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googled. 3 days grace is the one i was thinking of.
googled 3 days. grace is the one i was thinking of.
10 mins ago, by Hans1984
6 mins ago, by Squirrel in training
18 secs ago, by Hans1984
16 secs ago, by Squirrel in training
1 min ago, by Captain Squirrel
47 mins ago, by Squirrel in training
55 mins ago, by Captain Squirrel
10 mins ago, by Squirrel in training
6 secs ago, by Hans1984
RIOT ୧༼ಠ益ಠ༽୨ RIOT ୧༼ಠ益ಠ༽୨ RIOT
RIOT ୧༼ಠ益ಠ༽୨ RIOT ୧༼ಠ益ಠ༽୨ RIOT
RIOT ୧༼ಠ益ಠ༽୨ RIOT ୧༼ಠ益ಠ༽୨ RIOT
RIOT ୧༼ಠ益ಠ༽୨ RIOT ୧༼ಠ益ಠ༽୨ RIOT
RIOT ୧༼ಠ益ಠ༽୨ RIOT ୧༼ಠ益ಠ༽୨ RIOT
googled 3 days grace. is the one i was thinking of.
i ll star this now lets see what happens
oh boring
oh lmao no @HéctorÁlvarez...the others were right; it's 3 days grace
I feel like 3 days grace may as well have died in 2009 cause that's the year they belong in...when everything was edgy and depressing
2009 was great compared to 2019
2019 is a shitshow of a year
2020 has to be great right
I mean 2020 looks so cool
it has to be great right
ah yes -- foreclosures abound, shit pop music, recession at its worst, like 1/4 of celebrities drop dead, tv was shit....2009 sure was a swell time
2020 great or RIOT ୧༼ಠ益ಠ༽୨
at least in 2019 I don't feel like the world is about to end
2008/9 were objectively worse than now
2015-2019 my life was a nonstopping rollorcoaster
in all aspects of life
it needs to slow down now
same here..but those are the years I attended college xD
college was easy
2012 was fucking amazin tho lol
@Hans1984 but what did you expect?
'tis just a linq
2015 was when i left college and went into work
@Squirrelintraining yeah
I was just hoping for something special but i was disappointed from life, again
Yo mom is dissapointed in you!
im too old for mom jokes
maybe ask harry
he is a keeed
only bad things I can say about this year are the Sonic movie and my crush ghosting me :P
sonic movie ?
never heard of such thing
the sonic the hedgehog movie?
the one paramount is working on
oh working on
i thought a released movie
I mean I'll grant you this: it must suck to be in hong kong right now
2019 sucks for those people
they just riot for the purpose of riot
it makes no sense
but 1991 was awesome for Americans, bad for Sierra Leone, so
this will lead to nothing good
it doesnt look like they have any plan
where to go, what to approach
I hate that there is all that violence happening in hong kong, but I'm also glad that chinese is no longer just marching over everybody because they have money
ahs hitw ait there was a recession in 91...nvm
2020 will be the year of the great chinese invasion
i'm calling it now
They'll Tienanmen square Hong Kong
The world will react with hopes and prayers and likes
way too many companies are censoring comments because there are chinese businessmen who tell them to do so
Trump will say and probably do something stupid
China will be like "TAKE THAT BACK"
Then will invade
the only reason they havent is because of their image outside of china
everything will go to shit
nukes flying everywhere
eventually they will say "fck it" and move in
I was honestly surprised to find out that Blizzard was banning players because of their support for the HK protests
I mean you cant let this go on forever as a regime right
makes you look like a fool
my idea is that China will continue to be uncompromising until they basically can't anymore
I can already tell 2020 will be amazing
when that happens, there will either be a war, or they'll stop being so incredibly horrible to its population
it'll be like when grunge became popular...I can just feel something about to burst
I don't want to see the kind of war that would involve two superpowers
i mean caprica could tell us if 2020 will be great
but you know..
