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01:00 - 11:0011:00 - 22:00

11:04 AM
well in theory, you shouldn't be loading so much that that would be an issue
it should be difficult to lift, but you should be able to do at least 10 reps
well if you do this for 17 years
you mix up your training here and there
and sometimes you got to total muscle exhaustion which means its a close call getting it back into the rack or not..
yoyoyo what's happening peeps long time no see.
hello long-eared rabbit
Does anyone know how the HECC I increase the max file upload size in kestrel? I have tried adding a web.config and doing it there, I have tried setting it in startup.cs, both to no avail.
I have also tried adding decorators on my controllers, and on my controller methods.
This hasn't hasn't worked.
11:20 AM
@Lemo hey you're back
It's almost definitely an IIS issue
If you're running in IISExpress then it wont care aobut your web.config
And if it's a .net core app and it's not IIS express you'll probably need to fiddle with settings in the config json file
Alternatively this article has a bunch of options which should do the trick
That's the article I've been reading it.
hang on, I'm gonna see if it makes any difference when I set it to null
as this apparently creates a "no limit" situation.
My favorite kind ;)
that did not work.
I am using IIS express for testing, ofc.
Are you doing it on the right scope
One simple question.. I hope, is there already some function to create ranges from a given integer?

for example:

254 +/- 50 -> this would create a range from 204 to 304
Yeah IISExpress has its own web.config
Where do I edit that?
11:26 AM
Hold on I'm cc hecking
I might try publishing it and seeing if that works.
<your user profile>\Documents\IISExpress\config
IISExpress has its own web.config
So for me, it's Z:\Folders\Documents\IISExpress\config
11:27 AM
I'm curious to see if it'll work on the staging enviroment.
Which is in azure.
For IISExpress I think it uses the applicationhost.config instead of web.config
fuk it doesn't work on azure either.
So there's something more fundemental wrong with what I'm doing.
I think it's fucked my dude
.UseKestrel(options =>
                options.Limits.MaxRequestBodySize = null; // 100MB max upload
                options.Limits.MaxRequestBufferSize = null;
                options.Limits.KeepAliveTimeout = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(10);
I'm doing this
Which is what that article says to do.
ignore the comment after the maxrequestbodysize lol
lotsa people seem to hate Xamarin, but is it as bad as Java? :P
11:30 AM
Now you might be thinking why this doesn’t work for windows as IIS also uses Kestrel. The reason is, this setting is disabled for Kestrel running behind IIS
Yes but
I believe I've set it in web.config too.
I wonder if that web.config is making it to azure
Lemme check
Did you set both settings
There's the IIS setting but also the Asp setting
11:33 AM
Xamarin isn't bad, it's just retarded
@CaptainObvious do I have to set something in applicationsettings.json?
@Hans1984 I ordered my new watch. It's coming tomorrow.
@ntohl nice
what kind of watch ?
11:41 AM
oldskool automatic. But nice design> banggood.com/…
I got my new watch when I was in New York
oh wow, looks nice
banggood.com 😂
@miguelmpn why does such a function need to exist already?
public static Range RangeFromOffset(Int32 @base, Int32 offset) =>
    new Range(@base - offset, @base + offset);
there, function now exists
the thing that is more interesting is the Range type
.net core 3.0 finally has it, but it is probably not usable for your situation
what do you need the range for?
why. So. Non. C#?
11:44 AM
What would anyone use a Range for?
a set of numbers?
rangeOf(0, count) == [0, 1, 2, 3, ..., count]
public static IEnumerable<int> RangeFromOffset(int @base, int offset) => Enumerable.Range(@base - offset, offset * 2)
it should be usable as an IList<Int32>
But it's not numbers, it's Indexs
@ntohl note that your implementation is different from mine
11:46 AM
I've checked in Azure, in the app service editor, and the requestLimits is definitely set.
Yet still no luck.
@CaptainObvious that is MSLogic
2 mins ago, by ntohl
why. So. Non. C#?
I think we already established common sense that MSLogic stopped working a long time ago
@ntohl asp.net and asp.net-mvc are both in the tags for this room.
@ntohl it is proper C# tho
11:48 AM
sorry. I clicked on reply on Wietlol's answer, than ajax refresh happened, and your message was the subject to reply
oh no worries :P
I was a bit confused.
it's overcomplicated C#
why is it overcomplicated?
I see it's a new thing tho. Haven't seen it docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/csharp/language-reference/…
ye, that trash
it doesnt even implement IEnumerable<Int32>
normal languages do have it as a collection, list or sequence
11:51 AM
I can throw in the reference for IEnumerable as well
because it's standard over your Range class
you can foreach on it
in those mentioned languages (Kotlin, Haskell, Scala) Range does implement IEnumerable<int>
in C#, it doesnt
doesn't matter. You can still foreach on it
Am doing a hunger
two slices of pizza for lunch
one for me
and the other
Also for me
11:56 AM
@ntohl they dont iterate over the range, they iterate over elements from an array, which are in the bounds of the range
oh. True. So you have your answer
I am losing my mind over this.
11:57 AM
you want to iterate through the items in any collection. Not necessarily the keys. Keys can be infinite in case of enumerable
just give me items from 234 to infinity. Range shouldn't be enumerabled
it depends
usually, when you use ranges in anywhere except MSLand, the ranges are your values
(0..100).forEach { println("Hello, World!") }
@Lemonade1947 I've been fighting the same issue for literally days
I got it to work now.
Well lucky you
12:01 PM
I'm not sure why specifically it now works.
But it do.
Chances are next time you try it it'll break
Because that's what's been happening for me
We still have to see if it works when I push it to azure.
It seems like if you're pushing it to IIS, the web.config is where the magic happens.
That's why I have a dev IIS which I can test shit on after I've finshied playing with it on my PC
because IISExpress is retarded
12:04 PM
it worked in azure too.
It's definitely the web.config.
And I didn't have to change any iisexpress configs.
So as far as i can tell it's using the web.config in the project root.
I mean it might also do that
12:18 PM
oh look another issue
Hi, any Xamarin dev here?
dont look at me
12:28 PM
Although I'm not having a good time with it so my helpfulness is probably limited
this: code:

