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12:00 PM
For a second i thought "FUEL BELOW A QUID?!"
I can actually remember getting fuel for 99p per gallon
The last time i got it, was in cardiff
@Neil wow
imagine suffering from brexit lul
honestly i feel bad for you guys
you live in europe?
yes i do
12:11 PM
It ain't going to turn out well for Europe either
exit from brexit
gb is a big part of europe's economy, in or out of the EU
well we wont get hit as hard as Britain will
no, but I don't see how that makes it better
it does not
12:13 PM
but its effect will be less bad for us
i mean, a party in my country came up with the idea of dexit
I don't live in the UK either, but I don't expect things are going to go peachy for the rest of the EU either
i think they already forgot about it cuz they are racists fucktards
and rather focus on griefing our government and economy than dexit
the more I think on it, the more I think the ones pushing for no deal brexit have some sort of conflict of interest thing going on
a politician that pushes for no deal brexit should be promptly kicked out of office with a boot
i feel like, ppl pushing for no deal brexit have been dropped on their heads multiple times when they were babies
12:16 PM
nah, they're buying the short stocks
they know exactly what they're doing
but i guess its not going much better for germany either
we have the afd
It's a little unsettling how many britains are eating it up
one of the worst parties to ever exist
the afd?
alternative for germany (alternative für deutschland)
imo should be banned
and there are investigations going on about banning them atm
but those have been going on since like what? 4 months, maybe longer?
not gonna happen sadly
12:20 PM
there's a lot of weird politics going on these days
and I understood russia is unofficially offering its services as a "political disruptor"
my guess is they're meddling and promoting all the wrong types of political movements
it's a weird world in general
I'm still going with that as the reason why America voted up Trump
He already wouldn't have won if it weren't for the electoral college
if he had way more influence and funding than he should have gotten, it might have made the difference
I can't believe Americans would legit vote up that orange oompa-loompa
found a way to replace that stupid buildfromurl method x-x
// OLD
string url = helper.BuildUrlFromExpression<T>(action);

// NEW
var urlHelper = new UrlHelper(helper.ViewContext.RequestContext);
string url = urlHelper.Action(actionName, controllerName, routeValues);
americans are afraid of intellectual ppl in powerful positions
thats just my guess
but yeah, i agree w/ you @Hans1984 , its a weird world. I mean, companies like Nestle are still allowed to exist
for what reason?
--> money and nothing else
there won't be true democracy until politicians are afraid of the retribution for making the wrong decisions
12:31 PM
there wont be true democracy until influence from companies and religion are banned from politics
but I like KitKat and KoKo Crunch
you'd need influence from companies
if a country were a car, then the economy would be its engine
for which purpose? so politicians act the way they do in germany?
hi , i'm trying to decompile an exe file that was made in C++ if iam not wrong and i kinda managed to decompile it but i dont understand many of the codes in there
you obviously can't drive a car with only an engine, but it is also a crucial part of a car
you need to guide it, not replace the oil with molasses
12:33 PM
decreasing the amount of jobs for renewable energy and increasing the amount in fossil energy?
for example there is a text in the app that says Admin , when i searched inside the decompiled file for "admin or Admin" nothing poped , its full of void**
what does this means ?
It means, it was stored in char*
or char[]
if i recall correctly @diamond void** is a pointer to a char array that is stored in memory (memory pointer)
or the text came from external sources
void** is just a pointer to a pointer
12:36 PM
there will not be true democracy until I become the supreme leader
it can either be a pointer to an array or just a pointer to a pointer
lmao @Wietlol
or was that more like a dictatorship?
ok let me find something that might be readable and share it
@Wietlol Hmm.. sounds legit
12:36 PM
@diamond Decompiling something should be, like, the last resort, even after you tried to contact the guy who built it. Decompiling IL is messy enough - native C++ code will be really fucked up if you try to read the decompiled form.
