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02:00 - 21:0021:00 - 23:00

Anyone knows how to get the node/property name while deserializing the xml?
I mean during invalidoperationexception
I got this error:The string 'TRUE' is not a valid Boolean value. When the xml had <ShippingRequired>TRUE</ShippingRequired>
TRUE should be changed to true to fix it (lowercase)
But the client applications needs to know which property thrown the error
5 hours later…
From where is got $(Configuration) in .csproj?
and $(TargetDir)
@RaviGanesan what are you using to de-serialize?
@QuicoLlinaresLlorens It's the name of the configuration being used
By default Debug or Release
but you can also create your own personalized configurations
@QuicoLlinaresLlorens they are called macros, see docs.microsoft.com/en-us/cpp/ide/…
How do you explain to your non-technical manager that the person before you thought .NET Framework was bullshit and wrote scripts instead of applications and now you have to rewrite everything because nothing can be modified or re-used?
@MikaelDúiBolinder ouch
I do not envy you, sir
even if it is script-heavy, that doesn't necessarily imply you have to rewrite it all
is there some other reason?
Seeing things like "constructors are shit, i'll use init instead", "statics are shit, I'll initialize the class everytime I wanna use a method once" "The .NET life cycle is bullshit, I'll create my own broken one" "files are bullshit, let's just put everything in a single file and let's not use proper naming"
"return values are bullshit"
I had to follow a programmer like that.. did everything differently because the "normal" way was bullshit
I can go on forever
> In construction there are building codes. Building a building like this guy wrote code would see the builder in jail
you can't fix it all in a day
everytime you have to modify a class, just take the time out to fix it I suppose
anyway, the term you should use to your boss is technical debt
Yeah, the debt for this single component was 10k€
at least you won't be out of a job anytime soon
I still don't quite understand why some "developers" will go so out of their way to misuse the language/tools
When it's easier to just do it right
Having specialized in legacy applications... Maybe one of my worst life choices.
I think maybe they're proving to themselves how smart they are by making the job more difficult so that only they can accomplish it
@TomW When you've used a language for a while, your brain sort of gets used to a specific paradigm. When you use another language, you tend to want to make the new language fit the old
I had a boss once who had really done that
That's my idea anyway
If he was to get fired no one would undurstand how the code worked
it's easier to see all the things a language is missing than it is to see how a new language would handle an old problem
that or you're an awful programmer :)
@Neil imagine how rewarding it is to do it well tho
is it worth the effort?
Yes, WebForms (what I do now) is actually really great, if you let it be great.
@Wietlol you don't think they think they're doing it well?
heck, that's probably the underlying motivation for it
they think they know what's best and swim against the tide to accomplish it rather than simply doing what other programmers do in those situations
who are "they" actually?
programmers like the one @MikaelDúiBolinder described
oh, I thought programming language designers
its not all about you Weit.
i mean..plebs have to use* your language right...you cant make it too awesome.
I do have to say that I did include several "dangerous" features which could easily be abused
but can also be extremely effective to do some of the more basic tasks much more efficiently
like necessarily creating an interface for every class
do the interfaces need interfaces too? :)
the reason why classes need interfaces also applies to "god" interfaces
so, certain interfaces would need interfaces too
you can also just turn the stuff around
you dont make interfaces for your classes, you make classes for your interfaces
how much effort should it take to make a class for your interface?
was this made on opposite-day?
or even better, can your interface act as a class?
I'm not arguing the importance of using an interface. My point was simply that you don't double the amount of files in your project because every class must necessarily have an interface
that's just nuts
if you have a legitimate reason for making an interface, you make one. Period.
my classes can act like classes..
you dont have to double your files tho
(you do in C# if you want to do it right)
@ABuckau but your classes cannot act like interfaces
lol, ok well in your words "why wouldn't you do it right the first time?"
@Neil I have one
unless "act like" could mean "implement" .?
