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don't be jealous of my awesomeness
I'm writing a lot of LINQ heavy craziness but it looks like I'm not doing a lot of work because my code is so short
@Steve I'm not. I have my own awesomeness.
@KendallFrey touche sir
Sir... he said sir...
@HansZ You sound like IBM is paying you
sir you are a scholar and a gentleman
may i chug your wine
wine messes me up bad, i do dumb things when i chug wine :(
@KendallFrey I completely agree
Alcohol abuse is a very common problem among young people these days. Just because your peers are drinking heavily doesn't mean you need to drink heavily yourself.
so true
one time i chugged a bottle of wine, i woke up with all sorts of fast food wrappers in my bed and i don't even remember being in my car, let alone driving to get food. I haven't drank wine since. that is scarey shit, i could have killed somebody, or myself, and i don't know how i didn't
image not found
it's the more you know logo from NBC
oh ok
Wholeheartedly disagree - if you regularly drink heavily for no good reason, you can build tolerance for those times where there's a big party and it's very tempting to overdo it - remain in control for the good times :D
What are branches? OK, this is an overly broad question. Let me rephrase. Imagine I have a single text file. When I create a new branch in TFS 2010, does it create a complete new copy of the file? Is this even a right question to ask? Should I leave TFS internals to the pros?
that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it
@kush ew TFS
@kush pretty sure it creates new files, thats the point of branches, so you can edit different versions of the same file and not have them interfere with eachother
What happens when you merge branches?
replace one file with another -- im assuming
@Steve So if you branch for each ticket or feature, your repository will eventually become really, really big ™ ?
@kush i assume so yes. I don't see how you can have multiple branches with the same files, it doesn't make sense -- unless TFS stored them in memory, but thats a really really dumb idea and i'm 100% positive TFS doesn't
well, i guess it depends on your definiton of really big, i don't think it'll fill up a hard drive easily (not unless you literally had a few thousand projects with a hundred branches each or something)
@Steve about 9 GB
yeah i think it could
@Steve Thanks for your insight. Do you work with tfs much?
@kush i've been working with it daily for a few months now
so i'm not a pro, but i have a good feeling for it
do you miss git stash?
we used sourcesafe before tfs
This must be heaven then (:
lol :p
I have been shelving at least twice every day for the last week.
So I can go back when I mess up
It is only a dev branch but I am still not supposed to check in anything other than peer reviewed final code
oh, that works i guess. normally when i get to a stable position, i just check it back in, then check it out again, and if i mess up i can just undo pending changes
shelving is really for having two versions of the same branch, like if you do a bunch of work on a branch, and they decide they don't want you to work on that anymore but want you to work on something thats "broken" in the same branch, shelve it, then undo pending changes, check out again, and you have your previous changes backed up, but can work on another version of the same branch
at least thats how it was explained to me
@kush thats strange
@Steve yup. but I use it a little more extensively I guess. Also I might or might not be paranoid about my laptop dying.
Hey, If you put an ItemType into a List<object> is there a way to maintain it's type as an ItemType instead of of object when it comes out?
cast to itemtype
but why not just make it List<ItemType> ?
@TankorSmash no. You've deliberately told List<> that you WANT its collection members typed as object
I'll look into casting
maybe i don't understand what you're asking
@TomW It's for an inventory system and I have several children of itemtyp, and I assumed I could just make a list of the highest parent
if you create a list of type object, and add a bunch of elements of type ItemType, when you pull the elements out of the list, you'll have to cast to ItemType to use them as type ItemType
It's something like Item > Food > Meat
@steve ok, that sounds easy enough
by creating List<object> you've told that generic list to throw away the type information
dotnetperl has a page on that I'd wager
The real question is, what is the behaviour and internal state that ALL the inventory items must have?
so something like:
but thats generally not a great design idea, its called boxing
foreach (Food meat in ItemsList) {etc} ?
that's the common base type of all the items in the inventory, so you can create a List<BaseType> and every item brought out of it is guaranteed to have that behaviour
tom +1
It's more of a convenience thing
I'm still new, so best practices would be good to learn
what tom is describing is polymorphism, and using THAT would be GREAT practice
As far as internal state and behaviour relating to all items, not much beyond all going into a users inventory
but all Food children can get eaten, if that helps?
and Food is a child of Item
think of it like this, there are three types of relationships: IS-A, HAS-A, and Has-in-common-with
fish IS-A food, so you extend food class with a fish class, fish HAS-A fin, so you create a reference to fin in the fish class
Duck is-a bird, car has-a door ;)
and HAS-in-common-with is like... all items in a grocery store has a "get price" method, because you call that when you ring them up, so they all implement an interface
I think I've got that going a bit, between all the Food children classes.
a fish has nothing in common with a t-shirt except for that method
so understanding those three you can either program to a base class, or to an interface and use polymorphism so you don't have to box to type object and cast when you pull em out
Does anyone have some jquery debugging tips?
another thought...if there is little or no behaviour in common between all the types in the inventory, what is the value of putting them in a list? If whatever's accessing that list needs to do something with Foods, then perhaps all Foods should be kept together in a List<Food> and the other types should be somewhere else. Maybe that means having to write some boring boilerplate to keep collections synchronised, wouldn't gurantee against it.
@Steve check out how I've tried to implelement that, so far github.com/tankorsmash/Csharp-Pet/blob/master/TammyFranklin/…
i can't, i have a meeting in a couple of minutes
@TomW That's good point too
@Steve not a big deal. Thanks for writing it all up
no problemo
it's 50 lines of mostly whitespace
@TankorSmash and i only know theory, i'm still a noob with little experience actually implementing the theory
I might have to go with Tom's idea, of segregating the lists though
heh it's all good
I'll take a look at casting the objects as they come out of it though
Yeah, for right now, pulling Items out of the inventory list and casting them as food seems to be working
but that's only because I've got Food in there
thanks for the help @Steve and @TomW
no prob
by the way, the expression instance as type evaluates to null without throwing, if the instance isn't of that type
I find that quite neat
It's also better for performance that way.
so I'd have to check for null instances in my method then eh?
I need to measure the frequency of visits at different places per day, week, month in C#. I have user databases that contain place names for user as shown below.

