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Did we figure out or and and?
Yes it was true
Alright. We all pass intro to C#.
Except @Lews Because he was wrong on his first guess
Out of curiosity, has anyone here used Mixxx?
No, have you used marmelade
"I guess this makes us even."
I guess it does
The iOS people haven't either :(
room topic changed to C#: Discussion and questions on C# and the .NET Framework. [.net] [c#] [fun] [visual-studio]
room topic change to C#: nice try
What is wrong with it?
room topic changed to C#: Discussion and questions on C# and the .NET Framework. [.net] [c#] [visual-studio]
room topic changed to C#: Discussion and questions on C# and the .NET Framework. [.net] [c#] [kendall-frey] [visual-studio]
People come here to talk about C# and .NET, not Fun
room topic changed to C#: Discussion and questions on C# and the .NET Framework. [.net] [c#] [visual-studio]
What is fun
Kendaal Frey, the most important topic.
Stop messing around.
Why is VS a tag, but not any other .NET stuff?
Because that covers it all
room topic changed to C#: Discussion and questions on C# and the .NET Framework. [.net] [c#] [etcetera] [visual-studio]
now its all encompassing
Why etcetera?
How about we change it to just C# and .NET
room topic changed to C#: Discussion and questions on C# and the .NET Framework. If you came here to be free from Java, you haven't met Kendall Frey [.net] [c#] [etcetera] [visual-studio]
room topic changed to C#: Discussion and questions on C# and the .NET Framework. [.net] [c#] [etcetera] [visual-studio]
room topic changed to C#: Discussion and questions on C# and the .NET Framework. [.net] [c#] [visual-studio]
room topic not changed to C#: Discussion and who cares lol this is just in italics and not actually changing the room topic
why does Feeds announce everything we do, except topic changes?
to meta!
So, what does have over, say, ?
IMO WPF is more likely to be the topic of discussion.
I think the reasoning was that .NET covers all the technologies
If someone is searching for a WPF room, will they find us?
I think that the 3 tags up there now work. Honestly, if it isn't done in C# or it isn't in .net, or it isn't done in visual-studio, they are probably in the wrong place or just hoping we know
yes because wpf is c#
duh da dur
well, WPF is often (always?) used inconjunction with .NET, right?
sup guys
hey @HansRudel
@KyleTrauberman hows it going bro?
@KyleTrauberman Yes, but I was thinking about the guy that needs help with some XAML. Is he gonna search for ".net" or "c#"?
good/tired/frustrated/stressed/sick of SharePoint
@KendallFrey probably not
tired of always debating the room policies
Assuming he doesn't want to post on SO.
@KyleTrauberman ... didnt realise someone could be all of those all at once.
room topic changed to C#: Discussion and questions on C# and the .NET Framework. [.net] [asp.net] [asp.net-mvc] [c#] [entity-framework] [linq] [visual-studio] [wcf] [wpf]
That's the stuff!
As a new user to chat, I searched for the following rooms: c#, MVC, android, and java.
I didn't remove them - not sure who did
I do think visual studio fits there though
I think it might've been Outlaw
I added linq and wpf and something else, but @HansZ removed them all
Oh, ok sorry.
I sort of assumed language channels would encompass the related stuff.
Bad @HanZ!
@Hiverzz yeah
Bad command or file name! Bad dog!
@KendallFrey bad dog was the first thing that came to my mind as well
room topic changed to C#: Discussion and questions on C# and the .NET Framework. [.net] [asp.net] [asp.net-mvc] [c#] [entity-framework] [linq] [not-mono] [visual-studio] [wcf] [wpf]
I'd go to a c++ room and ask for a compiler recommendation. I'd also hope for someone in here to know something about mono.
Oh, please. Stick to real tags.
Having mono or not having it doesn't matter to me. But not not-mono
room topic changed to C#: Discussion and questions on C# and the .NET Framework. [.net] [asp.net] [asp.net-mvc] [c#] [entity-framework] [linq] [visual-studio] [wcf] [wpf]
@OutlawLemur In the chat, yes. In the room description, not so much.
@Kendall It shows our side of humor
fine sigh
ok, done playing work to do
@OutlawLemur I prefer that to be in the description (not tags)
We need a new description, but I don't have any ideas.
I swear, if my router overheats one more time it is going to get a nice cold bath.
I liked mine...
room topic changed to C#: All who enter must obey Kendall Frey! [.net] [asp.net] [asp.net-mvc] [c#] [entity-framework] [linq] [visual-studio] [wcf] [wpf]
Everyone ping @TravisJ :)
It ryhmes too!
