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05:00 - 15:0015:00 - 00:00

Good morning :)
@SebastianL a bit early :P
@MikeTheLiar she ded
yeah, i couldn't sleep anymore, so i thought i could go working instead of wasting time ^^
that seems to be productive, i do not like it
if there is a good discount maybe i will grab a ps4
@Proxy i'll bet he's just "on the clock" drinking coffee and chatting on stackoverflow.com
so it's all good
Goooood moorniiiiiiing CeeeeShaarp!! Have you been to any previously unknown bars or similar lately?
@mr5 bow
you should take a bow
I heard it like "bal"
@Squirrelkiller i was.
well it was a caffe bar, if you count that.
Did you drink coffee then?
take a ball
I feel like I don't want to use this anymore
i didm was okay like most coffee.
lol, Malaysia is missing too
nothing special or bad about it.
@mr5 this was from that video
my asia?
hate the guy who did that
It is missing a loot of lands
if it makes you happy half of europe is missing as well
@Proxy I didn't include it in my screenshot
this is the whole map
you pthotoshoped the image?
it makes me angry
still, half of europe is missing
oh well, fair enough
Oh shit what happened to europe
they're probably from murica
Maybe he is a Parallel traveller!!!!
OMG Google takes techs from another universe
do you think that map is not from Earth?
Maybe not, the another parallel universe may not called it 'Earth'
Maybe jsut another earth
one where superman punched through europe for example
And some leviathan ate some countries cuz he mistook them for big fish
Maybe that Earth had experienced a WWIII
This is an example of the scintillating and thought-provoking conversation for which I come here.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan you started it with your "yo" haha
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan ikr?
where else are you gonna get this level of intellectual stimulation?
why did it repeat the request
@Squirrelkiller@AvnerShahar-Kashtan@Neil@mr5@Default yo nerds
You can clearly identify who have starred the messages
how so?
now you can't
@Neil I can but the rest can't
@mr5 so can I for that matter :)
sudo so --chat -rm 7 --get-user-activities -t --past-hour
@Neil we still don't know the third player
we need a further investigations. perhaps, we need a new algorithm for such problem
we're such nerds :)
@squirrelintraining yo
Is the JS's destructuring assignment a new feature for 2018?
Ha, they did the tuple deconstruction too!
I hope I will not in JS forever
You will not...what?
[a, b, ...rest]
this syntax are not actually removing a and b
it just take out the two value whatever the value a and b is
It's morning kids
And I got a rhyme to show
Involving lids
@Mr5 Did nobody mention that Africa doesn't exist either?
There was an old man from Milan,
Whose limericks never would scan.

When told this was so,
He said, 'yes, I know.

'But I always try to get as many syllables into the last line as I possibly can.'
@LeeButler Yeah I mentioned that many lands was missing
@nyconing '...' is like a deconstructing operator too. [a, b, ...rest] means "an array containing a and b and everything in the 'rest' array"
@nyconing many lands *were missing. 'Was' is singular.
good morning
Morning ntohl o/
Then why not just .skip(2)
[a, b] = [11, 20];
[a, b, ...rest] = [12, 20, 30, 40, 50, 66, 11];
The result of rest is Array [30, 40, 50, 66, 11]
It just act like .skip(2)
value in a or b did nothing to the 'syntax'
well a is now 12
it still looks redundant to me, while it can just .take(2)
Well.. maybe. sugar
sugar sugar. ohhh honey honey
I like sugar but it was too much sweet
Well, if you have an array and want it split into 1) a, 2) b, 3) another array with the rest
You'd have to do several LoC. Now you only need one.
spread assignments?
Anybody tried posh-vs?
Anybody tried Dialogflow?
Any idea, why this error is caused?

string content = "8820d23d-a115-451b-89e5-7ca4866542c1"
return JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<T>(content);

