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can someone explain me Open-Xml-PowerTools for excel?
nothing makes sense to me
@Squirrelkiller So's English, just not for that word.
take the word intercourse in english
It's both sex and conversation
(makes for a lot of good jokes for that matter)
Its aMbIgUoUs
any chance of a hug?
Hugs are free.
Bugs are also free.
when my Dad was ill , I had to ask the rspca (who I detest) to look after them and when he died i had to sign them over as thats where they came from its in the terms of the contract cos I cant fit his 2 and my 2 in my small ass house...... i just had a call to say they think they will have to put one down cos hes on meds and might get ill and people wont take him on
> them, them, they, his 2, my 2, one, hes, him
Yeah I was missing the context for that but though that might be where it was going
sorry, RSPCA, royal society of protection of cruelty against animals
Yeah I know who they are, you just didn't mention anything about dogs before that
i have 2 medium dogs and a small house, he had 2 very large dogs, and a huge house.. but 2 extra large and 2 medium didnt fit in my house
@BugFinder Can you cover the costs for the dog's meds and put him up for a proper adoption?>
I have 2 endlessly stupid medium sized dogs who every time I hear either of them did something I panic because it's plausible either of them could die
@RoelvanUden The medication might be lifelong though?
it is life long, but the problem is people dont want to adopt dogs with issues (unless they are a sucker like me) they want perfect dogs with great behavior and no issues
One of mine just started on some lifelong meds because after 6 years he suddenly spawned epillepsy
this specific dog also has a habbit of biting dogs that come up to him
I don't think people absolutely must have a perfect dog.. but biting other dogs?
my dog when I was a kid was very epileptic, he got kicked in the head by a horse.. he lived to 15
That's bad behavior.
it has not been helped by my Dad making excuses for the dog rather than teaching it not to
I have another who is 12, and she is miraculously fine
i knew this one would be harder because of that, but it still...
I have a 12yr old dog whos on chemo for life and has cancer of everything
and a dog who wants a toy through around 1 time per second 24/7 if that would be Ok pls ta thanks
@BugFinder that is missing a few characters
Between them they've had major surgery at least 10 times
RSPCA would be Royal Society Protection Cruelty Animals
@Wietlol Unimportant words are noty counted
Royal-Society Protection-Cruelty Animals
Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
I'm.. sorry @BugFinder, but it sounds like those two dogs are sorely lacking in their upbringing :-\
Cruel Pervertion of Animals?
i always told my Dad he gave them neuroses but, still, handing them over to a place that would even dream of putting them down for it
End women's suffrage! They've suffered enough!
even though that was in the adoption contract my dad signed
(kidding, please don't take me seriously for a moment)
Hello how to find all elemnts in one list with same object Id? (one to many relation) using linq
newstuff = list.Where(x => x.objectID=blah);
@BugFinder i dont know the blah
i just have object id
but that is the blah..
@Kob_24 list.GroupBy(x => x.ObjectId) will group them ObjectId.
good morning
Good uhh morning ntohl
I'm off to see the wizzard, the wonderful wizzard of Hochbahn.
Jesus looks like some serious shit with your barking devices
I've had 2 dogs in my life. First one, I knew since I was a baby, playful AF, died when he was old and another dog bit him in the neck.
Second one hung herself during a stormy night, she was really afraid of lightning and tried to headbutt the ceiling of her kennel several times, the last ram her neck was pierced by a metal rod from the ceiling
We also had 2 more dogs, but one of them is at my grandparents' house, she never gets out and lives in a 2m² cell for her whole life like a prisoner, because they didn't want the dog and were stuck with it.
The other one was kept by a relative and I haven't heard back.
aww @HéctorÁlvarez that is sad story!!!
I never had good experiences with bark barks.
that's why I don't want any pets.
such a shame for they do love you with every fur on their body
I can understand
I think the worst story was the one about the dog who lives in a 2m^2 cell and never gets out
yes that sort of story always makes me sad
what makes me sad to go with that @Neil is the dog places over run with animals needing homes, but if you work 37+ hours a week they dont want you to have one cos you arent home enough
My deceased uncle bought her because he liked dogs, but... died. So the dog is now doomed.
