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07:00 - 12:0012:00 - 22:00

Morning o/
WTH is that?
The error in XAML debugger: "Application is not supported in WPF"
Good morning
Today's Monday, Thursday, and Friday. All at once.
@Feeds This is actually good.
Wait where's everyone
I ate them.
@Feeds There was a Family Guy episode like that.
Hi, what is the meaning of native in "desktop browser, mobile browser and native" ?
is it like original?
@kame Chrome for Windows, Chrome for Android, Native application (i.e. not web)
An application you get from the app store (although you'll soon have web apps there too, probably)
@MadaraUchiha not IE for Windows?
@kame We don't talk about that.
native means that Apple and Android use different apps. Their native apps.
But how does this correlate with a browser?
Hi guys
Today's my b-day
happy birthday \o
thank you .P
and today's my unbirthday
not quite as important, admittedly, but I can celebrate more of them
@Developer00 Happy lap around the sun related to that time of your life when you popped out a woman's gut day
Maybe I should have used dashes, but no time for kurrekt grammers
@HéctorÁlvarez are you related to the Coneheads by chance?
No I don't think so... but my head is rather big
Yesterday I was on vacation, tomorrow is national holiday
so today it's Monday, Thursday, and Friday. I should celebrate
Ah the consumption of mass quantities. I will enjoy it
@HéctorÁlvarez I prefer saying one year less to live
@Developer00 That implies negativity. I try try convey a sense of not really giving a Shatner about this social convention of celebrating a year of life
That kind of celebration only incites consumerism. I'd rather enjoy myself all year long
birthdays are just an unfriendly reminder of how old I am
and the older you get, the more you begin to think like this
@Neil Been feeling like this since I was 12
did your parents not ever buy you anything on your birthday?
@Neil Geting grumpy is a reminder of getting old :-P
@HéctorÁlvarez Plus today I work only this morning because of tomorrow being holiday
Oh great! That's actually something worth praising. Congratulations!
Oh also about me, Razer finally restocked the Viper ultimate in Spain so I bought one. Also came to the conclusion that I don't want the headphones I bought, so I'm gonna RMA them back and buy cheap 30€ ones
@bradbury9 *old man mutterings*
Someone know how dp work?
I mean, I got that it's a unit measure that relies on screen density instead of pixels
The formula is PX = DP*(DPI/160)
but that 160 is a constant?
Given an image pixels I need to set it's height & width in dpi
I can get screen density with .getMetric()
So I have PX, DPI
If that 160 doesn't change i'm fine
But doesn't it?
And if it does change depending on mobile, how do I get that data
Where I got informations
Maybe u are wrong @Developer00
Check this lengthy explanation dpiphoto.eu/dpi.htm
And from your link "The unit is relative to a 160 dpi screen ..... px= dp* (dpi/160)"
...fresh news from Spain: Woman fired after taking 9 days of sick leave.
I am a labor union member, we sindicalist knew that was possible since the huge laboral law change some years ago
Now it has gone public, sadly, so nasty bosses will know it also
@Developer00 What UI framework are you using?
I find this measure unconstitutional, hopefully it won't live long
But this being Spain... can't expect anything till 2035
I'm using xamarin
@bradbury9 One of my coworker
And in what context are these "pixels"
explained me that dpi is justan additional information
that makes possible to convert pixels into real life unit measures
cap or...
oh right
But also don't worry about it, DPs scale based on the device's dpi setting anyway, it's literally designed so you don't have to worry about it
DPI is a density related measure
I'm still not gettin' how they work
So saying it is "additional information" makes sense
Don;t worry about it
200 DP are the same in every device screen?
In theory
DP===DIP===Density-independent Pixel
Even though some devices have greater density?