{"Input string '8820d23d-a115-451b-89e5-7ca4866542c1' is not a valid number. Path '', line 1, position 36."}
T is string
what happens if you do JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<string>(content); ?
@mr5 This sounds interesting
@GauravKispotta yeah. It's the future of FAQ page
@mr5 same error
@Taurib 8820d23d-a115-451b-89e5-7ca4866542c1 is not valid Json
It's purpose is to eradicate call center jobs
you are correct
no, I am Wietlol
silly hooman
Hi correct, this is dad
Noo! I have failed you!
*awkward silence*
can I return string from Generic type method?
It seems not to be supported, at least not by default
@Taurib safely? You can call its ToString method
It's not necessarily true that it is representative of that object though
in other words, don't go thinking it's serializable
        private async Task<T> ReadContentAsync<T>(HttpResponseMessage response)
            var content = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
                if (typeof(T) == typeof(string))
                    return (string)content;  // Something similar

                return JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<T>(content);
            catch (Exception ex)
                return default(T);
Since in that case T is string anyway
well seems you're doing it
it's not ideal to check if it's string
Cannot implicitly convert type 'string' to 'T'
It's not indeed, but stupid API returns only plain string for one endpoint
hmm, in Java you'd have to pass in the class as well
that'd probably work but it's ugly as sin
Yeah, but since content is just text (without json), then I cannot convert it to object
otherwise it would be easy
what if you have one endpoint that only supports json and one endpoint that only supports xml?
you need to extract out the serializer
you should expect the content to always be of a certain type
It's wrong for the backend to send you some content of which you're not sure
if you're just trying to handle all possible cases in a single method, don't :)
his problem is that not all external apis return json
this one in particular doesnt return json, but plain text
well he has to map which ones return json and which ones don't
and in those cases, use a json deserializer and in others use a string "deserializer"
the most comfortable approach would be to read out the content-type header and based on that, choose a serializer
text/plain would simply return the body
true, that'd be probably better still
but only if the content type changes accordingly
it's not said that it would
application/json would use a JsonConvert method
i said "most comfortable"
doesnt mean it will work :D
It seems, that it is seperated
you can also provide the serializer where you choose which endpoint to call
then again, how could I return this from Generic type method?
or you can just not make such a generic method
@Taurib what do you expect the generic type to be?
@Taurib that's the point, you wouldn't try to make one method handle everything
the handler should be chosen according to the type you expect to be returned
or the information should be given to you in another way
don't expect to "figure it out"
technically a string like "{\"a\": \"test\"}" could be a completely valid string return value and not json
does if (typeof(T) == typeof(String)) work?
or is that stupid?
it works
like... like... if (typeof(T) is String) hehe
but return statment is not valid
return "" as T;
where T : class
still wouldnt recommend it
because the design of this method is kinda bad
too much implications
Cannot implicitly convert type 'string' to 'T'
"" as T
that is like... furthest away from implicit
< here is implicit
here is as operator -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->
The type parameter 'T' cannot be used with the 'as' operator because it does not have a class type constraint nor a 'class' constraint
even with as
3 mins ago, by Wietlol
where T : class
when would T not be a class?
where should that be defined?
I'd have assumed that is true by default
ah wait
Int32 is not a class
Decimal is not a class
Are they primitives?
what would you call them?
in C-harp, structs are not classes and structs cannot use the as operator
struct cant be null
that seems unnecessarily complicated
just cast it
My publish profile isn't publishing all of the assemblies
casting doesnt seem to work
direct cast, like this
casting doesn't work
then wrong type to be cast
(T) ""
(T)content doesn't work?
For Task<T>, when trying to return (string)content - Cannot implicitly convert type 'string' to 'T'
T is generic
You have to return a T obviously
if (typeof(T) == typeof(String))
(dont ask me why, I know it is bad)
@Taurib Can you give your method
2 mins ago, by Kendall Frey
(T)content doesn't work?
This should work
You're technically correct, the best kind of correct.
Ahh, this sucks with converting Guid value anyway..
@KendallFrey there are a lot of things that should work
Tried a bit hack solution
                if (typeof(T) == typeof(UserGuid))
                    content = $"\"Result\": \"{content}\"";

