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Turn on the 'Enable enhanced graphic' setting in Logitech Gaming jams my windows......
3 hours later…
Hi there!
Which true way have we today to use SQLite in EF?
Good Morgon! :)
Okay. I've got the information about sqlite provider at msdn but this provider supported by net core platform only. Does exist data provider for sqlite in the net framework? :)
Goood moorniiiiiing CeeeeShaaarp!
GoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOd Mornin' squirrelerinos!
squirrels are so awesome
How can I become a squirrel
@AlexeyM There are two providers the Microsoft one and the SQLite organization one. Coding regular non-EF ADO with the one from Microsoft, I discovered that they lack big functional code (they forgot to implement dataadapters) so I would recomend the SQLite organization Nuget package instead.
@Developer00 GMOs
:Squirrels bring diseases, are similar to rats
@bradbury9 did this stopped you from rescuing animals? or you did bullying them?
i hopefully not
@bradbury9 I just need to implement local credential database with db encryption. Now I consider ef is not suitable for me. Insofar as ef sqlite provider doesn't support database encryption at all. I should use System.Data.Sqlite. Thanks.
human brings diseases too!
No, humans are the desease
Yup, System.Data.SQLite is what I had to use in .net core.
Hi proxy
hehe, soon we might get cleaning by Ai
I watched Terminator last night
Im thinking we are lucky we didnt get reliable power source
Morning o/
I watched star wars episode 3 blu-ray last night. You guys are lucky I dont have a laser sable
a laser sable needs power source
I can confirm a lithium battery wont fits the need of high power laser
I thought the third was the best of the first three
The Jar-Jar one??? That character is awful. <-- Missread, though you said the first one
the first was just horrible. I couldn't shake the impression that it was a cookie-cutter star wars movie designed to appeal to a newer generation of franchise buyers
it also didn't really contribute much to the overall story
things which happen: they find anakin. A war starts. It is implied that a sith lord is at work.
I wouldn't say anything much else happens in the first movie which contribute significantly to the plot
Even Darth Maul was just to be able to throw in a few jedi fights at the end
And the dumb Padme driving Anakin to the dark side
and later getting scared "OMG! You slaughtered the children!"
that's why I liked the third. It got real dark
they weren't afraid to cross that barrier which most disney sponsored movies would never cross
There hasn't been anything in the more recent star wars films that have really gotten that dark
There's the new death star again, but that just strikes me as bad writing to resort to the same threats as the original star wars film
I want to see Rei's character turn to the dark side, and not because of some force ghost but because she legit has reasons to turn
Rei'd rather go grey jedi though
She wouldn't actually join the dark side
Just go "Fuck this jedi shit"
I still think that's kind of a lame outcome
I am afraid of the "The Last jedi" one, the one coming in december. Will it be too Disney?
though that's also likely, because they can't very well end the series where she becomes a sith lord
@bradbury9 It has to have a happy ending, and a Disney happy ending is generally with all loose ends solved and all evil is dead or has since changed their ways
I hope that doesn't happen but I think it will
Look at the Harry Potter films. Not going to say too much because spoilers, but the ending was not entirely "happy"
I dont dislike a happy ending, but all the comic crap with the dumb droids and the romantic sugar with the recent Star Wars movies... That I dislike
Pretty much similar to what Jackson did with The Hobbit movies. Fans got angry and wanted to slap him hard.
A half-elf getting in love with a over sized dwarf? really?
@bradbury9 That's just fantastics. It's ok. Let it go.
People are allowed to dream.
@bradbury9 yeah I agree, it just kind of strikes me as bad writing
I grew up role playing lord of the rings.
They try to jam pack their films to appease everyone. So that usually means in a typical hollywood blockbuster film, it must include: explosions, action scenes, romance, pathos
sometimes (usually) all that stuff doesn't fit without seeming forced
Again, just smells like bad writing for me
And cyberpunk, and D&D... The D&D movie pretended to be serius, but was comical instead. Now they are doing a game on the cyberpunk universe... Guess that I will get dissapointed again
Truth to be said, the cyberpunk role game had some serious broken mechanics
never played it
Is a game when you can get more and more into a machine, losing humanity, and when you get past beyond a point the cops get to kill you
oh wow
sounds like a good premise for a game
But you could get a sub-dermical armored character without losing too much humanity points
And game master would have to deal with your hard to kill character
But the universe was pretty cool
There was a game called Bound by Flame where you're a mercenary and a demon inhabits your body in the beginning.
As the story progresses, you can listen to the suggestions of the demon or ignore them. If you listen to them, you become more powerful, but then you start losing your humanity :P
Reminds me of the same type of premise (obviously not cybernetics but demons, but still)
the game is hard too. Not listening to the demon actually made the game more difficult
The game kicked my ass at any rate, but I was also going for a stealth rogue type player, and that strategy wasn't very effective as there were many battles with too many enemies for that to be viable
I think it's time to change my xbox360
I played some months ago an old RPG called Vampyr, you get a lot of benefits from feeding from human NPC's, but you do lose side quests and plot gets darker if you do so. Did get hard until you tune you character so you can fight decent without feeding humans
oh I like that idea
Do you know Alan Wake?
It's pretty famous
Plus you are a vampire medic in london that tries to defeat the plague
@Developer00 nope, never got into that kind of games
@Developer00 I've played it, yeah. It was a very sequential game, but well written
I found it pretty interesting