var animating = await view.ScaleTo(..);
if(!animating){ await anotherView.RotateTo(..);}

the anotherView only animates at first regardless any subsequent animation on the `view`,
Oh I don't know anything about animations
12:50 PM
@CaptainObvious using RelRotateTo instead may be a solution, if you are interested.
.net core with 3 different projects is not finding my class, even though I have a reference to it?
1:08 PM
@Hans1984 today is not that day
not today, not today...
1:32 PM
@mshwf just drop the if
you already have an await which tells you that animation already completed
@notatroll have you updated your VS already?
@Wietlol what are the constraints/rules for lateinit in Kotlin?
if ::it.isInitialized, the value is not null
it can always be set (modified) to a value
but never back to null
would it compile if I didn't assign it to nonnull?
property must be lateinit var stuff: Type (not null)
it would compile if you never assigned it
@mr5 lateinit means making the check happen at runtime and not at compiletime
but then the rule for var is disregarded?
1:38 PM
what rule?
so basically it's up to you to make sure it's assigned or it'll throw an exception
oh I think I'm mixing up Swift and Kotlin atm. In Swift, it will be uncompileable if you have var but you never assigned it to something
so I assumed lateinit allows you to assign it somewhere else other than ctor
in kotlin, it is uncompilable if you have properties which arent assigned on initialization
with the exception of lateinit var
but you dont have to assign it
@Neil would it still throw if I did not access it?
it could remain uninitialized forever
1:40 PM
@mr5 no
if you load the value from it while it is still not initialized, you get the exception
throws first time you use it and it hasn't been assigned
think of lateinit as what you might use to setup DI in kotlin
so you know it gets assigned, just not immediately or how
I don't think you can do DI otherwise in Kotlin honestly
ofc you can
simply call the constructor
does dagger2 works in Kotlin?
or rather... let the DI call the constructor
1:43 PM
that implies you must necessarily have all the constructor parameters when it gets created
if you wanted to setup DI and one of the parameters were a connection, then you would necessarily have to setup a connection to a database before creating that instance
that may not be ideal
then why is it a property?
well because you need it obviously, just perhaps not for everything
an ordinary class must have its properties be created before you get an instance of that class
also, I wouldnt recommend having a connection as property
or any other disposable
1:45 PM
so supposing it took you 5 minutes to establish a connection to the database for whatever reason, your application must necessarily dumbly wait 5 minutes for the connection before moving ahead?
@Neil ugh, I'd rather design it as manually invoking a connect() function rather than connect it at instantiation
it might be convenient to do some processing in the meantime
then set the connection before calling the methods which use it
meh, I dunno. It helps me to think of lateinit as something that might help with DI
Make changes to the wrong feature
realize mistake
undo the changes & find the correct feature
Make changes to that feature
realize this is ALSO the wrong feature
take gun
shoot self in face
@Neil Can I use the word demographics to refer to statistics of people by their age?
Fucking Google and their shitty android support libraries
@mr5 Yes
1:53 PM
U sure m8?
@mr5 sure, why not?
demographics is just statistics regarding people
Any properties of the people then?
Say, demographics by their birthdate, height, weight, etc...
@CaptainObvious in XA or Native Android?
I'd rather die than learn Java
@mr5 well yeah, how would you do statistics regarding people if not with respect to some property?
