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I am failing to understand something... the index start at 0, fine, but I want to display it to the user as if it start at 1 like you would count normally.

So I have start, stop which are user input, and then I am using Skip and Take.

So obviously if I start at 1,I would be skipping 1 record from index 0, so I need to do a -1 to start as far as I understood, but then if I do that, I ended up with 1 extra entry.

My Skip and Take are start stop based, so for example:

start 1, stop 10, it should give me 10 entries, but if I had start 10 and stop 50, it would give me 40 entries instead of t
Guess its more of a math question then programming one LOL
meant to say with start 40 and stop 50 instead of 10 and 1
I don't understand your question
skip and take is normally like
0 - skip none
10 - take 10
so u get 10
that is fine, but I would like to show the user in the ui as if he started at 1 instead of 0
so if he does 1-10 he is actually doing 0-10
but then if he does 10-40, he is actually doing 9-40 which would be wrong
"show the user in the ui as if he started at 1 instead of 0"
show what? the index?
I have a numericupdown box, which starts at 1
that is the user input
and another for where to stop
maybe this can clear your doubts: ideone.com/LEEepB
but I am not understanding the logic behind it apparently.

user sends me 1, I will do userInputStart - 1 so I have 0 which is right because we start at index 0 right
I actually don't understand your question
just modify the page and pageSize
let me see if I can apply that moment
because I am not working with pages but records directly
if you want to offset the value of 1, instead of modifying the index, just add +1 to the actual value
so in your example you have a predefined page size, in my case, page size would be, `userInputStop-userInputStart` this is my Take.

But my Skip is broken.

