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I don't get it... why are platforms like Microsoft Azure and GCP so incredibly slow?
they probably arent slow by themselves
why do you think they are slow?
GCP is Google?
I assume your assumption would be the same for AWS
they just seem to take much longer to do simple tasks, in comparison to much smaller platforms like digital ocean.
I haven't used AWS, I can't comment.
what kind of service are you using from them?
virtual private servers?
serverless functions?
well for GCP it was the storage buckets, for azure it was vitual machines yeah
provider managed database s?
perhaps you just need a stronger machine
I did use serverless mysql on GCP a few times, that area seemed to be pretty good
you mean for my private machine?
Wietbot runs in AWS and runs on a t2.micro
a machine with 1GB RAM and a cpu of a hamster
sorry I should of mentioned what I meant as slow, I mean the actual website for the platforms.
the servers are... fine afaik
oh, you mean like the azure website itself?
and the time it takes to deploy actions
well... iDunno
AWS is reasonably fine
considering the usage of those websites
DO can rip up a linux server of any size in seconds, GCP seems to take over a minute each time
I might check out aws.
I think the usage is the issue yes
they are not like... super fast, but I havent really experienced it being slow in particular
I saw you speaking about the wietbot on a 1gb memory server yesterday, that's pretty cool
deploying a new EC2 (virtual machine) in AWS also takes a while
but it is not meant to be milliseconds performance
does it hurt if it is deployed in 20-30 seconds?
Not at all, its the much larger issues that hurt.
Like for instance, a virtual network on Azure has been deploying for 5+ minutes
(not sure how long it actually takes, I rarely use virtual machines, but I can say it wont be sub-second times)
It kind of interrupts my flow, because I forget to check on it.
there is one exception where a Cloud Formation stack (which manages AWS resources) has an error on a custom resource, then it is stuck in that state for 60 minutes waiting for the custom resource to stabilize
those are bummers
I bet
you'd rarely use custom resources though...
I am currently trying to recover one of the VMs by switching its virtual network, although its been deploying for almost 10 minutes
and yes I usually only use basic features like storage and vms
I expect you get a relatively similar experience with AWS as you have with Azure and GCP
maybe, just maybe, a bit faster and stuff
but there are no guarantees of those actions being particularly performant
I would happily stay with digital ocean, I've never seen an action take more than 5 seconds there, I guess I just like fast tech but DO didn't have all of the features I needed as I grew.
but yea, as I said, I rarely use EC2 (virtual machines) so I have no clue how long it takes to deploy a new one
keep in mind, DO is a much simpler service provider
iirc, they only provide virtual machines
vms, load balancers, storage buckets, proxies, quite a lot the last time I checked them out.
But I know they use golang for a lot of their deployments
compare that to AWS and you get a grain of sand compared to a desert
bigger stuff often requires more patience
(not that 10 minutes is particularly within respectable bounds, but still)
yes of course, totally different story, AWS is a monster compared to DO but that "bigger stuff" I rarely touch.
maybe I just need to find some patience
on the other side, it is fun to explore the bigger stuff
which is the reason why I stopped using virtual machines
I only run Wietbot on one because I need a web socket client, which is a very weird use case
it is gonna be basically a proxy to a notification system though
the entire behavior of Wietbot runs on serverless functions
is it open sourced?
sort of
the source control is primarily private
but I made a public github repo of the entire project set where I regularly commit and push updates to as well
so yes, github.com/wietlol/Wietbot but actually no
for example, earlier this week, I was working on a refactor to get rid of more stuff from the stack exchange client project, but that is commited into my private repos, not to github
a commit to github will follow probably after it has already been deployed
I expected C# over Kotlin, man I haven't heard Kotlin spoke about for a while.
on the other hand, that means that the github repo actually represents what is currently running instead of what my private repos say
there is some C# stuff :D
the evalcsharp's isolated program is written in C#
but primarily, everything is in Kotlin, yea
I have a sort of... hate hate relationship with C#
I kind of hate C#... until the moment where I forget the problems and just get back to simple stuff... until I realize even the simple stuff has problems
but it runs
no language is perfect I suppose, although C# is potentially the most beautiful language I have used (syntax wise).