I think it was the last good game I played
I've spent years playing LoL
now which came first, Secret Window or Alan Wake?
they had very similar ideas
The book by stephen king?
yeah, they made a movie out of it also
It was in the early 00s
I read the book too. It was a little more disturbing than the film
I checked on wikipedia
Oh, I haven't read it
I just googled
I'm not into that kind of books
they implied that the writer taps into a parallel universe to get his inspiration, and one of the characters of his book was able to override his mind and take over
Hard to translate that into a movie
I think in the movie, they just simplified it into a psychological thing
he felt guilty and let this inner personality take over
creepy idea when you think about it. That could happen all the time to people and nobody would notice. People would simply act differently in real life and you wouldn't be the wiser
but in reality, their essence, their being just gets eradicated
@Neil @Override myMind(Writer writer){}
how do you write code
ctrl + k indents the text and it gets interpreted as a code block
Like this
but it won't work if you're responding to someone
Just write it inside " ` "
some code(){}
Not working
here it is
Love you guys
If we're talking here about directions and fantasms. I'm sorry, but I'dlike to add my two cents. For my opinion, they are making mistake popularizing such direction like radiowave, synthwave, outrun(in one word, 80s) with such games like "cyberpunk" an such ... they are making these like something funny or like for kids. Like a simple action movie with low budget where bang, boom and that's all. These directions/styles are more serious and cool than they realize.
Just listen to(for example) for such one of these(a normal synths):
These ... were times when physicists let people use computers, create their own electro music, synths ... when mind grew wider.
Pre-computer synths were way better. Prove me wrong
Fuck me that makes me sound old. I'm only 23 I promise
Yes, they are, but they were evolved since <1500s. Synthwave* direction nearly has just been born. 80's was the time of something really new.
ahoy mateys o/
Ahoy Captain O7
Oh good news
@CaptainObvious i'm here
I finally managed to get my dodgy xamarin shit to work properly
No you're not
fuck this place
I officially hate the plebs that had the great idea of using a `–` instead of a `-`.
I was wondering why my programm was bugging out in this one case.
welp yeal
screw all the people that ever use the `–` instead of the `-`
How do you make a bigger one instead of a littler one
Or is it like copying shit from word
good morning
Office likes converting regular '-' into that '–' crap
guess whos back
and guess whos still trying to sit on my keyboard
Guess who is still gunna demand you pay your cat tax
its me! :D
@Squirrelintraining oh yeah, those people should die a horrible death
yeah. Post a picture of the actual cat
I use – in written essays
Also screw whoever came up with the "greek semicolon"
also screw everybody who uses other than kanji
@Neil laughs in Greek
@Squirrelintraining Blame Microsoft.
Word automagically changes quotes and dashes to "more typographically appropriate" by default. Anything you paste into and out of Word is contaminated.
tl;dr paste it into notepad instead
gotta love microsoft
? why
just reads above 貓
they are just full width and half width symbols
in chinese chars , it was full width
How would you implement universal modal dialog?
half width !
full width !
For example, would you create in this WPF dialog a lot of controls in different grids and then showed them based on type of dialog using Visibility property?
??<《:::: ...
Is it possible making different way, for example vai ViewModel?
also it's a scientific minus symbol
also it's an alt-code
@MadaraUchiha No, I blame the plebs that abuse it in the wrong way
@Squirrelintraining You can't do that when it's the default behavior and Word doesn't give you any indication that it's doing that.
You can blame plebs that paste code into Word to begin with
But not that they don't notice that word changes this one tiny character in their large paragraph.
this isn't word.
I'm talking about an XML file
Which has 70 use cases
68 of them use the regular - and one peebrain decided to use the wide dash
Aswell how stupid is that behavoir in word in that case?
@Squirrelintraining Wide dash is not something that's typable.
I'm willing to bet it was copied through Word at one point in time.
those are typable on my keyboard
Try 0150
ALt + 0150
@MadaraUchiha It is typeable
:queue grim music:
And you think that someone would, willingly, use a 5 character key combination, rather than using the one key to produce -?
I'm not buying it.
To what end?
I can type !~《》?—【)“:; these on my keyboard, with one click
@MadaraUchiha † Yes ‡ absolutely
Maybe the guy thought, he was the h4xl0r
Using the 0150 omstead of the 42 (?) of the regular -
full width IME
why does your start bar look like its huge
@CaptainSquirrel Hey, just cuz you have a small start bar, doesn't mean you need to give others grief about theirs.
In an extension method MyMethod(this MyObject me)..., can you omit the "me." when you access members?
I have that in a method and...it compiles for some reason
@MadaraUchiha My start bar is perfectly adequate thank you :(
I make it vertical, because I have multi monitor, a horizontal taskbar is awful
Fair enough
@nyconing It's not the size of the bar that matters, it's how you use it.
@Squirrelkiller what?
I don't understand how it can compile
Cached code?
vertical taskbar = more space on multi monitor
or your multi monitor is vertical aligned
@Squirrelkiller I can't
"Identifier expected" tells me VS
what he hell roslyn
@CaptainSquirrel Havent touched that in months
You thried this rigth? public static void Test(this object )
it's an existing, old method
ExtensionMethods are just syntactic sugar anyways.
It compiles actually to `MyTestClass.Test(object obj) { // logic }`
And wen you use `object o; o.Test();` it actually calls `MyTestClass.Test(o)`
ext methods are just static method ko
Hi, can someone solve a problem about a batch file?
I am getting "plus was unexpected at this time"
and, the input is "fruits(g) plus nine"
And, this is the line set result=%!recentInput!,!previousInput!
plus is text.
user entered "fruits(g) plus nine"
Step 1: Delete the batch file
Step 2: Profit.

