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00:00 - 12:0012:00 - 23:00

12:35 AM
Hello there, can I ask a question about refit for xamarin forms?
1:11 AM
posted on September 12, 2019 by Scott Hanselman

I was reading an older post in an emulator forum where someone was asking for a Playstation 1 (PSX) emulator written in C#, and the replies went on and on about how C# and .NET are not suited for emulation, C# is far too slow, negativity, blah blah. Of course, that's silly. Good C# can run at near-native speed given all the good work happening in the runtime/JITter, etc. I then stumbled on t

1 hour later…
2:26 AM
thank you it works now :D
4 hours later…
6:13 AM
GoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOd Mornin' neglecterinos!
!!welcome-c# Herb
@Herb Welcome to the C# chat! Please review the room guidelines and tips. If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
6:24 AM
Goood moorniiiiiing CeeeeeShaaaarp! How was your weekend?
I finished Crackdown and started Gears 5 :D
@Squirrelkiller 'tis was ok
T started puking yesterday today at 2Am on the hour every hour.
Damnit T!
Damn. Get well soon bud.
6:39 AM
I'll tell him that :D
"Hey T, the strange manga-girl looking man from the internet says get well soon!"
That sounds reasonable. I'd probably word it more like "The strange manga-girl looking man-child from the internet", but that's a minor adjustment eh.
Quite frankly I'd add a "sama senpai" to that cuz that strange manga-girld looking man-child taught me allot :D
I am trying to frame an English sentence
I wanted to say "fill the gap/void" to the understanding of certain concept of a certain person
but it's not a gap/void, he understood the concept wrong
what word should I use? How to frame it(the sentence)?
To help you in your ignorance, here is how you do it right you little f***.
6:47 AM
That couldn't be more vague if you tried. Context?
FWIW "filling the gap" is a very common statement, not necessarily applicable to gaps only.
I think thats what he wnted sama senpai
I think 'divergence' in understanding is a good word as well
Context is
He thought the 'this' in JS refered to the function context.
But it does by default to the global object - Window/Node
Divergent is a (reasonably cool) movie series.
6:52 AM
@Shad this has no strict definition in JS. Depends on the invocation and binding.
Relying on this pointing to global/window is silly; just use global/window for that!
I meant the same by saying default
var obj = {
foo : "bar",

no binding happened hence this refers to global
!!tell shad format
Format your code - hit Ctrl+K before sending and see the faq
@shad Format your code - hit Ctrl+K before sending and see the faq
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
@Squirrelintraining That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
7:02 AM
yes yes
7:13 AM
anyone actually using non EF graphql architecture?
@Wietlol maybe you (sorry for pinging)
7:30 AM
@Shad You didn't test this code ;-)
var obj = {
  foo: 'Bar',
  func: function() {
This certainly works as you expect it to, printing "Bar"
Because in JS, the invocation decides the this object (unless explicitly bound otherwise).
In this case, obj.func makes obj the this
And not global or whatever.
@RoelvanUden obligatory tweet:
Twitter oneboxing is broken?
Q: Twitter Oneboxing in chat appears broken

NzallTwitter Oneboxing in chatrooms appears to be broken at the time of posting. Pasting a Twitter link in chat does not change the chat message to a onebox of the tweet in question.