Jack, funfriday
didnt you leave hours ago ?
and now he is back
3 day old cooked rice out of the refrigiator doesnt taste good
Not enough cheese and ketchup
only tomato sauce
well it will cure the hunger
didnt want to throw all the rice away
I dont do that
but no garlic and no cheese
pretty blank
@Hans1984 THe music fits
they are going BAT crazy
@nyconing I have a few drives over 10yrs old, their counter part is newer.
May 6 at 11:57, by Freerey
I paid for yummy steaks
Have a nice weekend guys
seeing you around ♥
cya man
so I found out Foamy the Squirrel was created the very day before 9/11
hi all! i'm not sure if this is the right place to ask this question. i've been mostly programming in typescript in the last few years so my c# skills got a bit rusty. can you show me examples (e.g. github repos) of idiomatic modern c# code that use the new features (pattern matching, records etc.) tastefully?
Sorry, pattern matching isn't in my wheelhouse. I'm trying to think who in this chat would have dealt with something like that
Maybe @AvnerShahar-Kashtan
@CupOfJava thanks!
@Hozuki I missed that little detail. So any enumerable you don't want deferred can be passed to the constructor of that custom enumerable object?
@Hozuki I'm guessing the reason you say that writing an enumerable that does not defer execution is pointless is because you can just directly call ToList() on an enumerable object instead of passing the enumerable object to another enumerable to force immediate execution?
yeah it's 12am here lol.
Why aren't emojis allowed in chat?
just got woke up. I forgot my mcd order but they still deliver it after an hour of me not responding back.
@mr5 mcd?
Aah nice.
@Freerey how did you invest in btc? did you increase your investments overtime or buy it one time?
Late night snack.
yeah. I haven't eaten anything yet since 12pm yesterday (12hours ago)
Are you fasting?
nope. just lazy.
Right, going that long without food messes with my concentration.
Can you work in those 12 hours?
I used being like this for like, ...since college, like ...7 years?
yep. my body sure have adapted surprisingly with my lifestyle.
I see. Yeah your body and mind have become accustomed to it.
I can go on and still not bothered by hunger for ~15hrs as long as I'm with my computer 😂
Haha, sounds like the fun of using the computer quenches your appetite.
my laziness is the reason why I am still skinny
I think there was a mathematician that could go a day without eating. He said it helped him get work done.
@mr5 Or just good genes.
yeah or probably the combination of laziness + genes + broke ^^
They should make a language called pcp that will always compile into an error so the people that use it go f*cking nuts
@mr5 How can you be broke? You're a software engineer, we earn loads of money :|
I'm at a developing country so...
@CupOfJava I think that language already exists. It's called brainfuck.
even though I have over ~5 years of professional xp, I still earn like a fresh graduate.
greater than 8 years of xp including my freelance
fuck that markdown
@mr5 Yes, but you could work remotely for a company in nearby countries like Japan, Korea, or China, and with the exchange rate you could probably become a millionaire in the phillipines :).
No, brainf*ck is actually a really easy language if you get the hang of it
yeah. also, I'm bad at decision making. I spend my 3 years from a company with a bond. I should job hop but it's too late.
what it has what 7 or 8 commands
@CupOfJava lmao I wouldn't go near that thing with a stick. I see all sorts of languages in Code Gulf, and brainfuck is just insane.
binary code: am I joke to you guys?
@mr5 Is that a language?
No, it's a nightmare
@CupOfJava Is brainfuck even useful, or does it just exist so programmers can flaunt their expertise for clout.
@BlackPanther yeah, a language that CPU only understands. prolly some form of human person also but they are very rare.
@mr5 I'm thinking you mean binary, i.e. 1s and 0s.
Flaunting the fact that you know brainf*ck is like flaunting the fact you can know Html. It's not that big of an achievement.
@mr5 how did you use emoji?
I've heard it's useful machine learning but I've never used it for that
@CupOfJava Oh, that's good to know. It's so weird it seems cool.
@CupOfJava Wow, I wonder how it could be used in machine learning.
Can you even use OOP with it?
@BlackPanther copy paste in somewhere else, or if you're using phone, they keyboard should provide you with those character, or if you're in Windows, it's Win + . (dot)
@BlackPanther yeah, that one but represented in true binary form that the computer can interpret.
Yeah, me too. Personally, I don't think it has any practical uses but I guess someone will always find a way.
@mr5 Thanks, I use Mac so I'll just copy paste.