It's that easy
you missed a step
Step 1) Delete the batch file
Step 2) Recreate the batch file using c# (the best and most superior of languages)
Step 3) Profit
my life is a ruin
did it can be reproducible
@CaptainSquirrel I like step 2
Although i will admit i have been tempted to start learning python again
Just because AFAIK python is used to make mods for the sims
and my missus won't stop asking me if its something i can do
Time Out need to increase because roslyn complile is slow
@Html.DropDownListFor(m => @obj.x , (IEnumerable<SelectListItem>)ViewBag.xlist, new { @class = "form-control", value = @obj.x })
I was expecting my dropdown list to have default value of whatever the value of x is.
Doesn't work!
I think you are using DropDownListFor wrong
what wrong?
is it possible for me to debug very deep?
like the running the debugger through DropDownListFor extention method?
@Neil lol
I can just make jokes and bury them in archives of chat years later, and @Hans1984 will one day ping me 20 years later saying "lol" :)
why named the variable start by @?
I am iterating a list
@Neil lol
so is like

@foreach (var obj in Model)
Model is a list
so n number of dropdownlists will be appearing
I'll try and find an example for you
cap or...
will we ever see cap again ?
Probably not
nvm :/
but is it possible for me to debug very deep?
See you say that
But fatto catto loves and i cannot stress this enough
LOVES having belly scritches
Is it possible to hide References count in code, but do not disable CodeLens?
Why would you want to remove the reference count
It indends code awfully
For example, you have in mind two lines:

public foo;
public bar;
// -----------
Reference will make it:

public foo;
100500 references
public bar;
// -------------------
So it looks like there's something between them, but there's not.
no caprica you say ?
that is the most photoshopped knife I've ever seen
5k/s words are too small
Try haschat + johntheripper + GPU
You'll get >30k/s
Or even >200k/s
then i will have to ping patrick again
hi again
so I didn't add a model X in my context class (at run time to add in database)
but it still made the entry in the db table?
@Neil hahahah i remember that video
only think was it was the principal of model Y
had a good laugh back then
yeah, that reaction though :)
All I did was

Student st = new Student { StudentName = "Ash", ID = 2, Age = 10, teacher = teacher };
it created entry for teacher as well?
@Shad if teacher isn't saved, then yeah
then yeah?
how could it associate teacher with student, if the teacher you're associating the student with doesn't exist?
yes so I was expecting an error!
but i made the entry!
wait let me try again
well it doesn't work like that apparently
maybe there's a way to check if teacher is saved
if not, then you throw the error yourself
it made the entry again!
Check your deepcopy
I swear
generally this is a desirable functionality
do you still love all of us?
 class Student
        public int ID { get; set; }
        public string StudentName { get; set; }
        public int Age { get; set; }
        public Teacher teacher { get; set; }
you don't want the hassle of knowing if it is persisted or not. It updates if it exists, and inserts otherwise
now that caprica has left ?
            Teacher teacher = new Teacher() { TeacherID = 10, TeacherName = "Mr.X", TeacherEmailID = "XisCool.com" };
            Student st = new Student { StudentName = "Shad", ID = 2, Age = 25, teacher = teacher  };

                using (var ctx = new studentTeacherContext())
            catch(Exception ex)
^ insert for teacher happening.
@Neil hmm..Need to look at the source where it says this then. :)
@Hans1984 Indeed sir.
Man i love cats
They are so adorable and cute and fluffy and loving and adorable
thats why you love squirrels too
Only red squirrels
stop it haaans
black squirrels are criminals
There are no black squirrels
only gray
black squirrels are a myth
smart removal @Hans1984
alright weeeeeb
A MYTH!!!!
halloween tomorrow
@CaptainSquirrel AND RED
5 mins ago, by Captain Squirrel
Only red squirrels
@Hans1984 clearly a criminal
it is getting ready for some home invasion
looking for some hazelnuts
Any squirrel apart from red squirrel is bad squirrel
of course the house is a trap house
owned by squirrels hiding their stash
which is hazelnuts
there are black squirrels where I love you noooooob
git gud black squirrel noob
can we bring the term "noob" back?
@AlRey need i repeat myself?
3 mins ago, by Captain Squirrel
Any squirrel apart from red squirrel is bad squirrel
haha boon
i remember that one too
red squirrel is best squirrel
No blue!
yikes how racist that bad you big stupid bigot
obviously the answer is purple squirrels
@AlRey gray squirrels are a menace
I'm working on the assumption that gray and black squirrels are alike
they winning in evolution?
Red squirrels are smol boi
it's impossible to be racist to brown squirrels because you can't be bigoted toward the majority
for the other squirrel it starts with a "f"

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