4 months. No response. Judging by the linked question from 16 months ago about Amazon oneboxing ("yeah, they seem to be blocking us. Maybe because we're using old APIs. Who knows. *shrug*") I'm guessing no dev effort will be put here, either.
Eh, SO doesn't care about chat in their developments. Never have after the initial implementation, really.
Yup. Not quite sure why chat really even exists anymore. Not complaining, just wondering.
At some point it will be more trouble than they want to put up with and they'll just retire it.
7:47 AM
it will stay here 4ever.
Well today I've discovered a completely different meaning to "Toxic working environment"
TWE - Today we enjoyed
They'll just keep abandoning it and allow features to break over time until eventually some core feature breaks
Sounds.. nice!
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan Probably. At which point we'll be sad.
7:56 AM
and move to datcord
What's datcord
Oh you were just bring weird,
8:28 AM
o/ ahoy mateys
we are all star stuff
@CaptainSquirrel :headclap:
god why wouldn't you automatically copy highlighted text in a command line
I have to necessarily open the little menu to explicitly copy the text
I hate that so much
8:36 AM
why do you use a terminal?
@Wietlol so i can read the logs moriarty wrote...i need to find my dad!
@Wietlol why do you act like using a terminal is bizarre in our line of work?
because we are in 2019
That's like going up to a nuclear plant worker and saying, "Why do you use a geiger counter? ಠ_ಠ"
The underlying reasons should be fairly evident
@Wietlol so by this I have to assume you don't know your way around a linux terminal?
8:42 AM
Captain! My Captain!
the only thing I do with the terminal is dotnet ef migrations ...
@CaptainSquirrel Sir, I detect imminent threats. I see a mad cat.
And in your humble opinion, do you think terminals are obsolete and aren't used by anyone (aside from me of course)?
I think a terminal is very limited in what it can provide you with
a tool, made to have the same functionality as a set of commands, could easily be more efficient and have a smaller margin of error
but if you want to use a terminal, sure, go ahead
what program do you use to write your commands in?
8:51 AM
#1) You didn't answer my question, and #2) a terminal is a tool like any other: you may not need it but to say it isn't useful is like saying Python isn't useful because you don't use it
I dont think they arent useful, I just think you can use a better tool
maven tests launch a command window
when you realize it's monday already
8:55 AM
so yes, if there is an error, I have to be able to copy text from a command terminal
horrible, I know
cats are so stupid
squirrels are smarter than cats.
maven tests open my IJ internal terminal
or... wait, i think it doesnt
no, it opens a special window for maven
where one part of the UI is a text log (similar to what you expect from a terminal)
the other part of the UI gives me an overview of each individual lifecycle stage and shows the result status, elapsed time and a short summary of messages
selecting one of those stages filters the messages on only the logs of that specific stage
Cats are most definately not stupid
but also are
For example, my cat knows when she's done something i'm going to tell her off for
however, she still does it
has it ever occurred to you that maybe your cat has weighed the good and the bad and decided it was worth doing anyway?
9:06 AM
@CaptainSquirrel curtains are just too scratchy
cats love the scratchies
as a cat, I know
we have a couch and my cat will scratch one corner of it. He's figured out that I'll yell at him if he does so, so he simply waits until we're gone for work
so rip couch
he's got a scratching post, and while we're in the house, he'll favor that
@Wietlol luckily we don't have curtains, only blinds
so they don't scratch those
the backs of chairs/the couch however
those are a different story
@Neil It had not, until now
That being said however, if she does the right thing & I'm there when she's doing it, she'll get a treat
cats aren't clever, but they also don't have any sense of right and wrong. just "it is worth it" and "it is not worth it"
if she doesn't, she gets a boop on the nose and runs up the stairs
So if she's figured its worth doing the naughty thing over the good thing, this cat is unbelievably dumb
....which i could believe, cuz she is rather dopey sometimes
...like misjudging a jump from the bed, to the window ledge
well yeah, I have to think she apparently doesn't mind the boop on the nose enough to not do it anyway
9:17 AM
and slamming into the window, then falling off the window ledge
she defo doesn't like the nose boop
@Neil try scratching him
or biting
@CaptainSquirrel friggn snithces
9:35 AM
@Squirrelintraining ya, i'm snitching
My dogs like to piss and shit in the laminate floor living room if they're on their own too much
Except they only do it on the rug, which is many times harder to clean
Remove the rug :-P
But then all I hear is claws as they walk around
And one of them is getting old and has issues with walking so can't walk very well on the laminate
9:38 AM
And have a walkie schedule that makes sense :p
Oh yeah that's a real problem with older dogs.
9:56 AM
I think I have this super-power that allows me to be absent from the room precisely when @Wietlol is most wrong. Spares me a lot of argument.
Adding IIFE inner function
var obj = {
  foo: 'Bar',
  func: function() {
	(function() {
now, the flaw, second one gives Global Window object
-> //undefined because no 'foo' in it
@Shad Yeah, because you're expecting this to remain obj, but you're creating a separate function scope with different binding. It's not how it would work in Java or C#, but that's because JS isn't oriented around classes as the core unit.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan biting is very important