place                      date
dinning hole          04-04-2012-1pm
Walmart                04-04-2012-3pm
Home                    04-04-2012-8pm

place                      date
Home                 04-04-2012-8am
dinning hole       04-04-2012-1pm
Gas Station        04-04-2012-2pm
Walmart             04-04-2012-3pm

I am kind of confused , Could you please make it clear to me ? What is actually being asked ? Any co
@CoKoder this isn't a Q&A room, we help when we feel like it. StackOverflow proper is the place for that
@CoKoder Put it this way; Management wants a report on behaviour of potential customers. They know where these potential customers go at which times. Now they want to know where and when they should be handing out ads to reach as many customers as possible. Does that help? :P
I love it when you see a requirements doc that mentions a 'numeric number'.
Those non-numeric numbers are a pain in the ass.
Wait, since we have chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/14756/net-developers-lounge is this room all serious now? Q and A or C# related talk only?
It remains as it has been for years. That other room is just an imposter.
Now I look at it, who wrote that room title? Not much of that happens here.
What then?
We drive on the parkways and park on the driveways.
^ I agree with that post
@KendallFrey - haha
@KendallFrey I noticed Bitbucket has something similar. "Be the first to like this changeset"
Q: Is WebClient.DownloadData acceptable for getting data from a website?

Outlaw LemurCurrently on my ASP.NET website when I define a new user I write their data to a .txt file like this: public class User { public string UserName; public string PassWord; public string Email; public string FirstName; public string LastName; public string Twitter; public string FaceBook; public in...

@OutlawLemur how do you deal with security implications of writing to file from a web service?
@kush well obvisously I have it hidden under many layers of files
You can never rely on hiding anything, imagine your code being open source, which it is for an attacker. Then ensure that they can't get their hands on it.
@KendallFrey lol
                string[] splited = new string[]{ };
                splited = line.Split(new Char[] {' ' });
Will this pull each space from a string?
Or will it just pick one?
I want to buy chameleon paint. What should I apply it to?
in b4 forehead
Your face XP
that would be a cool haloween custom
"Hello world foo bar" -> "Hello", "world", "foo", "bar"
@Ammar-whynotZoidberg Your car.
@Ammar - Your face, then your car with your face.
no .. what else
statue of liberty
you can play houdini
cars are mainstream
Your code, then it looks like you code in Whitespace.
Paint a regular lizard, turn it chameleon
ba-dum tsh
string splitstring = Console.ReadLine();
string[] splited = splitstring.Split(' ');

