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Xamarin Forms question
If you assigned a Command to a View and add an animation Behavior to it, how can you defer the execution of the Command so that the animation can be seen by the users?
Make the syntax highlighting in chat.SO possible!
Goooood moorniiiiing CeeeeeShaaaaarp! Have you read or watched any previously unknown stories, movies or series lately?
@mr5 What has robert to do with SO chat syntax highlighting?
Also: Should the full animation absolutely be seen by the user, even though the command is quick?
If so: whats the outcome of the command? New screen? Data filled in? Stuff moves around?
@Squirrelkiller isn't he the author of this chat.SO?
If so, I didn't know
AFAIK he's just the guy who runs Cap
@Squirrelkiller yes it should
new screen
posted on September 19, 2018 by jonskeet

This is more of a quick, explanatory “heads-up” post than anything else. On March 31st 2018, I started an experiment: I created a new Stack Overflow user called “Daisy Shipton” with no picture and a profile that just read “Love coding in C#” (or similar). I wanted to see how a new user presenting with … Continue reading Farewell Daisy Shipton →

That animation...is it played on click? Can you play it on...view change or something?
Everyone who usually ignores those: Read that Feeds article from Skeets blog, it's short and nice :D
I hope to read of his next experiment too
Yes. The animation should be played on click. It's just a fading animation. The same as what iOS button does
Doesnt the view have some kind of switch-out event you can couple the animation with?
...doesnt it actually have a mechanic to plug in an animation for switching views?
Why not put the animation into OnDisappearing()
Then I would have to detect which button was clicked
The click event would happen first before the OnDisappearing
Oh the animation only plays on a specific button? Ok. Thought it was for when the view switches in general.
The animation returns a Task. You can wait for that to finish.
Could put the task as parameter into the command
Ahm no
There are 5 buttons in a single page. Each will navigate to certain pages. I binded each button with commands and the animation using behaviors
Different animations ofr each?
Each animation would take ~250ms to finish
They are all the same animations
Morning Kamil o/
@mr5 So..whenever that view disappears, that same animation plays?
why cant you just await the animation and then call view change
@KamilSolecki hisashiburi oniichan
@KamilSolecki yes that's what I am doing right now. I put Task.Delay(250) on each command just to synchronize with the animation but it's still a hack. I want the clean way
@Squirrelkiller ughhh why can't you understand mi engrish!
@mr5 As far as I understood:
1) You press any button
2) Button starts an animation that fades out the view
3) .Delay Hack ends and command switches view
@Squirrelkiller fades out the text. it doesn't switch view, it navigates view
Whats the different between switch and navigate here?
we use navigate when we refer to page transition right?
!!> 'switch'.length - 'navigate here'.length
@Neil -7
(Also I didnt get why you cant await the animation task in the commands)
oh I forgot to mention I am using MVVM
@Squirrelkiller the animation takes place on the View part while the Navigation takes place on the ViewModel
@mr5 I mean, do you actually go to a new view, do you build a new object? Or do you keep your keep and change it? Because if you go to a completely new view, your current view object disappears
command executes on the ViewModel and animation executes on View
it's a new view
Also, does wrapping your ceilings and walls with foil actually maximizes WiFi signal on the entire house?
Has anyone here tried this?
Also, when should I use "has" or "have"
@mr5 No, because I'm not a lunatic
Otherwise I'll have to put on the tin foil hat to match
Do you need to be a lunatic to do it?
Also, what is lunatic? I only hear that word in Ragnarok and it's some kind of weak monster
@mr5 Well it used to refer to someone who worshipped the moon
Since that was a satanic thing, it was considered something done by crazy people
So lunatic is synonymous with crazy
@Neil how about this:
11 mins ago, by mr5
Also, when should I use "has" or "have"
@mr5 Use "has" when it is single third person
John has the pen.
John and Mary have pens.
@mr5 nono, i mean if anim returns a task, just await completion
@Neil "I have a pen, he have a pen, and she has a pen" like this?
@mr5 Not sure if being trolled or..
he/she/it are pronouns representing third person singular
@Neil "she" is the only single person, both are married
so he has a pen
what if he don't?
he doesn't have a pen
@KamilSolecki yeah but Command and Animation takes place on different classes
@Neil how can you sure he doesn't have a pen?
you use "to do" as a helper verb there, and it becomes the third person singular form
you don't.. language doesn't shape reality..
iam using the following process for calling post method through system.net.http.httpclient.
But i need how the same method is called using windows.web.http.httpclient string jsonString = DBHelper.GetJsonString(objrequest);
var client = new HttpClient();
string url = string.Format(ServiceUrl.DAYCLOSURE_SUMMERY,strProtocol, strIpAddress, strPortNumber, jsonString);