Because the UI elements are made bigger
How do I convert Pixels into DP
You don't
let's say
Not the same, you say a image would be seen the same width in every screen
You shouldn't be working in pixels
I have a 480x320px image
I need to display it on device
but if it lacks pixels, its quality would be poor
mantaining the ratio
@CaptainObvious I know but I have to keep the data readable for the server API
If you code using DIP/DP you get the same aspect ratio, so it is great because of different density displays
The server has these previews which are png files
Oh you're resizing images on a server?
with a hole in it
is not the same a huge density 4:3 aspect ratio screen or a 4:3 poor dentity
if you use pixels in a huge density screen, you will see it small
plus it has data about the hole's position & dimensions
ANd the template dimension
In percentages
if you use it DP instead you will see the size constant between screens
The image is 480px x 320px, the hole is 50% width and 50% height
and it's 40% X and 50% Y from the center
So there is not a constant DIP-DPI formula
So I can position an image inside the hole
So you get the dp of the image control the image is going into, with width and height in DP. Then multiply them by (DeviceDPI/160) (so a 400px on a 300DPI screen would be 750px, because 300/160 = 1.875 and 1.875*400 = 750)
160dpi is the "base" density where the DP and the PX are actually the same
that /160
is a constant?
20 secs ago, by Captain Obvious
160dpi is the "base" density where the DP and the PX are actually the same
I understand 160 is your max DPI resolution
so it would change if your density changes
Bear in mind that's the case for Android
DPs may act differently on different platforms
ffs, there's not even a standard for DPI?
And in ios how do they work
No idea
I don't have a mac so I dont' develop ios apps
I guess is not OS dependant but screen/monitor dependant
the android formula is
DP = PX*(DPI/160)
I have % and Pixels
so if the hole is 50% wide on a 400px image it's 200px
on a 160dpi monitor is 200DP
You get it
To craft the image and get the merged image do use pixels
To display it use DP
I'll do some researches for iOs
any chance i can get a sanity check on this? i know there should be a better way of doing it but i am brainfarting right now and cant think
if(NC.DropdownChanged == "AffService")
    NC.SpecificAreas = GetSpecificAreas(NC.SelectedService);
if (NC.DropdownChanged == "SpecificArea")
    NC.SpecificAreas = GetSpecificAreas(NC.SelectedService);
    NC.SubAreas = GetSpecificAreas(NC.SelectedSpecificArea);
if (NC.DropdownChanged == "SubArea")
    NC.SpecificAreas = GetSpecificAreas(NC.SelectedService);
    NC.SubAreas = GetSpecificAreas(NC.SelectedSpecificArea);
    NC.SubAreas2 = GetSpecificAreas(NC.SelectedSubArea);
if (NC.DropdownChanged == "SubArea2")
NC.SpecificAreas = GetSpecificAreas(NC.SelectedService);
if (NC.DropdownChanged.In("SpecificArea","SubArea","SubArea2"){ NC.SubAreas = GetSpecificAreas(NC.SelectedSpecificArea);
if (NC.DropdownChanged.In("SubArea","SubArea2") NC.SubAreas2 = GetSpecificAreas(NC.SelectedSubArea);
@WhatsThePoint Something like that?
also replace .In() with whichever function you'd actually use, I forgot the real name
you can also wrap that in if (NC.DropdownChanged.In(all four)...
@HéctorÁlvarez possibly but i think that might be a little more messy
I faintly remember an extract by Eric Lippert, saying that it was a better idea to nest conditions instead of inlining them
You can concatenate switch statement cases @WhatsThePoint
if you skip the break of the upper case
good morning
average morning
@bradbury9 is a switch not just going to have the same amount of function calls?
@bradbury9 The idea is not to repeat the same instruction
	case "AffService":
		NC.SpecificAreas = GetSpecificAreas(NC.SelectedService);
	case "SpecificArea":
		NC.SubAreas = GetSpecificAreas(NC.SelectedSpecificArea);
	case "SubArea":
	case "SubArea2":
		NC.SubAreas2 = GetSpecificAreas(NC.SelectedSubArea);
	case "other":
		//other logic
		throw new NotImplementedException("Make me");
@WhatsThePoint I like the honesty
Because if he has to set NC.SpecificAreas to something different he has to do so in 4 different places.
@bradbury9 that won't assign more than 1 property
he needs 2 or 3 assignments in a single condition
so a friend is actually going to a zombiewalk for halloween
It will execute cases until break is hit
Wait does that work in C#?