@Wietlol No you don't. You have a preconceived notion independent of any program structure
if you don't have a reason why you wouldn't do it, then you don't have a reason for doing so
he does.
hes making a language . its circular, but so..
jk. im sure theres some weird reason...something something heirarchy tree something.
the first reason is that you can easily put down your design in code, which helps you to keep good structure in your program by defining the boundaries of your contracts and keeping high cohesion and single responsibility
the second reason is that you can use interfaces for various other features, one I explained recently was a decorator
if you dont use interfaces the first time, you are up for a hell of refactoring
giving me reasons to use interfaces is not an rationale for creating an interface for every class
these reasons apply to "every" class, for some a bit more than others tho
and I would argue that the ones where it applies little, you simply wouldn't make an interface for it
on top of the refactoring issue, creating an interface and generating a data class for it would probably even be faster than making the data class straight ahead
why would you? you just said yourself your reasons for doing so applies little
> applies little
1 min ago, by Wietlol
these reasons apply to "every" class, for some a bit more than others tho
for data classes, I used to not do it
so presumably for classes where these reasons don't apply more, they apply little
it's the same reason why you wouldn't force a design pattern
since data classes often arent used a lot in ways that interfaces would give you more options
you can tell me how great a particular design pattern is, and I would tend to agree with you, but forcing a design pattern where it isn't useful or particularly helpful is bad
it's a code smell and you wouldn't do it
despite being useful in certain circumstances
depends on what the pattern solves
if it solves a problem that exists everywhere... well...
can you give me an example that isn't making interfaces for every class?
nothing comes to mind, so I assume not
so why should this be any different?
or it is something we commonly do
like... not using fields, but using properties
you could consider that a pattern I assume
so, independent of what your field is, you could make it a property
that's not a pattern, because if you didn't use properties, you'd create a getter and setter, which does the same
but then using getters and setters would be the pattern... wouldnt it?
no, there'd be no other way of doing it
public String field = "hehe";
I would argue that that isn't a pattern, because there's no reason why that should be better in certain situations and not in others
it's always better to do it that way.
I see no reason why not using interfaces is better than using interfaces in any situation
because you're necessarily complicating the program when it isn't necessary
i find "complex" to be a vague term, defined differently or even oppositely by various people
so..interfaces should have interfaces :o
not to mention it takes more time to do it that way, maybe not by much, but still
some would say things are more complex when you add more stuff
some would say things are less complex when you separate stuff that shouldnt necessarily be together
Fine, so what are you separating that shouldn't be together when using interfaces?
separation results in decomposition, which results in different source locations, which often results in different files, which means more files
now, is it more complex to separate or to tie together?
if that isn't applicable here, then I have to think that your first definition of "complex" applies.. adding unnecessarily
where's the decomposition here?
the implementation still contains all methods and code as it did before
I don't think you've quite identified why you'd use an interface
ofcourse, making something more complex is bad, but the reason why something becomes more complex is based on opinions
@Neil you dont separate your methods, that is true
Well clearly the addition of new classes adds to complexity
but you can separate more than just various pieces of code
I don't think you could ever claim that a million line program, even one written elegantly and beautifully is somehow less complex than a single-lined "Hello World!" program
the separation could be in the coupling of implementation and requirements
you add classes because you must in order to achieve the desired behavior
it has always been a very practical reason to add classes or separate classes
the separation could be in the definition of the requirement and the behavior of the instructions
separate, but equal. right?
@ABuckau separate responsibilities
@Wietlol which would be useful if it were relevant to use an interface in terms of how it is used and not how it is implemented
the interface's responsibility is to provide the definition of the requirements (a contract)
the class' responsibility is to provide the behavior of the implemented contract
when you need an interface, you use one, because it, say, allows you to deal with all types of implementations of IStudent and so you don't have to have an if else chain for every student implementation
If it makes no difference either way, then the interface was superfluous
the time it takes to make an interface for your requirement is negligible
So is the time it takes to turn a class into a Singleton.. that doesn't mean you do it though
especially compared to refactoring your codebase because you now decide you do want an interface for that one class (because you now found a 2nd implementation)
I wasn't even really talking about the time it takes to do it
But that is another reason why you shouldn't, albeit small
what if I told you that the time to make an interface + a data class implementing it would take less time than making a data class?
I'd say you were full of it
ok, so, just an interface then
what if I told you that the time to make an interface would take less time than making a data class?
It may take you less time to make a data class based off an interface, because you no longer have to consider that aspect of it, but you ultimately still had to think about that aspect when you made the interface
And mere typing alone, it would take you longer assuming you knew what to write
why so?
why so what?
Which circle of Hell is this?
why would it take more time?
@ABuckau the outskirts
Write any data class. Count the number of letters. Now write that same data class and its interface. Tell me you didn't write more letters..
why would you even put this into doubt?
