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1:25 AM
yo yo yo
Has anyone used Unity.......
3 hours later…
4:39 AM
Is it possible to publish an App with all referenced dlls and all libs in 'using' ?
5:19 AM
@c0dem0nkey heyy
@ntohl did you join the code jam?
5:40 AM
@JayzeeNSI yes
@mr5 How?
Also, How can I add rows in ListView with a Remove button that deletes the row ?
please narrow down your question. also which platform are we talking to?
C# Winform. What i want to happen is basically, dynamically add items to a lisview control. At the end of the row is a "remove" button that when clicked, removes that row from the lv.
5:55 AM
@JayzeeNSI If you want to publish an app with literally all DLLs included, you need to use dotnet core and publish the app as "platform independant", so even system DLLs get published.
@Squirrelkiller Ok thanks
morning! :)
@JayzeeNSI for customizing rows of a ListView, I think this would help you: docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/…
and for removing an item to the list, I think you need to have the reference to the ListView's data source and remove the item from the source itself
6:50 AM
7:06 AM
nyconfig... ok. Morning: the time from sunrise to noon
morning: Visual Studio, run as administrator, yes, coffee time
7:42 AM
good morning
@mr5 yep. Failed
8:11 AM
ahoy mateys o/
Ahoy Captain O7
Without clicken the link: if you pass, you're stupid?
Gotta correct myself.
After clicking the link: It's actually helpful for some people. And they don't collect or send any data. Pure frontend javascript application that processes yes/no answers to questions about your symptoms.
9:12 AM
@nyconing That's advice that absolutely does not apply on for the Netherlands
I entered the symptoms of the flu and it told me to go see the doctor right now.
Cough -> No, Cold -> No, Diarrhea -> Yes, Sorethroat -> No, Body Aches -> Yes, Headache -> Yes, Fever -> No, Breathing Difficulty -> No, Fatigue -> Yes, Travel -> No, Area Infected -> Yes, Direct Contact -> No
"Panic noaw"
as a front end developer, am I the only one responsible for coordinating to backend dev, design team, and PM?
yes. if you have flu and has contact tested positive person before, wears mask and go hospital immediately, or call ambulance they are coming to you.
That's not what I entered. Flu symptoms, no fever or breathing problems, and live in an area with infections -> CALL 911 NOW
hospital will do a real test for you, just go now
9:19 AM
The doctors here will just ignore you.
lol so your local medication has issue, not the test
Different countries are organized differently. I guess the USA has enough capacity to send out ambulances to everyone and test everyone? The Netherlands does not.
different. because theya re now out of control
The Dutch equivalent of WHO recommends you contact only when you have 38 degrees fever AND a cough, OR emergency situation (breathing difficulties). Have flu symptoms, cold syomptoms, whatever? Stay home and rest.
That's it here :P
Otherwise the medical system gets overwhelmed.
9:23 AM
no, that test has adjusted to WHO guidelines
Yeah, I just wonder if those guidelines won't cause too many people to seek help when they don't need it, and overwhelm the system.
But I'm not an expert, I don't know. It would just worry me.
@Hozuki how about age?
My town is currently working on getting a CORVID-Drive-Through set up. For exactly this kind of stuff. You got some symptoms but not really an emergency or just maybe COVID19? Go to the drive through and get testet!
I think you're still safe since you don't have the most alarming symptoms, the difficulty in breathing
@mr5 Oh yes. According to the Dutch RIVM, chronically ill (or weak immune system) and those above 70 should call immediately when they have a fever.
@Squirrelkiller That's cool.
9:26 AM
I mean, if you have the flu currently your immune system is encumbered anyway, so it's probably a good idea to get tested before any too serious symptoms appear.
Sure if there's capacity to test everyone. That's the rub. The Netherlands for example, does NOT have that capacity right now. And COVID-19 can cause the exact same symptoms as the flu.
I need help
Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
when running add-migration command
perhaps set object references to an instance of an object
Besides... if you have flu-like symptoms and you would be theoretically tested to have COVID-19, nothing would change here. Unless you need medical help, you're told to stay at home to rest and recover.
but it is the same code
9:31 AM
@Hozuki Don't test everyone, just people having the flu. Or is your system already getting to its capacity?
same code as what?