we haven't seen a world war with two superpowers on opposite sides yet
anyone thinking of early NY resolutions yet? :P
and logically, if it is a world war, the next one will almost certainly include russia, the US, and China
and guess what, the US hasn't exactly been making allies these days
such stupidity with Trump
yeah and china and russia will eventually ally up and the US will be screwed
game over
thank this big fat clown
europe will be screwed ether way
I need to move to the moon or something
just that the types of governments Russia and China promote are the kind where if you're a big enough threat to the government, you won't be anymore because you're dead
US at least once upon a time represented legit democracy
I'm worried about what the world would become where Russia or China control most of the world
Europe represents democracy, perhaps even moreso than the US, but they're also very much not in agreement
i think when push comes to shove I can totally imagine china allying up with russia
but let's hope it never comes to this
I mean they were both full-on communist at one point :P
communism, what a joke that is
when there isn't a leader of Russia or China, I'll admit that communism was a success
now sure is a good time for me to work on that communist robot story
until then, it's very much a dictatorship under the guise of an ideal
hey no spoilers
communist robot story
chara in my icon is one of the mcs :P
so did anyone buy outer worlds except me ?
I guess not
I didn't....just because it's not on steam
It will be all mine then
I guess I could get it on the Windows Store...if it would open
yes if you have windows 10
you can get it on the windows store
and avoid epic store
but im still using win 7 at home
The fact that she hadn’t done that already was concerning to Augusta, but she didn’t pay it
any more mind than she already had. “I guess with that out of the way, I think we need to
address the luocan’s understanding of what a partner is.”
“Oh yes,” Charlotte mused. “They seem to think we’re in love with each other?”
“They do.” After taking a moment to ponder on it, the sickly gynoid surprised Charlotte when
she continued, “I think we should go through with it.”
“Go though with being lovers?” The idea made Charlotte think her ears had stopped working.
I was tired, but needed to get 1k words out last night ^o^
I just might be degenerate enough to make that last part happen ;)
Good job, let the degeneration flow through you, let it guide you, let it give you POWAAA
What on earth have I walked into
I had a cool idea for a book
I'm no writer, but I thought it would be an interesting premise of a book where they discover a way of forcing people's emotions, and they use it as a form of mind control
So like an inverse equilibrium without gunfu?
story would revolve around a resistence force, who have to put up with forced propaganda messages where they're induced euphoria or hatred when other countries are brought to name
@JonathonChase no, I mean they induce emotions, they don't prevent them
Right, inverse.
if you feel happiness when the government is telling you that you're doing a good job, then it becomes very difficult to not associate the government with positive things
hah well actually @Neil
one of the main plot points is that Augusta catches a virus that breaks her out of the emotionless android conventions and makes it so that one actually could control her mind through her newfound sense of pathos
my idea for the first scene would be one of the resistence fighters in the crowd yelling with the rest for the lynching of a fellow resistence fighter, and you find out afterwards that he was her lover
despite the genuine hatred she feels during the lynching, she cries in horror afterwards
if they knew how to program her, they could do it; the Domain's software isn't necessarily known for being easy to crack, though
I do like your idea, though; why not write it?
anyone can be a writer
never really tried to write :)
that is why you fail
but if you feel inspired by my idea, use it
you have my blessing
I wanna, but it sounds a bit too similar to what I'm already working on ^^;
it does sound similar admittedly :)
I mean I cooooould sprinkle a bit of that into The Domain if I wanted :P
hello, anyone experienced in VB.net?
I have thought lately of other provinces outside the Autorise Domain
vb.net? maybe
what makes that idea really sadistic is that she truly hated her own lover, and she has to deal with the conflict of emotions
I'm looking to see if something like this is possible: stackoverflow.com/questions/26325596/…
so she's a tsundere?
Using onserverclick in vb.net with an aspx page that has html
no, a tsundere no
@Axelle what's wrong with the answer here?