for (int i = 0; i < splited.Length; i++)
Console.WriteLine(splitstring[i] + " ");
/*if I enter hello world,
* output is
* h
* e
* Why does it do this?*/
Why it no work?
@KendallFrey lol is that sfw? :p
I have such a bad headache right now that I'm using sunglasses inside work. I've seen at least 2 people asking each other if I have a hungover :(
yes if you dont mind loud noises
Are you?
@OutlawLemur You do Write*LINE*, not Write.
Ohhh, lol
Now I get it ;p
@OutlawLemur not splitstring[i], but splited[i]
@robjb rim shot
@Kendall Oh thanks
Yea I read it right, but no idea what that meant
lol now you do.
No I'm not.
That recursion?
I gave up on trying to code. I'm thinking from the very start to think of an alternative.
I truly hate recursion.
@AndréSilva To must understand recursion you must first understand recursion.
I truly love recursion.
@KendallFrey Then do this function work. :(
@robjb I agree.. wait.. THATS RECURSION AHHHHHHHH
Did you mean, recursion?
google what ?
Google recursion for recursion.
They (or anyone else) don't seem to know the difference between recursion an an infinite loop.
An infinite recursion is not necessarily the same as an infinite loop though. Although they both have the same halting result.
lol, recursion tries to terminate ;)
Using DataTables to do recursion is more like a paradox and not a recursion.
I don't know what that means. Whether recursion is even applicable depends on what you want to do with the DataTable.
I want to make a treeview with <ul> <li>
lol man, you need to give us some code.
And I have a datatable that has stored the ID and the ParentID
We spent all day trying to finagle what you meant into code.
public string MontaRecurso( DataTable dtMenuDinamico )
            string strRetorno = string.Empty;

            strRetorno += "<ul>";

            strRetorno += "<li>";
            strRetorno += "<a href='#' onclick='MudaPaginaCenter(\"" + dtMenuDinamico.Rows[0]["Url"] + "\");'>" + dtMenuDinamico.Rows[0]["Nome"] + "</a>";
            strRetorno += "</li>";

            for (int i = 0; i <= dtMenuDinamico.Rows.Count - 1; i++)

                var Resultado = from contaRow in dtMenuDinamico.AsEnumerable()
I did that. But it won't work because I have to send all the datatable except what I've already been through inside the loop
Ok, I can recurse that.
I tried to make that LINQ to remove some rows
For f-cking sakes the guy next to me keeps cursing for no reason just so someone help him. >.>
The LINQ that I pasted is actually just getting the child. But I need the rest of the datatable too to see if the child has childs..
Yea, I don't know who came up with the name Inception, but they got the wrong word.
@AndréSilva - Okay, so what does this code not do that you posted?
It seems well formed enough to me at first glance.
Does not work with grandchild.
ok, which line would have the grandchildren that aren't being added?
Let me try to explain with a table test.
Can you show me the structure of the relationships?
From the datatable ?
has-a relations
Erm... explain ._.
Harbor has a collection of Ships. Ships have a collection of CrewMembers.
Is that present in your model?
Every row has its ID and if the row have NULL as ParentID then it is root if not the ParentID is the ID of the parent ( obviously ).
Does that helps?
This set seems to match 1 to 1 with your columns

drResultado["IdMenu"] = enumResult.Current.IdMenu;
drResultado["Nome"] = enumResult.Current.Nome;
drResultado["IdPai"] = enumResult.Current.IdPai;
drResultado["Ordem"] = enumResult.Current.Ordem;
drResultado["Target"] = enumResult.Current.Target;
drResultado["ToolTip"] = enumResult.Current.ToolTip;
drResultado["Url"] = enumResult.Current.Url;

