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1:47 AM
R.I.P Youtube..
3 hours later…
4:38 AM
4:56 AM
as long as Friday video is there, Youtube will exists...
5:07 AM
5:46 AM
Gooood moorniiiiiing CeeeShaaaaarp! Have you met any previously unknown people lately?
is this a good day?
It is a good day!
6:02 AM
great ! ♥
oooo goood morninggggg
6:15 AM
@Squirrelkiller i did.
good morning
6:31 AM
Hi @Neil
@AtanvarCoslin Why hello, good sir. :)
what are u doing now?
sitting at my desk mostly
i'm destroing my ass doing sql on Altervista
altervista lets you have access to a database of your own?
6:39 AM
Altervista, 7?
@Neil yep
@nyconing yees...i dunno... online altervista :)
Who'd you meet, Proxy?
I won't even consider one of those "build your own webpage" websites unless it lets me upload files directly, has a github port, and provides its own free database to use
otherwise I feel it's too much of a hassle to deal with :P
6:55 AM
just use github.io :D
@Neil I agreee but you should explain it to my teacher.... lmao
well it has its own database at least
@Neil Hi! You helped me lot yesterday can I ask you a little question about yesterday?
@DarthSucuk Sure. Is it really little though? ;)
yes :D
listView1.Items.AddRange((from ListViewItem lvi in _listView select (ListViewItem)lvi.Clone()).ToArray());
            listView2.Items.AddRange((from ListViewItem lvi1 in _listView2 select (ListViewItem)lvi1.Clone()).ToArray());
when I do this it's get 1A TO 2A and 2B
7:12 AM
That code look complicated
@DarthSucuk In what sense? 1A gets copied to 2A and 2B?
what about 1B?
yes 1A gets copied to 2a and 2b
I don't know where is my 1B
@DarthSucuk can you format your code?
 public partial class Form1 : Form
        public List<ListViewItem> _listView { get; set; }
        public List<ListViewItem> _listView2 { get; set; }

        public string com = main.sirket;
        public string pers = main.personeladı;
        public string descrip = main.desc;
        public string toppay = main.toplampay;

        public Form1()

        public Form1(List<ListViewItem> listView, List<ListViewItem> listView2)
private void prew_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            List<ListViewItem> myList1 = new List<ListViewItem>();
            List<ListViewItem> myList2 = new List<ListViewItem>();
            if (listView1.Items.Count > 0)
                foreach (ListViewItem lvi in this.listView1.Items)
            if ((listView2.Items.Count > 0))
                foreach (ListViewItem lvi1 in this.listView2.Items)
EXEC Master..xp_cmdshell bcp SSIS_Mapping.dbo.NewCommericalTriggers out D:\DB_Backup\SSIS_Mapping.dbo.NewCommericalTriggers_17102018.dat  -n -T
7:21 AM
@DarthSucuk _listView2 = listView;
I'm guessing you meant to write _listView2 = listView2; there
-- SQL Table Backup
-- Developed by DBATAG, www.DBATAG.com
DECLARE @table VARCHAR(128),
@file VARCHAR(255),
@cmd VARCHAR(512)
SET @table = '[SSIS_Mapping].dbo.NewCommericalTriggers' --  Table Name which you want    to backup
SET @file = 'D:\DB_Backup\' + @table + '_' + REPLACE(CONVERT(CHAR(10), GETDATE(), 103),'/','') --  Replace C:\MSSQL\Backup\ to destination dir where you want to place table data backup
+ '.dat'
SET @cmd = 'bcp ' + @table + ' out ' + @file + '  -n -T '
Print @cmd
EXEC Master..xp_cmdshell @cmd
SQLState = 08001, NativeError = 2
Error = [Microsoft][ODBC Driver 11 for SQL Server]Named Pipes Provider: Could not open a connection to SQL Server [2].
SQLState = 08001, NativeError = 2
Error = [Microsoft][ODBC Driver 11 for SQL Server]A network-related or instance-specific error has occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server. Server is not found or not accessible. Check if instance name is correct and if SQL Server is config
ured to allow remote connections. For more information see SQL Server Books Online.
this chat room now looks like a code dump site
!!welcome-c# Ivin
@Ivin Welcome to the C# chat! Please review the room guidelines and tips. If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
There's websites for that
7:34 AM
@Neil holy mother of god
you saved my life twice
well more importantly, do you know why that fixed it?
goood morning :)
sarcastic comment
I just try out kendals font
There is no rules that strictly restricted in this room
Rob is always guarding us
yes public Form1(List<ListViewItem> listView, List<ListViewItem> listView2)
_listView = listView;
_listView2 = listView2;

