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4 hours later…
@juanvan I mostly write core code, but I admit core is pretty hot right now.
2 hours later…
Hi guys
can someone please explain me this point given here : docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/standard/design-guidelines/…
X DO NOT have overloads with parameters at the same position and similar types yet with different semantics.
@ILoveStackoverflow Don't overload a method that takes a string parameter with a mehtod that takes a char[], where each method does different things.
For Example CountMembers(string str) and CountMembers(char[] arr) should do the same thing
but you said each method does different thing then why it doen not make sense to do this?
They do NOT do different things
They should do the same thing
they should count the members of hte parameter
arr has arr.Count members
str has str.Length members
All right.Thank you so much
- DO use public static readonly fields for predefined object instances.

If there are predefined instances of the type, declare them as public read-only static fields of the type itself.
predefined instances of the type means?
what this point is saying exactly?
Could you give me an example ?
Btw if you're anything like my girlfriend regarding second languages: In a technical or professional environment, when you don't fully understand a sentence, don't just ignore single words or phrases please. Please try to translate even small or seemingly insignificant words and phrases.
something like string.Empty
string.Empty is an empty instance of the string class
I have a code like below :
public abstract class BaseType
    protected readonly string ConnectionString = Settings.MyConnectionString;

public class Type1 : BaseType
    public void Foo()
	  /accessing connection string property here
It's basically a constant, but you can't have constant reference types, therefore it's a readonly field that is predefined - it would be a constant if it could
Do you think it make sense to have ConnectionString property as static readonly?
can the whole application only use this one connectionstring?
Or can your application uild several Type1's that use different connectio nstrings?
All of the derived types uses this connection string only
But the application as a whole?
then it makes sense to make it static, yes
I have this logic wrapped inside class library
I see
this connection string is application database connections tring
yes static absolutely makes sense then
why static would make sense?
currently it is not static
if there's one instance everyone will use, and it's definitely always that one instance only, then it's meant to be static
or singleton...although that is a whole new rabbit whole
ok so just because this every types(type1,type2) will gonna use same connection string hence it make sense to have it as static
and all instances of those types
if all types use it, that is the reason fori t being in hte basetype
if all instances use it, that is the reason it's static
Also i have marked it as protected because i want it to be accessed only in derived types(Type1,Type2)
Is it correct too?
it's good practice to try to keep things as encapsulated as possible unless it really makes sense to reveal it to the outside
Bdw is it a proper design if i have a property in my base abstract class and i set its value from Type1 method like this :
public abstract class BaseType
    protected readonly string ConnectionString = Settings.MyConnectionString;
	protected MyType Left { get; set; }

public class Type1 : BaseType
    public void Foo()
	  Left = value;//set value here
Sure, if it makes sense in context
class Car has a number of wheels
Maserati builds a new car, but gives it 5 wheels because why not
then you have derived type Maserati that sets the NumberOfWheels of the base type to 5
Car itself doesnt really know how many wheels it gets when you build it
only the manufacturer knows that
Cool alright.thanks a ton
And it depends on the special car that gets built
currently i am reading all the designing principles guidelines'
and because they have just mention points without explanations hence some points are bit hard ton grasp and understand
...all of them?!
for instance this one :
When an instance method would introduce a dependency on some type, but such a dependency would break dependency management rules. For example, a dependency from String to System.Uri is probably not desirable, and so String.ToUri() instance method returning System.Uri would be the wrong design from a dependency management perspective. A static extension method Uri.ToUri(this string str) returning System.Uri would be a much better design.
have you learned SOLID yet?
whats your position? jsut hobby stuff? in school? university? employed dev?
I am employed but not having much experience
colleagues in your vicinity?
I mean what i code and the code i see on SO is completely different
I feel like i write way too too too basic code
of course
basic is good
basic is simple
the hardest part of developing is writing basic code
yes in my vicinity
ask your colleagues for code reviews periodically
check with them about practices, standards, code conventions, etc
patterns, naming...
talk about stuff
actually i dont have such teams and people around me who have good knowledge and can do proper code reviews
which is the problem and hence i come on SO and ask here
SO is useful for specific questions. It's compllicated to come here for code reviews.