Yup, when you have a hammer, everything becomes a nail...
@mr5 have you started your new job?
@CupOfJava If you went for a job interview at a very PC company, and they asked you what languages you know, and you only knew brainfuck. Depending on the tone of your voice, saying "brainfuck" might be problematic.
@BlackPanther not yet. I'm sticking to my original plan of getting unemployed for at least a month.
or even writing it on your CV, but I guess you censor it like this brainf*ck
@Wietbot evaljs (+[![]]+[])[+[]]+(![]+[])[+!+[]]+([][[]]+[])[+!+[]]+([![]]+[][[]])[+!+[]+[+[]]]
that's plain JS lol
@mr5 Oh okay, rest in-between a new job is good to keep fresh.
@mr5 haha, what was that?
@mr5 That aint no JavaScript.
they call it JSfuck but it's a valid JS still
Apparently the UK has leopards and other big cats roaming the country side, I better be careful.
it's just an obfuscated JS. For some reason, JS accidentally have it.
@Wietbot evaljs Array(16).join( 'wat' - 1) + ' Batman!';
I love that video
that batman thing, I haven't heard of it but it reminds me of the nyan cat
@Wietbot evaljs ['10', '10', '10', '10', '10', '10', '10', '10'].map(parseInt)
@mr5 JS never fails to surprise me. It's name should be MagicScroll
[object Array]
Oh fuck off bot
@CupOfJava What video?
@Wietbot evaljs ['10', '10', '10', '10', '10', '10', '10', '10'].map(parseInt).join(', ')
10, NaN, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
daz weird
@BlackPanther are those animals a usual thing in your country?
10 in base 0 is 10?
@mr5 Nope, it's what I love about the UK. I can go out at any time of the day without worrying about snakes, man eating big cats, or guns.
I have yet to see anything more ferocious than a fox or squirrel :)
You do get a few drunks on the street, but where doesn't?
base 0? shouldn't it only have 1 state?
Oh, and we don't get earth quakes or typhoons/hurricanes too.
oh, wronng me
Where I live we have fox squirrels
@mr5 I know where you are typhoons can be bad. Have you had any recently?
waw. UK seems to be the safest place, at least for natural disasters.
they're pretty big
If radix is undefined, 0, or unspecified, JavaScript assumes the following:

If the input string begins with "0x" or "0X" (a zero, followed by lowercase or uppercase X), radix is assumed to be 16 and the rest of the string is parsed as a hexidecimal number.
If the input string begins with "0" (a zero), radix is assumed to be 8 (octal) or 10 (decimal). Exactly which radix is chosen is implementation-dependent. ECMAScript 5 clarifies that 10 (decimal) should be used, but not all browsers support this yet. For this reason, always specify a radix when using parseInt.
(see full text)
@CupOfJava You mean foxxy squirrels?
@BlackPanther nope. in my entire life time, I haven't had any bad experience with typhoon yet.
@Wietbot evalnode ['10', '10', '10', '10', '10', '10', '10', '10'].map(parseInt)
@Wietlol 10,NaN,2,3,4,5,6,7
An integer parsed from the given string.

Or NaN when

the radix is smaller than 2 or bigger than 36, or
the first non-whitespace character cannot be converted to a number.
@MikeTheLiar you should consider using evalnode over evaljs
yeah, that doesn't follow the docs, Vadar
js uses a runtime that is... weird
Is there a special nomenclature for a structure that stores a numeric value that knows the min and max value it can have?
only people that get affected with it are those living from the southern part of our country.
@Wietlol you should consider writing a non-shitty bot
jk ilu
Like ... interval ... or range ... except that it also knows the current value something has
I do probably have to re-assign evaljs to evalnashorn
@Neil If radix is undefined, 0, or unspecified
@Neil my brain can't handle how to parse base 0
and handle more of its output
@mr5 Oh thats good. You're good then.
base 0?
@MikeTheLiar I can do that too, see:
I can understand base 1
@Wietbot hangman
Or NaN when

the radix is smaller than 2 or bigger than 36, or...
but not base 0
@CupOfJava please provide a single character as your guess
Neil can tho
@Neil don't blame me because JS is a shit language
@Wietbot hangyourself
I have no clue what you meant right there. You can use the listCommands command to see all my commands.
