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dontcha just love it when someone's email provider randomly changes th edefault display to plain text instead of html
apparently our emails coming through looking wrong is my fault lol
if our emails come through looking wrong, it is probably my fault, but I blame the person responsible for telling me how they should look like :D
Did anyone learn the HtDF while studying CS?
I dont always change the specs in my favor, but when I do, it is a reaction to a bug
I learned more important things :D
HTDF, its the how to design function pattern.
or method in C# I guess, I've also heard it be called a procedure
I've literally never heard of A) The pattern or B) That abbreviation for it
@Wietlol Yeah i just blame the previous guy
@AshKetchum did you mean study HLTV while learning CS:GO?
but on this occassion I did nothing wrong
Idk it just recently came up in my cs course
Also HTDD, how to design data
they call it a "recipe"
Some people call french fries and milkshake a "recipe". Except they're wrong, and so are you
I mean I didn't call it a recipe my teacher did but sure.
Oh well you can pass that nugget to them then
Tell them some genius on Stack said it so it must be true, otherwise [closed for off-topic]
I'm not really bothered about it I just wondered if anyone else had covered it I kind of see it as useless, good for beginners I guess.
Most of the stuff I did on my Computing A-level course was pretty useless
So you learnt most of your useful knowledge yourself?
hey does anyone know why i could be getting a You have a history of asking low quality questions. Please put more thought, time, and effort into your questions. To help you do this, the number of questions you may ask per week is currently limited if none of my questions have been downvoted?
they've been answered as well and i havent received any comments either telling me to write better questions
How do you know they haven't been downvoted?
Just because the score is >= 1 doesn't mean they haven't been down voted.
because you can check on the questions right? theres no number next to the downvote arrow
Looks like you do have a history of asking poor quality questions
I thought go was good on memory?
Never touched it but I had a friend who used it and he always complimented the memory usage lol
medium.com/@alexyakunin/… ~ says 10 min read.
@V.7 Why do you have a laptop with 32GB of ram
Incoming C# fanboys
That's just odd
@CaptainObvious Not me ) This is from that page above.
that link doesn't explain much about the memory
Id say its more tailored to the cpu
Nice try wiet
32gb of ram and half of it is active?
what apps are you running?
Seems legit to me
whoa, go so bad?
hello, good sirs
I feel like that guy who wrote that article was trying to shill for Go
But not very well
Chrome with 14 tabs open, Dota 2 running at lobby, Steam, Settings, Task Manager, Windows Feedback
what apps are you running that it's taking half of 32 gb RAM
Everything > 100mb
Firefox has been a bit odd today and probably needs restarting, but I have shit open in my tabs
Anti Virus on Win10?
Yeah I knpw
and what's up with FF taking almost 4gb
Forced on us by the parent company
It probably just needs restarting
I was debugging a massive angular app earlier and it didn't liek it
FF copies how Chrome works right?
Each tab will run on a separate process
Not quite
Firefox spawns a few processes and divides tabs between them
Except both is flawed
And IPC becomes a bottleneck
personal opinion: windows 10 sucks
@mr5 Wietlang compiler
... and windows
thats it
this might also be something
Holy shit
previous versions of windows I liked
3 Java applications and Chrome
It's like you don't like having RAM
this one has 16GiB tho
and it is running fine
anonymous London symphony orchestra?
What the fuck
32gb ram is rare for me
I'm stuck at 6gb cant afford to upgrade at the moment.
How do you have 6
That's such an odd configuration
I have 8 but my gpu uses 2gb
Shared memory
isnt that... separated?
I have an i3 processor too
i can't afford to upgrade but in the summer maybe I will
its getting pretty old now
I got that "stabbed in the back" reference :D
I have an i7, but an old one, not one of the newer ones
I bet a modern i5 is better
my laptop is ancient... and might actually be ready for replacement
I wish everything was this fast
what ss app do you use?
The Windows 10 built in one
Win+Shift+S = ezpz
It's basically a shortcut to Snipping tool, sans UI
And by basically I mean it is
ooo didnt know that
ty Capt.