because in the UI I start a 1
so 1 is actually 0, so for example 1-10, would be 0-10, then I take 10, fine.
then if I go 100 to 110, then it does 99-110 so it takes 11 instead of 10.
its probably some simple math but I am tired AF to figure out
@mr5 maybe this one is easier to understand what I am saying with a right and wrong output ideone.com/uQCvql
of course
(110 - (100 - 1)) = 11
so the total size is the one getting wrong output?
you want to start at index 99?
I want the UI to start from 1 instead of 0, so I guess I would have to start from 99?
start from 1
what is that? a value or index?
a user input, value not index
it feels wrong to tell the user to start from 0 instead of 1, like you don't count 0, 1 ,2... you count 1, 2, 3....
if you get my point
13 mins ago, by mr5
if you want to offset the value of 1, instead of modifying the index, just add +1 to the actual value
that would make it 2?
so I would be skipping 2 entries
now im lost hehe
sorry I'm also kind of stupid. busy atm
its ok, its late here and I am not thinking well right now
might aswell just hit the sack and come back later hehe
but I suppose my goal is to offset the user input to the actual data in the list, while displaying the right progress
the UI start at 1 but the list at 0
anyway I will be back later thanks for taking the time to try to help me out
maybe make a new int and just set it to 1
@noahbn that's what I am doing but ideone.com/uQCvql anyway I will go sleep, too tired to think right lol
 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
   ^   ^   ^   ^   ^
 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
 ^   ^   ^   ^   ^
convert to index from count:
to the front = -1
to the back = +1
count use case: skip(count)
index use case: InsertAt(index)
what databases do you guys use?
i was abut to use mysql but then after some research i found out all the async methods are a sham
sql server
is sql server the same as mssql?
why is it named sql server like it's meant to be a specs
sql server is the same as mssql (microsoft sql)
querying is just too difficult and confusing in mongo
mongo is terrible.
i used it for a project i did last year
figured it would be interesting to learn
and prototyping would be quick since i can just come upw ith schemas on the fly
boy was that a fucking mistake
i experimented with it, to see what all the fuss was about.
also attended a talk at a nearby dotnet conference. half the room walked out of the mongo talk before the guy was half done. simple things were made so difficult.
my breaking point was when i had to retrieve a nested json
so like { blah: [ {json1}, {json2}]}
my sympathies.
it was one thing to do it in compass
the you had to do it in c#
but amy, mssql is well supported in c# i assume?
async and all that
yeah. I use Dapper mostly with SQL Server, and some EF. both support async operations.
what is dapper
its a micro-orm, a thin layer over ADO.Net that makes things a lot easier.
time to learn?
it was written by the guys who built Stack Overflow
if you know ADO.Net it won't take long.
i dont
not even sure what ado.net refers to
Early in Microsoft's foray into Windows programming, they came up with ADO. ActiveX Data Objects. it was a way to access databases, and i think Excel spreadsheets. ADO.Net emerged from that when they made .Net. It's very different though. It was how you access databases through C#. Everything runs on top of it.
if you access a database in C#, you are likely going through ADO.Net. I'm reasonably certain this applies to EF as well.
This applies to all relational databases. I do not know if Mongo and similar use ADO.Net.
it works, but its sort of low level.
you have to open your connections yourself. you need to go to some lengths to write parametrized queries.
you need to map the results to some data structure yourself.
as well as data structures, data types (string, int, etc) need to be mapped yourself. database data types do not necessarily map directly onto c# types.
EF takes care of a lot of that at a very high level, but makes some other things difficult, or perhaps unintuitive.
Dapper is lower level, just above ADO.Net. it works similarly to ADO.Net, but you dont need to open your own connections, parametrized queries are convenient and easy, its easy to map a row to an object, data types are converted for you, etc.
no one really writes ADO.Net code directly, or IMO, they shouldn't be.
ado.net code being like command.text = "select * from blah"
private static void ReadOrderData(string connectionString)
    string queryString = "SELECT OrderID, CustomerID FROM dbo.Orders;";
    using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(
        SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(
            queryString, connection);
        using(SqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader())
            while (reader.Read())
                Console.WriteLine(String.Format("{0}, {1}",
SqlConnection, SqlCommand, SqlDataReader are all ADO.Net.
yea thats what i was doing
with mysql.data
im still kind of shocked after looking at the source code
i do not know if Dapper works with mysql. I expect it does, but I'm not certain.
and realizing executereaderasync just wraps executereader in a task.fromresult
dont understand how you can have a db thats not async
async is a more recent development. RDBMS have been around for a long time.
so mssql easy to setup
create tables
and manage?
i really like mysql workbench
I think the installer is unintuitive. but its easy to use, yes. you can use VS to manage it, but I prefer SSMS
there's a free version now, the Community Edition.
thanks amy
most .Net companies probably use SQL Server, since they're made by the same company.
And sql server is actualyl quite awesome!
GoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOd Mornin' pleberinos!
Goood moorniiiiing CeeeeShaaaarp!
Dude, when did you get in @Squirrelkiller?
ERM login says 0733
What in the HELL
11/10 unexpected
thought it was a bit unfair to cart Boris Johnson away during the vote though
He gets what he deserves
@Captain kieran, have you heard the "good" news?
@cubesnyc you could also try datagrip
you have to get used to its "weirdness" but once you get used to it, you will never want to use mysql workbench or msssms again
Those who close parlaments because they are afraid the parlament will say to their PM screw you... Should get spanked to death
if parliament votes to do no deal, fine, but it seems a cheap strategy to prevent parliament from voting on it
that's not democracy
not even a republic
You monkey Islands still got a Monarch(y?) and you complain about one dude trying something new?
Please, be happy!
it's a monarchy in none of the ways that actually determine what a monarchy is except one
frankly not sure I get the point. It's very expensive for the government to maintain a royal extended family