With shit documentation
@mr5 Wietbot can only hang players and wietbot himself cannot play
why can't Wietbot play?
because he is hardcoded to ignore messages posted/edited/deleted by Wietbot
just somewhat counterintuitive
@Wietbot evaljs (![]+[])[+[]]+(![]+[])[+!+[]]+(!+[]+[])[+[]]+(+(+!+[]+[+!+[]]+(!![]+[])[!+[]+!+[]+!+[]]+[!+[]+!+[]]+[+[]])+[])[+!+[]]+([][[]]+[])[+[]]
I think the bot has a right to hang
@Wietbot no u
I have no clue what you meant right there. You can use the listCommands command to see all my commands.
In 50 years bots will be playing hangman all over the place
@mr5 I approve of this code
@CupOfJava That's quite optimistic.
@Squirrelintraining you sound creepy right here 😂🤣😂
AI/Machine learning has been set back by some years.
@CupOfJava you could ask JBis to teach James how to play hangman or Captain Squirrel to teach Jack how to play hangman or Michael to teach OakBot how to play hangman or Captain Obvious to teach Botler to play hangman or nyconing to teach nyconing how to play hangman or mr5 to teach patr star how to play hangman
@mr5 Wow, good link. It's not so complicated.
Idk why everyone is scared of AI killing people. Dumb robot can kill people just fine
@mr5 there is a website that translates text to JSFuck
@CupOfJava Dumb robots can only kill people in factories, unintentionally.
AI robots will come to your house
@CupOfJava I am not scared of AI killing people
And take you to the Gulag
@BlackPanther tell that to the people in the middle east who get droned
@BlackPanther a more gooder link: jsfuck.com
@Wietlol found it
but the code it generates is too long. chat.so can't handle
@CupOfJava Very good point.
@Wietbot evalnode (![]+[])[+[]]+(![]+[])[+!+[]]+(!![]+[])[+[]]+(+(+!+[]+[+!+[]]+(!![]+[])[!+[]+!+[]+!+[]]+[!+[]+!+[]]+[+[]])+[])[+!+[]]+([][[]]+[])[+[]]
@Wietlol fat.u
@mr5 untick "eval source"
@mr5 Thanks.
your bot has turned against you
Please go and play in the Sandbox
hangman anyone ^
@CupOfJava Which country do you think is most likely to create the first General AI?
I think that's the term anyway.
I had a problem recently with a C# Worker service application where a path I added to the %PATH% environment variable in a Windows virtual machine was in the PATH list returned by System.Environment.GetEnvVariable(…), but when the app was installed using sc, the PATH that I added to the PATH environment variable was not in the value of the PATH environment variable seen by the installed Windows Service (or maybe it is Service Control that didn’t see it).
Any ideas on what caused this problem?
gtg bye
@BlackPanther My guess is it's gonna be some random kid at MIT taking a ML course doing it unintentionally
so I'm doing some beta-reading and.....
They're going to be trying to write a bot to pass their Gen Ed courses or something and they're going to hook it up to SparkNotes/Wikipedia and in 45 minutes the world as we know it will be gone
this story freaks me out
Is this a Tarantino screenplay?
no, just a draft by an indie sci-fi author
@mr5 I, uh...still haven't invested in btc yet
plus I'm thinking more of going to Ethereum now once I put my new rig through its paces
it's proven it can handle being used to play Doom Eternal for a few hours, but I wanna run more tests, do some overclocking, all that before I go too deep into the mining part
lol good luck
atm all it's being used for is to run my bot
You're competing with people who are building mining warehouses physically adjacent to hydroelectric dams for the savings in electricity costs
that's bitcoin, but Ethereum is a bit different
there's a term for this, but it hasn't hit that point where people are building these giant ASIC machines to mine it
Altcoins, for when BTC is just a little too stable for your tastes.
personally I think dogecoin will become huge just for the fact that it's named after Doge alone
3 messages moved to Trash can
@Wietbot r u bork?
I have no clue what you meant right there. You can use the listCommands command to see all my commands.
@Freerey by investing, are you going to buy or just mine?