var request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url);
var postData = jsonString;
//strJsonRequest = strJsonString;
var data = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(postData);
@Hariprasadkasavajjala use ctrl+K to format your code
GoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOd Mornin' pleberinos!
iam using the following process for calling post method through system.net.http.httpclient.
But i need how the same method is called using windows.web.http.httpclient
 string jsonString = DBHelper.GetJsonString(objrequest);
var client = new HttpClient();
string url = string.Format(ServiceUrl.DAYCLOSURE_SUMMERY,strProtocol, strIpAddress, strPortNumber, jsonString);

var request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url);
var postData = jsonString;
//strJsonRequest = strJsonString;
var data = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(postData);
@mr5 now i have formatted
@Hariprasadkasavajjala Ok, so lets go for 100% here.. what's the problem?
no it's not formatted
or that's just the way you write code?
this method is in system.net.http.httpclient

I wanted it to be in Windows.web.http.httpclient
I am able to do get methods in Web.http.httpclient but Post method returning errors
Windows.Web.Http.HttpRequestMessage Req = new Windows.Web.Http.HttpRequestMessage(Windows.Web.Http.HttpMethod.Post, new Uri(string.Format(ServiceUrl.DAYCLOSURE_SUMMERY, strProtocol, strIpAddress, strPortNumber, strJsonString)));
Req.Headers.Add("ContentType", "application/json");
Req.Headers.Add("ContinueTimeout", "600000");
Uri uri = new Uri(string.Format(ServiceUrl.DAYCLOSURE_SUMMERY, strProtocol, strIpAddress, strPortNumber));
Windows.Web.Http.Filters.HttpBaseProtocolFilter HBPF = GetHttpFilter.GetFilter();
So you want to switch from one implementation to another and have it work perfectly?
That ain't gonna fly
You need to check the documentation on how to call it using the newer implementation
No getting around it
Even if it had worked, you couldn't be certain you were calling it correctly
i don't know how to call it exactly in web.http.httpclient
So, i am asking for help\
But the one i need is not there
> i don't know how to call it exactly in web.http.httpclient
That's when you read the docs
And understand the docs. Don't just look for copypasta source material.
@Hariprasadkasavajjala welcome to programming where you can't just copy and paste code word for word
understand the example and then adapt it for your requirements
If there is something you need to do which isn't covered in the example, find out how to do that thing with the new implementation
i even tried postasync, it didn't work. that's the reason i have asked here
I'm not copy paste guy and will do the thing only after understanding. I'm trying this not implementing to copy and paste
well it's not like you're breaking any rules
copy and paste as much as it helps you of course
My point was that that isn't enough
So the problem is you get errors? What is it?
Is there a tool for C# that formats code like autopep8 in Python? I'm taking a course on C# and I didn't see in my exercise that I wrote while(i<10) rather than while (i<10).
Tools - Options,
Text Editor - C# - CodeStyle - Formatting - Spacing,
untick "Insert space after keywords in control flow statements"
@Hari answer the lady
26 mins ago, by nyconing
So the problem is you get errors? What is it?
@nyconing Tq for ur response. Finally i got a solution
@JaakkoSeppälä SACRILEGE
Fun fact: there are more trees than there are stars in the milky way galaxy.
Account created to answer an specific question? Just created, answers only one question and links to the product. stackoverflow.com/users/10384728/best-iptv
Fun fact: there are 1437 trees in dotatu
Should flag the answer? ATM I just added a comment to elaborate the answer and... actually make it usefull.
@bradbury9 Nah
It should still be downvoted
But one answer isn't enough to treat him like a spammer or promoter
The account name promotes the product xD
It's not even a useful answer top the question anyway
yeah well, probably a spammer just the same.. but you can't really be a spammer until you've spammed numerous times
ok... so... we are fucked
Flagging as spam exactly describes it
@Wietlol What have you done
we have a few servers up and running, one for the database, one for the websites/services one specifically for insurance calculations and whatnot and one for a template engine
we set it up that we have two of those sets of servers running at two different companies
except for the database one, that only runs at one company
so that if one server goes down, we can swap it out with another one
(this has been the case for about 5 years or so)
it has been used like 6 times so far (the swap that is)
but... now we got a call from the company that runs our primary servers (the ones that are online 99% of the time, not the backup ones)
they said that there will be maintenance to whatever the hell not and between Fredas 00:00 and Fredas 06:00, there will be approximately half an hour that they will be offline
so we have to swap again...
but now... we figured that that is not going to be so easy any more
since we have no other database server
so the service can't be down 30 minutes?
and we have some services running in AWS, which for some magical reason cannot connect to our backup servers
what good is swapping if there is no database?
also sending requests to AWS for some even more magical reason doesnt give responses
@Neil I think it can, but our manager is afraid that the maintenance would take longer than that
@Neil guess that when they decided the architecture they thought I would be 24/7 avaliability. Which now looks like a false assumption
so... we have to swap the entire thing to servers that havent been tested in up to 1.5 years
you want to know what's really fun? being told that the gateway project, the one handling all bank requests continually at around 5-15 requests per second, is going to be down 5 minutes everyday and oh.. you're just going to have to make it work like it was up 100% of the time rather than say, buying a second freakin' server
setup the environment before the manteinance, test it as well as you can, cross fingers.
@bradbury9 if you don't have a backup replacement of something, it's not possible to have 100% availability
now, the backup server company says they dont have enough space any more for the database... or maybe our servers dont... iDunno, but we cant host the database there
Yeah, you are right, but sometimes they sell you smoke.
Not possible even with a backup replacement of something, but at least it no longer hinges on the operation of a single computer
and setting up an RDS wouldnt work because the servers at the backup server company wouldnt be able to connect to it for the magical reason I still dont understand
@Wietlol ohhhhhh boy
Someone needs the shit kicked out of them for that
That is not acceptable
there are many things that are not acceptable, yet fully accepted
That is a serious screwup
like async & await
so... as I mentioned before, we are fucked... for hopefully only half an hour while everyone is sleeping
I asked 'what availability do you need?' they answered '24/7' so I designed fallback clusters for the databases and the key services servers. They told 'It is too expensive, IT will grant 24/7 availability via backup/restore'. <-- WTF!!!
> IT will grant 24/7 availability via backup/restore
I remember a quote like that
