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cl = _listener.AcceptTcpClient();
if (cl.Client.RemoteEndPoint is IPEndPoint remoteIp) {
    var ipStr = remoteIp.Address.ToString();
    if (BanIP.Contains(ipStr)) {
        throw new Exception("This IP is banned: " + ipStr);
} else {
    throw new Exception("The transportation currently connected is not supported, please transit in IPv4/ IPv6.");
Did last exception is really required?
posted on May 03, 2019 by Scott Hanselman

"My fellow Windows users, our long national nightmare is over." The Windows Terminal is here, it's open source, it's real, and it's spectacular. It's very early days to be clear, but the new Windows Terminal is open source and it's up at https://github.com/microsoft/Terminal for you to check out. The repository includes Windows Terminal The Windows console host (conhost.exe) - a local copy t

Because the accepted TCP will always in IP
Folks, have anyone played with FluentValidation ?
I'm playing with it, and I've got a question.
GoOoOoOoOooD Mornin Neglecterins!
@ntohl Does FluentValidation have a way to validate a [proposed] property value without assigning it to the object? I've posted a question to github about that.
Wtf people, have you seen .NET 5?
Haven't caught up on Build news yet.
Windows Terminal is a nice facelift and long awaited update.
I was surprised at .NET 5, but haven't looked beyond the title yet.
I've tried various conhost replacements before, but they were all limited by the lack of Windows API support, meaning what they would do is open an invisible, off-screen regular console window and via IPC copy data back and forth. The latency was noticeable.
Ah, so it's not "we're keeping .NET Framework alive", as much as "We can finally kill .NET Framework and rebrand .NET Core as just .NET"
@Feeds lel, "DOS but not DOS"
@Squirrelkiller No, why?
@NickAlexeev well. I don't know. But this seems a bit off to me. Why would you check something without an instance? You could just make a temp instance, set the property on it, and rollback if it's not valid.
Cuz it's .net but it's core but not core but still core but not actually core by the name of it but tehcnically still core
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan sad. There are so much improvement needed in core to get to the feature richness of framework
@ntohl A lot of them are coming in .NET Core 3, and more should be in place by .NET 5. I'm guessing that by planning to unite them in .NET 5, they're promising (almost) feature-parity.
I expect .NET 5 to surpass the original Fx
Woo, Windows Terminal supports Firacode. Cool.
.NET Core 2.2 already surpasses it in many respects. 3.0 will add WPF and WinForms support on Windows, and EF6 support to allow migrations of existing .NETFX server projects.
hmm. I missed some base features are in core. Like many to many relation and migration in EF
@Squirrelkiller wat
@ntohl Yeah, EFCore was a rewrite more than an upgrade and left many features behind, which meant projects sticking to .NETFX to avoid migrations.
@Squirrelkiller hardcore, man. hardcore
posted on May 07, 2019 by Scott Hanselman

I've blogged before about the Azure Cloud Shell. It's super cool and you can get your own easily in any browse by hitting https://shell.azure.com. You can have either bash or powershell, and you get a shared "cloud drive" that is persisted between sessions. If you have Visual Studio Code you can get an Azure Cloud Shell integrated within VSCode by just installing Visual Studio Code and adding