10:15 AM
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan I envy you
can I overlap monitors?
10:43 AM
Eugh why is IIS Express so shit
@CaptainObvious because you are using it wrong
Apparently I was
Well, probably not, but the fix-all solution fo delete the .vs folder did the trick
there is a fix-all solution that does work
but I dont think you will accept that solution
Oh would you look at that, it's almost sandwhich o clock
Also fuck this office is hot
would you date it?
10:58 AM
I'm in the main office today because my office has been gassed by the new UPS which was emmitting interesting smells
@CaptainObvious still waiting on my sandwich btw
@CaptainObvious So your solution is to just work somewhere else?
did you try turning off the electrical equipment that could be burning
Oh yeah we did that
But we need to wait for it to vent out
@CaptainObvious Ah, it's just the UPS. Surely that little appliance can't cause any harm if it malfunctions.
It's also sat in the bottom of the rack
So if it does catch fire it will burn the servers fast
Also "little" hahahaha
batteries aren't flammable
11:02 AM
3x 2U units, 2 are additional batteries for the main unit, each of which is 30+kg
@CaptainSquirrel in an dr. evil kinda voice riiiiiight.
New build houses aren't very safe
> Watch the EXPLOSIVE moment a phone battery is stabbed with a kitchen knife
A lithium ion battery inside a phone bursts into flames when it's perforated with a kitchen knife in this viral video
Nice description
11:08 AM
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan stabbing a phone battery with a knife? what could possibly go wrong with that?
Harry where do you live
I regularly stab all my personal belongings, don't you?
Keeps them in line.
just use a plastic knife
you ll be fine
it might take a while..
What I want to know is, what is the potential disaster behind electric cars?
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan So only flammable near sharp objects
got it
11:10 AM
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan Thats the only thing you've said that makes senses all day avni.
@Neil Well there's a reason tesla frames have rather good saftey ratings
@CaptainSquirrel Fun fact, I almost managed to burn down my house because I took my telephone appart and bent the batter a bit to much
@Squirrelintraining GG
@CaptainSquirrel how so? an electric car battery has way more potential energy than a tank full of gasoline
Both phones my SO has broken got super duper hot after
and are only slightly bent sooooo
11:15 AM
@Squirrelintraining must have been a samsung
That joke hasn't aged well, has it?
Oh I just remembered
When I went on holiday some of the airlines have started saying things like "if your mobile starts smoking then do X" etc
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan well
it's just beyond me how anyone would spent 1k on a phone
11:20 AM
The same way people would spend £150k on a watch
yeah just makes no sense
I'm mean I can somewhat understand how ppl would get a fancy , expensive car to show off
If my phone starts smoking, i'm taking myself to a mental hospital
but a phone or a watch?
My life is that bad that even my phone needs nicotine
i quit smoking 1 month ago
well i was only smoking 1-2 cigs a day but still
it adds up
11:22 AM
I got my car because I don't like feeding money into petrol stations every coupole of weeks
I've had 2 fags in my life. And was sick after both of them
@Hans1984 Huawei
@CaptainSquirrel I didn'rt know you smoke :o
@Squirrelintraining I smoke socially
11:24 AM
Thats what we all claimed at one point.
So mainly when I've got beer in me
oh cigs
I see
I don't smoke ciggies
Well, tell a lie
It depends how stressed i am
You smoke the weed :gasps:
I do not smoke the weeds in my garden back yard
(I actually have a yard in the back, no garden. All paving slabs)
I can just about hold my arms out side to side and spin around if i wished
11:27 AM
So you don't smoke the weeds in yur back yard.
So i guess out on da streets?
i cant smoke weed anymore because of the tobacco
Then don't put tabacco inside?
its too strong to smoke it pure
also it would burn in a second
I mean, it could just be me
But if your the weeds is burning in a second
oh god that iBoard meme
11:29 AM
It would appear you are using the wrong materials to craft your doobs
yeah Steve was definitely around for the board
theres still vaping and cookies
but its just not the same
and back when people though the galaxy s3 was huge lol
but it realy feels good not to smoke anymore
my lungs are MUCH better
So what you're saying is
If you stop breathing hot garbage
You can breath good?
11:32 AM
;) basically
that sounds like boobs!
i like!
#simpleplan #simpleman
Don't trust him lee
!!Do you smoke weed ?
@Hans1984 Absolutely not
11:39 AM
hello friends
i need help
hello friend
we all do
i want to convert PropertyInfo values to json
not the vamp guy again
IIRC you is vamping allot
help vamp ?
11:41 AM
!!Do you smoke weed he aked!
@Squirrelintraining That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: ye
@Squirrelintraining Nuh-uh
Only thing that can calm her pain is the weeds
Don't trust who for what
@CapricaSix so she actually meant to say "ye"
Just give her PLANT and she'll be happy
11:44 AM
ha got you cap !
!!Will you sell us some dope ?
@Hans1984 Probably
May 5 '16 at 15:17, by BoltClock
11:47 AM
!!will hans ever stop using this damn command
@CaptainObvious But of course
Even though it looks like it's the future
It's really a long, long time ago
When there were knights and they got into fights
Using sabers of light. Please remember.
@zubairz what have you tried?
00:00 - 12:0012:00 - 23:00

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