It has been idle for over a month now and Xcode decided to break the project configuration. Now my PM will think I'm taking more time to fix a very minor bug
Hey guys, just one quick question, I have a byte and want to toggle the first bit, is there something like 'byte0 = byte0 ^ 0b0000_0001;' for byte ? Or do I really need to convert to int before?
They have a strong footing on their market, and the field delivery team is VERY well deployed. But they don't have any vision or interest to see, they only work with the numbers they have at hand
There will be a new field delivery services manager on February, he came here a couple weeks ago to meet the team, and was genuinely bamboozled by the current status of the office
"why do you have 10MB at the office, I have fiber at home, 1 GB symmetric, I'm sure it should be feasible to upgrade"
Then he turns to his assistant: "What's the price to upgrade to 100MB... I see... what's the price to 50... 30?.... OK I think we should try to find a new ISP"
Like bleh, these peasants are undeserving of our presents.
Even the DSL infrastructure is relatively slow where I live (40MB max) and I really, really don't want to go with cable, because the local cable internet company has a terrible, terrible track record with support.
@Shad The classic 3-tier architecture is client-server-storage. Meaning that the client app, the business logic service and the data accessor service as developed separately.
I have an interesting theory that would explain why @HéctorÁlvarez's IP is in Romania though he's in Spain, and he's watching a video of his CEO in Chicago talk about lettuce farming, overcoming addiction, and opium farms. Hector's on drugs.
I do wonder how many databases there are out there with a Gender column with bit type or something equivalent and an additional column "NonBinaryGender" with bit type added afterwards
I don't mind gender being a bit?. But atleast don't call it "Gender" Call it something relatable like "IsMale" or "IsFemale" or if you are so cheap just "Male"
For some reason I cannot fathom, and strongly suspect foulplay by Azure, the first time, and only the first time this function gets called, I get the fallback path returned to me
In the rest of the times, I get the correct some/file.html path.
Needless to say that the file exists in the filesystem from the start.
Judging by how Azure assigns random IPs to FQDNs I will ask my first question, are you requesting this from some random IP address or does the URL contain the FQDN?
I've seen something like this happen to me when setting up an NFS host within an Azure deployment, we couldn't access the correct host from Kubernetes because the NFS host would change erratically.
@MadaraUchiha Ah, I think I misread your problem to mean that this is code that should happen when a request is made, but happens before any requests are made by you.
But now I see you said this should happen regardless of requests.
Math Question: Is there a way to avoid division multiple times in order to get number that is between 1-9? e.g 32/2 = 16, 16/2 = 8 so 8 is the answer but that takes two iteration to get such result.