@mr5 hey man you there
any xamarin here
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan do you know any good repo for a Firefox userContent.css with Fira Code?
@c0dem0nkey Ask away, if anyone might be able to they may do etc etc see the pinned message
I have used XF for a while so I'll probably see what I can do
it sais migrations is available in EF core 1.0. It's a lie
@MikaelDĂșiBolinder Dunno. Don't use Firefox much.
@c0dem0nkey May I refer you to the message you stickied?
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan then, do you use Fira Code on websites? I use it everywhere, and Segoe for all text that isn't code. SE looks 10 times better with Segoe, the head of CSS thought Helvetica was the only font available except Arial...
No, just in my IDEs.
I try to let websites choose their own fonts unless they're particularly unbearable.
Reading SE and MSDN with Fira Code is so much nicer.
@Squirrelkiller lol fire away
@CaptainObvious thanks, alright. im using xamarin.forms.googlemaps
@CaptainObvious would i be able to call google apis even with xamarin.forms ios?
net's slow
@c0dem0nkey GoogleMaps should work fine on IOS according to the repo
I'm back guys.
However why not use the included Xamarin.Forms.Maps? That uses the platform's native maps APIs instead of forcing google
I was on a vacation so I visit Bangkok, Thailand this time.
I already exchanged my money as Baht, but I didn't bring them on my travel.
@CaptainObvious XAmarin Forms Maps is very bare-bones, though, due to being cross-platform lower-common-denominator thing.
Ahh fair play. I haven't used either of the maps APIs in my app because it's not at all relevant
is it a bad idea to use OAuth (1)?
You mean oAuth v1?
Why would you use that? Oauth2 has been around for 7 years
yes, oAuth v1... I think
oauth but not 2
@CaptainObvious someone else uses it...
we call a third party service and provide a callback url
then, after some time, we would receive a response on that callback url
but the default authentication that they support is OAuth
while the default for our web services (including the one for the callback) is OAuth 2
im wondering if there is any real issue with OAuth 1, considering its quite difficult to find resources on how to achieve that using AWS Cognito (which appears to only support OAuth 2)
A lot of things only support Oauth2 these days
I looked it up a bit and saw some controversy around 2013 about oAuth 1.0a, a fix to oAuth 1.0 which (ostensibly) fixed the glaring security flaws of oAuth 1.0 and was considered safer than 2.0, but I really don't know if anything has changed.
usually older things are considered safer because they have been tested throughout the years
that is... when a new thing pops up
but if that new thing is used for a few years, then that is suddenly safer
technology is weird
When oAuth 3 is released, oAuth 2 will suddenly become safe.
just safer than oAuth 3
older things are considered safer - Tell that to Windows XP
and then after 4 years, oAuth 3 is safer, even tho there were no updates on it nor new vulnerabilities on oauth 2
@CaptainObvious the exception is vulnerabilities
im not sure what is wrong with Windows XP, but still
Vulnerabilities are usually the reasons new versions happen
and why the new version is immediately safer than the older version
when oAuth 1.0a was released, it was safer than oAuth 1.0 because it fixed a set of issues
when oAuth 2.0 was released, it was not safer than oAuth 1.0a because it was just a rebel that didnt want to go with the flow :D
@Wietlol That's not entirely unfounded. If a technology is used for 4 years without any security fuck-ups, it's probably secure, or at least considered secure by experience.
Q: Optimize the SQL query for Report

Ram SinghI have to generate a simple Up time report for gates on railway stations let say, if there is any error for any gate, it is in the DB with specific reason and startTime and EndTime of outage. have few senerios needs to take care of: 1. If there are 2 gates on one station, one is working for first...