I just mean she's got this logic side of her that reminds her that he was her lover and she loved him, and the other side that associates horrible things with him
it'd be like getting shocked everytime you ate ice cream. You know you used to like ice cream, but that doesn't mean you don't get nauseous everytime it's brought up in conversation
though it's a bit deeper than this :P
this answer doesn't work for me - i'm guessing that is because they include it in a <script> tag whereas my code is inside the aspx.vb
it doesn't fire in my case
Show the tag you have
(the answer is right for OP's question)
<button id="login" OnServerClick="LoginClient" runat="server"></button>
and this is inside a plain body (login.aspx)
Sure, so is your LoginClient method in codebehind?
yes, right now it looks like this basically, just for testing purposes: dotnetfiddle.net/9WhIes
and then I have hidden input field <input type="hidden" id="txtTest" runat="server" />
thats all
Right but so your actual case isn't a module, right? It's a class?
The class inherits from Page, and the aspx inherits from that class?
In my case my class inherits from a custom page that a senior Dev provided, it is mandatory that we inherit this page. However, that page does inherit from Page.
Sure, that's fine.
What's the <%@ Page directive look like in login.aspx?
<%@ Page Language="VB" AutoEventWireup="false" CodeFile="Login.aspx.vb" Inherits="Auth_Login" ValidateRequest="false" %>
so will this mod/so issue be resolved anytime soon?
Auth_Login is the page that contains the class
because otherwise..
Alright, so what's happening when you click?
RIOT ୧༼ಠ益ಠ༽୨
I get redirected to the same page
Right, postback occurrs
(hey Hans)
Oh. And your input doesn't have the value you expect
Yes, indeed
because the page is reconstructed during the ensuing page load.
And you aren't using an asp:HiddenField control, so it's built from scratch without pulling changed value from the view state
I assume
Alright, my VB.NET is rusty, so this might be psuedo
In your LoginClient method
Put ViewState("txtTestValue") = "testing"
Ok, I'll try!
In your Page_Load
put If Not String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(CStr(ViewState("txtTestValue"))) Then txtTest.Value = CStr(ViewState("txtTestValue"))
or there-abouts
Or just use an asp:HiddenField control instead of an input.
ok thank you, I'll try this first and yeah otherwise that might be for the best (it probably is)
The client is called Hans
Hans!! Is that you?
Bring zie flammenwerfer
is there a hotkey in visual studio to "see history" of the selected file?
Yeah, unfortunately the result is the same. So I'll use an asp:HiddenField instead. Thank you a lot though @JonathonChase
right click -> source control -> view history.
Don't think there's a shortcut.
I'm part of a group who's developing a Bionicle game and their git pretty much looks like this
now I just gotta remember to reset it on my current Windows config
@AlRey There exists one already.
It's so old you could play it on Win 95
lmao not that one
this project was in development before that one was dug back up
Why not that one?
I quite liked it
once we found that old game was released to the public, everyone was like "wahahhhhh SOMEONE DID IT??"
@AlRey I really liked Bionicles back in the day, building the robots at first, and then disassembling them, tossing all the pieces together, and building whatever I wanted
our version has a lot more rpg mechanics and was originally intended as a remake of that game before it was released to the public :P
using Unreal
also my experience with the toys in a nutshell B-)
Do you have copy of the old game?
I do, but you can download it at biomediaproject
I'd like to try it now after 20 what years
look up Bionicle: Legend of Mata Nui
not to be confused with Legends of Metru Nui the movie
REBUILT Build (Oct 26 2019):
Don't trust
Will do this on a VM i guess
what's wrong with it?
oh damn right there are multiple versions of it; TLoMN rebuilt is like a deluxe edition or something idfk...
I recommend getting the beta
"cancled game" oô
yeah it was never finished by the team :P
they ran out of money and lego didn't have much in the bank, either
so now it's an open source project
just took 18 years for it to come out
oh, but uh...wanna hear a funny story about the guy who leads the project for this game? >.>
@Squirrelintraining not quite what I was expecting, but the idea is good.