                return JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<T>(content);
and MS is still making more things that should work differently
public class UserGuid
    public string Result { get; set; }
"Error converting value \"Result\" to type 'AtlasConnection.Models.Response.UserGuid'. Path '', line 1, position 8."
"\"Result\": \"8820d23d-a115-451b-89e5-7ca4866542c1\""
"Result": "8820d23d-a115-451b-89e5-7ca4866542c1" is also not a valid Json value
(I am still Wietlol)
I dont understand at all, youre deserializing it, just let JsonConvert handle your type.
If you given the wrong type to be deserialize, then it will return default of T, isnt it already fine?
then you end up with a dynamic type
it is generic type.
you defined type in design time.
you're missing information. literally any valid json would be returned from that call
To know how to deserialize it, you should know beforehand
you should know because of which URL you used
Made a hack solution for this (not beautiful one)
        private async Task<T> ReadContentAsync<T>(HttpResponseMessage response)
            var content = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
                if (typeof(T) == typeof(UserGuid))
                    content = "{\"Result\": \"" + content + "\"}";

                return JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<T>(content);
            catch (Exception ex)
                return default(T);
so you need to provide that info in some way, via content-type or I don't think you can just write a generic handler for this
At least it works at this point
I think the Taurib problem is the response is given wrong json format
Now, why are you returning default(T) instead of throwing the exception?
Yes and no
The problem with this is that this is a UserGuid handler, not a generic handler
Problem was, that one endpoint decided, it is good idea to return plain text
while others return json
you can't know which is returned based on the content
it's always a string, even when it is deserialized into something else
default(T) is returned to not to break application <- not best solution, yes
you mean content?
That doesn't seem right
The application should handle an exception, rather than handling an empty value
Well, it is one internal project, and I try to keep it alive as much as possible
there needs to be a lot of refactoring to be done
but there is not enough time for that
you shouldn't be using generics here imho
and I do agree with you, that this error should be handled better
you should have a handler for each type you expect to receive
it is API base class
so leave it to the implementations to determine how to deserialize
you can't do it in the base class
make an abstract method Deserialize which takes a string and returns T
I call API out like that:
userGuid = await GetAsync<UserGuid>($"getguid/{username}");
then you can add the UserGuid logic in its own implementation
Well, I have modifeid this class for spesific api, but I didn't foresee this random text response
Anyway, thanks for the discussion, need to get some human fuel now
@Taurib Cannibal ಠ_ಠ
I wish the Avalonia XAML editor had some intellisense
I may as well be writing in notepad
How to git pull a subdirectory?
Ah sorry I mistook you for google again didint i
anyone has any idea why my windows service works fine on my local machine but on another one it stops working without any error when Im starting new STA thread?s
@Dess 'cause windows
If you catch a Chinchilla in Chile
And cut off its beard, willy-nilly
You can honestly say
That you have just made
A Chilean Chinchilla's chin chilly.
@Wietlol weren't you a Java freak?
He's the Kotlin freak, close enough
I see
or both
dig a hole in front of Wiet
shout: Kotlin is shit
run quickly
.. based on?
Looking at the starred messages, I see that the room, in its perspicacious wisdom, has determined that Neil's second "yo" was, indeed, only 2/3rds as good as his first "yo".
looking at the starred messages, the last 3 hours were boring...
I agree with both these statements
if i were to use the value of function from sql server
should I made my variable the same as return type of the function?
I see DataTable is used
why not int if function from sql server is returning int
You're using raw ADO.NET calls, then?
You can use ExecuteScalar for that, to receive as single value, instead of a resultset as a datatable.
no my simple question is why can't int variable be used to hold the value
if my function is returning int
That's what I answered.
oh sorry, haven't used it
As usual, you're making a lot of assumptions. We don't know what classes you're using to connect to SQL server. We don't know how you're querying or what your code looks like. "I see DataTable is used" means nothing.
yes, using System.Data
And then...?
(Incidentally, those namespaces are old, and most people use higher-level frameworks like Dapper/EF to retrieve data, rather than manually opening DbConnections and loading DbReaders or DbAdapters into DataTables)
sorry @AvnerShahar-Kashtan I just started looking into ADO.net
class using to connect to sql server:- SqlConnection
and then SqlCommand
I see SqlCommand.ExecuteScalar returns object