> what if I told you that the time to make an interface would take less time than making a data class?
@ABuckau 7th
> just an interface then
so why are you making only an interface?
for the comparison
if you make an interface without the intention of implementing it, you're wasting time. And if you do have the intention of implementing it, what's even the point of singling out the interface?
because a data class implementation of a data interface can be auto-generated
assuming you wanted every method present in the interface, sure, but that's not a foregone conclusion
that would be more applicable for a data class only
so you have to dedicate time towards considering which interfaces can be generated from every method and which must be altered afterwards to be consistent with usage
but aside from all this, you're still creating an unnecessary interface
for interfaces with methods, you would generate the implementing class and then provide the methods' implementations
and you generate all your interfaces and their implementing classes in this way?
It takes you no additional time whatsoever?
I write the interfaces, I generate the implementation and supply the missing pieces
Not even to verify that you're not overriding an existing class or having to click the generate button for every individual class?
the only reason it would take more time is that I have to think of 2 names instead of 1
and I am bad with naming
if somehow you managed to generate the implementing class for every interface, and set that up and launch it in 0 time, you've successfully managed to reduce the cost of adding those interfaces to the same as a program where you don't bother creating interfaces for every class
If you don't have a names for them, why do you need them?
but the reasons to use interfaces still apply
not for every class, no.. that's what's being argued
the only place where I dont use interfaces yet is for framework specific things
for example a controller/handler for an http endpoint
I have a list of reasons why I'd use interfaces, and they're extensive and apply most of the time
But I have gone through my "checklist" and found classes which don't require interfaces
My guess is at the bottom of your checklist, you have a condition that always returns true :P
Since it's not really that important, nobody's going to tell you that you did a bad thing
despite me just giving an example where I dont make interfaces, yes, at the bottom of my checklist, I have a true expression :)
Heck, I tell you that. It's not even a big deal
Though from a purist standpoint, I don't create things without some direct practical purpose
..Hmmm I think I wishes VS continue on preview version
So I can use Enterprise version for free
if you can, more power to ya
@nyconing I'm on enterprise and I don't use any feature not available in the community edition (might start using codelens in a few weeks after a tfs upgrade)
2 hours later…
What kind of feelings do you have associated with the Global::?
@MikaelDúiBolinder Empathy?
@MikaelDúiBolinder externish
I'm feeling the imported C/C++ functions kinda mood
Can I make my build fail if R# has any errors?
Right now, R# just shows the errors, but VS will still build if the compiler agrees
How do I tell it "listen to R#, this is an error"?
hmm. There is an option to use R#'s compiler. I bet it wouldn't compile than
tools -> build -> general
Can I make that a solution-wide, team-shared rule?
good morning TGIF (thank god its friday)
it's just TGIF, no K
didn't knew, thx
So R# has around 26000 Errors right now...but VS still build the damn solution.
(INspite of R# build)
I didn't find the option to export that kind of R# setting
hey guys, I'm trying to pass location data from a bing map in a web browser to a textblock in my C# wpf, I'm trying to use invokescript for that:
object result= BingMapBrowser.Invokescript("test");
but it's telling me that the result was null, here's my JS code:
Would appreciate some help
are you using wpf web browser object?
woah, still?
@User23332 yes exactly
@Squirrelkiller the #1 rule of success is don't give up
when I was in school I did a personal project with that principle; I implemented web browser class and inject a script into any page to pass parameter in between page and application; github.com/PigeonWilson/simple-browser
I also included an example for the injected javascript script; github.com/PigeonWilson/simple-browser/blob/master/…
most of the magic to get web browser to behave as expected is on setBrowserFeatureControl() on line 150 in MainWindow.xaml.cs in github.com/PigeonWilson/simple-browser/blob/master/…
@User23332 thanks buddy I'll give it a shot
@SamIbraheem you are welcome
@SamIbraheem That API in JS is asynchronous. It won't be able to return anything to your C#-based invocation. It has to have a way to communicate unsolicited to the C#-side. The easiest way is to write a line into the log in JS and respond to that in C#.