Tradition boi
I don't get why the monkeys in the south have to wear leather pants and eat WEIßWURST
I would never do that
I laugh at them for doing that
when the queen dies, I very much doubt Prince Charles will take over
But then again it's tradition.
Why so Neil?
I think he'll just renounce the throne.
he's already getting on up with the years
My guess is they've already talked about it
What does getting on up mean?
getting old
The queen is old AF still doesn't change things.
I don't really think she's making any decisions nowadays
She's got a whole cabinet of people advising her
how can we convert scientific value to Number in c# using EP plus
@Neil Told the british dude to the spanish dude xD
@bradbury9 Not spanish nor british :)
In Spain they still call King to the one that abdicated in favor of his son
in Italy, they still have titles like duchess and countess, but they're just that, titles.
They say "the emeritus king"... I do say "is no longer king, so regular citizen, we all know about his tax fraud, lets look into it"
Politicians do not want to dig into the emeritus king wrong doings.
beh, the worst kind of corruption is the kind where everyone knows about it and does nothing
If I were ever in power, I'd push to make all sentences and fines be doubled for politicians and representatives of state
I probably wouldn't be in power long
I hate tax evaders. I am considering reporting the company I workf for for tax evasion. It is kinda tricky 'cause I dont want to get fired
I work for one company in a group, and I have proof the group does tax evasion
2 companies for sure, maybe 12 companies
There are websites which will give you an anonymous e-mail address and account which lasts like 24 hours
you can use one of those to report the company, and you can confirm the e-mail address and everything, and then it can't be traced to you
In Spain there is no such thing tax related
The compain has to be authenticated
hi I have a question
I have a failsafe, I am a labor union representative, but I dislike it
@senshinakamora hit us, not garanteed answer tho
how to Place check boxes in Word in a vertical line?
@bradbury9 do it via tor
labor unions can be just as corrupt imho
the only difference is who they're defending
@Squirrelintraining Nope, they dont allow anonymous tips
@bradbury9 Do it anyways, to the press to the officals and to the dog.
As a labor union representative, they would have big trouble to fire me
I do not want those companies to have bad press, nor appear in the news, I do want them to pay taxes
I pay them, so they should
The main concern is that the proof I have of their tax evasion is an email sent to me. It is hard trying to get anonymous if you are the one they sent the email saying "That accounting missmatch is because that amount is in the second/black accounting"
Dunno how is it said in english the parallel/not declared acccounting
you're right, you can't really do much about that
You could approach the boss.
whoever would persecute your company can't do so without your e-mail, and with your e-mail, they can determine who you are
Tell him you feel unconfortable with the situation.
Explain why taxes are important.
@Squirrelintraining so fast track getting fired?
> As a labor union representative, they would have big trouble to fire me
there are worse things than getting fired
The period I am a representative + 1 extra year
Either talk to the boss tell him sth. like "uncool man" or go to feds.
I was thinking on going feds
I've seen people get forced to move oversees as "punishment" before
@Neil Like admitting sth like tax fraud in a public c# chat?
so they end up having to look for another job, because they have their family and everything there
and ask for a raise while you're at it.
I mean @Neil if the story is true, this guy has leverage.
Talk to boss tell him whats not good.
If boss moves against him he can still go to feds.
I think you overestimate his leverage
Furthermore he can just simply tell him "best turn ourself in b4 feds find out"
Here in germany allot of companies starting turning themself in after the Panama papers
What happend to those papers anways?
No1 ever reports on them anymore (for obvious J.Doe kind-of-reasons)
AFAIK they have been doing tax evasion for 10+ years
@bradbury9 Dude just send an anonymous tip. At least one person will see it, and maybe go "hey maybe we should at least look at this company".
@senshinakamora You sound like you need some excel
I think this would be the best solution
@Squirrelkiller There is no mechannism to do an anonymous tip to the feds
don't give them the e-mail, just mention you have reason to think they're evading taxes
@Squirrelintraining /r/panamapapers
No I mean, send an anonymous email so some email adress you find online for the agency in charge of that
Hi All
hi me
Anyone knows about Azure file storage?
someone probably would, dont you think?
it'd be silly if noone knew about it
what exactly do you want to know?
I think so,so this is my query,I have to upload an excel sheet to azure and access it from another application
just like Google sheets
and are we doing it with Azure File storage or any other option available in Azure portal?
as a file or via some api?
as a file
just an excel sheet
the excel sheet wrting would be done by a .net application
and reading would be done by Power BI
@Squirrelkiller wont investigate, all they mechanisms do require authenticating whoever did the tip
I would simply go for the file storage tool of Azure
but its a paid version
and what about azure devops
how much would you pay for it?
yesterday, I calculated how much I would pay to host my college assignment in AWS... which was 12 cents per month
Explore Azure with a $200 credit for 30 days, 12 months of free products, and more than 25 products that are always free.
I assume that hosting an excel file in azure wouldnt be notable too
@bradbury9 public telephone?
the internets doesn't count
I can even find reasearch aboutt flat earth ehre
No public phone service
wat? no flat earth data? it sucks then
Also, stop being on topic @KesiyaAbraham and @Wietlol, this is the C# chat god dammit!
sorry squirrel
@KesiyaAbraham please refactor your codebase to Kotlin and use AWS services instead of Azure, once you did that, meet us in the Java chatroom for help
@Squirrelintraining better?
Also what are you doing under the rug?
@Wietlol Way better
I am getting holidays soon, will go to the feds and ask them of the mechanisms, maybe there is some way I can tip them I have not seen
Keep us update @bradbury9
good morning
Screenshot from a colleagues recent git history:
ooh nice, german commit messages
I have no idea what it means tho
Of course, our code is in german too (except for purely technical classes and Get-prefixes)
german and english
First one: Rebase onto dev
Second one: final version
Third one: correct last errors