List<ListViewItem> listView, List<ListViewItem> listView2 geting value and when I wrote listview it's getting 1a
@Neil you are my mannnn
7:47 AM
@nyconing all hail rob?
@DarthSucuk I don't bend that way, but not judging :)
did you just assumed a gender? /s
8:03 AM
did you just assume I exist?
I prefer to be called meta-physical spiritual essence
Good morning. I forgot you guys existed this morning. \o
I've build a simple app which sort same/similar images
so, it rename image files which checked as similar images
( low quality / resized / same as original / and so on image files )
like 'original file (n).ext'
@RoelvanUden o/
Yes let me just install that random msi from that unknown online dude
@Arphile and now what?
8:16 AM
just feel free to test and enjoy :)
if you have recommendation 4 improve, tell me.
Sure. Huge improvement tip: Don't make binaries for programmers. They don't trust them. Source code or run it as JS (because sandbox). ;-)
could be possible. ;-)
I went to Malta last week, and found one significant gap in their offering of british snacks - Maltesers
Just thought you should know
8:43 AM
@Arphile y not github
Which is more faster in Windows, querying files or streaming the content of files?
seems like querying files in a directory is much slower: stackoverflow.com/q/21039104/2304737
querying files? as in from a database blob column?
Both of those terms don't really mean anything
searching for files in windows, once you reach a certain number of files, is very very slow
I mean, getting info of files in a directory
8:55 AM
so people who do it that way they tend to create lots of subdirectories
not using the GUI of course
What kind of info? And that question is about using the linux shell, which isn't even slightly relevant
getting info of files in a directory, ok, gotcha. Versus what?
@mr5 What exactly is the question?
What kind of info? Attributes, file times?
What kind of querying?
file content?
8:57 AM
Streaming? That's contents?
we could reduce it to file names maybe?
Closed as This question is ambiguous, vague, incomplete, or rhetorical and cannot be reasonably answered in its current form.
I mean, which is more faster, counting number of files in a directory(not using any cache), vs streaming the content of a file
@Squirrelkiller i didn't think about that. hehe..
On what planet would they be sufficient analogues for eachother
What exactly are you trying to achieve
8:58 AM
@LeeButler you're so mean man. That's why I don't ask on S...O wait
This question smells...
@Arphile That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: y, ye
8:59 AM
I think I just can't build the words
you don't have to source code, so you can't build them
9:02 AM
Imagine, instead of storing an array of objects into a single file, you store it into multiple files. Each file represent a single object. Now, my question is, would it be more faster to query for a data in a different file (let's also say, we put indexing using the filename here), or the usual way where we find an object in a single file
if anyone wants to read a good (but a little depressing) story about infosec
No, single file is faster
also, how can you convert that sentences in a single sentence just like a native speaker would say it
Before I even read further, if you need all of the objects is definitely slower to split it across files
Your question is:
Is it faster to read a certain amount of data from a single file, or to read the same amount of data from several files?
9:04 AM
in that case sequential or random?
(matters a lot)
@Squirrelkiller now that I have explained it further, this paraphrasing has now a bias. They have a more context :(
If you only need a single object, I would store some sort of object reference and the associated file and load the file that way
@SebastianL let's say, dynamic search algorithm, based on the content of the directory
You absolutely should not do more file IO than you need to. So opening each file to find out what's in there is a terrible way to go about it. Make a contents file if you have to
@mr5 how much performance optimization do you actually need?
9:06 AM
@LeeButler the idea is to open a single file only.
we will use the filenames as an index or a key if possible
or subdirectories for categorization
@SebastianL enough performance that we could say it's faster I think
Do not use folder or really any naming scheme to organise your files
Why not? Let's say, this kind of storage system will not be accessed manually by humans
Use some sort of data file which will always be the same which can catalogue all of your files and find them instantly. You'll save a huge amount of time not enumerating directories
I have an example of something I'm running in production now
This file contains the details on how to find nearly 3 million individual files based on their order number (each file contains data for a single order)
Enumerating the folders to find a specific order can take minutes, but if I just open that up and feed it the order ID, it gives me the exact filepath and then I can open the file directly from that
It's basically just a big dictionary of order numbers and filepaths
different file means potentially different disk location
different disk location means the reader arm takes longer to get that information for you when requested
though if they were saved side by side and requested at the same time, I don't think there would be a performance drop..
lets say potentially slower to use multiple files
I think the actual file info is saved in a completely separate part
there's a block dedicated towards file information in windows
You're talking as if hard drives (which he might not even be using) work in that optimal way and don't piss files all over the platters like a shotgun.
