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02:00 - 15:0015:00 - 21:00

  List<Location> myInfo = new List<Location>();

            int rows = excelRange.Rows.Count;
            int cols = excelRange.Columns.Count;

            for (int i = 1; i <= rows; i++)

                for (int j = 1; j <= cols; j++)
                    Location myList = new Location();
                    if(excelRange.Cells[i] != null)
                        myList.LocationId = excelRange.Cells[i].Value1.ToString();
I'm trying to store my data from excel to a list.
LocationID FID
10 100
20 200
30 300
40 400
LocationID FID
10 100
20 200
30 300
40 400
Your code are not even complete
Assume your LocationID, FID columns are fixed, you donot need to loop the excelRange.Columns
public class Location
public string LocationId;
public string FID;
   var location = new Location {
      LocationId = row[0] as string,
      FID = row[1] as string
In other words I will only need to go through the for loop once.
Yes, I can see your columns position are fixed, so you do not need to loop through on Columns.
I'm getting an error on the ForEach.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Data;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel;

namespace UpdateFID
public class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Application excelApp = new Application();

if (excelApp == null)
Console.WriteLine("Excel is not installed");

Workbook excelBook = excelApp.Workbooks.Open(@"C:\Test\Book1.xlsx");
_Worksheet excelSheet = excelBook.Sheets[1];
Range excelRange = excelSheet.UsedRange;
Oh, I thought it was a DataTable
I'm trying to read an excel sheet that has two columns and store that in a table or list.
Once I get that information from the excel I want to access my list or table and get those value and write a SQL update script. Update tableName set FID = '" + x.FID + "where LocationId = '" + x.LocationId)....
2 hours later…
when people are not online, do you miss them?
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel;

namespace UpdateFID
public class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Application excelApp = new Application();

if (excelApp == null)
Console.WriteLine("Excel is not installed");
string strPath = Environment.GetFolderPath(System.Environment.SpecialFolder.DesktopDirectory);

