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"The Jewish ethnicity, nationality, and religion are strongly interrelated,"
We don't serve tachyons here.
A tachyon walked into a bar.
the joke pokes fun at the specific cultural institution of Judaism not the racial aspects, cultural aspects more in line with the religious aspect of judaism. If I made a jewish nose joke, that would be more racist
Even though google says it so, it still doesn't makes sense...
they don't have to have black, yellow, red skin to be considered a different race
Jewish nose: rofl
its just that those races have more ... noticible differences
So a rabbi walks into a bar.... RACISM!!
im in desperate need of help
i have a huge asp.net app and I have litreally had to redo my changes 10 times and it is sooo tedious+ boring
do you have a specific question
Sweet! I can reject the flag on my message!
just venting?
all because we have no version control and the fact app is huge and everything is weaved together so changing one thing here messes up a lot
so now my question
how can I automate quick testing of the app?
@KendallFrey lmao that one was me, i was just joking around, BUT THE OTHERS WEREN'T
right now every few couple of changes I have to go run the app refill the forms navigate here and there ensure all buttons work fine etc, i want to automate it
@Nadal can you explain your design?
is there any way to preload values #if debug?
it is basically a huge asp.net form
@KendallFrey you aren't mad at me are you? :(
@Nadal you should preload values #if DEBUG
you complete it, click a button it takes you to another page, on and on
how do i preload values? im sick of filling this form out
MyItem model = new model;
model.Id = 3;
model.Price = 1415;
model.Name = "92653";
model.Quantity = 58979323;
model.MoreDigitsOfPi = 84626433832795028841979;
Today I learned that if you mistype and write git cone instead of git clone, it will come back and say Did you mean this? clone
do that for ALLL the fields :S?
if you wanna preload
do you manually get all the values every time or do you have an underlying model that you modify
cause you should have an underlying model that you modify
manually get the values, fuk i dont know what i do it was wirtten by some 6-7 devs long ago i just got assigned it in the worst state possible, just trying to get through it
firefox had imacro extension hopefully IE has it too
that Hans z can do the preloading for me
so quiet now
if I set an ItemsSource, will all the controls in that Control use the same ItemsSource, or only their own ItemsSource?
<ListBox ItemsSource="{Binding collection}">
would TextBox also be using "collection"s elements
aaaaand the next joke is a dead baby joke
@klut Why would you have a TextBox inside a ListBox?
i don't
just giving an example
I work for Johnson and Johnson. I test thermometers.
Why would you have any control inside an ItemsControl?
<CustomControl ItemsSource="{Binding collection}">
it's weird putting break points into ms sql server manager
what is that?
A company that enter any captcha for you
I think it's human driven
@HansZ It is...
have you seen the new captcha that are commericals ?
It will be a picture of a car and say Toyota on the top with the logo , and at the bottom it says "Type: I love Corola's"
Cool. Someone knows how to get money easily..
Statefarm has one that says statefarm on the top with their logo in the middle , and the bottom says " type: protect your family"
@Andredseixas extremely slowly, you mean
@HansZ If you think that just by seeing the ad someone already receives money.. That is actually really cool..
and that site says average time is 1 min - you can solve them on your own way faster then that, the whole of captcha is to stop people from accessing thousands of times a minute , not once
Scott, yes I have. It is a great marketing idea too because if you say or write something yourself then you will tend to align what you believe to what you said/wrote and it becomes a bit more likely that you will actually begin to "love Corolas"
I'm not saying the deathbycaptcha is cool.. It is weird.. Really weird...
@Andredseixas .0139 cents per captcha, error rate of 0.9, average of 17 seconds per captcha nets you $76.5612/hr
not bad actually
that's terrible if your trying to brute force through somehting that is protected by captchas
oh whoops I was doing math wrong
$0.264918 an hour
that is literally terrible
Hans Z that is terrible
yes, literally
hey guys wanna make 25 cents an hour?
If you really wanted to make good money, you could multitask by testing thermometers while entering captchas all day.
How do you test thermometers?
in front of my building the bums asking for change make like 100 times that
with lasers
(lasers anally)
@Steve "rectally"
@HansZ What math did you do to get to 0.26$ ?
I regret asking that question.
Johnson and Johnson pays well.
