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00:00 - 12:0012:00 - 23:00

@Squirrelkiller create a base interface?
Oh you already said it
Morning O/
R u going home yet arlif?
but it's morning
I just came to workplace.
actually it's an hour ago.
I'm at the house still
envy you.
I'm just 1hr ahead of you
I have an interesting news.
Do you guys always have breakfast?
always skip breakfast.
Yeah me too
anyways, my news, I bought nintendo switch yesterday. and ask about product to seller.
I ordered 11:00 and it's before 14:00.
they promised they'll send items to me if I bought before 14:00.
but when I checked, it was 15:00 and item's sending status wasn't changed.
when I asked about this, they said..
oh, it's already sent on 15th of this month.
but I ordered on 17th of this month (yesterday).
this is really strange... lol..
I bought a product for past of me.
You ordered and they promised to deliver it on same day?
because here's Korea. it's available.
so I decided to wait a day for their answer.
That thing doesn't really happen here unless you personally go to the store
Anyway, I really need to prepare now. Gonna be late. Brb
and if you pay more for delivery service, you can receive your goods on 2hrs.
even it's really expansive to use.
3 hours later…
I own an Switch too.
Playing ACTRPG game, I found Joycon is not suitable for action game.
If you do that, own a Procon too.
This is the only switch I have
meanwhile in Mac world
Hello @nyconing
is it possible to put logic inside the select lambda?
@mr5 Its normal in NT or Linux or Unix, it is committed memory size.
@jsonGPPD Why not, just make sure you finally returned the correct value after your logics.
If not, just use .ForEach(x=>) instead of .Select()
@nyconing I forced stopped it :D
can't afford the time waiting for it to finish
I know it's necessary
supposedly, you are designing an app with TabbedPage. One of the page needs to be contextual as in, the content will vary depending on some flag, let's say, per user. How would you design this certain page on this tab?
I want to consider navigating back n forth from the context too
can I show you my sample code sir @nyconing?
I don't know if this possible
var test = info.Select(x=> new Dto(){ var something = repo.GetInfo(id) ... })
Yes, it is a valid usage of Select.
but I'm getting an error inside, it only needs some property
Which Error
it says something like, cannot resolve 'var' expected ',' or '{'
Oh, you initialize the class in wrong syntax
what should I do sir? I need to return a Dto there
new Dto { something = repo.GetInfo(id), anotherthing= "bla" }
but how can I put a logic or creating var inside there sir?
var test = info.Select(x=> {
   var infoInsideInfo = repo.GetInfo(x.id);
   return new Dto { something = infoInsideInfo };
I got an red underline sir that says, "A lambda expression with a statement body cannot be converted to an expression tree" sir @nyconing
var test = info.AsEnumerable().Select(x=> {
   var infoInsideInfo = repo.GetInfo(x.id);
   return new Dto { something = infoInsideInfo };
But in my sample code I'm expecting the test as IQuerayable sir since the info is IQueryable<T>
Then no way, do all your query first, and then select.
Or dont put logics inside Select
Yes sir I tried the AsEnumerable with logic inside the select it works fine.
Mapper.Register<DomainModel, DomainModelDTO>((obj, dto) =>
    obj.Id = dto.Id;

var data = List.Select(e => Mapper.Map(e));
if you're using a Mapping library
But what would be the alternative when I have IQueryable result
var test = info.Select(x=> new Dto { something = infoInsideInfo }). *AnotherQueries()* .AsEnumerable().Select(x=>{ ... logics... });
@jsonGPPD Then convert it back to IQueryable
Let me try sir
Has anyone used tessnet2? I'm trying to follow this answer but I think it might be outdated, as I don't have a second page of options on the github.
A: Tesseract OCR simple example

Will RobinsonOk. I found the solution here tessnet2 fails to load the Ans given by Adam Apparently i was using wrong version of tessdata. I was following the the source page instruction intuitively and that caused the problem. it says Quick Tessnet2 usage Download binary here, add a reference o...