if (File.Exists(strPath + @"\updateFID.sql"))
If anyone is interested on how to get columns from excel and go through each column to create a SQL update.
This is a working program.
Good Evening everybody!
Does anybody have a quick moment to help me with a OOP problem I'm having with my Graph class? Trying to boost my skills a bit but can't seem to get something right with my mini program.....
@springathing What is the problem?
Hi Ahmet
I am attempting to make my program work
I have a Graph class, and a GraphComponent class, within the GraphComponent constructor I have an explicitly instantiated Graph object with values, yet my main method continues to give me a 'System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object'
I am using repl.it
If you have a moment please take a look at https://codeshare.io/5wAyWR
I have pasted my code in there
Any explanation would be greatly appreciated as I don't have an instructor for this issue
@springathing Youre missing the initialization of static field in GraphComponents.graph
At which line is the exception thrown?
You need to initialize the static field to fix your exception, or, make it not static.
I've tried using static all over the place
I'm either having trouble with static being referenced by a field, or if I make another part not static then I am not able to access it another way
Let me try what you recommend
Just make a initialization.
@nyconing As far as I can tell, GraphComponents is initializing my graph object with values
You need to initialize in design time.
Not runtime
Yes I am looking thank you, I will now look
So what prevents me from initializing the graph values at runtime? I seems as though a constructor should be able to do this
Static field shall initialized. You can just put null instead.
Oooh it worked
I seem to not understand
I always thought that any field can be initialized through the constructor even if its another Class reference
Thank you
@AhmetRemziEKMEKCI Thank you
Yeah, youre right but it is a static, static object is initialized before your code run.
This is why you seeing a weird exception without any proper stack
Because the exception isnt thrown inside your code.
Oh what, that is weird
So anytime I declare something static it has to be intialized before anything is used
In my eyes
GraphComponents gC = new GraphComponents();
Graph graph = gC.GetGraph();
The GraphComponents gC is initializing the Graph graph before I use it
So from my level of experience, I assumed that there should be enough time for the
GraphComponents gC = new GraphComponents(); code to execute before I'm calling gC.GetGraph();
I hope my explanation isn't too poor....I have jr. level experience
No, in your code, GraphComponents.constructor just actually assigning value to graph.
The graph is initialized before your code run, because it is static
Right, so I thought a constructor was supposed to initialize all the fields and members of the class it is building an object for
How does this make sense though
The gC object has to be created first before I use gC
I'm not accessing .GetGraph before the gC object is created
I'll get it soon lol thanks for the explanation
@springathing You are right, you can initialize it in constructor, but look at public bool[] visited = new bool[graph.Size];
An another initialization reference to an uninitialized static reference
This is a why you need to initialize static graph in design time
@Proxy You already here been a long time isnt it
kind of
i come around 7:00
which was an hour ago
Good morning.
Guten tag
looks like nothing from my new job :'(. And it was promising looking.
Goooood moorniiiiing CeeeShaaarp! yo.
morning guys
hi all
ah fuck I fucked it on the first one
@Proxy you're also in the new job club?
@LeeButler yeah, but i am picky now as well. This seemed like a great options, based on perks and salary. Based on what i have read they seem to be a good company but they are looking for someone experienced so i am not that of a strong candidate. Also because of the great options more people seem to have applied
Companies will always ask for people with more experience.
i guess it does not help that i focus on how unexperienced i am or how i lack certain skills when talking in a job interview
Not necessarily in line with what the job actually requires or, more importantly, who they'll actually hire.
No, it does not.
"Looking for new programmers fresh out of college with Kotlin experience.. at least 10 years.."
i need to change that but it is kind of difficult
@Proxy What frameworks and languages have you worked with? What did you read about, what did you try at home, what did you talk to people about, what did you watch videos about, and what did you read about and wanted to try but couldnt so far?
I expect both actual answers to that and you to think about these in interviews
@Proxy That should be your main focus of improvement for interviews. Not memorizing brain-teasers or writing quicksort on a whiteboard.
that is not the problem, well not generally. The problem arises when they ask me to rate myself as a developer and how good i am. At my current job i am working alone on the project, so i do not have to compare with anyone. I can not comment on the quality of my code since nobody but myself has ever looked into it.