I worked at Baxter
(1.39 dollars / 1000 solved captchas) (9 solved / 10 attempted) (1 attempt / 17 seconds) (60 seconds / 1 minute) (60 minutes / 1 hr) = 1.39/1000*9/10/17*60*60 dollars per hour = $0.26
@Steve Star for out of context.
Haha it wasn't actually me.
man that makes me look gay, lmao
@Steve did you mis spell butter?
@HansZ I see.. Yeah you're right..
I starred it too , maybe you can get more then 8
Outspoken badge, here steve comes!
haha i have that already
Hans It is not a good time to mention the word comes
anal butter? rofl
Hahahahahaha, I laughed so hard at @kush comment now..
bad joke is bad
more stars to that one too
Why just four stars? I am sure Steve can handle more than that. Keep pumping those stars!
i got 13 stars today
We officially can no longer criticize other rooms for being off topic.
@KendallFrey are you allowed to do more then 1 star on a comment?
Try it.
@ScottSelby yes, but they cancel out
no , not me , I mean you
your special
room moderator special
His special what?
Well, I can pin and star the same message I think.
oh, thats not that cool
can you kick people out?
he kicked me out once -- i'm sure of it
when i first started coming in here, i said something about doing a hooker and i got 30 minutes off
Yes, I can btw.
ha, I just saw someone leave after you said that, I thought he kicked yuo out again for saying that
@Steve I don't remember. Must've been a mod.
might have been
i have no idea, lol
good thing they weren't here today
kendall is an owner, he can boot mods? :p
no, mods have all the overall power
I doubt it, but maybe.
i didn't know that
I just answered that having no idea if I was right or not
i dont know either, owner sounds so much more powerful than moderator
I wonder if I know Travis J
A moderator controls all of SO. A room owner controls one chat room.
California, nope. I don't know them
so I am staring at a page's code behind and wondering why I am getting a "resource not found". What should I do to find out what's going on here?
GOD i am being punished to program without version control!!!!!!!!!! my Desktop is a MESSS
Grab a DVCS. No one needs to know.
@kush , what line is it giving you the error on?
kush you are probably not referencing the file properly
make sure you put the proper path
probably Inherits : _Default instead of Default , i have made that mistake before
or the other way around , switching from vb to c# back and forth that stuff happens all the time
wow @Steve you are beating me at the starred pervy comments
That's me. I don't have much experience with vb.net
Thanks for starring, Nadal
@KendallFrey - haha I just saw your pi*z*z*a
I just realized I was inserting junk trades not into the developer test database but into the actual database. I realized this because I got a company-wide email saying "Will WAM/TEST stop updating the **** position, thanks."
Whoopsie daisy
compiles new project that I just inherited: 439 warnings. delete reference to unused 3rd party library: 2 warnings
I have 176 warnings in my current project
@ScottSelby How do I find this information?
they don't mean sh*t
where is the error?
In EF, when I create an entity object through Create/CreateObject I get the intended proxy, but it does not automatically create complex types. Why is this?
I just get a resource not found
Hey how do I subtract cells in excel , I completely forgot
@ScottSelby =A1-A2?
that's what I though
not working
oh, yea it does
Put an equal sign in front, Scott.
@kush , hey click add new item then webform , then look at how that one is different from the one your using , usually its a _
A question of Exception best practices:
:) I hate that I can't put things where I want on CSS
public class Sample
    bool Advanced { get; set; }
    string Foo { get; set; }
Object of type 'WAMTradeShooter.State.FXTradeLineItem' cannot be converted to type 'WAMTradeShooter.State.FXTradeLineItem'.
If Foo shall not be changed (controlled by the class) while Advanced is false, is it acceptable to throw an InvalidOperationException() or is it enough to simply add a condition to the property so that it does nothing?
@walkingTarget I would do the second option...
I'd throw an exception. When users set a property they generally expect something to happen.
@RaphaelR. That's kinda what I was thinking, though I have it using option 2 atm
:( Ok, everyone be against my opinion.
Can't have a debate without two sides.
@KendallFrey Actually Kendall, you can
Without the other side, it's a mastur-
Monologue debate I guess..
circle debate?
@HansZ Show me.
Professional = master. Fisherman = baiter. Professional fisherman = ...
Yes Steve, that was quite obvious.