70% of these people are people, while the other 30% are also people.
1:57 PM
Before you go nuts with stats tho
See MinutePhysics' video about stats and privacy
(not exactly physics related but still)
80% of the project takes 80% of the time, the other 20% of the project takes the remaining 80% of the time
Any other word for "activeness"? I'm thinking between the words interactivity and activeness
I don't understand what you're trying to describe
Synonyms for activeness
2:05 PM
Context: "Can I ask you the demographics of your audience by their age and activeness"
It sounds awkward
@Neil nothing close to what I have in mind
As in how much they go the gym?
I think the word you're looking for is fitness
Ugh, I'm asking a particular FB page about his audiences
His audiences participation rate
audience partyness?
2:17 PM
> SELECT user.age, COUNT(user.reactionsFromAllPost) / COUNT(page.totalNumberOfPost) * 50 + COUNT(user.commentsFromAllPost) / COUNT(page.totalNumberOfPost) * 50 AS participationRate
something like that
	COUNT(user.reactionsFromAllPost) / COUNT(page.totalNumberOfPost) * 50 +
	COUNT(user.commentsFromAllPost) / COUNT(page.totalNumberOfPost) * 50 AS participationRate
Engagement might be a good shout then
oh yeah that's it!
Fuck packages.config
2:23 PM
@CaptainObvious now I wonder why it is called engagement ring if that word refers to "participation rate"
Welcome to English
@CaptainObvious i feel your pain
And i laugh
So unfucking my packages.config solved one of my ptoblems
Where's wizard boi today?
you're from UK you should know why!
why do you still have packages.config?
@CaptainSquirrel i keel heem
2:24 PM
dont we all have packages.config?
hmm I thought the new .csproj format already eliminates the use for it
hmm... that is actually true
I'm so fucking confused
I am confusing nuget with npm
npm is so terrible
2:27 PM
it truly is
I wish everything used maven
it's an oracle product; of course it's terrible
iirc, it would make a 100 nested folder for a fucking dependency
Yeah but this is an old Xamarin.Forms project
and the paths for the files would be too long for windows to delete
2:28 PM
Fucking Microsoft AppCenter
what's wrong with AppCenter?
Dodgy ass update fucked the project
It's a perfect product for us
blame the old XF not that AppCenter
> To delete a file whose name is more than 255 characters:
Open a command prompt by running "CMD.EXE"
Navigate to the folder holding the file
Use the command DIR /X which will display the short names of files.
Delete using the short name.
old XF should be eliminated
2:29 PM
Our project was started when XF was on 2.2 I think
I blame XF, AppCenter and MSLogic
@Wietlol or manually go to the youngest children and rename every file to a single character then delete it
what if you dont want to delete the neighbours of the file you want to delete?
quick! rewrite the app to the new XF
then you have to revert all those folder renames
2:31 PM
quick, rewrite the app with Kotlin-React
git reset --hard-as-you-can-get
rewrite every legacy code you have and your life would be less stressful
but... all code is legacy code...
you just have to wait a while
I wish I could delete that app
did you try [delete] ?
or [del] depending on which keyboard you have
2:33 PM
gimme access to your server and I'll delete it for you. Just tell your boss somebody hacked in and deleted the entire codebase
luckily, noone has the project on its local machine
so it would absolutely work
izz dota time guys
@mr5 play factorio like a true nerd
not this dota crap
play IntelliJ like an uber-nerd
> Factorio is a game in which you build and maintain factories.
so you want me to become a capitalist huh
play snek game in code::blocks liek a true nerd
2:39 PM
he wants to train you to be a sys admin
the graphics looks like Red Alert
Red Alert II
Rahul Varshneya on October 01, 2019