Don't call the mcode reviews then. Just ask "Hey I built thi sclass for this specific reason, what do you think? should I encapsulate more? Think I should have made this string static?"
But i see people here have good developing knowledge and also with best practices
like, no full fletched meetings, jsut short 5 min conversations
see...every year you will realize, the "best practice" from the ear before has errors
nothing can ever be perfect
And being perfect would be terrible. Because if I were perfect, it would mean I couldn't improve anymore.
Yes thats probably true but currently i see lacking in proper code designing skills
i find code designing hard and challenging as compared to writing logic
good morning.
Good morning sir :)
When an instance method would introduce a dependency on some type, but such a dependency would break dependency management rules. For example, a dependency from String to System.Uri is probably not desirable, and so String.ToUri() instance method returning System.Uri would be the wrong design from a dependency management perspective. A static extension method Uri.ToUri(this string str) returning System.Uri would be a much better design.
Mornign Avner o/
What does this dependency management rules means?
@Squirrelkillsq fletched? kind of related..
wtf SO just randomly logged me out
@ILoveStackoverflow If you have a type A that depends on another type B, type B shouldn't depends on type A, because that would make chaos and chaos isnt good in computers
I usually try to go for "Does this type *know* that type?".
A Uri knows what a string is, since it is a very special kind of string.
A string doesnt know what a Uri is. A string knows how characters work. A string knows how long it is. A string doesnt know what a Uri is.
Point i have send is saying "Static extension method" but then i am getting error here :
public class UriExtensions
        public static Uri ToUri(this string str)
            Uri u = new Uri(str);
            return u;
Or at least a string knows how to handle characters. How they work know only the characters themselfs.
class has to be static too
But...do you really want every string in your application to offer to the dev to become a Uri?
Actually i was just experimenting the above point
Ah I see
extension method = 1) static class 2) static method 3) first parameter has this keyword
then i will call like this :
uhhh no
which is the whole point of extension methods
they pretend to be instance methods
its jsut syntactic sugar though
A static extension method Uri.ToUri(this string str) returning System.Uri would be a much better design.
dont overdo it
yes, much better. Doesnt mean it's fitting for your context.
cool.Thanks for all the help and time :)
Difference between IImmutableList and IReadOnlyList? doesnt IImmutableList let me the items themself too?
Morning fellows
Oh it's that time of month again
I just got an email from our friends at American Express saying my statement is ready.
This email annoys me so much. Why don't they just wait until it is available before sending the email
It's "Ready" but you can't actually look at it for 24 hours because fuck you
Morning Lee o/
Because they made the DB command, but it wont be live until next replication?
We have the same problem
Why not wait until the rep[lication though
it's just confusing
Yeah that wording is bullshit isn't it
why even write that
lee robert butler --> Rubber tree let lo.
@Squirrelkiller IImmutableList is part of the System.Collections.Immutable namespace, a much later addition to the library than IReadOnlyList. I would expect it to be oriented around immutable objects, with a different APIs and behaviors.
For instance, I would expect IImmutableList to have an Add method, which returns a new immutable list.
Whereas IReadOnlyList shouldn't have an Add method at all.
Immutable doesn't mean "read only", it simply means "no mutable state".
expect that as an interview question
"What's the difference between read-only and immutable?"
@TomW That's... actually not a bad question.
But what is the difference
Immutable means an object doesn't have mutable state, so any operations on it create new objects (which is a useful property in a multi-threaded, distributed application, so you don't modify shared state).
Read only is a property of an interface, meaning that a user can't make modifications to it.
omg why is Xamarin forms so retarded
Apparently there is a bug where I need to install the UWP workload so I can add a content page to my XF app which targets Android and nothing else
it needs to load UWP to check its requirements and determine it doesn't support it :P
or something like that, I'm guessing
someone screwed up the dependency factoring
May as well take this opportunity to update because I'm stuck on 15.7.5
672 packages what the fuck
user image
@Wietlol A syntax pick-me-up.