@AlRey go ahead
I want some hot irony
Dude has a crush on me...like once he found out I was bi, he started hitting on me
well did you hit back?
and recently when I told him that I didn't want to be bi anymore, he thought it would be a good idea to sent porn of himself to me -- even linked his pornhub account to keep me from going straight
Not quite what I was expecting.
unexpectedly unexpected
no I didn't because he's Canadian (long distance) first of all -- and second: I already had my eyes on two other people
I hereby declare myself bamboozled.
I told him I was crushing on a girl in college and that there was one other guy I've known for a long time that I might consider going out with, but he was like "mannnn I envy those people, but imma hit on you anyway ;3"
that's an interesting way to find out that someone has a pornhub account
oh yeah and recently one of the mods on his server told me to kill myself because I said lefties and righties can be equally as insane
@Neil Can some RO superstar this comment so we can look at it every day until mid November?
it took like a day for this guy to do something about the mod -- and all he did was fire the guy, rather than kick him out for telling someone to kill himself
@Squirrelkiller are you RO? Can you pin that? xD
This https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q3RpXYhmjd0
and this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fk47EDfWK10
is what i remember of bionicle on the computor
that's a totally pinnable message
starting my book today
oh yes...the promo CDs
nice!! @notatroll
@Neil Can ne use that knowledge as leverage?
good luck with it!! ^^
I can use it as leverage, but I don't want to
ffs I could dox my crush who ghosted me if I wanted to -- tell everyone on his public goodreads page that he's been accused of pedophilia several times, but I don't want to
@Squirrelintraining depends (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
@HéctorÁlvarez he is and we both could
not a troll...
A username I find hard to trust :D
what exactly are you wanting to pin?
design patterns for dummies
I will also read gang of four after that
has anyone read the yellow book?
I never read one of those dummies books....mostly cause I was like 7 when they were popular
looks like they don't even us the pic of that nerdy-looking guy on the cover anymore
@Squirrelintraining Not sure I want to... I was already offered and turned it down because I'm never into moderating
I already had a teamspeak, eventually found that I was almost never using my admin powers except sparingly to create and modify channels
what does a RO do anyway?
aside from starring messages and kicking people, that is
anyone using teamspeak still?
Thats abbout it i think
Anyone who wants competitive communications does lol
why not Discord or -- if there are any -- the in-game voice features?
Discord has a crap sound codec, so it goes nowhere. It fails constantly, which is acceptable since Discord servers are free
And most of us don't even play games all the time, we join a room and chill, talk, whatever
I guess that's true; it isn't much better than Skype's :P
@AlRey Being accused of paedophilia is not something that should be used agianst someone. Convicted would be something else. Just being accused but not actually having done anything bad should not destroy somebody's life.
well it was enough to make him delete his deviantart, tumblr, forum accounts, and the like :P
but you are right; I largely ignored those because if he actually had done something, he probably would have faced charges....but the fact that he always acted so leery when I asked him this kind of stuff (and also based on the stuff I've since discovered about him) leads me to believe he did do the stuff he's accused of
especially now when I have proof that he's a pathological liar
Hey guys, any one here have any experience with Word.interop?
look who it is
the captain himself
@HéctorÁlvarez fuck around with kieran
cuz discord sucks balls boi
ever seen it's ram usage
@Wietbot welcome-c# chillinOutMaxin
I have no clue what you meant right there.
That's because it's an electron app
ram usage? how about cpu usage when it fucks up o-o
when discord fails to open, it suddenly eats up all the cycles
I have this wired issue with interlop where a few pieces text are being copied down to the next page IF the page extends down. Its not a header text that is being copied either. It seems to grab, what I am assuming is, a few rows from a from a "Table" but its not really a table either, it just seems to be interpreting it as a table.
My recommendation is not using interop
thanks ntohl. Ive been off an on here for awhile
I agree
but too late now
i am in too deep now
@CaptainObvious Yes that greatly explains the bad performance
It's like those noobs who buy USB headsets and come around like woaaaah my audio is increeeeedible
..... but it is...... <_<
Meanwhile a true pro with a good headset "Suck my 100mm drivers"
how do you define the "few pieces"

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