it may be a very rational thing to consider it safe... but its still weird
SSL 1 is mega uber secure now.
how do I make a .Where lambda async?
.Where(async it => await isStuff(it))
throws a compiler error
because it cannot accept a Func<X, Task<Boolean>>
LINQ isn't async.
Check out IAsyncEnumerable.
LINQ is very sinq
IAsyncEnumerable is C-harp 8 no?
There are various existing implementations.
meh, ill then just use a non-async version
C# async is making my head hurt
var filtered = await Task.WhenAll(items.Where(async it => await isStuff()));
Well, not really, but the idea is to handle the tasks returned by the predicates.
that is not really going to wörk tho
its an infinite source sequence
with a .First() at the end
in any case, im confused
the error is weird
Where() expects a Func<T,bool>, so it can't really accept a Func<T,Task<bool>>.
You can do it ugly if you want, but you probably shouldn't.
shouldn't isValid be Task<Func<string, bool>>?
you are awaiting a func not a task
var filterTasks = items.Select(await it => new { Item = it, IsValid = await IsValid(it)});
var itemsWithValidity = await Task.WhenAll(filterTasks);
var filteredItems = itemsWithValidity.Where(item => item.IsValid).Select(item => item.Item);
(As I said - you probably shouldn't.
We have an extension method that can fold Task.WhenAll into an expression, making it a bit more concise. But not a lot more.
good morning
@ntohl Rider says await isValid(it) = await (isValid(it))
so, it would await the result of the function call
unlike (await isValid)() which would be the syntax for a Task<Func<String, Boolean>> isValid
> items.Select(await it
oh avner
but np, I will continue to use non-async and continue to believe that the async stuff is silly
'non-async' that is a lot of word instead of 'sync' :)
well... I say non-async because I think async in most cases is sync anyway
the async process still runs as sync
if you do an async call and an immediate await, all you do is free up the processor (thread in C-harp) to be used somewhere else
but your process isnt really making use of most async features
No, it's entirely async. It's not necessarily parallelized or multithreaded, but it's async.
but what is async then?
Async means that the control flow isn't synchronous. Meaning that between instruction X an instruction X+1 you don't necessarily have a clear flow. myTask.ContinueWith(NextInstruction) is async - when myTask completes, NextInstruction will commence, but your code, the one that calls ContinueWith, doesn't orchestrate these steps in a synchronous single flow.
1: --------- | (wait for event)
2:                                  (event triggered) | -------->
This is an async flow. The only difference between a callback/ContinueWith based async flow and an async/await flow is that with async/await, flows #1 and #2 are written in the same C# method.
It doesn't require any support for multiple threads in your app. The event might be a hardware interrupt based, for instance, that triggers the next phase, while your coding environment (say, node.js) is still single-threaded.
funny problem; I need to programmatically check mp3 file integrity. How?
i'd consider that everything but funny
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan and if you start 3 tasks and then await all 3, that is parallelism?
@user23333 I would not bother. Just check file integrity with checksum
@Wietlol in your example there were 3 filters. They run parallel, but the result was needed in a synchronization point.
my deeper issue is that the file is originally in a obscure audio file format, then the file is converted. My funny problem is that I need to confirm, as much as possible that the conversion worked without listening to the converted file.
I totally understood what you said @ntohl /s
You have two things here. The first is the parallelism - you spawn three parallel tasks that perform multithreaded, parallel execution. That's parallelism.
Second is awaiting them. This is the async part. Your main method's flow stops, and waits for the tasks to be done, then resumes. That's asynchrony.
@Kiramm Please edit your question (press Up arrow) and format it as code (Ctrl-K)
yup, 1 sec
@Squirrelintraining I just want aero effects back
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan not necessarily multithreaded
@Wietlol Not necessarily, but almost certainly if you're launching three of them.
with a single thread, you can call 3 web services in parallel for example
@Squirrelintraining I was wondering why the first thing they show in a console was a snippet of C code, but then I realized they were aiming at the sort of people who still write most of their code in the terminal.
writing code in a terminal, how silly
i write code in notepad.exe
I also quite like this read on the subject: devblogs.microsoft.com/commandline/introducing-windows-terminal
 did you say open source?"
hey guys, I have 1 small question about async
I have a func which asynchronously calls PrintDoc and once in 30sec asks if a user wants to cancel print:
Writing coe in n++... how silly!
I use punched cards
private async Task CallPrintAsync(IEPTLib.Main objPrn)
    using (var task = new Task(() => objPrn.PrintDoc()))
        while (await Task.WhenAny(task, Task.Delay(30000)) != task)
            if (modMain.IsShownPrintDialogBox() == false)
                using (var frm = frmEndPrinting.CreateInstance())
                    if (frm.Display(this))
But when I use it like this:
var printTask = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => CallPrintAsync(objPrn));
printTask.Status instantly becoming RanToCompetition. I am missing something here?
CallPrintAsync is already async and returns a task? If so, you don't need to wrap it in another Task.Run (or Task.Factory.StartNew, which is generally discouraged)
Also, you don't need to create a new, empty Task. It does nothing.
An async Task method will return a task for you. The compiler creates it behind the scenes.
Oh, I see
so just
var printTask = CallPrintAsync(...)
should be ok
What happened is that you created a new task, which simply called the inner Async method, received the uncompleted task, discarded it, and immediately returned, completed, successful.
Instead of new Task() + Task.Start, simply use Task.Run()
thx for explanation
@Squirrelintraining not ++
ms notepad
ms notepad is like notepad, but with a bow in her hair
@Wietlol edlin or nothing!
Turns out Windows Terminal will come with its own ligature font, not Firacode.
@Neil did you just assume Notepad's gender
No, he assumes ms notepads gender
if notepad is calling herself "misses", then I'm hardly being presumptuous
did you just assume notepad's marital status
@Wietlol missed that, darn
found something to 'check' mp3 file ; github.com/Sjord/checkmate
@user23333 It might check it for format/protocol validity, but it probably won't tell if it's encoded properly, as in, if it sounds like the original.
I just almost signed an email off to one of our suppliers with Thanks, Pee
I think I'll sign off with that now, every time I go to the bathroom.
*Gotta go, gotta go, gotta go*
*ahhh, sweet relief*
"Thanks, Pee!"
we use skype for business to communicate across office sites, and two of my colleagues are named very similarly
and I'll write the wrong one accidentally
quite the embarrassment to be sure
You think thats embarassing?
I just started at a new company and I've already walked into the wrong office and sat down at the wrong chair
well yeah, you're asking them about something, and they say, "Oops, I think you mean the other me"
@Squirrelintraining ouch
at least you'll never have to work with those guys :)
they'll be talking about it 10 years from now at the coffee break.. "You remember that guy who just came in and sat down like he worked here?"
at least you won't have to hear it
@Neil I was one door to far to the left, so they catually do work with me :D
well ok, then it is the same company :P
If anyone wants a lesson in awful font design, take a look at the Google I/O countdown
If it takes a few seconds to work out what number you're looking at, it's not a good font
@CaptainObvious I browsed up and down the page, saying "yeah, ok, they're not the best fonts in the world, but they're not that awfu... oh, christ, those are numbers there in the middle?"
Canvassing opinions on something I find myself doing a lot. Just written something like this
	private async Task<bool> UnlockUser(ApplicationUser user)
		if (user.LockoutEnd != null)
			user.LockoutEnd = null;
			var updateResult = await this.userManager.UpdateAsync(user);
			if (!updateResult.Succeeded)
				throw new InvalidOperationException("Oh no!");