@Wietbot evalnode Array.from('I have no clue what you meant right there').map(function(c, i) { return String.fromCharCode(c.charCodeAt(0) ^ ( ((i % 2) & c != ' ') * 32))}).join('')
@MikeTheLiar I hAvE No cLuE WhAt yOu mEaNt rIgHt tHeRe
Unrecognized token 'The': was expecting (JSON String, Number, Array, Object or token 'null', 'true' or 'false')
at [Source: (String)"The message is too long."; line: 1, column: 4]
@mr5 dang it, you börked it
Wietbot cannot send messages that are too long
for eval messages, I probably want to just cut them off
@Wietlol did you wrap your bot like this?{ try { bot(); } catch{}}
as a matter of fact, no
@Wietbot evalnode Array('lol', 10e100).join(' ')
exceptions are thrown and never caught
@MikeTheLiar lol 1e+101
@MikeTheLiar RIP
@Wietbot evaljs eval((()=>{d=b=>{var a,e={},d=b.split(""),c=f=d[0],g=[c],h=o=256;for(b=1;b<d.length;b++)a=d[b].charCodeAt(0),a=h>a?d[b]:e[a]?e[a]:f+c,g.push(a),c=a.charAt(0),e[o]=f+c,o++,f=a;return g.join("")};c=d('(![]+Ă)[!ĄăĈĂ+ċ]ă(+đĎĄĉă[čĖ)ĆĀāė]ĆĖĒ!Ğĉ[ĀČąĘĂĐĥĪĔĎĭĩĠĘıģĮĴĖĹĔīďĐijĜĂħĸġĬģŀćĉęņĨğġĶĝňĺĉĆİŊŐĤijŃŒŌńʼnČŘŒŘŞĺŏŊĽďĒłņĪŋũōŔşĊŗĢőŎŨķŢŵūũŭŌłŰžůŞŖŝźŝŤĬŷƅųƈŜƃĸśŷŵƄŴƆƓţƏďŦĩœŶűŮďħżƘƔƇůđĪ(ƀƉƃňƌIJƥƎƓƊűƌơŹğƒƠƗƶƖƮƲƐƚĻŧƞƤƠšƋƿƸƟƂĭŤŐLJǎŪ]ƻǓƁĴưŇǁǏǃƾŠƿǝƴǂƺǘŅǀǟƍǨŭƙǣƛĵDžƵǍDŽƵǬDžıǢǩŮơďĀNjǰĬƜůćŬǕȁȀėƞřǮ');return c})())
the "The message is too long" is a response from SO api
javax.script.ScriptException(<eval>:1:7 Expected an operand but found )
eval((()=>{d=b=>{var a,e={},d=b.split(""),c=f=d[0],g=[c],h=o=256;for(b=1;b<d.length;b++)a=d[b].charCodeAt(0),a=h>a?d[b]:e[a]?e[a]:f+c,g.push(a),c=a.charAt(0),e[o]=f+c,o++,f=a;return g.join("")};c=d('(![]+Ă)[!ĄăĈĂ+ċ]ă(+đĎĄĉă[čĖ)ĆĀāė]ĆĖĒ!Ğĉ[ĀČąĘĂĐĥĪĔĎĭĩĠĘıģĮĴĖĹĔīďĐijĜĂħĸġĬģŀćĉęņĨğġĶĝňĺĉĆİŊŐĤijŃŒŌńʼnČŘŒŘŞĺŏŊĽďĒłņĪŋũōŔşĊŗĢőŎŨķŢŵūũŭŌłŰžůŞŖŝźŝŤĬŷƅųƈŜƃĸśŷŵƄŴƆƓţƏďŦĩœŶűŮďħżƘƔƇůđĪ(ƀƉƃňƌIJƥƎƓƊűƌơŹğƒƠƗƶƖƮƲƐƚĻŧƞƤƠšƋƿƸƟƂĭŤŐLJǎŪ]ƻǓƁĴưŇǁǏǃƾŠƿǝƴǂƺǘŅǀǟƍǨŭƙǣƛĵDžƵǍDŽƵǬDžıǢǩŮơďĀNjǰĬƜůćŬǕȁȀėƞřǮ');return c})())
(see full text)
I have to change the client to either cut it off at 500 or send multiple messages
@mr5 gonna mine, probably invest a bit, too
depending on if it is from a trusted source
@Wietbot Array(10e100).join('lol ')
@MikeTheLiar I AM NOT A BOT
@Freerey how do you plan on investing? like, are you going to buy cryptos overtime or just one time?

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