@CaptainObvious why is it bottom up? I am reading it in the wrong order now
Because it's latest at the top
lol yeah took me a sec, thought you'd made an app that could manipulate time
No that's what one of our data providers does
some of the fields are UTC, some of them are localised
No problem until daylight savings comes along (which it does this weekenf I think?) and then it all goes tits up
@CaptainObvious btw... kibana?
Quite handy when you're dumping logs into Elastic
Why are jetbrains IDEs better than visual studio?
They aren't?
Ok, but what advantages do they have
Increased memory usage
Garbage UI
Doesn't use roslyn
Looks like other Jetbrains IDEs
Java dependency
but wietlol is using them
what does it use instead of roslyn
Resharper's dodgy analysis engine
on top of that, they increase productivity, familiarity, reuse of configurations, stable development environment, helpful tools for analyzing and manipulating code, much more information about code analysis, actually pretty quick response times and fixes for issues being reported... oh, and cool looking icons
and the jetbrains toolbox
dont forget that one
and a much wider spread of actual language support
I mean
"Wider language support" is a very generous decription and not really valid
why is it not valid
Well having use like 9 different programs for developing different languages isn't a good time
it supports c, c++, go, php, c#, java, python, ruby, and more
I think they have 1 ide for all their ides
or at least when I was using php storm I could use intellij because it had everything php storm had
It's the same base program, but afaik you can't use all the different languages at a time
they use the same engine, but different applications
the reason for the different applications is because of structure of your projects mostly
for example, the solution based projects are only for .net
and they are quite dominant in how the IDE should behave
And for that reason, "reuse of configurations" is a terrible idea
Eclipse (another Java IDE) also used a similar approach
but back when they created IntelliJ, they were like "yea, fuck that, we ain't gonna do this shit"
and it, even tho it was quite a good thing to do what they did, it wasnt that well received
@CaptainObvious color codes, code styles, etc
those should easily be shareable
Code styles differ by language though
There's also the fact that somehow Rider still can't do designers
I would use tabs for every language I write in
I hate designers
So that's more of a feature to me
You can't really not use them on winforms apps though
Sure I can! I'd hate myself, but you absolutely can
Okay fine then
You shouldn't
Definitely not. But I'd start a modern app with a different UI framework
I'll switch over to VS if I need to do winforms work
I'm just happy that .net core finally supports WPF
I use the .net electron fork for any ui
If I could, I'd run a headless rider/resharper host and wire it into emacs.
Not sure why it is such big news, not even 0.1% of the population have it.
Because it's spreading quickly everywhere and has a relatively high fatality rate?
it doesnt have a high fatality rate
It's only fatal at a certain age IIRC...
it has a very low fatality rate
butit is spreadingfast
and spreading quickly everywhere is also false.
well it is spreading rather fast over here though
where are you from?
if you don't mind me asking
I'm outside of Europe, the UK.
its spreading fast here I'll admit
it still makes no sense at all
Is 3.5% not high?
we had 25k deaths in winter 2017/18 because of flue
nothing was shut down
this all makes no sense
flu is 0.1%
3.5 %
that number is wrong
its a lot lower
Hardly our biggest pandemic when we have had ones which have killed off more than 60% of the population, corona virus is only a threat to people over 40 if you ask me.
we have 8600 infected and 23 died in germany
55 deaths here
with only 1,500 infected.
so thats 0.26%
give or take
not even close to 3.5
I mean... world wide its higher
190,929 cases with 7,531 deaths
80,889 recovered
hmm what's 7531 / 190929
yeah thats a lot higher
almost 4%
but i was talking about our numbers
US will be hit real hard by this virus
That's why it's a bigger deal than the flu
since the health system is already terrible
even before corona
What do you mean? We just never go to the doctor and if we do get sick we beg for money on the internet. System seems solid.