\/ O
That was meant to look like yo
Ugh, there's a specific Rx pattern that I really hate which keeps popping up in my team.
Is it a rational hatred?
I think it is.
in Java, Dec 4 '18 at 11:17, by Wietlol
oh. nvm, I thought you meant regular expression pattern
  .Select(evnt => GetSomethingAsync(evnt.Data).ToObservable())
what about it?
You subscribe to an Rx event, which, when triggered, performs an async call that returns Task<T>.
But you want to continue with the reactive stream. So you convert that Task to an Observable, and then call Switch to turn that stream of observables (which is always just one item and then completes) into a stream of T.
It's just doing new T[] {myData}.SelectMany(t =>t}. You wrap a task in an observable *that doesn't really behave as an observable*` and then unwrap it again.
(ง '̀͜ '́ )ง
I understand the need, but the syntax is abyssmal, I think, because it's a syntax that moves away from intent and fiddles with technical bits back and forth.
why is it needed?
Because the reactive pipeline continues after that Switch, with more operations on the result of the async operation.
   .Select(evnt => GetIncidentDataAsync(evnt.IncidentId).ToObservable())
   .Select(incidentData => BuildIncidentConfigurationAsync(incidentData).ToObservable())
The ToObservable/Switch combo simply implements a SelectAsync operation, which should simply be wrapped with an extension method called SelectAsync`, which conveys intent without exposing the Rx-specific tricks used.
i have no clue what those functions are for
That's part of the problem. Rx isn't as common and widely understood as, say, LINQ. So when you do tricks like that, most people will have a hard time following.
Whereas more people (still not everyone) will understand various uses of LINQ's Aggregate, though even that is still not as common and clear.
i think more peeps are known with terms like filter, map, flatMap and reduce
except for in .NET land
Outside of SQL/.NET land, sure, but that's not the point. In Rx, the terminology is actually a lot more universal - but the paradigm itself is a lot less so.
so, what does ReactiveX actually do?
is it just a networked listener?
It lets you treat streams of events in a similar way you would treat a stream of data using LINQ.
So mouseEventProvider.OnMouseMove, if implemented as a reactive observable, wouldn't just be an event, but a composable event stream:
and the difference between the two is... what?
The difficulty I have with Rx is that whenever I try to make an example with it, I can't see the value of bundling up events into one stream in the first place, so the effort of then filtering them out again seems wasted
    .Where(mouseEvent => mouseEvent.IsLeftButtonPressed)
    .Throttle(200) //milliseconds
IOW I struggle to accept the premise that that's a realistic set of input to have to deal with
Sure, I can just hook up MouseEventHnadler to OnMouseMove, but then I'll have to add the IsLeftButtonPressed check in the handler itself, which is trivial, but things like throttling are much more complicated, requiring you to have a member field for "last event handled timestamp".
and throttle simply only allows one event per 200ms ?
In many cases, using Rx to handle your events feels like using LINQ to manipulate your lists - sure, you can do a foreach over your list, do an if check to filter the items you need, and create a new item from each selected item, but a LINQ expression is concise, expressive and composable.
@Wietlol Something like that, yes.
Actually, one idea I did have for Rx was to sit behind SpecFlow for an integration test framework. The problem is that SpecFlow is synchronous, so if you're testing integrations, where stuff chunters away in the background for a while before completing, the test's expectations can happen out of order
but only for this handler... I assume
So I was looking at having test steps that do their initialisation, then append an event source and a subscription to the test event stream, so that the test can carry on doing the other prerequisites and only check that the expectations have been fulfilled afterward, and in no particular order
It's a complicated paradigm with lots of gotchas (like the nuances between Throttle and Sample, for instance, where one freezes the stream, while the other one ignores the values for the given interval), but it offers a lot of power for many use cases.
e.g. a file is deposited in a network share, a row is written to a table
But it tends to create a "new hammer" situation, where devs who get into it find ways to use it everywhere, which is often inappropriate.
depends on the differences between not using it and using it
in Jaba land, Streams (and other functos/monads) were supposed to unify the syntax for many situations
One case we had was where I found code which used Rx in order to await in a non-async method: DoSomethingAsync().ToObservable().Switch().First() will return the value of the first event in the observable stream - which is the only one when converting a Task to an Observable.
even if you dont need the real power behind them, at least your code always looks the same when you want the same behavior
independent of if you are dealing with nulls, multithreading, etc
11 Errors, 18 warnings, Build successful. Standard Xamarin Forms.
Achievement unlocked: Be better than the compiler!