void fun_40f388(void** ecx, void** a2) {
    void** esp3;
    void** v4;
    struct s214** edx5;
    void** eax6;
    struct s214* ecx7;
    struct s215* ecx8;
    struct s215** eax9;
    struct s215* edx10;
    void** esi11;
    void** ebx12;
    void** ebp13;

    esp3 = reinterpret_cast<void**>(reinterpret_cast<int32_t>(__zero_stack_offset()) - 4);
    v4 = g0;
    g0 = reinterpret_cast<void**>(reinterpret_cast<uint32_t>(esp3 - 4) - 4 - 4 - 4 - 4 - 4 - 4 - 4 - 4);
    if (edx5) {
        eax6 = fun_457db8(0, v4, fun_40f3fe, 0, v4, fun_40f3fe);
such primitive
"For more freedom, vote for Wietlol! Your local armed policeman will escort you to the voting booths for your only and best choice you'll ever make!"
very C++
ima be totally honest with you: im afraid of that
this code is legit so scary to look at
12:38 PM
will it's bet more complicated
C++ lets you do stuff like this. Doesn't mean you should, just that you can
\i have never touched a c++ before
what is this code
ahh my eyes
@diamond Why do you decompile c++ code though?
@Neil my campaign will be based around cleansing this world from JavaScript
I will get many followers
12:39 PM
@Neil a coworker of me has a theory that you can break down each python program into just one line
subtracting by 4 is shifting the pointer back by one
@Wietlol You have my vote!
we will build a firewall around JavaScript
will you march into JS chat
and we will make NodeJS pay for it
12:39 PM
he is always working on examples and all of them work
and take control ?
@Squirrelkiller he will make you use Wietlang though!
@Squirrelkiller that was an app for charity that owner died in an accedient 3 y ago , and they need to re run it , so i thought maybe i can give it a try
@JieBäf I think that's true for most languages.. remind me to never ask to see that code though :)
@Neil its disgusting and basically nested lambdas
12:40 PM
any idea if it was decompiled or not at all ?
that's sad
*reinterpret_cast<signed char*>(&eax6) this is the string you're looking for. compile it again and print it in std::cout
@JieBäf sounds like lisp
im horrified of that code. I have nightmares from just trying to understand that code
its not lisp
lemme see if i can quickly find an example
it's highly likely written by a decompiler. even Chinese wouldn't write that kind of code
12:42 PM
what does this string means ?
I mean, if it wasnt decompiled it would be unreadable bytes right?
@Neil [print(p[2] + " " + str(p[1])) for p in sorted((lambda r: [[min([l[0] for l in p]),sum([l[2] for l in p]), p[0][1]] for p in r])((lambda c: [((lambda sc:[a for a in c if a[1]==n]))(n) for n in set(map(lambda x: x[1], c))])((lambda: list(map(lambda i: [i[1], " ".join(i[0].split()[:-1]), int(i[0].split()[-1])],[[input(), i] for i in range(int(input()))])))())), key=lambda x:x[0])]
thats just one fucking line
@mr5 what about indians ?
@JieBäf is he doing this for fun?
@Neil yes he is. he is always looking for code tutorial websites and tries to finish all tasks with just one line of python
12:44 PM
@diamond No chance of getting the actual source code?
@diamond idk. try to insert std::cout and recompile it
didnt read
does that even compile?
do you even compile ?
Well I think he can forget about ever changing his programs later
12:46 PM
not bad
wow such speed
@mr5 just saying but once that installing bar is at 100% you need to wait the exact same timespan of what it took you to reach 100%
just because its microsoft
and updates/installations are only 50% done if the progress bar reaches 100%
@Hans1984 I compile a lot
anyway... anyone has experience with visitors?
downloadProgress = (totalDownloaded / downloadSize) / 2
I need to build a visitor for a pretty large type hierarchy
im not sure what would be a good approach
12:49 PM
use react library
@mr5 that would go from high to low
not low to high
so inf% -> 100000% -> 1000% -> 100% -> 50%
normal progress bars would go from 0% up to 100%
I fucked up the formula
yes, yes you did
you'd need some sort of library which runs your installation, and every 5%, checks at what point the work is, and create a scalable and fairly linear progress bar on that basis
programmers are shit about creating decent progress bars
s/about creating decent progress bars//
12:52 PM
partial divided by total
logged in this morning to vs 2019 and opened my project. As soon as it loaded it says all files are being ignored by git? They were added and not being ignored yesterday. Its connected to an azure git repo. Tried to do git add . and nothing added. Any ideas?
What does .gitignore say?
ding ding ding di ding di ding
12:53 PM
ooh, add .gitignore to git ignore
what the .gitignore say! awooooo
That would just mean that it wouldn't be versioned.