Must be carefull, but it does
I thought it was illegal to have a case with a code block and not breaking before the next case
and must be very carefull how you put them
Don't you get a compiler error due to missing breaks?
we carved the Halloween pumpkins with the kids yesterday
kitchen is a mess
@HéctorÁlvarez Try it ;-)
Can't, I don't have a VS installed
I moved away from dem codes
it says i cant fall from one case label to another prntscr.com/pqjqwh
@WhatsThePoint I am not sure I coded them in the right order, but I think you get the idea
@ntohl haha
@WhatsThePoint That's what I thought
@WhatsThePoint Crap, work only with empty blocks, but not with coded ones
				case "a": // This works
				case "b":
				case "c": // This does not work
				case "d":
6 mins ago, by Héctor Álvarez
I thought it was illegal to have a case with a code block and not breaking before the next case
Indeed, my bad
benfortune is in js
maybe this?
if(NC.DropdownChanged == "AffService" || NC.DropdownChanged == "SpecificArea" || NC.DropdownChanged == "SubArea" || NC.DropdownChanged == "SubArea2")
    NC.SpecificAreas = GetSpecificAreas(NC.SelectedService);
    if (NC.DropdownChanged == "SpecificArea" || NC.DropdownChanged == "SubArea" || NC.DropdownChanged == "SubArea2")
        NC.SubAreas = GetSpecificAreas(NC.SelectedSpecificArea);
        if (NC.DropdownChanged == "SubArea" || NC.DropdownChanged == "SubArea2")
            NC.SubAreas2 = GetSpecificAreas(NC.SelectedSubArea);
they said he left
@WhatsThePoint Yes that's what I meant.
10/10 would maintain
A bit hard to mantain that conditions. I would string[] firstLevel = {"AffService", "SpecificArea", "SubArea", "SubArea2"}; if (firstLevel.Contains(NC.DropdownChanged))
@HéctorÁlvarez possibly was still brainfarting and couldnt visualise
cap was burried
rip cap
in JavaScript, 4 mins ago, by Ben Fortune
We've already buried her
a moment of silence pls
ahoy mateys o/
@CaptainSquirrel He said a moment of silence!
hey captain
@CaptainSquirrel Shut up or we bury you next.
@HéctorÁlvarez try it boyo
Nobody will ask if 2 caps were buried the same day
squints furiously.
You could technically write a very small shell script that would be able to bury cap n times per minute
@bradbury9 ive done this now, admittedly looks a lot nicer
thanks everyone
I may have forgotten to work on my bot last night
I can't find anything about xamarin ios and dp
ca u reactivate
are you the brother of J.Doe ?
@M.Doe can i reactivate what
did your slack get deactivated Again
I did it by accident
trying to transfer my email
I told you yesterday I needed to transf it lol
> you need to deactivate your account to change your email
oh you fool
I've asked sip
@CaptainSquirrel go away
That's not very nice
Wait what's that? I think I hear a kick THWOMP in the distance
way away away from here I'll be
@CaptainSquirrel thank you never leave us <3
Nice save
excellent save
I was contemplating just kicking you tbh @Harry
but my better and kinder judgement prevailed
Wait don't kick him yet
dont act like youre ever not contemplating that
I mean
I didn't say i didn't
pendulum are playing in cov in a few weeks i cant WAIT
Right I'm ready now
@Harry has great taste in music confirmed
They don't have the hype man anymore
Doesn't make him immune from the thwomp though
which is a good and bad thing
they must have a hype man
they used to have an mc that would be on stage with them
granted, he was kinda annoying
i know
but he could whip up the crowd like nothing else
currently listening to their brixtonacademy set
goddamnit why are multiselect listboxes so fucking annoying
^this tbh
They're not
i mean they are a bit annoying
Nah they're ez
oh yeah I got my crush to respond
and by "respond" I mean he closed another way of talking to him, so at this point I'm just gonna pack it up and go home lmao
just stop beeing gay
problem solved
just kidding
already working on it
not kidding
I'm at least repetent :P
@AlRey ah well, did he not even say anything to you?