We do not have code reviews, nor any guidlines, the only thing that matters is that stuff works.
i try to improve myself but i can not judge quality of my work.
give yourself the benefit of the doubt
especially when it comes to interviews
Does it work? Yes? You're competent.
It works, but do you have duplicate code somewhere? No? You're above average.
Great, can you also maintain and change the code easily? Yes? You're good.
Can you also solve complex problems? Yes? You're great.
Great, and can you scale your software into infinity? Yes? You're amazing.
You don't have to say you're the best thing since sliced bread, but give yourself some credit. You can hold your own at least
well regarding the code duplicate i was able to reduce our code base from around 40k lines of code to 20k :)
but i dunno, i have no confidence whatsoever
the more i work the less i feel i know
it's already above average (sadly) that you didn't write duplicate code to begin with. Refactoring to reduce code is even better
@Proxy That's normal. As you get better at something, you realize how much you don't know.
It's the same for everyone.
@Proxy This is a job interview. It's a mutual marketing engagement where both sides try to show how appropriate they are. They are not asking for a detailed and honest evaluation of all your strengths and flaws. That is not the place for it.
"What is your greatest weakness?" is kind of a joke of a question in an interview
This is a negotiation stage where you have to sell yourself as the best version of yourself you can a) convincingly pull off, and b) be in the same ballpark as your actual performance once you're hired.
This is not an evaluation and review meeting.
I think mostly they just want to see what happens when you're given a question with a curve ball
"My greatest weakness? It's listing my weaknesses, for they are many."
for that, I would recommend you have an answer that doesn't seem too fakey, like "My greatest weakness is that I work too hard"
It's a crappy question and there's no non-crappy answer.
Have a legit weakness that isn't too impactful for doing your job well
"My greatest weakness? I make terrible cocktails. Terrible"
"I easily get lost trying to make something perfect"
"I often forget to take a break and eat"
just don't say you have troubles communicating or that you sleep on the job or something lik ethat
That's why it's a terrible question. It's saying "Either give us a blunt answer that will make us think less of you, or give us a clever answer that doesn't tell us anything"
yeah, but again, it's supposed to be a curveball question
"I occasionally wind up at the office when I'm not drunk and it's not pretty"
But it's so well-known as a classic interview question that it doesn't really do that either.
Well it puts you off edge
you're no longer confident and on your feet ready for anything
It's just a shit question
The questions which follow tend to be less confident as a result
It's kind of a shitty thing to do by the interviewer, but they do it often just the same
Getting an interviewee off-confidence is also a bad interviewing technique.
Usually indicative of a bad corporate culture, though it could just mean an inexperienced interviewer.
Interviewers want to have a psychological edge, and they do that by putting you off-kilter and by commanding the interview
You can get that edge back by preparing for questions like that, and by asking questions to the interviewer
like "How many people are in this company? Do you personally enjoy working here?" that kind of thing
When I interviewed my guys I asked questions relating to the job, like "how are you with technology x y and z" and didn't care about the other bollocks. That was for the HR person I had with me, although she didn't ask much stupid questions either
The question is why does an interview need to be represented as a battle?
I think what I said in my last interview when asked "What is your greatest weakness?" was that when I'm zoning and focused on my work, I don't really hear others around me
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan Because it is a battle of sorts
It shouldn't be. Interviews should be like those birds on [insert nature documentary] when they're trying to attract a mate by showing off how good they are to eachother.
If you go in just hoping they'll like you, the interviewer will have full dominance over the interview.. if he likes you then it works out just fine anyway
When I interview, most of my questions are about a technology (a bit), a lot of "tell me something you wrote/designed in your last job that you're proud of", and "do you follow any blogs/podcasts/tech news" to see if they're people who learn on their own.
But if the right questions don't come out, you won't be hired
@Neil What does "dominance" have to do with it? There's nothing to win here.
just a job
What's the interviewer's goals? To get a good feel for the candidate's abilities. Saying that you need to have someone shaken and unconfident to see how they'll perform in their actual job is saying that it's normal to have your developers in that state.
@Neil Not for the interviewer. They already have a job