Don't add .gitignore to .gitignore.
Either that or the universe would explode, I'm not sure which
12:54 PM
dont listen to Wietlol
Give it a shot.
wait... that is contradictory
It has a good amount of rules in it from another project that is working fine with the same file. No .cs so not sure why those are being ignored
!!Wiettroll or Wietlol
@Hans1984 Wiettroll
12:55 PM
It simply means that each team member will have their own copy of .gitignore, leading to hilarity and hijinx galore.
echo "*" >> .gitignore
@Squirrelkiller nope , we have been trying for 2 years at least .
@mr5 insert std::cout where ??
2 years of full time work?!
ima build you a new cross platform app in that time!
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan but where's the fun in that
At my last place, we even had the nuget packages included in the repo
Me and senior dev were fine because we'd been working on the project for a year and a bit with no one else
The second the trainee had to make some changes, boi that was a fun couple of hours
1:05 PM
i'm sure we can but its a limited budget non profitable org , we cant do that.
@diamond right after it
why is it called non profitable when you still profit?
its no profit , we give away aids to poor and sick all the time ..
that is all
ha! I misinterpret aids for the disease
1:08 PM
I'm assuming there are translation issues here - you're a "non-profit" or "not-for-profit" org, not a "not-profitable" org, which might simply mean you're not very good at making money.
Also, to prevent misunderstandings, "we give aid" is the proper English phrasing, not "give aids". :)
> "We've worked tirelessly for over 15 years to convince the government that AIDS research funding is vital," said Steve Hobart, an AIDS Now! spokesperson. "But now, with AIDS on the decline, that's all in jeopardy. The only way to raise awareness of this deadly disease is to have more people die of it."
Now we need institution for raising AIDS across the globe!
It's time we think of the Nature's sake
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan is that a satire website?
okay I started listening to Drowning Pool's Bodies as a joke, but it's turned unironic and I need help
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan giving aids is not very charitable
it is a satire website. I knew it
I'm kinda slow yknow
1:15 PM
It's The Onion. One of the oldest and most reputable satire websites on the planet.
Though I have had someone tell me -- in a nonsatirical sense -- that AIDS doesn't exist and was created by jews :DDDD
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan theonion.com/… this is actually quite funny.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan yea , sorry about that.
but ye the onion...one time they made a piece about Trump, so Trump sued them
1:20 PM
yeah....he also sued Bill Maher over a joke
"pfff stupid SJW cucks get mad at jokes all the time; they need to loosen up"
signed char fun_4467cc(void** ecx, void** a2, void** a3, void** a4, void** a5, ...);
is this what makes all code unreadable ?
@diamond C++ is not a language that's easily decompiled, like Java or C#.
There's simply a lot less left in the compiled output of the original.
1:23 PM
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan i know
@mr5 I want to see olympics of robotics
But you'll know the results beforehand!
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan we cant get the original file and we need to modify few things
but you need to reverse engineer the Math.Random
@diamond The chances of getting compilable sources from this are low.
1:25 PM
var skillToFire = skills[Math.Random() * skills.Count() - 1]
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan chances of getting the source code are much lower i think , if i manage to just make it a bit more readable i can get it to work and save the org around couple of thousands
@Wietlol ooh nice. extension
on a nice side note, implement a randomElement for an IEnumerable
instead of IList
1:28 PM
But then you'll have to enumerate the whole thing?
I guess it can be done with .ElementAt
For enumerables? How will you get the Count() ?
you're always going to pass List anyway so it's mostly O(1)
am I?
what if I pass in a set?
or... an infinite enumerable?
or, not infinite, but just large
and you dont want O(n) space
don't know about you but I work on front end where every data are from memory stream
1:36 PM
I remember having to write some weird randomness logic with an unordered collection
but its too long ago to remember the actual implementation
but then again, you need locking mechanism between the call to Count() and ElementAt
we didnt have arrays... or lists, only sets
Set is a HashSet right?
but the random element implementation would work for any collection
would it work for a paginated collection?
1:39 PM
the implementation only relies on an iterator
not even count
if you can get an iterator (or enumerator) that encapsulates those pages, then sure
now you mention it, I thought about having a StreamIterator
I created a stored procedure and pulled it into Entity Framework. When I try to add an Import Function for it and create a return object class, VS tells me that it doesn't return any columns, which it absolutely does. This isn't the first time I've had this issue, either.