			return true;

		return false;
Wow that's a lot of indentation
The boolean return here is never used. We don't care - we just want to unlock a locked user. Yet I feel compelled to do it because 1) this is called from more than one method so avoid duplication and 2) async void is problematic
@MarcoConcas Edit and use CtrlK to code-format
new Thread(() =>

                    WinBioEngine.CaptureSample(_session, WinBioBirPurpose.NoPurposeAvailable, WinBioBirDataFlags.Raw, out WinBioRejectDetail rejectDetail, out image);

                    if (rejectDetail != WinBioRejectDetail.None)
                        goto AcquireBitmap;
                        using (MemoryStream imageStream = new MemoryStream())
So what's the right approach here? To do what I've done and have a pointless boolean return? Or to just put up with having the same code twice? Or something else?
@Matt what wrong with async void?
@CaptainObvious Best practice says it should be avoided except for events, because it causes problems when handling exceptions
Is it correct create another Thread to do a loop action without freezing the MainWindow?
@MarcoConcas Look at doing it async. Messing with threads yourself is not advised unless you know what you're doing
I can't using async for that, and I'm not joking.
Oh like it says then, use a task method
you can return boolean and simply not use it
@MarcoConcas Why not
sometimes you don't care what the boolean result is
say you want to update a record in your database only if it exists.. it returns true if something updated and false otherwise
you may not care what the result is
Because I'm using a porting of Winbio.dll and it's very hard and long do that
@Neil But in this instance that logic is inside the method.
@MattThrower return type of Task looks neat for me
@MattThrower if you think you'll need to use that logic somewhere else, you should try to wrap it
@Marco that won't work anyway. even if you did do it. What exactly are you trying to loop anyway?
@Kiramm So you'd be happy with an unused bool?
@Neil Sorry if I've misunderstood, but that's exactly what I'm trying to do
@MarcoConcas Don't post massive code blocks in chat, put them in a paste/gist/whatever
@CaptainObvious because that work only in loop, it is a function to read fingerprints with a sensor. If it not work in loop it will capture only a fingerprint and will stop to work.
I wouldn't mind. back to my example with the true for update success and false for not updating anything.. if in one call you need that info and in another call you don't, you'll need to return it regardless
@MattThrower not really. It should be smth like this:
private async Task UnlockUser(ApplicationUser user)
	if (user.LockoutEnd != null)
		user.LockoutEnd = null;
		var updateResult = await this.userManager.UpdateAsync(user);
		if (!updateResult.Succeeded)
			throw new InvalidOperationException("Oh no!");