And yet you still hear "What's your greatest weakness?" being asked
That's because, like management, people assume that people who are good at doing X will also be good at interviewing for X.
Technical people are shit interviewers.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan The interviewer is putting himself in a position of authority in general. That if he doesn't like you, you won't be hired. It also gives him negotiating power later if he decides to hire you
And maybe that's not even intentional, but that's the reality of it just the same
@Neil So you're saying it's posturing so that if you think the candidate should be hired, you want him off-balance so you can negotiate his salary down because he won't think he's worth more? I'll reiterate - that's a horrible way to interview. And to employ.
You're supposed to do the opposite. You be confident in your abilities and you convince the interviewer that should he not hire you, you'll surely find something else
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan I agree 100%
I don't mean to be arrogant, because that's no good either. But there should be a mutual respect by the end of the interview
My point was that generally you won't walk into the interview with the interviewer having respect for the candidate
they see hundreds of potential candidates
You usually have to demonstrate that their company needs you because you're a valuable resource to have
If you meekly stay silent and answer the questions asked and no more, you haven't gained the respect of the interviewer
It isn't likely going to work out in your favor in that case
Oh, of course, the candidate has to be confident in their abilities and their worth. And the interviewer needs to be confident in that the job is lucrative and desirable. But, like in so many other aspects of life, you shouldn't have to bring someone else down to bring your own worth up.
That's an approach that's inherently self-deprecating.
well lets be frank, asking someone what their greatest weakness is not "putting someone down"
It's just putting them off-kilter
Whenever sorting comes up I'd just go
1) Put stuff in binary tree
2) Read stuff form binary tree
3) ???
4) Profit
but yes, it's like asking how well they can dodge dodgeballs, and then you pitch a baseball to their head and see if they can also deal with that
@Squirrelkiller Whenever sorting comes up I say "I use the built in sort in my library. If I need something fancier, I find a nuget package. If I need something more specific, I'll open up Google, find a primer, and read up on sorting. I neither know nor care how to sort right now"
Stalin sort O(n): if element is not in order, eliminate that element. List is sorted.
I like Stacksort as a fantastic metasort.
O(0): List is already sorted, by order of list entries.
or Communist sort O(0): all elements are equal.
Quantum sort O(1): If array is not sorted in this universe, destroy universe.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan gkoberger.github.io/stacksort
This is awesome
After 9 failed attempts, Randall Munroe's StackSort sent me here, great example :P gkoberger.github.io/stacksortFi Horan Jan 5 '17 at 14:59
@Squirrelkiller Brilliant.
if I add
to my .gitognore, will it ignore all .user files recursively?
ALso, do I have to commit/push the .gitignore for git status --ignore to tell me the newly ignored files?
Somebody pushed a .csproj.user
google is giving me too broad rsults today
nvm i forgot git rm --cached
i know, need to change my stance on those things
@Squirrelkiller I think you need to do **/*.user or something.
Generally speaking, you should probably take a predefined .gitignore file that matches your IDE and project types. This is for VS and .NET projects, for instance:
lots of other templates in that repo.
@Wietlol When is possible to not double memory usage for nothing is always worth (its not only "performance attention", its part of being good programmer)
I repost my question from yesterday before i ask on regular SO:
Is it possible to replace Marshal.Copy (1st overload to a IntPtr destination) by Span<T>?
Want to send file using P/Invoke but not double it in memory (is already as IFormFile)
Span<T> or Memory<T>
Or any other fast solution to not double files in memory
Usually, but depends on context. If I take the time and effort to make my app use 5MB of RAM instead of 10MB, I've probably wasted some time.
It might be good programming but not necessarily good software development.
When operating on thousand files with estimate weight about 10 MiB is always worth to not double it
I think it depends on why you double it
You're mixing "always" and "in a specific scenario".
there are various ways to not double memory from a file
one is to not use the file
If you have a scenario where you have thousand of files each saving 5MB of RAM, you're not saving 5MB, you're saving 5000MB of allocations.
but I suppose that is not acceptable
That's meaningful.
so... what do you want to do with the files?
File manipulation by P/Invoke from loaded IFormFile (API ASP.NET Core)
Turns out the *.user is enough to cover every .user file, recursively
ah, too much .netty
me no understanderino
Find a way to change Marshal.Copy to Span<T>/Memory<T> or other way to not dobule memory can be fine