Again, up to a point. You can make the case for always passing IEnumerable<T> for every parameter so you can always use the same LINQ syntax regardless of whether there's one item or multiple items. It's ad absurdum, of course, but to illustrate the point.
I wouldnt make a parameter an IEnumerable just for the linq syntax
Exactly. And I wouldn't turn every event - and every Task! - to an Observable just for the Rx syntax.
but I would make a parameter an Optional<T> instead of a T? or just T in case of classes because of explicitism
(in case where null is a valid value)
and I would always use linq over a foreach
even if it is just a foreach I want
myCollection.ForAll(it => {...});
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan the other thing I've thought about Rx which I haven't quite figured out is like, hard to phrase but I'll go a bit dialoguey for a moment
I have this observable, and I have some code that wants some results from it but doesn't want everything
Then what?
@TomW Use Where to filter.
Yes I know that, I mean
What I lack at the moment is a mental model of, ok, now that one component has defined what it needs from this stream, how do I make that used in other places such that this fairly sophisticated idea of an observable stream has value
And I mean "how do I" not in the sense of how do I pass a reference to an object around, but what's an intuitive pattern for having multiple interests in an observable having different projections from it
Observables are (to call back to an earlier discussion) immutable. When you call Observable.Where(e => e.Whatever), you create a new observable on top of that. This observable can be a public property of an object - it can be reused.
In the same way that I might know how to write code that serializes strings of HTML to a network stream but I haven't thought of the MVC pattern. I know how to use it but not how to use it.
So you can have a IncidentChanged observable, and a CurrentIncidentChanged observable on top of that.
I want there to be an idea similar to OWIN where a particular observer defines its projection from the stream, subscribes to it, and then hands the stream to the next observer, something Visitor-like
maybe there is
@TomW Similar to how you can construct a complex EF query by handing an IQueryable over to different functions that layer their own logic on top of it.
Just pass the IObservable.
It feels kind of like snaking the live wire all the way through a data centre to every component that needs power
not structured enough
Is there any way to determine if your dot net core (2.2) app has been launched by EF in terms of commands like "Add-Migration"?
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan I expect the real source of my concern is that I haven't used it in a real project yet, I expect all would become clear. Unfortunately in demo projects where you define your own requirements it's too easy to end up thinking "Why would I need that?"
@TomW I agree. That's true of a great many technologies. I remember the first time I saw a WPF demonstration and thought "huh, so you can bind the RotationTransform angle of an object to a slider, or put an <Image> inside a <Button>, so what?`. But when I started actually using it, I realized the power of data binding, and of composable controls.
Hm. Do IObservables marshal across processes in any way?
Not connected to anything you were saying, just wondering
If i had say a machine that has sensing devices generating inputs, I might want them in their own processes
don't want the data processing app to take out the code that's getting telemetry, say
Not as such, but you'll probably write a local IObservable that wraps around the input stream.
I was thinking it'd be nice to have a little service running locally that's itself writing T's to an observable
over named pipes or something
I'm sure someone has written code like that already - simply a wrapper over named pipe calls that calls OnNext() on the observable for each incoming call.
Shouldn't be hard to implement.
On one hand, interesting, nice.
On the other hand, Remoting? It was obsolete already in 2010 when the answer was posted.
Ah, there are much better answers there, too.
Is that a question?
Hi, it's a best practice create a partial view that show in a simple page or a modal?
if you ask me, no, but I have very strong opinions on user interface stuff :)
@Wietlol I think same,
but I do not have the bases to answer because no
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan iirc Bart de Smet did a video where he talked about using Bond as a serializer for IQbservable
Bond => sort of like protobuf, I think
Wow, that was nearly 10 years ago
Why do microsoft refused to xplat wpf
@LeeButler When WPF was actively worked on, cross platform wasn't really a priority. When it was, WPF was already mostly on life support.