I have an ASP.NET answer from a couple years ago that's getting some attention and I want to make sure I'm not leading developers to potentially dangerous security issues:

Is there anyone here with more knowledge than myself who can double-check this for me?

TL;DR of the answer: IIS can't store files in wwwroot by default, so enable write permissions for IIS_IUSRS on wwwroot.
I mean, my response would be
Want to store files in wwwroot? DONT
Use a virtual directory somewhere else instead
Yeahhhh I was worried about that
I can make an edit saying something of the sort, but ASP.NET really isn't something I know much about - I haven't used it professionally or otherwise since that project.
1:54 PM
I personally wouldn't recommend it
While its not necessarily a "bad" thing to do, its not good either
Ideally you wouldn't want to store uploaded files with your code
@CaptainSquirrel Wouldn't recommend storing in wwwroot, or wouldn't recommend the edit?
i need to stop drinking monster
Interesting. So just curious as I am working on something now and stored some JS directories in wwwroot/lib. Is this not correct? Or do you mean C# files?
i keep thinking itll enhance my attention but it actually makes me go between pages every 6 seconds
@ZackTarr If I remember right, I was storing and manipulating uploaded PNG images to insert metadata (long story as to why lol)
and serving them as well
Only trusted users could upload images, but that doesn't say much as far as security goes
1:57 PM
Ah I see. Yeah havent crossed loading an image into the site. No need for it yet.
Security-wise, you should have a clear separation between your application code and any data you might store from a user.
It was separated in my case, but my answer is sorta like "hey just let your server write to your code folder, it'll be fineeee"
The user running the website should not have write-access to c:\inetpub. What happens if some as-yet-undiscovered bug allows a user to upload a file called "index.html" to your website and use that flaw to have it stored in c:\inetpub\wwwroot?
hmm, yeah that makes sense
What happens if you push an updated version of your app which overrides the files that the users have uploaded?
Code is code, data is data. Separate them. Store them in a completely different folder.
Given specific permissions.
2:01 PM
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan Would you also recommend using a virtual directory for this?
Preferably not even on your web server but on a storage account somewhere.
I needed to store and manipulate files bit-by-bit
okay, I'm told that when I refer to my MVC controller, I should link it like "~/Home/GetImage/09202019-57124303", where getImage is the name of the ActionResult method, but what seem to be throwing me off is the "Home" part
@JoshuaWade Do these uploaded files need to be served to users? Or only the back-end code needs to access them?
@JoshuaWade wouldn't recommend wwwroot
2:02 PM
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan Both
If they need to be accessible without your app being involved (simple URL-accessible), then yes, a virtual directory is easiest. You can put the physical storage anywhere and point to it.
But again, it's a security risk - you're allowing users to use your website as a storage mechanism for files which can then be used elsewhere.
I needed to edit PNG metadata to make it fit the openbadges specification
you probably want to restrict file access using oauth2
2:05 PM
I'm no longer working on this project. I just want to make sure this answer isn't making people do Very Bad Things:
I'm making an edit and I have a disclaimer, but I don't know enough to give a reasonable alternative
In the general case that is
The reasonable alternative would be "rather than give write access to the app_data folder, change the place you're storing your uploaded files to a different folder".
Oh that does make sense doesn't it
thanks :)
Here's the edited answer: stackoverflow.com/a/45015426/8166701
Thanks again for the help!
If I don't have a /Views/Home directory (and I don't because this page wasn't created as an MVC page), where would the directory in my Page.ResolveUrl point to?
Tracking users locations it turns out is really hard when their devices don't have internal GPSs
that is definitely true
you could attempt an estimation+assumption based on network tho
2:18 PM
I've got accuracy to 20 meters. Which is really unhelpful as the warehouse is 20 meters wide
the solution is clearly machine learning
My phone (which does have a GPS) is basically spot on with its estimates
@CaptainObvious you need a high precision, low range location check?
Ideally. But on existing hardware
2:20 PM
AP signal strength probably wouldn't work because the warehouse is full of steel racking
the solution is clearly not tracking your #%$^! employees.
I don't care where the employees are, I'm more interested where the devices are
Because the idiots keep losing them
Which would be fine if they told me they lost it the same day, as I can use a locator function to basically "call" the scanner
But when they leave the scanner missing for 20 days before I notice it's gone
You guys ever read The Circle?