@Wietlol or don't run the add-migration command?
@Squirrelkiller It was at capacity. Everyone that had some symptom would want to get tested, even though the next step would be the same: stay at home and recover, call if you need medical help. Now it's getting better. We're scaling up testing capacity and the curve is not exponentially growing anymore. The next step is testing everyone working on health care. Once they can do that, they'll start testing more people not related to health care.
@mr5 ew, premature optimizations :p
1 hour later…
10:35 AM
I'm working too much
go rest
fuck project
10:55 AM
rest and eat soup. whoa.
ye ye
11:54 AM
I am an idiot
12:34 PM
1:02 PM
shiba time!
user image
Squirrels are what Ninjas aspire to be
Im hipnotized!
yeah ikr
its crazy
1:39 PM
I have 3 pendrives at home, all of them fail when plugged in, both at the desktop and at the laptop
One of them has all my passwords in a keepass database
1:59 PM
@bradbury9 RIP passwords
next time, use LastPass or 1Password
will List<T>.OrderBy(..) change the index of the items ? I think yes ?
which is more unreal number: sqrt(-1) or number of confirmed cases in China?
Managed to get the data, in that pendrive I had copy of my payrolls etc. From now on, I am gonna do a pendrive backup policy
china is unreal in multi dimensional paradigm.
Deskyop pc is backed up, laptop is work related, so I dont give a shit
But that pendrive is important xD
@Sakthivel IEnumerable<T>.OrderBy() does not alter the underlying enumeration, but it does return an ordered one
2:18 PM
As with all LINQs, the returned IEnumerable is a new object with new indexes.
returns new List with the same element reference, unless you .Select(e => new { ... })
It doesn't return a List, but an IEnumerable.
The actual implementatino behind which is complicated and also non of our business.
oh damn
I mean list not List :D
.ToList will return that list though.
Ryan Donovan on April 06, 2020
Writing a technical spec increases the chances of having a successful project, service, or feature that all stakeholders involved are satisfied with. It decreases the chances of something going horribly wrong during implementation and even after you’ve launched your product.
2:28 PM
I hate writing specs
Just two weeks of coding can save you two whole hours of meetings!
2:44 PM
I would gladly spend 2 weeks of coding instead of 2 hours of meetings
3:12 PM
that means 2 week - 2 hours of your coding is a waste, and ends up commented (maybe useful later)
but uncommenting is never going to happen
I just dont like meetings
2 hours later…
5:42 PM
I have a function that outputs a JSON string. I need to store this in the database in the smallest form possible. I'm looking up text compression routines but is there anything I need to keep in mind to get it as small as I can?
just gzip it
generate minified json (no unnecessary whitespace) and gzip the result
6:13 PM
I keep hitting path' does not contain a definition for 'getrelativepath' which I thought should work fine? docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/…
@Wietlol Yeah. The code I found was using GZip. How do I specify minified json?
There's not really a point in showing code. I mean, I don't mind, but it's just basicly calling Path.GetRelativePath(string, string). I think the issue might be that my project isn't using the correct .NET core version for it. But no idea how to change that
look at your json serializer
@icecub project settings?
I am not using Visual Studio, so for me, stuff might be a bit different in that aspect
6:25 PM
I already checked that, but it only allowes me to change the Target Framework. Not the core
core is a target framework
as is standard
Hmm then that's probably not the issue. Also I got vs2017 (just updated) and that should've been available since core 2.0
Oh wait.. I think I'm an idiot
That's asp.. lol
hello everyone. can someone explain to the logic of a "forgot password" functionality
It's to allow someone to get back into their account when they lost their password. You gonna have to be a bit more specific by what "logic" you're trying to understand
im trying to build that functionality out. im confused on the part where the user clicks on the "reset password" link from their email. gets routed to a GET controller
why a GET controller?
6:41 PM
Because you need to identify the user somehow. The link should include some temporary unique hash to do so. Since you can't send POST request headers through a mail body, GET is the only way
thanks for the clarification :)
Normally user clicks on forget password. Your system generates the hash and sets an expiration date on it. Say for 1 hour or so. Then sends the link with that hash. User clicks the link, verify hash and time, reset password
thanks for everything iceub
Sure np m8
1 more question. is there a preferred format to link to reset password?
preferred format for the reset password link*?