@RoelvanUden I've written a simple function in JS:
function test()
{return "STRING";} and it worked, but when I write loc variable instead it gives a null return
I hope I'm following your logic
Yeah because that's a synchronous call. You can return from that method, because the result is available immediately. Not so with an asynchronous call.
function test() {
  setTimeout(function() {
    return "STRING";
Obviously, that won't work. The return is in an asynchronous call. You'll need to come up with a way to inform the C#-side that the result is available.
I think I'm understanding now
@RoelvanUden Thank you so much, this is really enlightening
Good luck :-)
God I love this community
Hey there!
If I use an XmlReader to process node by node and enque them into a ConcurrentQueue to later render and print files from there, will they automatically keep the same order or could it be that a file that renders faster is printed first?
(If there is a possibility to tell from this little insight)
there is always the chance
do you need a parallel mapping process while retaining the order?
if so, compose a pair of (index, value)
then make the value be mapped (from node to print thingy stuff)
then, the one that creates the files would iterate over the indices, collecting the results that are not next in line
The idea is to iterate over an xml file that can contain thousands of invoice data samplings.
I'd like to process them (make some changes in nodes) and add them to a queue, so this is sequential.
Then while the queue is not empty I could start rendering / printing some invoices during the time it takes to process the xml.
For customers it is crucial that the invoices are printed in the correct order.

But yes, there are invoice numbers I could map to.
you can only use a metric that can define order and ensures it has no gaps
So then what exact problem does the ConcurrentQueue solve?
I likely didn't grasp all aspects of concurrent programming yet
@Peter It helps organize between two threads when one is a provider and the other is a consumer
If the consumer asks for an element from the queue, and the queue is empty, it waits
And if the provider tries to add an element and queue is full, it waits
very helpful for that sort of thing
So my main process filling it and another process consuming / rendering it isn't all to bad of an idea?
it eliminates problems where one thread is working too fast or too slow
I mean it is still obviously only as fast as the bottleneck, but at least they're coordinating
@Peter I think it would be useful in your case yeah
you can potentially have multiple threads processing and only a single thread adding
whatever you need really
I would use... parallel linq
I fear that this will mess with the order, but it would produce the biggest gain
(in Java, it made more sense)
I guess I'll have to check my book again ^^
@Peter you could use two ConcurrentQueues then
one to elaborate all the requests in parallel, and a second ConcurrentRequest to provide the jobs in order
and it would simply wait until the next appropriate job is ready
so the work can still get done in parallel and you can still provide it in the right order
That sounds also very promising
hey guys! I need help with this stackoverflow.com/questions/55027367/…
Thanks for all of your input!
sad feed
Strange I can't make a new project in VS19
Anyone here know how much disk space I need for Azure DevOps Server 2019? I looked up system requirements but did not see anything about required disk space.
they still offer a locally hosted version?
Think they offer them but only if you get their hardware
What hardware?
They still offer it for local on premise installation.
I don't think they sell an install OS - its just the hardware
@juanvan DevOps server is TFS
this is nothing to do with setting up a private cloud
Thanks @TomW for setting @juanvan straight ;)
Ya I don't do azure
Does annoy me though how often they rename and change things
It has just become Azure. It was TFS.
Yep... very annoying
They wouldn't have to change stuff so often if they finished it fully before they release it
Anything new, particularly on Azure, always has a missing feature you don't know about until you're 3/4 of the way through a project and then find you can't complete it because it doesn't support something essential
No such thing as finishing something before releasing it anymore.
Does anyone have time to look at my wcf service
I am getting a fault code that header cannot be understood
I'll see what I can do, I know a few things about WCF
Hello Tom
Thanks for responding
I am getting this error and I understand what that means
I'm working, but I'll look at it when I have a moment
How will I know when your available?
Can I give you my email
Just post what you need help with
<faultstring xml:lang="en-US">The header 'Security' from the namespace 'http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-wssecurity-secext-1.0.xsd' was not understood by the recipient of this message, causing the message to not be processed. This error typically indicates that the sender of this message has enabled a communication protocol that the receiver cannot process. Please ensure that the configuration of the client's binding is consistent with the service's binding.</faultstring>
He'll take a look and @user575219 ping you when he wants to talk
It happens only on the service that is deployed. It is deployed on azure VM
On any other VM the request goes through fine
Or on local host
Its so important. I am happy to pay by the hour if needed.
is the hosting environment IIS on the azure VM?
and it's one particular VM that the service fails on, and it runs fine on other VMs?