It means I have to waste time sifting through logs to find where the last place the bloody thing might have been
it's all about social media fads and tracking people down
2:26 PM
We work with job control system, and our product offering was declined because of GPS handling of the employee
it got made into a movie with Emma Watson
it's a shit movie
yeahhh and the book wasn't that great either xD
@CaptainObvious the combination of fix location of the warehouse + accelerometer + machine learning might work
2:35 PM
It's fine, I can deal with at least "which warehouse it's in" via the 20ish meter accuracy, it's good enough
what is the name of the technology sql databases store the data with?
I thought it was a page file, but it appears to be a windows thing
has anyone watched DARK?
SQL stores it's things in tables -> pages -> rows.
I want to understand how a table with a variable length column would be stored
I understand that constant size columns can easily be read by skipping over size*offeset bytes before starting to read from the file
but on variable sized records, this doesnt work
@ntohl No.
First, SQL is a querying language, it doesn't store anything.
Second, most RDBMs store data as an event log, and they build tables/rows/etc from that and project it to you in that form.
2:49 PM
I tried to put Oracle, MSSql, Postgre, etc into a single "SQL" word.
IIRC different database engines store the data a little differently
When you have VS create a result class for a stored procedure, it passes NULL for every parameter, right? What if one of the parameters is a User-Defined table type? Those aren't nullable, are they?
I have recently made profile dumping of our Xamarin app using Android Studio. The stats shows that the highest memory allocation is coming from C# strings and Java strings. Now it happens the I also recently learned how image was indexed in GPU and I think we can also utilize the GPU to store this blobsy data such as strings there. What you think?
Everything is nullable if you're brave enough
@mr5 Using the GPU to store strings? Are you nuts?
Why not?
3:01 PM
If you really have too many strings that it's problematic you really need to look into why you have so many
serialization is widely used across systems wherein strings is the main medium of communication
But how much shit are you serialising that it's a problem?
stop using strings?
Stop using so many strings
are you doing string concatenation in a loop?
3:04 PM
SQL, file read and upload it into memory stream, serialization/deserialization, XAML bindings, native bindings, dll function lookup, reflection, etc
a lot actually
Also post stats
well, I'm not in office sooo
I need to see how "bad" the string situation is
I can show you a bad string time
nananananananananananananananananananana badstring!
that was 4 too many "na"s
3:05 PM
it's 1st in the "most allocation"
plus, Prism in XF introduces page navigation using URL-like
Get on my level
hmm... reminds me of my serialization test
allocating 11 million objects in 2 seconds
in Java, there are too many strings constants
This isn't a test
This is production data
the test was a copy of production :D
the 11 million objects together represent the formulas in excel
3:08 PM
I think someone needs to create a GPU for strings, or should I say, SPU?
the 2 seconds was much faster than a library that loaded the .xlsx file in 40 seconds
akchually, somebody already thought this before me: notapaper.de/article2.html
Somewhere to store strings. And other data that may be randomly needed by applications... Hmm
interesting fact... the 11 million objects were stored in ~20 MB, getting a rough 5 bytes per object
3:16 PM
Okay seriously -- does any app with MVC absolutely need a Views/Home folder???
I made a cshtml page just to test these images and still nothing shows up ffs
Now pair these cuStrings with SSE version for strings and you'll get an ultra fast string storage and manipulation
or you get an intel core i9
9900k is also nice, but I find it difficult to find pre-built laptops containing them
Can you help me with a question please?
I would say "no", but then I would be contradicting myself
so... go ahead
Its C# related using asp.net
Im making a insert/update/delete query that are inside their respectic buttons
The code runs as if nothing was wrong, but it doest make the modifications in my DB
Not sure if this is the correct room to ask that
3:26 PM
sounds to me like one of your database procedures wasn't compiled correctly
first, execute a single button only. don't simultaneously click them buttons
make the insert work first
@Wietlol I've never understood those CPU and GPU naming
why can't they have a normal versioning like the rest of the softwares
I swear I'm about to explode in front of these AT&T reps x-x
3:42 PM
does ASP.NET MVC just look for a page called Index that it throws its data on?
omg wait I think I FINALLY found it
3:57 PM
not yet, but it looks like there was a problem with routes.MapRoute

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