Where is the issue of grandchildren because it seems like a direct mapping with no relationships.
Just to explain my ignorance. I have 1 and 1/2 years of experience working with programming, just left high school and my boss just tells me to do weird stuff that I don't know.
So, bear with me.
I didn't put any relations on the LINQ query because I'm just filtering the data.
So is the data out of order when you create it? Is data left out?
The order that the procedure returns to the datatable is by ParentID
Roots first, then Child from root and so on
Breadth-first order, essentially, though who knows if that is maintained
@TravisJ It's not a relational data set. It's a hierarchical data set stored as a relational data set.
A guy once shared his screen with join.me
I see
I liked the idea
Take a look
I get it, the part that needs to recurse is the for loop
@TravisJ, get in here.
And help me :(
@Andredseixas Might I suggest a different approach?
That will need to be in a separate method, perhaps 2. One to build the string, one to hold the string.
@SPFiredrake Sure.
@AndréSilva - It's okay, pretty sure I get it now.
I had to do something similar, lemme see if I can explain how I did it.
:( I'm going to close the join.me then..
Okay. Kinda complex, just gimme a sec.
Basically you are going to have to recurse to ensure that the query you run hits the children.
But I can't let the recursion hit the same point I've been already a second time.
That is why the first step is going to be to establish the top. This is the top I am assuming:

var top = from contaRow in dtMenuDinamico.AsEnumerable()
                  where contaRow.Field<int?>("IdPai" == null)
                  select new
                      IdMenu = contaRow.Field<int>("IdMenu"),
                      Nome = contaRow.Field<string>("Nome"),
                      IdPai = contaRow.Field<int?>("IdPai"),
                      Ordem = contaRow.Field<int?>("Ordem"),
We are going to recurse down from there.
The LINQ won't fit on recursion since is removing everything that isn't a child of the current ID
@Andredseixas Include the parentID in the method signature.
By method signature you mean... ?
@AndréSilva - Does that query return the top of the hierarchy?
The LINQ query or the procedure query ?
@AndréSilva Method parameter, I think
Yeah. That way, you know at what level you're working with.
I am assuming yes.
@TravisJ which are you talking about ?
The code I pasted above
The code I pasted returns the order of the actual datatable.
But just the child of the actual id
@SPFiredrake But how would that help? :(
In order isn't really that important when recursing or you could just use a for loop.
Honestly, can you just answer the question?
foreach(DataRow contaRow in dtMenuDinmaico.AsEnumerable().Where(tr => tr.Field<int?>("IdPai") == parentID))
Recurse from that ? @SPFiredrake
Do you have to use recursion? I am sure whatever you are doing can be done iteratively.
Now you have all children for that particular parent ID. For every element you're looking for, you look to see if there are any children with that parent ID.
@LewsTherin Is right though. DT are not good for recursion (it can be done, but it's ugly).
@LewsTherin I can have :
ID : 0, 1 ,2 ,3 ,4
ParentID: NULL, 0, 0, 1, 3
My personal recommendation: Build a dictionary of ParentID -> ChildIDs.
@TravisJ Sorry, could not understand by top of hierarchy. The LINQ query returns just the children of the id I have on my loop
I'd go with @LewsTherin and build your tree iteratively, if you can, since recursion is giving you so much trouble
It is impossible to do with iteration since for each row I'll have to loop everything and for each row of the loop I'll have to loop everything..
Pretty simple, too:
    .GroupBy(tr => tr.Field<int?>("IdPai"))
    .ToDictionary (tr => tr.Key, tr => tr.Select (ti => ti.Field<int>("IdMenu")).ToList())
I don't understand much lambda, could you explain what that do.
Anything with a null ParentID is a root.
@Andredseixas Create a Grouping on the ParentID, meaning it creates a Lookup (pretty much a Dictionary, with a Key that maps to a List of elements).
So our Key is the ParentID, meaning any rows that share the same ParentID will be in the same group.
Then we just convert it to a dictionary, with only the actual child's ID as the value.
Your code returned "Value cannot be null."
At this point, if you want to recurse, you can, but it's not necessary.
Whoops: (ti => ti.Field<int?>("IdMenu")).ToList())
IdMenu will never be null since it is primary key of its table
Value cannot be null. again ._.
Ahh. Hmm...
In the GroupBy or ToDictionary call?
No idea ._. It greened all your code.
Change it to .ToDictionary(tr => tr.Key ?? -1,...
Next part is fun:
._. erm, It returned 3 keys
-1, 1 and 4.
Yes, -1 is the root.
Yeah now I got it. Haha
-1 : 1, 4
1 : 2, 3
4 : 5
Just like it should be.
hello all
can anyone point me to the right direction
Next part I'll just have to loop through my DataTable and search for the IDs and create the structure ? ._.
@Calvin Go that way ->
what is the pad file specification for icon size
what do you mean?
is it 32x32
@Calvin he pointed you to the right -> direction
@techno Pad file? What?
anyways ... in my winform, if i specify with the id, my elementhost display correctly
public MessageScreen1(int chartItemId)