Yes it being hosted on IIS. But it is being routed through the gateway
Could I ask you be very specific, because any aspect of this solution could matter and it'll take all day going through question-and-answer to find out the details
Let me explain Case 1) gateway/2019.Webservice.svc (the request fails)
When there is no gateway involved the request goes through fine
We set up the service using SSL + username, password security HTTPS. I did my part and changed the code to be able to accept this HTTPS request. The service on HTTPS has been deployed on the Azure VM. During their testing JHA has been getting an error that the security header cannot be understood. I am unable to reproduce it locally. The only place I can reproduce it on the Azure VM. I also deployed the code to our servers devtest2012 and devsrv16sql16. The error doesn’t happen on any of these servers except the Azure VM. Devsrv16SQL16 has the same OS at the azure VM
Is the client a WCF-based caller? If so, what's the security setting on the binding?
asking about binding doesn't make any sense for a non-WCF SOAP client, obviously
yes it is a WCF Client. <basicHttpBinding>
<binding name="httpCertificateBinding" closeTimeout="01:01:00"
openTimeout="01:01:00" receiveTimeout="01:10:00" sendTimeout="01:01:00"
allowCookies="false" bypassProxyOnLocal="false" hostNameComparisonMode="StrongWildcard"
maxBufferSize="2147483646" maxBufferPoolSize="2147483646" maxReceivedMessageSize="2147483646">
<readerQuotas maxStringContentLength="2147483647" maxArrayLength="2147483647"
maxBytesPerRead="2147483647" maxNameTableCharCount="2147483647" />
The Azure guy told me to not set up SSL on the bindings. THey said SSL will be set up at the gateway level. I also dont understand how this would be possible
OK so the gateway is doing SSL termination and the connection from the gateway to the service is in the clear?
The request from the gateway comes into the VM. There is no indication that the request is being accepted at the gateway. Yes I can browse to the https URL. WCF log writes it to a folder on the VM and there is no indication that the service is being accepted. I have the log of both a working and non working request/response
Did I answer your question
Not exactly, but it's OK. Is the gateway supposed to be just proxying the request or is it supposed to have comprehension of the traffic? Sorry the term 'gateway' is quite broad, it sounds like you're saying it's the gateway returning that fault, not the service
Hi i have a webapi action like this [HttpPost]
public IHttpActionResult Post(int idFlux,Transfert parametre)
I mean the application gateway in the portal
the url sent to it is : localhost/api/v1/Flux/59/Transfert
but still it does not detect it
i have a route preffix on the controller too
localhost/api/v1/Flux/59 works, but adding the subroute of transfert it does not work
@user575219 Azure Application Gateway?
I'm not aware of any SOAP support in that product and the documentation doesn't mention it so I can't see how it could be generating and returning that fault, but you say the request isn't arriving on the actual host machine
Would you have time for me share my screen?
Sorry, no, I'm in work hours right now
Ok after that please?
I dont understand azure and web technologies.
Now this project is tied to the azure set up.. Its so complicated to get my mind around it. I have no problem making this work if not for the application gateway
aint guess im posting it as a question thanks
Good luck.
all the best
Oh look, another User.
guys, can I get a DMS representation in Bing maps? Or do I have to do it by hand?
sorry if it's the wrong room
DMS as in degree minute second format?
Hey, there's User!
@User23332 yes exactly, I feel that the mathematical methods are somehow inaccurate
have you tried Microsoft.Maps.SpatialMath.toDegMinSec() ?
@User23332 I didn't know there's such method, I honestly googled the matter multiple times
here is something that could help you, from ms docs; docs.microsoft.com/en-us/bingmaps/v8-web-control/…
God I love this community
why couldn't I find such results though?
hey Sinja
What is up my dude? Happy Friday.
You fix that SSD problem?
@Sinjai yes! I loaded all the files into memory. Its much more faster now
happy friday to you too
Did you end up using MemoryMappedFile?
@Sinjai no. I ended up creating some model to hold file meta data and make a list of item having a property for meta data and another one with an array of every file line. Instead of sharing file in memory I generate the map than serialize that to a file. I will create another app to inject the file map content into a telerik control instead.
The good news is its very fast and its working well.
Good good very good.
I'm glad to have overcome that. It was a nightmare
Any body Out Here
while(true != false)
Anyone doing webapi and angular?
02:00 - 21:0021:00 - 23:00

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