by the way sir, how can I convert it to IQuerable? @nyconing
I tried using AsQueryable to convert the test with AsEnumerable inside, but I get this error message
The provider for the source IQueryable doesn't implement IAsyncQueryProvider. Only providers that implement IEntityQueryProvider can be used for Entity Framework asynchronous operations.'
Its Entity Framework
Are your logics must inside the query?
Try doing your logics outside of Entity query.
I don't get it sir
1 hour later…
@jsonGPPD Make your logics outside of the query.
Or can you show up what is your 'logic'?
I'm adjusting my code sir
It's a bit complcated to me since I need to handle async
By the way sir, now to convert the async method to return a sync? @nyconing
awaiting the async method = sync
because I'm implementing an async method inside the synchrous method
like this
private string ReturnSomething(){ return await iAmAsyncMethod(); }
ReturnSomething should be synch to avoid conflict inside my IQueryable
what should I do sir @nyconing?
what is the term sir to not async haha
I thought it is sync
In this case just make your method in sync, there is no point to make it async but data is needed to returned immediately.
But I can't do it async sir @nyconing it will affect my IQueryable method
@jsonGPPD Async method makes no sense in your case, make your method dont async.
It's already not async method sir
But the method inside is an sync method
I tried this
    private string GetSomething(int id)
        return Task.Run(async () =>
            await asyncMethod(id)
but it doesn't work
private string GetSomething(int id) {
    return asyncMethod(id).Result;
Thank you so much sir @nyconing it works perfectly fine now
But how do you call that?
I'm wondering sir
It is just a property inside Task<>
I mean sir the term :) of what you did
2 mins ago, by jsonGPPD
But how do you call that?
this should be "what do you call that?" hehe
There is no term, that was a part of async.
Oh I understand sir. Thank you so much @nyconing :)
It will wait and return the value until the task is completed
internal TResult GetResultCore(bool waitCompletionNotification)
  if (!this.IsCompleted)
    this.InternalWait(-1, new CancellationToken());
  if (waitCompletionNotification)
  if (!this.IsCompletedSuccessfully)
  return this.m_result;
Oh thank you for this new understanding :)
Good mooorniiiiiiing CeeeeeeeShaaaaarp!! Have you refactored any larger pieces of code lately?
Changing default namespace
You have my pity
@Squirrelkiller :')
what part of "it doesn't depend on me" do people not get?
Hello Neil
why everybody is getting hats?
it's winter festival
good morning
@Neil hey, how do you get that hat?
goood morrningg.
@mr5 the tophat they give if you get an upvote on a question I think
err upvote on an answer to a question rather
lemme answer some question if I can :D
@Neil when your db crashes, it doesn't depend on our team either, but on our db team. We still gotta tell them to fix our db instead of waiting around.
"It doesnt depend on me" is just trying to shift blame away from you
Go with "Ask Jules, he can help you with that"
I get that sometimes it's a matter of "well it's not my job", but I don't quite mean that.. I mean literally it doesn't depend on me..
As in, I don't have authority to do it even if I wanted to
My statement still stands
Asked.. waiting
...you asked? The plan was more like, you tell the others to go ask "Jules"
well more formally, created an issue Jira to have the task done on my behalf
I love you all :')
other than call the guy up three times a day and generally be an asshole, there is literally nothing I can do about it
Frankly there are enough assholes around, so I'll let someone else do that like he missed his car payment or something
My statement still stands though. Why did you even open a Jira ticket? Let the guy who wants something do that!
Guys... struggling with DatGrid in WPF and could use a little help please
List<int> tempList = new List<int>();
foreach(string deptName in dictDepartments.Keys)
Debug.WriteLine("\"{0}\" occurs {1} time(s).", deptName, dictDepartments[deptName]);
DataGridTextColumn column = new DataGridTextColumn();
column.Header = deptName;
Also we love you Breathing, like that little brother that can be quite annoying at times :)
ResultSummary is the DataGrid
The column shows up but not the row
@Squirrelkiller meh, I'd hate to be the one who didn't do anything about it
AFAIC, guy who needs to do it knows. The guy who asked me knows I'm waiting on the guy who needs to do it. I cannot do it myself. Fin.
When you tell the guy who needs something where he can get it, that isnt "didnt do anything about it"
I can't find any question in SO where I think I can answer it :(
Check back frequently
@Squirrelkiller Right, I meant if this guy then comes to me repeatedly.. that's when I tell him it doesn't depend on me :)
I've already done everything I can. Asking me twice as often isn't getting you anything new
And again, you wanna tell him it doesnt depend on you
stop with the blameshifting
I know they won't want to hear that, but hitting the round peg into the square hole will not make it go in
it isn't blameshifting when there is nothing I can do...
In general, instead of saying something negative ("doesnt" depend on me ), say something positive (Jules "can" help you)
Basic psychology
Try "oh hey, I got {that} right here. reaches into pocket - pulls out middle finger
Also we love you Breathing, like that little brother that can be quite "annoying" at times :)