Now that they're open sourcing it, the community can take it and replace the DirectX based rendering engine with an alternative built on OpenGL or whatever.
I mean, the Avalonia guys have basically managed the rendering layer
Yup. It's doable.
hey guys, o I'm trying to get an API key in order to use Google Maps in my WPF app, the form I'm supposed to fill is asking for a credit card number, we don't have credit cards in my country, do I really have to enter banking data to start my free trial? Sorry for asking here but I didn't know the appropriate room
@SamIbraheem Why don't you ask google?
@TomW let me try that
P.s. how can you not have credit cards?
> No credit card?
If you don't have a credit card you can provide bank account information instead:

Google deposits a random small amount to your account.
You use the deposit amount to finish the sign-up process.
It might take 2 to 3 days to get the deposit.
I don't know if it's more useful.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan Thank you dear, but I live in Syria and we're not allowed to make any banking transactions with a western company, besides banks are not really an essential part of the daily life around here most of us don't have bank accounts, I was wondering if I could make a trial account or something where I can use the free services
@TomW wee don't have credit cards in Syria dear
Ouch. Ok that would make sense. All of the major payment intermediaries are American, huh
@TomW yup, sanctions can be a nuisance, I was wondering if there's any way I can get an API key for the free services
Look at it from their point of view; why would they offer you a service you are never going to be able to pay for?
try payoneer?
@TomW Well Microsoft have let me use their maps API totally for free and didn't ask for any billing info
@misha130 let me try that
but its a huge process
You could um....start a company in a friendly country with a PO box address and register a card to it
also prepaid credit cards I think
@TomW maybe I should, but the thing is that a lot of developers in my country are using google maps with no such requirement
@SamIbraheem There are probably workarounds - people can buy you prepaid cards bought for cash in other countries, for instance.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan maybe I should try to contact my immigrant friends in Germany
guys, Is there any way I can perform geolocation on a bing map?
@SamIbraheem That might work, yes. I don't know the legal situation in Germany to tell you how big of a risk this is, if at all, but if you have family or friends that can help you, even by getting a virtual prepaid credit card (like Entropay), you can use that, probably.
And yes, The Bing Maps API is pretty much functionally equivalent to the Google Maps API.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan I'm gonna try working on both lanes
is there any way I can get my current location once the application starts?
I used Entropay for a while (when I needed to lie to Spotify about what my location was, before they launched here officially), but I already had an international credit card to use for it.
@SamIbraheem Just do a REST query to their API.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan financials are really cumbersome, there should be a science town free from economy and politics
@SamIbraheem Nothing is free from economy and politics. Any attempt to create a "politics free zone" is, essentially, taking a political stance.
A REST query? let me google that
Ah, it seems that there's no IP geolocation service in Bing Maps, but there are other alternatives- ipstack.com
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan I really hope they're fairly accurate
In the western world these services are generally relatively accurate, with a lot of data pulled in from cell phones triangulating wifi SSIDs, google street view cars, data bought from cellphone companies, etc.
I don't know if there's enough bulk of data in Syria to pinpoint all those IP addresses, but I wouldn't be surprised if it gives decent results, at least in the larger cities.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan that's a good point. I guess those services have to collaborate with the network backbone to establish approximately where the exchanges physically are
although it's just occurred to me I have absolutely no idea how it works
@TomW It's a dark and murky underworld of information sharing.
Basically, Skyhook is the mastermind behind most of it, I'm told.
What is the best way to handle upgrades of applications that uses app.config files? I know there exist upgrade()-method for User scope settings, but what about application scope setings?
Like between upgrades, i want to merge the app.config data that exist at a customer computer, with the new possibly added config data from the updated version
I havn't been able to find any useful information about this when it comes to application scope settings
Application-scoped configuration would be overwritten by the new version, wouldn't it?
Any merging has to be done before the new version is copied in.
Whereas user-scope settings can be merged at runtime by the new version.