@Marco I think you need to reassess what you're doing. If that's your approach you probably need to work on the basics a bit more before messing with bios
return; is redundant?
@Kiramm Ah, okay. Thanks
@misha130 correct :)
@CaptainObvious What does bios have to do with it? It's only a little C# application lol
Bios as in short for biometrics
@MattThrower There's nothing wrong with a method which returns task. It's async and tidy, like a void but not quite
public Task DoSomethingAsync(){
@CaptainObvious Yes, I can see the sense in that - I'm just not sure if I've actually ever seen it used that way. Thanks for pointing it out.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan is there a way to programmatically check if the file encoded properly?
@CaptainObvious doesnt that need async because of a missing return?
after which, my IDE starts complaining that I have an async method without an await
Like Wheaties said
Hi. I'm using MVC and I have a controller with a set of crud methods. Is there a way to trigger a permission/role check method in one place in the controller, sort of like a default constructor so that a call to any of the method also invokes the role check?
Forgive me if this seems like a dumb question, my OOP skills are pretty weak.
@SeaCharp not sure but maybe this is the solution: sourcemaking.com/design_patterns/template_method
@SeaCharp Like an AuthorizeAttribute?
If you put an action filter on the controller rather than one of its methods, it will apply to all methods.
OK, thank you, I'll try that.
@SeaCharp It will also be inherited the way you'd assume it does. So if you have a BaseController class and apply the attribute to that class, all of its subclasses will also have that attribute.
1 hour later…
Anyone else loved Freelancer, that 2003 Sci-Fi game by Digital Anvil?
I recently found Librelancer on github, an open source re-implementation
It seems I have found another open source repo I wanna contribute to.
Is Libre- the new open-source buzzword?
I've used LibreCad
ew games written in C#
What's wrong with games written in C#?
Cuba Libre sounds like an open source Cuba
I think it's the open-source buzzword from 10 years ago.
Libre - (free software movement) With very few limitations on distribution or improvement; including source code.
ok then
@Hypersapien Well if you want to build your own engine there is all the graphic drivers/software you have to manage and thats all just so uncomfortable and not exactly portable
I would build a game server on C# but not a game client
What's wrong with my VS?
It won't abide the editorconfig
It's activated in the options, I just checked
What language would you write the game in?
wait what
@Squirrelkiller were you the dude who made PR55?
In MVC, when storing user data in a ClaimsIdentity object and storing it in Thread.CurrentPrincipal, is there a timeout you need to worry about?
Also the one who installed VS2019 and it doesnt abide the editorconfig anymore
oh so your IDE literally tells you to readonly things?
@ntohl Allow me to provide some context. I'm writing a standalone WPF program with MVVM and non-anemic Domain Models. I want to validate user inputs in two places:
The 1st line of validation is in the View Model (which implements INotifyDataErrorInfo). If I get invalid inputs, the View Model generates error messages from the user. The validation in the View Model doesn't throw exceptions. The View Model keeps the invalid values. But it doesn't update the Domain Model, until the user click OK and all input validations check out.
The 2nd line of validation is in the setters of the Domain Model. This is the "last line of defense". If invalid input can get to this point, then there is a proper bug somewhere (maybe in the View Model). The validation in the Domain Model setters throws exceptions.
A lot of (most) validation rules will be the same for the 1st line of validation and the 2nd line (a View Midel may have additional validation rules). I want to define the validation rules one time and share them between Domain Model and View Model [adhering to the DRY principle]. Expose the collection of validation rules on the Domain Model might be a way to do it.
> Why would you check something without an instance?
I would check the proposed value with an instance, only without assign a new property value to that instance. The validation call might look something like:
ValidationResult Validate<InstanceT, PropertyT>(
    PropertyT proposedPropertyValue,
    string propertyName,
    InstanceT instance)
That validation would answer the question: "While I'm not assigning the new value to a property, if I do assign that value to that property on that instance, will it be valid?"
System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.Validator.TryValidateProperty(...) answers that sort of question. Unfortunately, Data Annotations has got its own big limitations.
> You could just make a temp instance, set the property on it, and rollback if it's not valid.
If I'm doing validation in a setter, then I can't set that property on a temp instance, because I would be calling the setter recursively.
Guest Post on May 06, 2019











[num_labels sized array] – 5 in our case[num_examples sized array for each label] – 25[vocab_sized attribution array for each example] – 400

[num_examples sized array for each label] – 25[vocab_sized attribution array for each example] – 400

[vocab_sized attribution array for each example] – 400

BigQuery Public Datasets

Cloud AI Platform


So is there an easy way to port a library to netstandard by now?
I only find the "do these 10 steps" rummaging around in the csproj file
copy paste everything to a new csproj?
that's like...the nuclear option
I jsut bluntly upgraded everything to 4.7.2...it actually builds :D
Well portability analyzer did say it's 100% compatible to 471 so that's no big surprise.
create a new project and copy all files is often the most stable solution
in theory, you created it from scratch... but really fast
1 hour later…
> Currently, the engine is not yet capable of playing through Freelancer properly. However, steady progress is being made in reverse-engineering the game and re-implementing its behaviours.
2 hours later…
Folks, does C# have a standard data structure with assignment behavior like std::unique_ptr in C++ ?
After lhs = rhs, the lhs references what rhs was referencing, and rhs becomes null.
not as far as I know, nor do I know where that is useful

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