except "so I designed fallback clusters for the databases and the key services servers and it will cost €30.000 per month. They said it was too expensive. I asked "I could do with 90% availability and it will cost €30 per month, is that okay?". And they accepted that offer."
or something like that
€30.000 == €30 lrn 2 numbers
@Wietlol Well that would not be a total lie, the only fact they were missing is 'if something goes wrong and nobody notices (monitoring) you are screwed'
A cluster would be more thrustworthy
@LeeButler I write in le dutch notation
@Wietlol cuz your currency format is confusing
30.000 is 30k
Stupid wrong europeans
This is why we brexit!
I kid I kid, there's no valid reason why we brexit
only a US citizen can be stupid enough to think europeans are wrong
30k could refer to 30 Kelvin :-P <-- Another euro guy
Someone can pay me 30k to promise 100% availability
Kelvin is a capital K isn't it? And should also have the degrees sign to denote temperature
And I can promise them all day availability right to the point where I board a plane to Bermuda
I get paid more than 30k and I don't promise them any availability
I think kelvin is the default though
> The base unit name for thermodynamic temperature in SI is the kelvin, and symbol is K. Its two defining reference points are absolute zero (0 K) and the triple point of water (273.16 K).
OMG my chrome are rounded
> The modern metric system consists of four electromechanical base units representing four fundamental dimensions of measure: length, mass, time and electromagnetism. The units are:
- the metre for length
- kilogram for mass
KILO gram?
Could we force americans to use Kelvin as a revenge of sticking to Fahrenheit?
what the hell?
why not gram?
Because the IPK is much easier to make than a IPG
You can get away with 1000x more variance if the prototype is bigger as the same variance is relatively smaller
google says "indication horse power"
The kilogram or kilogramme (symbol: kg) is the base unit of mass in the International System of Units (SI), and is defined as being equal to the mass of the International Prototype of the Kilogram (IPK, also known as "Le Grand K" or "Big K"), a cylinder of platinum-iridium alloy stored by the International Bureau of Weights and Measures at Saint-Cloud, France. The kilogram was originally defined as the mass of a litre (cubic decimetre) of water at its freezing point. That was an inconvenient quantity to precisely replicate, so in the late 18th century a platinum artefact was fashioned as a standard...
WTF is Indication horsepower? How hard your indicators work? BMWs musn't have any of that then
@nyconing Haa! Stable version users!
I still have square google because I don't use chrome suck it
The round chrome/google is horrible
> (indicator horsepower, indicator PK, iPK) the power of a steam engine calculated on the basis of the values measured with the indicator
that is a really vague definition
"calculated on the basis of the values measured with the indicator" ROFL
> The magnitude of many of the units comprising the SI system of measurement, including most of those used in the measurement of electricity and light, are highly dependent upon the stability of a 139-year-old, golf-ball-sized cylinder of metal stored in a vault in France.
That's an interesting way of putting it
@LeeButler whaat? you find it horrible
Yes that's what I said
I guess you find Visual Studio in Windows very good UI right?
Visual studio best studio
VS's ui isn't bad
Visual Studio UI is leebutler's standard
LOL wat?
Very little wasted space
Good (maybe a little cramped) information density
I find it the most cluttered UI ever
go read some UX
@mr5 Have you heard about eclipse?
it's cluttered also
I bet you think that's a good use of space
I think Lee Butler would be impressed with this UI
@LeeButler it's clean. why would you want to put something else there if there's no use
Nah but I know somebody who would be
What does the VS layer explorer do?
There's a difference between Efficient use of space and poor UX
@mr5 say no more
All those buttons in VS and you just use debug build/clean/rebuild/release button
That's a terrible UX. There's no consistency whatsoever
@mr5 looks like some of the legacy programs I've worked with XD
Client didn't seem to mind.. actually whenever I tried to put some controls into tabs and whatnot, they never seemed to approve of the changes so I just left it as is
what is Excel supposed to do with 1 + 4% ?
it's like the program for them was better if there was more on the window, like you were cramming answers to the final exam on a single window
@Wietlol it's supposed to add text "1 + 4%"
Excel does 104%
well that seems right to me
maybe you meant 1% + 4%?
library says ExcelErrorValue
that works with open office
just tried it
I use EPPlus
open office is not the interop thing right?
why not try 0,05?
I think LibreOffice is better nowadays
open office is getting on up there with the years
I just need anything that works with the most shit excel file you have ever witnesssed
and no interop
Since 4% is 0.04, 1+4% is 104% or 1.04 depending on number format. Nothing to see here.
nothing particularly odd with that, except maybe adding numbers and percentages together
multiplying I could see, but not adding
Can be easier to think if you wanna go 1/(1-x%) or something
well 1 in that context is really 100%
it is, in any context
100% is, mathematically, 1
only the second one (no pun intended)
it would be more correct to say 1/(100% - x%)
% is a short form of " /100". It literally read "percent". Per. cent. per hundred.
well if we're getting down to brass tacks, if you added 4% to 85, is it wrong? no.. I mean you can
Come on people this isnt too hard, you're professionals.
But it doesn't make sense
@Neil how do I use libreoffice?
@Squirrelkiller Oh your vastly overestimate the clientele of this room
85+4% = 85.04
@Wietlol You download it, and you run it, usually
It's free
@Squirrelkiller you'd be hardpressed to find a scenario where this would make sense
I think you dont understand, I need a library to use an xlsx file
Unless 85 were really representing 8500%
I dont need a spreadsheets application
but then again, I would argue you should write 8500%, not 85
@Neil 85 are, indeed, 8500%
In most cases you'd go y = x*(1+z%)
anyone knows how can i go debug my app in different configuration than debug?
Also yeah, you can debug it in release
debug app without debug? Hmm
You just...shouldnt
VS will go "Hey are you really sure you wanna do that? Was it a mistake maybe? Wanna kill it? Wanna debug in debug?"
Debug app, now with 40% less debug!
i have like 5 different configurations, but i can only debug in debug configuration.. I know its possible, since it only started happening since i upgraded to vs 2017
@LeeButler feel free to scale up
@Dess there are parameters which make a build "debug"
May I suggest copying the existing configuration and just altering it?
@Squirrelkiller Sent out 3 applications today
@Squirrel So which companies do I have to avoid now?
SOftfair? Please say you applied to softfair :D
how can I do that?
Serrala? We need people :D
@Dess Well there's a configuration management
Look to where you'd create a new one, and you'll also see you can copy from an existing one
I don't have visual studio open in front of me, though.. nor have I for the past 3 years roughly
but still, I don't think that's entirely wrong
Not quite. In the COnfigurations dropdown, select new, then this apepars
Some in Altona

