@Neil I don't know much about that concept but I think that an orbital ring elevator can be done without needing the amazing properties of a theoretical carbon nanitube.
I mean for megaprojects in space you'd probably want to source your materials from space and do your construction in space to save on the cost of getting heavy things off the planet. So clearly an early goal should be chains of Sp-Ace Hardware.
We've been looking for an unobtainable material to solve the space elevator and space travel forever. We should just invest in making atleast one super man level human. This person can easily "lug several thousand metric tonnes of material into space" and carry a transport container full of Elon, Bezos and any one else rich enough to pay him for a space trip to mars.
@Neil I guess it depends on how much effort transporting stuff to space takes for him. Although if such a man existed, paying him for space travel would be the least of our worries. Power corrupts and aboslute power corrupts absolutely. We would be paying him fort our continued freedom.
it's difficult to say with any certainty how much money ultimately a space elevator would save, but assuming our future involves expanding to new planets, it is most definitely worth it
@CaptainSquirrel If I remember correctly as long as the other end of the space elevator reaches geostationary orbit the acceleration in the opposite direction to Earth's gravity should stop it from crashing down.
We are already building robots that can collect defunct satelites and other debris orbiting the earth. So unfortunately I don't think that can be used to garner support for a space elevator.
There are even millions of space debris flying about at bullet speed. I dont know what the probabilities are but one of them could hit the space elevator considering it's such a big target.
haha, I don't know where I got that from, I was too anxious. Japan still has the 2020 olympics to take care of so I should have known one of their construction companies would need more time.
Hey guys. If I append \.. to a path (dependend on the os), I go one directory up. What can I append to stay in the same directory? It can sound stupid, but I'm serious about it. Is there anything that refers to the current directory? Like `dir1\dir2\.` ?
@Neil I wouldn't bet on them reaching the 2050 target. Japan has a passion for precision. They won't cut the red tape unless it is absolutely ready. It took them quite a long time to complete the Akashi Kaikyo bridge and I'm sure it was late.
wonder if Alyx will get an expansion that lets you play as Gordon, a la Opposing Force....but that wouldn't make much sense, since he was still in stasis
Facebook, Microsoft, Google, and Amazon just told its Seattle area employees to work from home for the next three weeks to reduce the risk of spreading the coronavirus. Lucky for them, I just wrote two posts that will help.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan I don't understand why the following code gives the accompanying output because if an exception is thrown in GetAsync or by the statement ct.ThrowIfCancelRequested() then I don't expect the method call DisplayResults(url, urlContents, ++position); and any other statements that come after an exception is thrown to be executed since when an exception is thrown in an async method a Task is returned immediately and the exception is stored in the returned Task.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan Or are the results displayed up until cancellation is requested and the operation is cancelled. Is this what the output is showing and I'm just misreading it?
// *** Provide a parameter for the CancellationToken from StartButton_Click.
async Task AccessTheWebAsync(CancellationToken ct)
// Declare an HttpClient object.
HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
// Make a list of web addresses.
List<string> urlList = SetUpURLList();
var total = 0;
var position = 0;
foreach (var url in urlList)
// *** Use the HttpClient.GetAsync method because it accepts a
// cancellation token.
HttpResponseMessage response = await client.GetAsync(url, ct);
@JonathonChase thank you. Here is the code in which AccessTheWebAsyncis called:
private async void StartButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
// This line is commented out to make the results clearer in the output.
// *** If a download process is already underway, cancel it.
if (cts != null)
// *** Now set cts to cancel the current process if the button is chosen again.
CancellationTokenSource newCTS = new CancellationTokenSource();
cts = newCTS;
// ***Send cts.Token to carry the message if there is a cancellation request.
@JonathonChase So am I right in thinking that "when an exception is thrown in an async method a Task is returned immediately and the exception is stored in the returned Task"?
Each year, Stack Exchange donates $100 on behalf of each of our volunteer moderators. This is a long-held tradition that began in 2009, and we’re excited to continue it today. We’re pleased to announce that the donations have been made and the funds are at work helping these really awesome causes.
An async method always returns a task immediately. you can await that task, which will block execution until the task is completed or cancelled or throws.
Another alternative using https://stackoverflow.com/a/25684549/3975786:
var timeOut = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5);
var cancellationCompletionSource = new TaskCompletionSource<bool>();
using (var cts = new CancellationTokenSource(timeOut))
using (var client = new TcpClien...
How to check if connected and transfer data using such implementation? ... can't get right now ...