6:48 PM
Not that I know off. But obviously the hash should be like 32 random alphanumeric characters. No one else should be able to guess the hash and resets someones password without having access to the mail
That's also why you need an expiration time on it. To prevent brute forcing
@Wietlol Do strings have to get to a certain length before GZip starts getting efficient? Right now the unzipped string is 61 characters long and the zipped is 85/
I understand there's some overhead
gzip starts getting efficient if you have repetition
7:06 PM
Ok my head is about to explode now so perhaps someone here can help
I have an absolute path, say: C:\Program\CoreFiles\Somedir\file.txt
I need to copy file.txt to C:\Program\Projects\ProjectName\Somedir\file.txt
So moving the file should keep the \Somedir\file.txt path instact. My idea was to get the relative path out the absolute path somehow so I know which folders to create and where to copy the file. But I just cant wrap my head around it
File.Copy("C:/Program/CoreFiles/Somedir/file.txt", "C:/Program/Projects/ProjectName/Somedir/file.txt");
fixed it
does forward slashes works too?
they work more often
Wait.. will that create folders if they don't exist?
7:10 PM
they should just drop the backslash thing
at least, I hope not
Then I'm back to square one, lol. I don't have all the folders in the target dir. Hence I need to create them based on the path where the file is copied
_ = System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(path1);
_ = System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(path2);
@Wietlol how is it going there?
in your country
7:14 PM
Ye was just reading up on the docs. Thx guys :)
u don't have country?
oh, you mean outside?
why would I know?
ask someone who actually goes outside
I've only been outside 3 times these path 4 weeks
how about you?
7:16 PM
I think last year
probably around october
how are you able to buy foods then?
such a nice thing to have
delivery until the stuff is in your kitchen... or mine
but recently, they are scared to go inside for some reason
I think we also have those but I'm too broke to afford and too lazy to look it up
7:17 PM
so, we have a small problem
they do not want to come inside any more, and I dont want to go outside
but the food must still be delivered
how are you handling the packages after they arrived in your house?
do you cook your own food?
so, we invented this system
the delivery person now picks up a fishing rod (which is placed in the front garden)
omg I used my littlest finger to type the question mark :D
it uses it to pick up the box of food
then I pick my fishing rod and we transfer the box from one rod to the other
and then I have the food and can bring it inside
it works quite well
@Wietlol lol did you convinced them to do that
7:19 PM
you go fishing?
we had a problem, and I came up with a solution, and they didnt come up with a better one yet
they are not actual fishing rods
just sticks with a rope attached to it with a hook
are you touching the box?
so... basically an actual fishing rod
what kind of stupid question is that?
7:21 PM
what cat would not touchy the cardboard box?
it's 3:20am I'm quite high due to sleepiness
I mean, the groceries (I was thinking your groceries are in the box)
basically, I'm asking how are you disinfecting your groceries @Wietlol
postman question?
for the Union!
why is that necessary?
cuz they probably sneezes in your items duh
"hey, this one's for Wietlol, let's sneeze to it"
7:28 PM
oh, they dont dare to
How do I set up a GIT branch on my machine to be able to pull from a branch that it's tracking on the server?
@Hypersapien you clone to it first
I only know how to use git via the IntelliJ ui
and I must say, it actually works intuitively
7:33 PM
my postman isnt sending my query parameters to my controller
I bet it is postman that is not the problem
try getman
I mean, postman has problems, but at least it will send your query parameters to your web service
@Wietlol you have to give more info than "isn't sending"
@helloworld dang it! try to ping the right person
7:36 PM
client request: uri, http method, headers, body
server listens: port, path, valid headers, valid methods
@Wietlol loooool
gtg I'm high af
I noticed
7:56 PM
@mr5 I have to be in that branch when I clone it, right?
I just recently had a new branch created on the git remote server called 'Testing' (this was done through the admin account, not my own). The other devs are doing their pull requests to that branch now. I'm trying to create a Testing branch on my own machine that I can pull from that remote branch and then merge into my Working branch. Can someone help me with this?
8:14 PM
8:38 PM
@mr5 It was git checkout --track
Wish I had known he was high af before following on what he said.

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