I expected you to be able to read it, Wiet
I can read it, sure
As a german I can kinda understand most dutch
I just dont understand it
Ah I see
I cant read japanese
... and I cannot understand it
@Wietlol You call yourself Dutch? Pfsh.
Understanding German is like being able to understand a really drunk Dutchie.
I think he means n
I think wietlol (like me) doesn't understand why these commit messages are chat worthy, is it something to do with rebasing? Struggling to merge conflicts?
@RoelvanUden I dont understand drunk dutchies
@Squirrelkiller double outsch
I also dont understand most dutchies either
!!tell BlackSquirrel funfriday
just like I could understand that an englishman wouldnt understand geordie
Double Dutch is all Greek to me
It's Friday? I hadn't noticed.
@BlackSquirrel Because it mimics the known meme with someone's thesis having several word documents being named "doc", "doc_v2", "doc_final", "doc_final_v2" etc, but it's commit messages and it's real.
Also although he knows rebasing, as seen by the rebase onto dev, he didint rebase the other commits
why rebase?
isnt that the #1 git feature you shouldnt use?
Commit message abuse is a favourite pastimes. "fix build" … "Really fix build" … "Really really fix build this time" ...
You could commit message "I will commit until this shit is fixed!"
"WIP" "WIP sub-feat-1" "done sub-feat-1" "WIP sub-feat-2"
When it's done, rebase so I actually have "feat: Implement feature1" or "feat: Implements feature1 backend" and "feat: Implement feature1 frontend".
"Tiny change buried in a sea of whitespace edits, sue me!"
And, since we now have codestyle rules we didnt have before, sometimes there'll be another commit first that goes "style: Apply rules to SomeClass".
Chat Pro Tip:
Paste the direct url
@Wietlol I don't get it
Ty squirrel
you disappoint me, young padawan
That strip reminds me of a real client that three months after I added some index and statistics jobs had their database backup offline for about 2 months without noticing. I would not like to be the devops guy that configured that job alert system
ahoy mateys o/
yarr i be late
Yarr be late for the excellent news!
I find it extremely funny that Britain is so happy with the Brexit deal while screwing themselves. That video is top notch
!!googleme nonono fatrat
Is the same devops guy that configured a production servers monitoring to one appñlication I give support. Charged us I week work... And it was the end user two months later that warned us the server was offline
Fool you?
We'd never!
I will not be clicking no friday links today
no sir

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