9:18 AM
you don't have to load the contents of a file just to know when the last time it was modified
And yes, the Master File Table, but that isn't always the most efficient way as it can be quite large
Indeed, file attributes and times are stored in the file info node.
@LeeButler that's the part where the optimization on that kind of storage system comes into play.
@LeeButler Did I give the impression that it is likely to be just as performant? If so, then no. That's almost assuredly not the case
To iterate over a directory, those are read anyway. You'll already have that info.
9:21 AM
@Neil "though if they were saved side by side and requested at the same time, I don't think there would be a performance drop.." That is highly unlikely to happen on normal hard drives
So, do you think, that kind of storage system can outperform the RDBMS?
@LeeButler I didnt say it was likely. I said if that were the case, there wouldn't be a performance drop
God no, an RDBMS is 100% the fastest way to do it. I assumed you weren't using one though because you probably wouldn't be trying to find things by looking at their filenames if you were
But it's a hell of a lot faster than doing loads of IO ops to find files
It is a nightmare when every variable name add $
Actually, it's just in my head. I'm not doing anything related to it lol
9:32 AM
Ba dum tss?
10:08 AM
@LeeButler each order in its own file :o
@mr5 I think I understand your question, but not exactly. "..indexing using the file name here" isn't clear to me. Seems like you're asking if its faster to parse one large file, looking for a specific item, or to use a table (? "index") to find and then read only that specific item.? But the answer seems obvious. ?
potentially odd question
does anyone know of a way to have an Azure DevOps build run a set of automated tests that are allowed to fail, but have it enforce having fewer failures each time?
I know you can set things to still run when a task fails, but I don't want that because I want the first set of tests (more normal unit tests) to fail the build if they fail
and I know you can have it fail the build if code coverage decreases, which is kinda what I want, but with code pass rate
basically, I have a prediction engine and a set of test cases, and I want to be able to run those test cases on the build
I fully expect to get a non-100% pass rate, because no prediction engine is perfect
but I'd like to have the build publish the current pass rate, so I can see that a particular version has a particular prediction accuracy
and I'd like to fail any build that reduces the accuracy compared to the last version
10:24 AM
@ABuckau not parse. both will stream its content. folder being the file, and its content will be the files.
@anaximander It's hard to imagine a scenario where you would tolerate failures
but I can see where it will be slower when we implement a "join" to it
you should disable such tests if it's tolerable
@Neil Like I said, it's a prediction engine
for something that's not 100% deterministic; some human judgement is required
so it has a load of test cases, and for each test case, it needs to give a suggested value
that's not really how junits are supposed to work though
10:34 AM
I did say it's not really "unit tests"
they're not ideal for situations where you don't know if it is right
I have actual unit tests; a suite of tests where any failure means the code is bad
those work just fine
these are more like performance tests
ok, my point was that you shouldn't use unit tests for testing performance
where I feed it a list of test cases and their actual values, and it gives me a result like "74% predicted correctly"
not unless low performance is geniunely a failure
10:36 AM
I never said I was using unit tests, I just said I want to run some tests in an automated way
and I want to fail if the performance is worse than last time
so that I can see that each version of the software is getting better at predicting the values
label it what you will. whatever you call it, it isn't ideal for what you're trying to use it for
what isn't ideal?
I haven't said what I'm using
because I'm not using anything
I came here to ask what to use
so I'm not sure how you can say "it isn't ideal for what you're trying to use it for" when I was asking what it is
Well, just basing myself on this:
6 mins ago, by anaximander
so it has a load of test cases, and for each test case, it needs to give a suggested value
you talk about test cases, but not unit testing
you can see how that can be misleading
not particularly
"test case" is a generic term for a thing where you know what should happen given certain inputs
it's applicable to unit tests, integration tests, manual UI tests, scripted BDD tests...
perhaps I should be more precise
- Given that I have a set of sample inputs and the correct output value for each
- Given that I can write code to feed a sample value into the software and compare its ouput to the correct value
- Given that I want to do the above in an automated manner as part of a CI build
- Given that I would like the results of the above to be shown with the build results in some easy-to-read view
- Given that I would like to be able to fail a build if the software produces fewer correct predictions than the last run
well seeing how I don't know what the hell I'm talking about, I'll leave that answer to the next fellow
10:49 AM
names might throw you off, but its quite a nice article
1 hour later…
11:55 AM
Dynamic form.
Form has X fields.
Fields can have validate methods on them.
When validating, every validator of every field gets called, each adding an error message.