@Steve stfu, go do what you like now..
What he likes? :J
Don't eat that snack it's a... no. that one's too bad to post.
It's a tramp?
er... exactly!
What does Single Point Checkout mean in terms of an e Commerce store?
Above is an automatically implemented property NO error
NO error?
@JitendraPathak If you mean my question, don't read that literally - I mean to implement either an exception or condition within Foo's setter
Q: Vb.Net Forms Authentication Not Validating User properly

Scott SelbyI have this code when to sign in User , that string sUserData is properly set. Dim sUserData As String = HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies("UserID").Value & "|" & HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies("UserName").Value & "|" & HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies("Us...

@KyleTrauberman - what did you edit?
removed the tag from the title
its not specific to VB - and the tag covers that
nice , I was worried about that, people see vb.net and don't help , but most of the time its the same as c#
better SEO - you'll get more people looking at it without that
does this occur any time onload is executed, or only the first time?
no , I want it everytime
because if you click logout , that is a webmethod that logs you out , then the labels have to change
right, but does IsAuthenticated return false every time, or only the first time, before logging in.
just trying to understand the problem
everytime over and over and over and over, and I keep trying
man debugging project files is scary
Are you calling FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie() anywhere?
or FormsAuthentication.RedirectFromLoginPage()
i bet what is happening is you aren't persisting the auth token to the client via cookie
why is it working in the class though ?
ahh, but I see you're doing a cookie manually
where is the static method being called?
in onload?
I know sometimes you access HttpContext differently in static and non-static methods, I was hopign I could just reword it
let me check\
In onload, you could Page.User.Identity
but thats the same thing as what you have
I call the static method in Load of Master Page , which is before anything on aspx if that makes a difference
and the onload method you're referring to is the page onload, right?
and where are do you have the FormsAuthenticationTicket code?
Where is the code in the first codeblock? Is that in the static method too?
no , that code is in a few different spots
each identical , because you can login from a few different spots
and I hate hate hate hate hate hate MasterPages , that is why its written a few different spots
why not just put it in Global.asax?
but still , it doesn't make sense - If I take out the code in Default.aspx that checks if user is authenicated , then when I click on like Calendar.aspx - which you need to be authenticated for it goes to static method , and works fine , then in the same session , same cookies , same everything , I put the same if statement in page load of default.aspx and it fails to go in if statement
you can use the Application_AuthenticateRequest method
and it will be called for every request
yeah, i agree that something fishy is going on.
what happens if you put that if statement in the master page's onload?
does it work there?
and I want to just write like If authenticated ..change log button to log out , blah blah blah , its hard to get to change labels in default.aspx from global or classes or anything outside of code behund
I'll try
@KyleTrauberman Hey have you worked with webservice ans IIS in visual studio?
.asmx services yes
not wcf
@Kyle yes i am working with asmx
what's your question then?
@Kyle i was able to publish the web service successfully. In the IIS manager i need to give the IP address of the router, i don't know which option in the IIS manager allows me to do so
@Kyle Hope you got my question.
You don't need to set a router IP address in IIS
where did you hear that?
@Kyle oh I guess i don't. How can i be sure that the web service works fine from the IIS manager?
well, can you access it using localhost?
and can you access it remotely?
@Kyle I am trying it out
@KyleTrauberman - can I access controls like labels from Page_Init ?
It won't let me
Design Done Right = When implementation goes so smoothly it surprises you
@walkingTarget - thats how it feels before it stops working
or before the specifications change
@ScottSelby I don't think the control tree is built yet at that point, so I doubt it.
What is this "goes smoothly" you speak of? Is it like a unicorn or something?
you could call EnsureChildControls() to force it to build the tree though.
I thought it was at Init , I know I've put eventhandlers in Init , or at least I thought I had , I can't even remember any more
or store some sort of value in a class variable for use later in the lifecycle.
I hate doing that , I've done that so many times I can't keep count of them anymore , between using ajax for everything , master page , session and cookies , its all out of control with temp variables
actually, you should be able to
Raised after all controls have been initialized and any skin settings have been applied. The Init event of individual controls occurs before the Init event of the page.
Use this event to read or initialize control properties.
yea , that is what I thought, I know I have before , **** i hate VB

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