Outline the deliverables as well as the timeframes: The contract needs to clearly state the deliverables expected in the form of feature lists or user stories and the estimated timeline that the contractor would be able to complete work. An outsourcing agency that follows Agile development methodology and breaks down the requirements into sprints can help give an accurate picture of the development progress. 

Feature-based contacts over time-based ones: Instead of contracts that outline time-based development and deployment, having a feature-based contract that prioritizes a well-written a …

aka RAII
Resource acquisition is initialization (RAII) is a programming idiom used in several object-oriented languages to describe a particular language behavior. In RAII, holding a resource is a class invariant, and is tied to object lifetime: resource allocation (or acquisition) is done during object creation (specifically initialization), by the constructor, while resource deallocation (release) is done during object destruction (specifically finalization), by the destructor. In other words, resource acquisition must succeed for initialization to succeed. Thus the resource is guaranteed to be held...
2:41 PM
learn C++
I was about to say that
so everything is interconnected
im still waiting on a system where the garbage collector disposes stuff
would make everything so much easier
I prefer the Obj-C approach, ARC
or compile for every CPU arch approach
I can't withstand VMs for lowend devices
Anyone started with Blazor lately?
3:00 PM
In a .net core app, where is a good place to store a config file? I could store in /bin/Debug/netcoreapp2.1/config.ini but every time I build it will delete.
@notatroll create a config file
yes but where is a good place to store it in your app.
there is something already existing for that; add the reference in your project and then use <add key="aKey" value="aValue" /> in the configuration file
it would be App.Config and when you compile it would become automatically yourExecutable.exe.App.config
3:05 PM
And is this config easily accessible throughout my app, and fast to retrieve values? vs fetching from a dictionary.
If you do a right click over your solution check for 'Application Configuration File'
Current I load an ini file and parse it to a dictionary, is this package better than my solution?
you won't gain anything by re-implementing a well known mechanism
using ConfigurationManager you can cache the keys, edit the file while the program is running, update it, etc
3:12 PM
So I need a package for this or is it built into .net core
@notatroll you need to add the reference to your project
ConfigurationManager is part of System.Configuration
There is a decent config system built in
Although by "built in" it probably relies on some system.x package
4 hours later…
8:24 PM
Long time...
I have an HTML file that calls an external domain for a JavaScript resource. If I open it from the file-system, it works great. When I embed the same code in a webforms or mvc application, I get 403 forbidden. I tried google, any help?
8:58 PM
Anyone here kicked by roslyn?
(Me tries compile) (Me does it) (Me can not debug)
After compile when trying to debug, it says something like:
The source file is changed after compilation... sort of
So I say yes, it debugs, but why all that allergy?
@SeaCharp May be the client has no access rights to the "external domain".
I mean, I don't know the solution...
It runs if I just open the HTML doc from the file system.
On the same computer and network?
9:05 PM
yeah it's weird
You call your mvc, on your good old chrome browser, mvc sends the page, and it can not access the external domain.
It's a static HTML doc.
If I open it from the file system, it works.
If I take the relevant code and embed it in an ASP webforms or MVC application, it fails.
9:09 PM
It looks like "ye olde cross domain monster" problem.
How do I enable CORS in Webforms?
I tried that in MVC with no luck but will try again in the webforms project.
That lesson my friend, is not one of the ones I learnt yet.
But maybe this would help
Bye people.
01:00 - 11:0011:00 - 22:00

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