This special form has, beside others, three special fields.
At least one of these checkboxes has to be activated.
Each checkbox gets the same validator: if no field is active, return error message.
Therefore, when n o field is active, we get the same message three times.

Thanks so much my rubber duckies, even just typing this helped me properly understand and solve it.
what's \r\?
In C# and Linux Mint, how can I find all files and paths that starts with given text?
@Squirrelkiller VbCrLf
@JaakkoSeppälä StartsWith and grep I guess?
odd to ask about C# and Linux Mint IMO
12:08 PM
@Default Okay. I thougt StartsWith list files such that the name of the file contains given characters. Well, I like Linux and took a course to learn C# so that is the reason for odd combination.
you mean C# is different in linux mint?
how can I find all files and paths that starts with given text and list files such that the name of the file contains given characters seems pretty equal to me
You could use EnumerateFiles as well and pass in a searchpattern
I mean that if I search for example "Hello World", I can see list of files that contains the string "Hello World" as a beginning. For example it lists /home/jaakko/Desktop/hello.txt and /home/jaakko/Documents/letter.txt if I have those files that start with "Hello World".
12:40 PM
oh, you mean the content, not the filename
1:04 PM
is this OAUTH configuration correct?
// Configure the application for OAuth based flow
            PublicClientId = "self";
            OAuthOptions = new OAuthAuthorizationServerOptions
                TokenEndpointPath = new PathString("/Token"),
                Provider = new ApplicationOAuthProvider(PublicClientId),
                AuthorizeEndpointPath = new PathString("/api/Account/ExternalLogin"),
                AccessTokenExpireTimeSpan = TimeSpan.FromDays(14)
                //AllowInsecureHttp = true
should I enable AllowInsecureHttp????
whenever I try to login the error returned is invalid_client 400 bad request
can anyone help me?
Yes. I tried using System;
using System.IO;

class Program
static void Main()
// Get list of files in the specific directory.
// ... Please change the first argument.
string[] files = Directory.GetFiles("C:\\PerlsComStage\\",

// Display all the files.
foreach (string file in files)

but got

Unhandled Exception:
System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Access to the path '/boot/efi' is denied.

string[] files = Directory.GetFiles("/",
so you're trying to find all files on your computer where the files content starts with a certain pattern?
Q: Ignore folders/files when Directory.GetFiles() is denied access

RowanI am trying to display a list of all files found in the selected directory (and optionally any subdirectories). The problem I am having is that when the GetFiles() method comes across a folder that it cannot access, it throws an exception and the process stops. How do I ignore this exception (an...