I saw her during holidays, I'd never seen a dog so happy to see someone, like ever...
yep, bit like my Dads dog, its a stupid dog, who doesnt like other dogs coming up to its face so tends to snap at them and yet otherwise is a perfectly OK dog, but who will now almost certainly get put down because no one else would bother to feed it half a pill a day and be weary of other dogds
Wait a minute, why are we talking about sad dog stories.
cos Im sad
@BugFinder I can understand that, somewhat
Legit reason
cats are a lot better from this point of view
cats don't cling to you like dogs do
no, and his dogs werent used to being left so would have hated me being out all the time and given the one especially hated dogs anywhere near his face id probably have come home to a blood bath but.. still.. we wouldnt dream of doing it to humans
Well, you don't dream of doing it to humans.
   at System.Threading.Monitor.ObjWait(Boolean exitContext, Int32 millisecondsTimeout, Object obj)
   at System.Threading.ManualResetEventSlim.Wait(Int32 millisecondsTimeout, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
   at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.SpinThenBlockingWait(Int32 millisecondsTimeout, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
   at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.InternalWait(Int32 millisecondsTimeout, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
   at System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1.GetResultCore(Boolean waitCompletionNotification)
Is this stacktrace familiar to anyone?
I think it is in an await AsyncCall()
but it takes hundreds of seconds
@Squirrelkiller Im pretty sure we would have way less of a population issue if all people on pills were put down
@Wietlol sounds like it thinks the thread got aborted
it is a thread abort exception yea
So...who killed the thread?
it set a timeout on 120 seconds
but that call should never take longer than 10
so its blocking somewhere
Can't you debug into that async method?
how do I elegantly inject a stopwatch into my code?
via localhost, everything works fine
only on the server it is borked
and I have no clue how to attach a debugger to it
So network issues? Call IT :D
Something something, talk is cheap, show me the code
but is there an elegant way of injecting a stopwatch into stuff?
@RoelvanUden code is fine though
You can rewrite code with Fody
if you want to inject stopwatch it sounds profiler to me
TIL: If your OData query returns items with duplicate keys, Microsoft.OData.Client will silently Distinct them and return only the first of each Id.
sounds incredibly useful and exactly what you wanted to happen /s
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan ... That's fantastic :\
hmm. How did your keys got non unique?
Sample.OrderStatusList.Where(x => x.LeadOrderID == Sample.OrdersList.Where(y => y.HistoricalID == 4001).Select(y => y.LeadOrderID).SingleOrDefault()).OrderByDescending(x => x.Ticks).ToList()[0].Status == "PreSubmitted"
this code gets an error when the index is 0/null
what can i put to default to '0' in this case?
   var Token =  Sample.OrderStatusList.Where(x => x.LeadOrderID == Sample.OrdersList.Where(y => y.HistoricalID == 4001).Select(y => y.LeadOrderID).SingleOrDefault()).ToList();

                                  if (Token.Count > 0)
                                      Token.OrderByDescending(x => x.Ticks).ToList()[0].Status == "PreSubmitted";
this work around failed....
how did it fail?
what was the workaround for
id guess if the list is none, it the original code would fail, because there was no item [0]...
workaround works, but how do i keep it in 1 statement?
i dont want to create an 'if' to check if it has a count greater than 0
Why do you want it in one statement?
You can write more than one line of code, you know.
why should i write more lines of code to do the same thing?
It would be readable, and would actually work.
Don't underestimate those two fine points of programming.
hmm, sometimes i dont need readability though
so you think i can turn this into 1 line?
what do ya say?
Remember you said that in 6 months from now, when you're looking back at this code, and going "WTF DID I EVEN"
I'm still new to Git and have only been using it on my own. I recently inherited a bunch of projects from a person no longer at the company who was just making copies and renaming the main folder (V1.5, V1.6, V1.7, etc). Is there a way in Git to combine these either as separate commits or branches?