my question was why can't return type int of sql server function can be same as int of c#?
because sql server isn't an engine written in C#
it has its own types
Though frankly, would be neat to see a database server that you could do everything programmatically without requiring sql or having to convert types, so like just an API in C#
right? :D
I think for as useful sql is, we can have alternatives nowadays
avner thank you
well that.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan I'm Evil.
@Neil but would you want your queries to be in your client application?
or make your queries on the db server and call them by name?
Does c# have some smart way instead of "return default(T);" to return new object (not null)
yes, throw new NotSupportedException("Just don't try again.");
default(T) is hideous
because it implies that T is generic and therefor allows any type
and not every type has a no-args constructor
if one has, I highly recommend not using it
Alright .. :D
@Wietlol you can call them by name just the same
it doesn't have to be local. it can still call a server for the request
but I mean, it wont work like how EF works, where your queries are inside your application
it would be similar to stored procedures
except, those stored procedures would be in C#
well like typical sql-based databases, you can do it whichever way you prefer
@Wietlol @Taurib default(T) does NOT return a default instance of the class T. It returns the default value, so for reference types it reutrns ´null´ and for value types it returns ´0´ or the corresponding default value.
If you want a non-null value, you'll have to do it manuallly, for example make an Interface IDefaultConstructable with method CreateDefaultInstance() and make T implement that interface.
default(T) returns a non-null value for structs
right, lemme rephrase
a similar approach is using reflection to find a constructor without arguments and call that
which is even worse
What if your T is an abstract class? You cant just build a default instance of that. What to do with abstract methods?
then it'll throw an exception
I often make an IDictionary<Type, Func<T>>
So don't pass an abstract class as T
You don't know what T is
That's the point of generics
well the class providing what T is knows what T is..
i remain convinced throwing an exception is better
If you pass an abstract class as T to a class which attempts to instantiate it, you need to be hit with a tack hammer because you are a retard
or use Result<T>/Optional<T>
If you want T to be creatable, you can restrict T to types with constructors, then oyu can create a default instance
if you make a class that accepts a generic type and makes an instance of it, you also need to be hit with a tack hammer
depends entirely on the scope of the class
public T GeteSomeT<T>(HttpResponse responseToParse) where T: new() =>
return GenericTryParse<T>(reponseToParse, T output)? output : new T();
if it does something like that, I have to think it's main role is some sort of builder or factory
Note: Don't make a GenericTryParse
Stop talking bollocks, generics have loads of valid uses
generics are awesome
that's just a generic rule of thumb
@Squirrelkiller An abstract class will default to null.
@LeeButler generics have loads of valid uses, doesnt mean that it should be abused
@Avner then you can go with default(T) again and just deal wiht the null.
I just found a method with fourty-fucking-four parameters.
How many of them are optional?
How many of them are effectively optional if you only know the implicitly default value for them?
some ref, some hard coded bools that differ from case to case (switch case), some of them constants (again differ by switch case=
Gotta look at that first, so far 3 methods that just call the next one with the same parameters
So nothing here is optional, as far as I can overview this clusterf...cluster of more switch cases and try/catches
that is nothing compared to what I am doing now
I am refactoring a view that was made for 6 different kind of models with each 2 different formats of their values
and all switch cases were made in the actual view code
We have DynamicFOrms in our new ANgular application, that build the form from the json the WebAPI returns. I'm kinda scared.
If I have a Factory class, can I just call all my DAO methods within it? (i.e. add object to list)
sounds more like a job for a repository
a Factory is basically a Func<T>, it provides a value for you
@Wietlol yeah got it set up to return specific objects, just wondering if I could call DAO methods from it as well instead of doing in in presentation layer
Factory generates unique IDs and trying to check if it exists before returning new instances
Why DAO? Why in the presentation layer? Why... oh, nevermind. I'm guessing "historical reasons".
It's for a uni assignment
uni assignments are often silly
Yeah it's very ambiguous and so many different ways to do it which is why I'm struggling
Might just have to create a post
You'll have to elaborate on what you mean by "Factory" class, what your DAO classes are, and where are you trying to call their methods.
05:00 - 15:0015:00 - 00:00

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