1:19 PM
@Default can you help me
thank you
2:08 PM
just had a meeting about upgrading our legacy websites
so I was like "yay, we are finally going to get rid of our asp.net 4.0 web frigging forms monoliths"
but no, we are upgrading the server from Windows 2008 to Windows 16
anyone knows a C#/webservice to convert html (text with styling and colour) to svg ?
2:24 PM
@Wietlol I try to login on a web api using bearer
and the error message is 400 bad request
this is where I configure the app to oauth flow
 // Configure the application for OAuth based flow
            PublicClientId = "self";
            OAuthOptions = new OAuthAuthorizationServerOptions
                TokenEndpointPath = new PathString("/Token"),
                Provider = new ApplicationOAuthProvider(PublicClientId),
                AuthorizeEndpointPath = new PathString("/api/Account/ExternalLogin"),
                AccessTokenExpireTimeSpan = TimeSpan.FromDays(14),
                AllowInsecureHttp = true
@Riccardo did you just wait around for someone else to mention something in order to ask them your already asked question? :)
i forgot I've already asked it
it was some time ago
2:36 PM
@Riccardo why is that message direct to me?
I can't see anyhow my message through Fiddler
I have an asmx plain web service installed into my local IIS
calling it from imported WSDL
plain WCF
and Fiddler doesn't trace anything
3:05 PM
@Wietlol What do you want to know?
greg I got a question buddy
@ntohl Try netstat to see if the connection even opens up.
@Skullomania Hey bud, long time. What up?
I know, long story as well
Ha, okay. Well, I have time.
@Greg it returns value from server, that I defined
3:08 PM
Hello, everyone! I was having an error in getting my combobox values from the settings properties, and I don't know which type of method should I declare for showing the values. I have the values shown in a combobox, the values were there but the way it was excuted is per character.

here is my code:
`private void Foodcs_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
string foodcat = Properties.Settings.Default.FoodCat;
string[] comboRows = foodcat.Split('|');

Properties.Settings.Default.FoodCat = foodcat;
The application does? Then I assume that Fiddler is either not decrypting or seeing the traffic on the port.
I have a company that is being stingy with sql server space and such, is it possible to use a remote sql server for databases and still be able to use internal AD for authentication/
I should be able to
wouldnt I just optionally use the IP address?
@Skullomania It is possible, but you could use Azure Active Directory. It is free, and you can copy your local Active Directory to it nightly.
to connect to the server?
I try to enforce proxy the request to Fiddler
but can't
3:10 PM
@Skullomania Is this to connect to your site or the database?
I need database space
            var uri = new Uri(WS.Url);
            credCache.Add(uri, "Basic", netCred);
            WS.PreAuthenticate = false;
            var aaa = new WebProxy("", false)
                Credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials,
                BypassProxyOnLocal = false,
                UseDefaultCredentials = true

