatable<Game>
		public string[] Genres { get; set; }

		public override bool Equals(object obj)
			return Equals(obj as Game);

		public bool Equals(Game other)
			return other != null && !Genres.Except(other.Genres).Any();

		public override int GetHashCode()
			return HashCode.Combine(Genres);
and this in my Program.cs file:
IEnumerable<Game> noduplicates = games.Distinct();

foreach(var game in noduplicates)
9:16 PM
so, like
you realize that Console.WriteLine(game.Genres.First()) only prints the first thing in the array
and that you'd get different results if you did, like, string.Join(", ", game.Genres) instead
I leave off First() it just prints the type
you'd get different results if you did, like, string.Join(", ", game.Genres) instead
Just a tip; before you write fancy IEquatable<> code, make a nested for-loop so you can simply walk through and see what happens in your debugger. Then once you got it figured out, transplant the code to the nicer form.
I might even say you'd get the results you want if you did string.Join(", ", game.Genres) instead
or anything that prints everything in the array instead of just the first element
@Hozuki I like that idea, I was just trying to follow the examples I found
I'm getting more confused by the second here
9:20 PM
Mm, examples are good, but try to always do the easy thing first. Then make it nicer once you got that working. Little steps go a long way ^_^
I'm trying to understand what you're saying @Grace
do you see where you do Console.WriteLine(game.Genres.First());
and how that's printing out the first element in each array
Um.. how about you replace the whole print line thing with Debugger.Break(); and actually look at your debugger?
perhaps you should do Console.WriteLine(string.Join(", ", game.Genres)); there instead, so it prints every element in each array
9:23 PM
@Grace okay it's printing the ones with multiple genres now and they're nicely separated with commas, but I'm still seeing duplicates
Sounds like a job for stepping through in your debugger and seeing what's going wrong in your loop. Hozuki here has some good advice.
Might be an issue with GetHashCode, I'm not sure how HashCode.Combine() interacts with arrays like this
thanks for the help
Imma writing an example for ya Jay.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;

namespace PlayGround
    class Game
        public Game(params string[] genres)
            Genres = genres;

        public string[] Genres { get; }

    class Program
        public static void Main()
            var games = new List<Game> {
                new Game("Action"),
                new Game("Action", "Adventure"),
                new Game("Science Fiction")
@Jay ^ See above. This is the "do the simple thing"-approach. Now you can make it nicer later.
I'm off to bed anyway, hope this helps. Remember:
KISS, an acronym for "keep it simple, stupid" or "keep it stupid simple", is a design principle noted by the U.S. Navy in 1960. The KISS principle states that most systems work best if they are kept simple rather than made complicated; therefore, simplicity should be a key goal in design, and unnecessary complexity should be avoided. The phrase has been associated with aircraft engineer Kelly Johnson. The term "KISS principle" was in popular use by 1970. Variations on the phrase include: "Keep it simple, silly", "keep it short and simple", "keep it simple and straightforward", "keep it small and...
10:18 PM
yo yo yo

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