FYI a rucruiter sent me an offer from bergedorf.
Shall I tell her to contact you?
Which company?
okay, but which settings make it possible to debug it?
Might be a wise idea, recruiters often do referral fees
@Squirrelkiller Dunno, but It's in Bergedorf and apperently you could do homeoffice
May be awesome to have a commute of 10 minutes :D
Get some free money while you're at it
Noice. Send it over :D
+ please ping so i know you is writing to me
@Squirrel 👌
@Squirrelkiller +1 aswell look telegramm
35h week :O
@Dess : In the properties page of your project => Build tab => Advanced... button do you have Debug Info: None? And on Debug tab do yo have any Enable debuggers checked?
@Squirrelkiller IKR
+ homeoffice opportunity
Like I even need home office when I live 10 minutes from the office :D
I've tried office, home office, train office and beach office. Beach office didn't turn out to be nearly as good as it sounds
Too much sand?
Yeah and sun glare and water. Turns out beaches are great for many things but not hacking on a laptop :)
How to I get the DOwnloads folder path?
From your browser? or... Environment variable?
Nah standard c# library
For some reason I cant find common directories
I am confused as to what you mean. The GAC? or C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio ##.#\Common ?
Say I want to create a file C:\Users\MyProfile\Downloads\log.txt - how do I get that folder?
Oh do you mean common dirs., like users home directory
Do I have to read my profile from registry or somethin and construct the folder?
Yeah common dirs
I think you can query environment variables like %USERPROFILE%
I vaguely remember something like Environment.CommonDirectories.Download for example but I cant find anything...
Hello and all those things
I'm here to rant about how C# can't use structs in fixed size fields when doing interop ...
@Squirrelkiller: System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("UserProfile");
So what if the user moved his downloads folder?
The user doesn't deserve to use your software :)
@Squirrelkiller Environment.Specialfolder or sth like that eh?
Assume the default and offer settings for user to specify there own path.
struct SomethingBasic
    public int SomeNumber;
    public int SomeOtherNumber;