            var aa = WS.Proxy.IsBypassed(uri);
            var aaaa = WS.Proxy.GetProxy(uri);
            WS.Credentials = credCache;
@ntohl That is odd, I have not encountered that problem with Fiddler. You could go into your NIC card settings and force the proxy there, that way Fiddler would register on your loopback.
They gave me a server with a premade database and expect me to use the one for all of the apps
aa shows it IS bypassed. No matter I put in false in the constructor, and BypassProxyOnLocal = false
3:11 PM
with a single premade database
Okay, but is the link to Active Directory for the database access or the site itself?
the site
Does the site store the user information inside of it?
information about the user
roles and such
user ID
so yes perhaps
the database does
not the site
3:14 PM
@ntohl Do not try to bypass in code, change your network card to have a proxy of Then reference to your local instance, then run Fiddler and it should show the call. The other thing you could do would be to open a separate instance where that reference is and have Visual Studio link to the other process where that would be hit to jump
the site will have code to grab info from AD once and a while to keep the user info uptodate
Okay, so nothing too large. Yes, you can use local active directory and a remote database. However, may be better to do a Azure Active Directory with the remote SQL database. For the flexibility, but either way yes you can do it. The only issue you might have is if the remote server is not apart of the domain forest for active directory.
I thought azure charged for databases and such for your application
You would want to verify access within their domain, a lot of them force specific IP addresses in the firewall, or VPN access, etc. so you'll want to check a lot of that.
They charge for database, but Azure Active Directory is free.
3:17 PM
But depending on the usage of the site the database may be pretty cheap on Azure.
the use will be quite heavy
You could always try the Azure free tier which is Free
It's got multiple stages, but a decent chunk of it is and remains free
@Greg where can I set my network card's proxy setting?
In the same place you have done in Windows for the past 18 years
3:21 PM
@Greg you mean in internet options? not at the ethernet driver?
because it's automatically set by Fiddler at startup
No I mean on the ethernet driver, I do that all the time on my Mac and run MITM
I couple MITM with netstat and analyze the traffic when I do iOS development.
You could try MITM instead of Fiddler, but Fiddler is honestly easier for Windows.
@LeeButler Thanks man. I will look into that. I do have an azure account, I know how extra I can be though so I have avoided using it
@Greg are you still playing around with DNN?
3:52 PM
@Skullomania Not really, I got a new job that uses all custom. Then got another job, that does a lot of integration. So the one site that is not custom uses Umbraco.
Well I was working at a local company for a good 10 years or so. After a while I noticed that I could no longer grow and it wasn't due to my skill level as I always got my work done on time, under budget and the customers were extremely satisfied. The straw that broke the camels back for me there was that I applied for a position that would have been a huge pay increase, and I was already doing the job because the previous developer left and no one knew how to do it.
However, they hired someone into the position that knew nothing about how to do it because he was a friend to so and so...
Yeah, sometimes it is not what you know but whom you know.
yes indeed!
I found out my new company offers a tuition reimbursement, so I might go back to school for my undergraduate, then graduate degree. But I am not sure which would be ideal for my growth.
same here, I want to wait till after my first 90 days to ask my boss about it thoughj
I really need to get my degree
alot of places I applied to hired others for having it, its funny, some places prefer experience while others are dead set on a degree
3:59 PM
I am torn between Computer Science with a minor in Cyber Security. Or Cyber Security with a minor in Computer Science. But not sure if a better option exist.
I like the last choice
because you have both, technically
the minor in Computer Science
But Cyber Security
That seems to be the hot thing nowadays
Hell I was trying to think about what to go into, this helps me
4:41 PM
Yeah, but I do not know if my research is correct.
A lot of jobs though suggest math, computer science, and electrical engineering.
I am building a webbrowser that has a method that returns a "page", which is just a container for the html and some other things. Page is the base class for other types of pages that inherit from it
Is there a way to create a generic method that will instantiate an instance of a particular page class that I would like it to?
something like TypeOfPage GetPageAsync<TypeOfPage>(HttpRequestMessage){...}
5:21 PM
@Skullomania After I finish this project, I would be curious about some code review.
5:35 PM
Anyone know how to install a NuGet package for a ASP.NET Website
5:46 PM
@Greg code review?
Well, I would post on GitHub. Because the whole project would be too large or difficult within the constraint of Code Review forum.
what are you working on greg
A migration tool, that will take data out of a system called iPacs into a completely different environmental application for a department called Lucity.
Is this easy to understand?
public void MigrateFacilities(Domain.Entity.Module.Facilities.FacilityModel facility)
    var transformToLucityModel = new FacilityModel(facility);
    using (var requestor = new ApiRequestUtility(logger))
        var lucityId = requestor.PostToLucityApiAndGetLucityId(facilityModelApiUrl, transformToLucityModel);
        foreach(var contact in facility.Contacts)
            requestor.PostToLucityApi(facilityContactModelApiUrl.Replace("@FacilityId", lucityId), new FacilityContactModel(contact));

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