_messageView = new MessageView();
MessageViewHost.Child = this.messageView1;
_messageViewModel = new MessageViewModel();
_messageView = (MessageView) this.MessageViewHost.Child;
_messageView.DataContext = _messageViewModel;
when i'm in another class and instantiate this class example ... MessageScreen1 messageScreen = new MessageScreen1(item.ChartItemID);
Everyone is working on something interesting, except me :(
var dict = dtMenuDinamico
	.GroupBy(tr => tr.Field<int?>("IdPai"))
	.ToDictionary (tr => tr.Key ?? -1, tr => tr.Select (ti => ti.Field<int>("IdMenu")).ToList())
var selector = default(Func<int?, string>);
selector = x =>
		string strRetorno = string.Empty;
		// This is our parent row!
		DataRow thisRow = dtMenuDinamico.Rows.Find(x);
		strRetorno += "<ul>";
		strRetorno += "<li>";
		strRetorno += "<a href='#' onclick='MudaPaginaCenter(\"" + thisRow["Url"] + "\");'>" + thisRow["Nome"] + "</a>";
Is there a good WPF book?
@LewsTherin my work isn't interesting
my elementhost doesnt refresh, do anyone know why?
@KyleTrauberman What do you do?
I'm fighting with the SharePoint 2010 BCS
One change.
@LewsTherin Not me.
@KyleTrauberman Better than nothing :)
I need something to work on at home.
Then you just call return selector(null)
I'm writing a WScript JScript script. Bo-ring.
@Microsoft SharePoint, not cool man, not cool.
@KendallFrey WScript?
@LewsTherin Like JavaScript, but implemented by Microsoft.
@Andredseixas Just remember to set the "IdMenu" as the PrimaryKey column of your DataTable.
@KendallFrey Lol, why doesn't that surprise me.
That way the Rows.Find(x) call actually returns back your row.
Two word documentation RAGE!
//Implement Solution
I'm sure you can find your way around it now, @Andredseixas
If you still need some help, then ping me and I'll help out where I can.
Quick question. The return of my function should be the selector ?
Self-contradictory documentation RAGE!
How can 0x500 ms be half a second?
0x500 you mean 0 times 500 or memory pointer 0x500 ? ._.
0x500 decimal = 500. 500 milliseconds = 1/2 second?
The selector returns a string.
Func<int?, string> == string Method(int? param)
0x is usually indicative of hex though, which would be a ton of milliseconds. 1280 to be exact
erm. Am I dumb? 0(16^0)+0(16^1)+5(16^2) != 500
0x500 == 1280
lol tom, I don't know why I did that without being 0 based
@E.LDunn water wheel
I'm glad I didn't mess up my hex arithmetic there
@Andredseixas Although there's some extra work that needs to be done:
@SPFiredrake Oh. Didn't see you edited. Thanks ._.
DataRow thisRow = dtMenuDinamico.Rows.Find(x); will give you the current datarow for the given MenuID. You need to check to see if it's null (in which case it's a root) and handle it differently.
Yeah, just noticed that ._.
On root parent x becomes null...
Also, if there are no children for a particular MenuID, then I don't think you should be creating another <ul> tag, so before writing it, check to see if there are any children for that ID.
Hey you said you didn't need recursion. But you used it >.>
Yes, it was easier in this situation.
Otherwise I wouldve used a stack.
You don't need to use loops in code. They just make many problems easier.
If I use selector(null) and my primary key is the IdMenu and the first row is null it will find it ?
Now I know why the Hulk does what he does.
@Andredseixas Nope. But it will find all the root elements when it does foreach(var child in dict[x ?? -1])
It won't get there...
Because the Rows.Find(x) will return null
Yep. And you need to check for that.
I'm not gonna do ALL your work for you (just most of it)
It's up to you to do the error checking.
I really appreciate that.
Thanks again.
can you do my work too?
There was a kid in here a while back that was taking an XNA class and was demanding people did his work for him.
Remember that @KendallFrey?
wasnt me
@SPFiredrake Javier. ...
What is this "documentation" you speak of?

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