(and no, i can not send file by bye[] in invoking, need to operate on IntPtr destination)
Do oyu have to load the file before sending? Could you just send its path?
@Squirrelkiller It's uploaded by the HTTP client, there's no path to point to.
Thats a point
I think your main problem is that IFormFile is a wrapper around a stream, not a buffer.
If your P/Invoke code can take a COM IStream, there are wrappers for that.
But a Span<T>/Memory<T> will be the same as a byte[].
Are you sure that reading the IFormFile into a byte[] (and then passing an IntPtr to that byte[] to P/Invoke) will create a duplicate allocation?
Also, if you're worried about allocations, rather than copying, you can simply reuse buffers, assuming you don't need to handle all files at once.
>Copies data from a managed array to an unmanaged memory pointer, or from an unmanaged memory pointer to a managed array.
Yes, Marshal.Copy performs a copy.
But you might be able to use GCHandle.Alloc to get a pinned IntPtr to an existing byte[].
Ill take a look for this now
I'm deliriously happy following PeanutButterGamer do a hardcore terraria series with other players
They play such that if one dies, they have to leave
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan There is a way to make pointer from intptr to allocated intptr by GCHandle.Alloc?
Can't yo ubasically make a pointer to anything, therefore to a pointer too?
A pointer can point at anything, yes, even a pointer. Or even a pointer pointing at a pointer that points at a pointer.
Not array arrays again :O
In C++ you often had to deal with pointers pointing to pointers
Yeah, 2d arrays are pointer-pointers
it was the only way to change a pointer
2d arrays were pointers of pointers, it's true, but I mean specifically passing a pointer of a pointer
Then you could send a reference to a pointer of a pointer
and then you start entering scary and fascinating possibilities
That said, glad C# doesn't do it like that still
I thought 2d arrays were just syntax sugar?
in C++ there were actual 2d arrays, but you could also create them dynamically using alloc
What do you mean 'actual' ?
I mean there was a type int my2darray[][];
well technically that's an array of arrays, but it's the same same
Just mean to say that it wasn't necessarily handled using double pointers
Necessarily or never? I thought it was 1 contiguous chunkchunk of memory for the data: no pointers. ?
In actual 2d arrays (denoted as [,]) you're right, it's one continuous block.
In jagged arrays (that's the term for [][]), each array is its own block.
I'm 100% sure. It's coincidentally also the reason why multi-dimensional arrays perform so much worse than jagged.
A contiguous chunk performs works that separate? How so?
@ABuckau You could use 2d arrays and assign it dynamically or assign it statically
or you could just have a double pointer, assign it, and treat it like a 2d array
There were very few differences I think honestly
maybe the arrays had actual checks to prevent you from running off the side of the world
even those were added later
@RoelvanUden why worse?
i would suspect better
the issue would be insertion/removal, but those dont exist for arrays
@Wietlol It has to do the index computation each time you touch it.
hmm... y*w+x?
or x*h+y
Looping through like for y = 0; for x = 0; myArray[x, y] = 10; it does that yeah ^
Which is terrible.
i see
makes sense
I mean, it's fine if you have a small array.
if you have a small array, even O(2^n) operations are fine... ok, maybe not
Well, it reads nice. And readability often trumps micro optimizations.. but that computation isn't micro if you're doing a lot with the array.
i dont use for (int i = 0; i < max; i++) at all... so...
You can make a pointer to it to avoid the overhead... but that reads terrible and you're back to jagged arrays being faster. :-P
I was about to say..might depend on the size of the array..seems likelike cache miss might be more costly than computation, but I really wouldn't know.
I worked on some DSP solutions for some time. It had millions of data points. Multi-dimension arrays were terrible there.
For most cases, just use jagged arrays. Everyone understands them, they perform well, and they are more flexible.
Or roll your own! :-D
Wietlol do you have any experience with cbd?
You seem like the right type to ask
@RoelvanUden !!wietlol2
He goes "lol!!!" from all the weed=wiet so yeah sure he knows all you need to know about cannabis.
Ask him anything.
@Wietlol Yeah
Don't they have coffeeshops in Coevorden @MwBakker?
me know nothing about that
because Wietlol is not related to that
@RoelvanUden Hey Roel, how are you doing?
its an abbreviation of Karakirewiet
How do you know I live in Coevorden??
@MwBakker I know so much more than that.
You happen to be my teacher at school..
Why does this always happen
because teachers are always watching you
The universe is watching.
I see
You should put tape on your webcam.
Anyway for an always occupied mind like mine, hasj was something that cleared my mind and put me back to focus some times
But it's overkill. I don't need to get stoned or such
But I never really researched what part of the hasj was the 'clearing mind' part