struct SomeComplextType
    /* this is 100% valid */
    public SomethingBasic SomethingBasic1;
    public SomethingBasic SomethingBasic2;
    public SomethingBasic SomethingBasic3;

    /* this isn't ... */
    public fixed SomethingBasic SomethingBasic [3];
What is up with that? It obviously knows the size of SomethingBasic to make a blittable type
Q: Getting Downloads Folder in C#?

Hunter MitchellI have made some code that will search directories and display files in a listbox. DirectoryInfo dinfo2 = new DirectoryInfo(@"C:\Users\Hunter\Downloads"); FileInfo[] Files2 = dinfo2.GetFiles("*.sto"); foreach (FileInfo file2 in Files2) { listBox1.Items.Add(file2.Name); } I have even trie...

But wanting array like behavior is apparently too much to ask.
So now I'm stuck making helper classes ...
@Squirrel found that too, and its yet another hack. Dunno how to find users downloads library.
What does fixed even do?
@WilliamMariager@: I think you need to declare your strict as unsafe e.g unsafe struct
struct not strict :)
Plus I think fixed means fixed at a memory address not fixed in size necessarily, so you can have an unsafe (meaning unmanaged) pointer to it
The CLR moves memory around to mitigate fragmentation.
You sure those are type checks?
could be mistaken for artificial intelligence code

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