If I have collection.Select(a => new mainObj(){ innerCollection = a.set.Select(b => new innerColObj(){ innerProp = b}) }) what is the easiest way to give each innerColObj a reference to the mainObj that it's in?
USA is doing really well at the moment...
5,677 cases with 96 deaths
for now
but its just the tip of th eiceberg
it's progressing fast here
how come i cant edit my messages anymore ?
If their older than a minute you can't.
and we have a lot of people with the attitude that it's not a big deal going out and doing things.
i cant edit any of them
the edit button is gone
where are you from?
I mean you are progressing slowly
ah! a refresh helped
now its working again
collection.Select(a => new mainObj(){ innerCollection = a.set.Select(b => new innerColObj(){ mainObjRef = ????, innerProp = b}) })
if you take your population into account and judge it next to much smaller parts of the world, USA is doing good (for now)
well it feels like a warzone in germany right now
everything is shut down
wym everything?
like everything everything?
this is the worst thing i ve witnessed in my whole life
Okay, but we also had basically no tests or testing occurring
same with the UK
except groccery,pharmacy and banks
UK stopped testing
probably because so many people were paranoid they had it and didn't.
this feels like the end of the world
like out of "28 days later"
or something like that
@Hans1984 Don't worry about it. We've survived similar things.
realy realy depressing
my mood is getting worse by the day...
this is not the end of the world lol
that's a ridiculous statement.
im constantly aggresive these days
how old are you
@AshKetchum of course its not
why isn't it?
you seem weird
you need to relax
look ppl are nuts
@Hypersapien I know this
the problem is not the virus
the problem is the massive overreacting by our government
Yeah, I know. The worst problem is always people.
and taking everything from ppl
the politics proved the are not fit for the job
after this is over they all need to go
Can anyone help with that reference assignment problem I mentioned?
Ok, I did some math. If the current mortality rate persists (~8%) then we would need to contain the infection to 0.075% of the world's population, in order for the number of corona deaths not to surpass the number of deaths for other causes
@mr5 Seems legit, too
yesterday, by V.7
@V.7 :D
@BenMann interesting
leaving now
bye guys
Huh.. if the virus spreads more than 0.201%, the world's population will actually begin to decrease
I mean 20%
tatty byes
anyone any good with Active Directory?
Anyone know what triggers the test explorer in vs2019 to give realtime feedback vs sitting freezing? Sometimes it shows which test is in progress when I run multiple, other times it just freezes and then when all the tests are done it updates them all it once.
at least, they wont have to get new ones for the rest of the year
need help getting all the data from a column and getting a count of all same ones
this is what i have atm
```using (var connection = new SqlConnection(_workConnectionString))
using (var command = new SqlCommand(workCommand, connection))
command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;

var data = new DataTable();
data.Load(await command.ExecuteReaderAsync());

if (data.Rows.Count > 0)
foreach (DataRow row in data.Rows)
var workid = row.Field<string>("Workstation");
workid = workstation.Trim();```
That doesn't seem complete-also not sure why you're setting workID to the row's field value then immediately assigning it to workstartion.Trim();
But if you want to count the number of occurrences of a string in a list of strings, you can do something like this:
public void PrintOccurenceCount(IEnumerable<string> strings)
    var dict = new Dictionary<string, int>();

    foreach(var val in strings)
            dict.Add(val, 1);

    foreach(var kvp in dict)
        Console.WriteLine($"{kvp.Key} - {kvp.Value}");
PrintOccurenceCount(new string[] {"A", "A", "B", "C"});
A - 2
B - 1
C - 1
That is exactly what I am looking for thanks. Do i have to create a new method or can i added to the existing one?
I just made a method for it to be contained as an example. You can just fold your list over the dictionary
If you want to ignore case, you can easily define your dictionary to handle that by passing an appropriate comparer to the constructor: var dict = new Dictionary<string, int>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
@Hans1984 why is it the overreaction by the government? Please elaborate I am curious.
2 hours later…
is it a good idea to parallel.invoke on a forloop?
@Adan there is also Parallel.ForEach iirc

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