@Neil yep. I like the pocket one because if you do it right, they genuinely think you're about to give them something and then, BAM.
BAM like Emeril Lagasse
More like Theodore Kaczynsky, but yes.
Morning kids, why are there still month old "yo"s on the starboard
Because, stars.
Because nothing interesting happened last month
just don't say that word and it won't get starred
I am an idiot!
that one?
bcoz kieran, kamil, and squirrelintraining left this room
Well, that isn't technically a single word, but I'll star that just the same
that "I'm an idiot" is repetitive and borrriing
but we havent seen one in a while though
Let's mix it up then
You're an idiot!
Gotta get meta with it, like:
We're idiots!
I can't find my ctrl+. - option that convert a big-ass string concatenation to an interpolation, anyone know where that option is? Did my R# crash in the background? Or is it a VS setting?
Extension I haven't installed on my new machine yet?
Pretty sure it's an R# thing, so it should be in your alt-enter menu, not your ctrl-. menu, unless you've changed bindings.
I have my R# simply override the VS bulb, so both do the same thing for me
whats the commmand called?
or action
VS has [ctrl]+[.] ánd [alt]+[enter] ?
"You're an idiot" looks like the star board is insulting anyone who reads it.
@Squirrelkiller all izz well
@Squirrelkiller "Convert concatenation to interpolation"
alt+enter is R#
Search functiontion doesnt find it
is there an easy way to create non auto increment, unique numbers?
non auto-increment?
like a Guid?
like a guid, but then "sane" numbers
just convert a guid to a number equivalent
a guid is just a bunch of bytes ultimately.. interpret that as a number
I understand a guid is also just a ... 256-bit? number
so chop off a few bytes
is that still gonna be unique?
you want a number.. it has to be a number then
if you use 64 bits, probably pretty unique
depends on what you use it for
if you need a large amount of said numbers, then just use a guid
probably aint enough :(
the amount isnt that big
maybe 100k
6-digit numbers would work then
the probability of choosing the same two random integer values from the segment [M, N], is 1 / ((N - M +1)*(N - M + 1)).
im confused
so plug in -2^63 2^63-1
that would be the chance of two random numbers with 64 bits coinciding
but that is two random numbers
you said non-auto increment
not 100.000 random numbers and then still getting a unique random number
how else would you select the numbers?
the naive way would be to store all numbers in a database that have been chosen
then do { generateRandomNumber() } while (numberDoesNotExist())
how about this idea.. not sure how you'd do it, but it's conceivable
but I dont want to do that
you make an auto incremented number, and you deterministically convert it to a seemingly random equivalent
so you're guaranteed to not get it again, but you also can easily manage it
I tried doing that using some encryption algorithms (because they are two-way) but the output is just too big
you'd need a formula to map a number to another 1 to 1
like take a number, figure out it's 1/n equivalent.. then read that as a whole integer number
assuming you're using a 64 bit double, you don't lose precision
would that work?
there might still be a pattern though
im confused
"read that as a whole integer number" you mean conversion or just reading those bytes as an int/long?
the second
hmm... lemme see
it'll be in the range from -2^63 to 2^63-1
while (Guid.NewGuid().ToString() != "9d78de92-3eaf-48ec-9485-cb3769dad93d") {}
maybe there is a pattern.. maybe if you apply several times
it's still determinstic
don't know if it'd be a 1 to 1 mapping though
public static async Task<long> Meow(){
    var i = 0l;
    while (Guid.NewGuid().ToString() != "9d78de92-3eaf-48ec-9485-cb3769dad93d") i++;
    return i;
Double hashing is a computer programming technique used in hash tables to resolve hash collisions, in cases when two different values to be searched for produce the same hash key. It is a popular collision-resolution technique in open-addressed hash tables. Double hashing is implemented in many popular libraries. Like linear probing, it uses one hash value as a starting point and then repeatedly steps forward an interval until the desired value is located, an empty location is reached, or the entire table has been searched; but this interval is decided using a second, independent hash function...
if you have fear of limited bits to store a guid, or something, you can choose a free number like a hash choosing an available space
it will reduce the amount of double check if a value is already choosen
tho it's all about not believing guid IS enough
StackOverflow or OperationOverflow
@ntohl that's how you'd create a unique number to fill up a hash table, but what if you needed the numbers to expand the entire spectrum of valid numbers?
2^128 possibilities = 1 / 3.4028237e38
1 / 340282370000000000000000000000000000000
actually not every bit is random
There are maybe 8 fixed bits
@Neil well. As Wietlol have it's own "universe" I don't know if Wietlol doesn't handle a 64 bit spectrum like a hash table
I think the point was that Guid is not sufficient because he wants to guarantee that he doens't get repetition
If we're assuming this is a requirement, then I think my approach is best.. create a sequential number and convert it deterministically into a "seemingly random" number that's mapped 1 to 1
@Neil in my view that is the point, but if repetition is not guaranteed, than checking already out numbers is a viable choice, and double hashing helps in that
So collision ratio in theory 2.938735877e-39
@Neil At that point you're probably just being paranoid
cosmic rays may also flip bits in your RAM causing collisions
@ntohl not a viable solution in the long run.. you want to put in a database that many numbers?
@KendallFrey meh, I'd just use a Guid
Damn the repetitions.. full speed ahead!
There won't be repetitions to damn
@Neil those numbers are generated to store someone with unique id. Isn't it? So it's already stored into database
except some No SQL solution
@ntohl so everytime you create a number, you have to check to see if it isn't used? If it is? Regenerate?
Wait, check collisions everytime when re-generate?
@ntohl yeah, that's autoincremented though
you're only saving the last used.. just do ++
You will ends up in wasting CPU power
to do this, you'd need to save them all
@Neil Anyone who says GUIDs aren't good enough for his use case because <reasons> really should have the burden of proof for that.
yeah, he wants guaranteed random numbers which haven't happened before
Unique number are unique enough in timely based.
@Neil yes. That same as "do { generateRandomNumber() } while (numberDoesNotExist())", with upgraded generateRandomNumber
If your databases es es is big enough to make collision in unique number, your checking will take forever.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan Well I like to entertain the problem as a challenge
but guids would be sufficient because heat death of the universe would happen sooner than a collision
@ntohl bleh
that's like the "get random card.. card already drawn? get another random card.."
though admittedly you're probably not going to require enough numbers for it to be an issue
00:00 - 12:0012:00 - 23:00

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