How so?
room topic changed to C#: foreach (hot chick in this.room) { flirt(); } [.net] [asp.net] [asp.net-mvc] [c#] [entity-framework] [linq] [visual-studio] [wcf] [wpf]
Remove it.
room topic changed to C#: Discussion and questions on C# and the .NET Framework. [.net] [asp.net] [asp.net-mvc] [c#] [entity-framework] [linq] [visual-studio] [wcf] [wpf]
@TravisJ Overheating routers are the worst. Pop it open!
@KyleTrauberman Even that is better than this.
@Kyle Nice one... sorry @Kendall yelled at me
I vote we change it back to the chick one.
It still is.
Outlaw can't change the topic.
Yes I can
room topic changed to C#: foreach (hot chick in this.room) { flirt(); } [.net] [asp.net] [asp.net-mvc] [c#] [entity-framework] [linq] [visual-studio] [wcf] [wpf]
Can you? I haven't seen any of your changes take place.
null pointer.
@TravisJ you have to refresh sometimes
to see them
@Kyle - I see yours every time.
Graphics ex; haha
And kendall's too
Sorry for being a arse, but may I suggest a slight improvement to the naming convention? Pascal case for the Hot and Room and Flirt
room topic changed to C#: foreach (Hot chick in this.Room) { Flirt(); } [.net] [asp.net] [asp.net-mvc] [c#] [entity-framework] [linq] [visual-studio] [wcf] [wpf]
@OutlawLemur Probably both.
if you have the following method using (Filestream fs = MyMethod()) where MyMethod() returns something other than a FileStream, say a Stream, what happens
Warning: If you don't give enough f*ck, then I get to remove you from the owners. After all, what good is an owner that doesn't give a f*ck?
do u always need to cast it
@HansRudel sorry I never got to helping you with that
@HansRudel fs should be declared as a Stream.
@KendallFrey A yerF lldneK? (Kendall Frey reversed)
yeah, what kendall said
@KyleTrauberman np bro, ur not my personal tutor.
I have a master page and a content page. I want to get the element id="something" from he codebehind of the content page. How?
wish u were though
@KendallFrey cheers bro
@OutlawLemur rumeLwaltuO
@Ryan Magic
@RyanJMcGowan that wont' be possible from the masterpage
is that in the Wizardry namespace?
I want to get it from the content page, though.
are you getting the element via javascript?
if so, it doesn't matter
no. I want to do it server side
^ that's javascript
@RyanJMcGowan you don't have a reference to the control in your code behind?
I thought any lurkers might find that useful
or are you using MVC?
48 secs ago, by Kyle Trauberman
@RyanJMcGowan you don't have a reference to the control in your code behind?
if you do, use it
I just have links in my menu that I want to have highlight when I'm on THAT page.
if not you can do
Control ctrl = Controls.FindControl("id");
will return the control with that id
then cast it to what ever type it is
ok, and even if it's not on that form, right?
it will only look at stuff in the current page's control tree
if you have multiple forms on the page, that will still work
Thanks, guys, for being so busy as to encourage me to debug my code myself. I got it figured out.
Maybe it would be better to put a function in the masterpage that calls a value from the content page?
the problem with that is the masterpage has no reference to the content page
so you can't access the content page
@KyleTrauberman @KendallFrey do u know if what bigyellowcactus suggested was correct? Im assuming partly since MemoryStream has a default constructor so it should be able to be mocked. But i cant cast to Filestream since its on the same level as MemoryStream? stackoverflow.com/questions/11866829/…
you can do the opposite though
@Kendall I knew you had a problem so I made sure to talk excessive amounts so you would figure it out on your own
I don't think you can mock a memorystream with Moq
10 minutes until more stars!
I could be wrong though
so even if I call a function at pageload that gives a value, I can't use it to feed the master?
you can from the content page
not from the master page
that's similar to what I was suggesting with the place holder
for displaying something on the masterpage from the content page
but I'm sure you know that
Well I have placeholders, but that seems like too much just to change the text from gray to white.
If I change a menu item, I only want to change it once.
perhaps you can do this:
create a public property on the masterpage
with a reference to the menu
then get the masterpage from the content page
and change the color
yeah that's sort of the logic I was thinking
@OutlawLemur Saw it already.
@OutlawLemur every year
Sure. I did see it before, and I know you got it from memegenerator.
Now I feel bad....
Now I feel bad....
Ugh... I should read... don't feel like it. I'd rather blow up tanks...
I would lol if a meme with my name went viral.
Me too since I create it
GAH! What the hell is Silverlight doing on my machine!?!?

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