that's harsh
no; he's basically been pretending I don't exist for almost 2 months :P
thats good of him
right after I told him I liked him, too -- so he's basically throwing me away despite the fact that we've been friends for over 4 years now
but hey -- the last message I sent was in a place where others can see it, so his friends can see how much of an ass he's being
well you should probably remind him that you're still his friend above all else
I did in the last message xD
`I just wish you would have told me what you really felt before doing what you did. Then maybe, as friends -- which I could have sworn we were -- we could have worked things out together.`
this guy really isn't worth my time anymore tbh
like I don't even hate him at this point; I moreso pity him for his cuckoldry
This story is heartbreaking
Guys are you knowledgeable around headphones? I'm looking for wireless headphones for gaming
there's no time in this world to dedicate towards unreciprocated love
I want open back, over ear, and comfortable.
I came out as bi to my best friend in high school and he basically ghosted me with no explanation
Eventually I got the hint and left him alone
I didn't even have a crush on him, he was just my friend
Turns out he's gay
he didn't like you because you are also into women
sorry Hector..I have no idea
actually hang on
I got some headphones awhile ago, but they're 4 years old now
@HéctorÁlvarez you'd need bluetooth support on your PC before you can do that
Beyution V4.1 Bluetooth Headphones
His father was pretty homophobic
that's what I got when I started college; I'm sure there's a better version now
I have a glorious master race Asrock Taichi Z370
nah actually @MikeTheLiar I have a feeling this guy is bi, but in extreme denial due to his religion
@MikeTheLiar then it's just the product of brainwashing that he stopped being your friend
im using this one from sony
Telling this story now, it seems obvious that he was worried his dad was going to think we were dating
how many guys occasionally send <3 emojis to each other?
sony never disappointed me
it's a tragedy, but certainly not your fault
Of course it comes with bluetooth and even RGBrooth
Hell, he sent me a <3 a few weeks before ghosting me
@Hans1984 What's the name on those?
not only that, but I vividly remember him hitting on me when we first became friends, with him saying "I'll bet you look cute when..." not gonna say the rest, since it's really kinky
and then was like "I bet you just don't want a boy fawning over you :P "
Sony MDR-RF912RK Wireless RF Headphone System
oh and omfg this guy's dad
I never met the guy, but I've seen his (public) facebook page...boomer pro-Trump memes everywher
@HéctorÁlvarez rgbrooth?
Now on the other hand, the guy I did have a crush on also turned out to be gay and I will never forgive him for not coming out when we were both single/living near each other
that's a new thing
but now that you say this about your friend @MikeTheLiar, I feel like I was maybe 80% sure my guy was queer....now I'm 100% sure
@Neil tooth*
especially when so many of his books' characters are bi
It must get very complicated for bi/gay people. I can only imagine.
yeah; that's why I'm wanting to fix myself :P
@HéctorÁlvarez logitech have nice wireless headset
Razer has nice sound quality, however i've never tried a wireless headset of theirs
And if you can afford it
AstroGaming headsets are very nice
I wasn't looking into headsets because sound on them is usually bad... But I could definitely give it a try
@Neil my sexual orientation is "married"
I don't want to spend more than ... say 150-200€
posted on October 31, 2019 by jonskeet

This is the first in what I expect to be quite a long series of blog posts, meandering over a fairly wide range of topics as they crop up. There’s nothing particularly technical in this introductory post. It’s really just a starting point. V-Drums In July 2019, inspired/encouraged by a friend name Alice, I bought … Continue reading V-Drum Explorer: Introduction →

@MikeTheLiar yep, so like me then
Nightmare by the Pillows sounds nice right now
that's what my whole situation with this guy feels like xD
@MikeTheLiar So sex returns a 404 response code, right?
I can't tell if that's supposed to be homophobic or ironic
@bradbury9 hahahah
You mean my comment, AlRey?
obviously sarcasm
yea I did lol...but now I get it
@bradbury9 More like 402
07:00 - 12:0012:00 - 22:00

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