Well, it doesn't seem to exist a way to merge application scope settings
except manually copy paste
which obviously overwrite the customer specific settings
I want to not have to manually copy / paste these settings
ok... serious question: how do I properly log exceptions?
You don't. You make sure you never have exceptions. Anything else is unprofessional. The network disconnected - your fault for not having redundancy!. 3rd party data is corrupted - get a better 3rd party! a 4th party! a 7th party!
Logging errors is for weaklings with errors.
i made sure I never have exceptions
but my application does
(on someone else's machine)
Applications. They're the bane of software development.
> System.Data.Entity.Validation.DbEntityValidationException: Validation failed for one or more entities. See 'EntityValidationErrors' property for more details.
ToString doesnt include enough information for all exceptions :(
Remove entity validation. voila! No more entityvalidationexceptions.
why cant they just mention the reason INSIDE THE FRIGGING TOSTRING?!
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
@Wietlol We use a library called Exception Demystifier that automatically unwraps AggregateExceptions in async code for easy logging. There might be good EF exception demystifiers out there too.
i have never had issues with aggregate exceptions
inner exceptions are included in the toString, for aggregate exceptions, all inner exceptions are included
It takes raw stack traces and removes a lot of the artifacts of async/await and other compiler code, so you can see a logical stack trace.
only the stack trace is a bit weird sometimes
Anonymous methods, iterators, async/await, value tuples, and so on.
this is the second time I have this issue
first loader exceptions, now EF exceptions
hmm... i found the cause tho...
now im sad
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan Thank you for your help dear, I've just had a connection blackout
I'm guessing you're translating "dear" from "ya habibi", but you should note that in English, "dear" is a lot more intimate than "habibi". :)
oh dear
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan really? I though darling is the intimate one? Good thing I didn't use sweety :)
Dear is either intimate or very formal (as in, opening a letter with "Dear So-and-so")
All in all, I prefer to be called "dear" than "sir", which is another thing that all sorts of people here in the room tend to do. :)
Yes, I'm looking at you, @jsonGPPD
Thanks for the enlightenment buddy
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan ok my dear
on a more serious note... can I call you Avner-san?
@Wietlol No, you - you have to call me "sir" for a while before you can move up to "dear".
I don't remember the nuances of Japanese suffixes. San is the general honorific, right? "-sama" is for extreme honor?
san is wif much honoru
never heard of sama actually
I was wondering about that. I ignored it because I figured it wasn't intentional
> Sama (様【さま】) is a more respectful version for people of a higher rank than oneself or divine, toward one's guests or customers (such as a sports venue announcer addressing members of the audience), and sometimes toward people one greatly admires
Old ladies call helpful younger men "dear" when you help them with their shopping
@TomW True, but there's an element of... not precisely condescension, but certainly a certain balance of respectability.
Just this morning I heard a podcast episode about various diminutive terms and suffixes in English (like the "y" in dog->doggy) and the various other meanings that diminutives have gained over the years on various languages.
I had a teacher that would call everyone honey
how about the "o" in doggo?
@Wietlol A newer coining, of course. I don't really know its origins beyond "popular in internet meme culture".
try {this.ctrl.GetType().InvokeMember("Subject", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.SetProperty, (Binder) null, (object) this.ctrl, new object[1] {component});} catch {} That feeling when you decide against using reflection to find something in a library that "should be there" because it's too hacky, and then you disassemble the dll and find out that the library uses that hack internally anyway and they did it worse than I would've.
Ohh it can certainly be condescending
Wiktionary has its as a "colloquializing suffix", like turning "kid" into the less formal "kiddo", or as a personifying suffix, like turning "weird" into "weirdo" (as in, a person who is weird).
I don't know if "doggo" fits those.
i suspect longcat
@TomW Certainly, but even when the intention is purely friendly (the same as @KendallFrey's teacher, as well), it implies a higher status or respectability. It's not as if the students, or the young helper, could respond with "dear/honey" themselves.
That phrase is ah, somewhat common now. In that insipid tone
@TomW Azure?
The Prime Minister was rebuked for using it, jokingly, at PMQs
@Wietlol what?
@TomW "Esure" -> "Azure".
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