(For complete clarity, you put your home town on stackoverflow.com/users/4895256/mwbakker)
I see
Oh well
At least not a teacher of mine
still possibly a teacher
And possibly yours.
I'm scared
though what isn't listed on your user page is that your name is Mark Bakker
No? That had a one in a million shot of working, damn.
I found a Martin Bakker, but he looks much older than I'd expect from a student. Also, wrong town.
I had too much food and now I'm falling asleep
I am new to dapper, when I do var result = con.Query(@"SELECT * FROM tbl.names").ToList(); Then I get for result[0] for example {{DapperRow, id = '1', name = 'Pete', abbrevention = 'PE'}}. How I can iterate through the result for example printing out each name?
@RoelvanUden The town I'm studying is also different
@Wietlol Which part of the hasj cleares a mind?
@SpedoDeLaRossa try looping over result and extract the names from each element
you could also use result.Select(r => r.Name) for example
@Wietlol Ty, I just tried it with foreach ( dynamic item in result ) { var test = result.Select(r=> r.Name); }. In test I have this {System.Linq.Enumerable.WhereSelectListIterator<object, object>} and test Current is null.
@SpedoDeLaRossa Don't ToList things if you don't need to ;-)
dynamic ew
@RoelvanUden Okay, they said it in the description. But they also said I should write IEnumerable<dynamic> result = con.Query..
can you check naming? making sure Name is the correct property, instead of name ?
how can I use Visual Studio to attach to a running process and then search for methods by name?
to see the source code of the running proces
and then putting a breakpoint there
so far, I have attached to a running process, but nothing further than that
or break on exceptions
@Wietlol should be name, yes. Copy mistake. So it is {System.Linq.Enumerable.WhereSelectListIterator<object, object>} on name in the test varibale. But when there are many results in result how should r=> r.Name return one name, when I have foreach ( dynamic item in result )?
you should try foreach (dynamic item in result.Select(r => r.name)) {}
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan Thanks for help, finally done
Select basically tells the IEnumerable "hey, before giving your elements to the enumerator, apply this method to them"
and "this method" is r => r.name
so, the result of result.Select(...) should be IEnumerable<String>
except that... well... dynamic and shit
anyone know how VS works?
Okay ty this is working. :) But then I have to do three foreach's, for Id, Name and Abbrevention? Am I right?
@SpedoDeLaRossa if you need all three properties, you can just do item.name item.id and item.abbreviation instead of doing the select
@SpedoDeLaRossa Use LINQ to smaller the code
but if you need a list of all names, a list of all ids and a list of all the abbreviations, then you could do the Select things
but I suppose you dont want that
Select (r=>r.meme)
ny, do you know how to VS?
wi, why do you ask?
because i cant get it to work
restart your computer
I have an external process running, but it has an error
exactly 3 times
it'll work
It's ezoz
ah fuck
ez pz
ez oz*
> Warning: unhandled exception (Unable to load one or more of the requested types. Retrieve the LoaderExceptions property for more information.)
but "Break on all exceptions" doesnt break that one
it does break some others
Why not look at the LoaderExceptions property
but not the ones of that particular .exe
only its libraries
why is Neils "yo" has more star than us!!!!?!?!
@LeeButler I try to, but dont know how
Try adding a handler for the unhandled exceptions and put a breakpoint there
how do I do that?
I cant see the source code of that process
Are you using a UI framework, if so what
nor edit it
this is a .exe
that I attach a debugger to
I'm not sure then
the message comes out of the logging of that application
Yeah that sounds like whoever wrote that application is dumb for not spitting out the full exception
yea, they probably did something like Log(ex.Message)
which is useless when the useful information is in the inner exception... or stack trace
or in the type name of the exception
I can see the horror when you just have the Message of a StackOverflowException
that'd be hilarious... and... quite a pain if it happens to you
@Wietlol We gotta talk about your name...
you did 3 times now
i still remain convinced that talking about my name is useless
I just figured someone with such username...
Well anyway guess I'll just give cbd a go
Can't harm, just my wallet
@Squirrelkiller I've been summoned?
is there a naming convention for class library ? like it can't be an action, or adjective etc
class library names can be anything afaik
we have one called "Bob"
What does Bob do?
it does what Bob used to do when we had a colleague who is named "Bob"
@erotavlas If it's part of a larger framework, usually it's the main namespace or feature that it adds. Otherwise, just the name of the library.
I hate picking names
because then its stuck with that name forever
so much pressure to pick the perfect name
> because then its stuck with that name forever
nah, you can change the name at any time :D
and break consuming libraries
02:00 - 15:0015:00 - 21:00

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