You should always worry about readability so that you can understand your own code 6 months from now, but in the off chance you don't, you still have to worry about readability so that you don't have to worry about programmer serial killers looking up your name in the phone book.
why when i can comment it's function, etc.?
anyways il google it, thanks though
@Hpjchobbes You should be able to init a git repository, copy the contents of the first version, add everything, commit, remove the copied files, copy the next one, add files, commit, and so on
If you were a carpenter and did a shitty job making a wall, maybe that wall "works" in that it does what it is supposed to, but it looks shitty. Nobody, professional or otherwise, is going to look back at that wall and say, "Gee, the guy who built that was really a genius, since I'm sure he got it done in no time flat"
(just keep the previous folders for backup when you do this)
@milleniumbug Yes, was going to do that. I feel like I have a lot of work ahead of me.
you should be able to automate it with powershell
@Neil reminds me of this quote of Shigeru Miyamoto:
> A delayed game is eventually good, but a rushed game is forever bad.
I've heard that quote before
surprisingly deep
@AdanRamirez you could say foreach (var foo in foos.OrderByDescending(bar).Take(1)) { baz(foo); }
that way you don't have to worry about the case where there are no foos
(I really don't care where you got the foos, or what the bar function is, or what you want to do with the foo you got)
It's less efficient
less efficient than what?
than looping through until you find the first foo
sometimes more code is a lot more efficient than 1 line of code..
that's not 1 line of code, also no one said it isn't more efficient
no the first code was 1 line :P
no, in fact I said it was less efficient :P
efficiency isn't everything, I get that, just sayin'
also apparently he wants the maximal foo, not just the first one
you can get max foo by making a single passthrough
foreach (var foo in foos.OrderByDescending(bar).Take(1)) { baz(foo); }
ordering is n log n minimal
get on my level
@Neil linq doesn't provide a MaxBy function by default, and I don't feel like implementing it as part of a response
@M.Aroosi Could be that by calling findFirst, it really does make a single pass
FindFirst doesn't find the maximal element
Depends on how it was implemented, but that would make sense
It is if you "ordered" it
@M.Aroosi FindFirst is based on the current ordering rule of the IEnumerable
also, what's FindFirst?
a List<T> method?
"order by desc value then pick one" is the same as "make a pass and give me the largest value"
if you ordered it, then it will be the first of that order
at least for what concerns results
@M.Aroosi its an extension method from my Optional<T> lib
it returns an Optional<T>
since I don't have such a function, I used Take(1), which returns an enumerable with 0 or 1 values, which is isomorphic to an Optional<T>
same as FindAny and FindSingle (even though Single should probably return an Either)
but I read foreach as "I want to do this operation on a lot of elements"
I read foreach as "I want to do this operation on each element"
if there are 0 elements, it will do nothing
if there's 1, it will do it once
there can't be more than 1 because of the Take(1)
on a side note, am I an idiot or does C# not work?
prolly both
Also, does your Optional<T> support linq query syntax?
using (new Logger(stopwatch))

using (new Logger(stopwatch))
Logger has a dispose method that prints the elapsed millis of the stopwatch
the first one is shown and everything is fine
the second one never gets printed
perhaps it's not disposed?
breakpoint maybe?
its a using statement
perhaps it doesn't reach the using statement
breakpoint maybe?
DoSomethingElse() however takes really long (for a reason I am trying to identify) and ASP.NET aborts the thread due to timeout settings
after 120 seconds
profiler maybe?
(DoSomethingElse is actually more like stuff = await GetStuff();)
on localhost, everything runs fine
only on the server it fails
perhaps the server doesn't have stuff.
so it can't give you any of its stuff
GetStuff does a http request
does the server have an internet connection?
are you sure its able to make that http request in a timely fashion
is the endpoint being requested available?
both yes
are you on your local machine using that same endpoint?
i think so, lemme check
are there any errors on the end point from the machine that doesnt works requests?
well when it requests are there any errors on the end point?
such as "I hate your settings" or "I dont like you" or "I gave up"
are you able to send that request from the server through powershell and get the response?
i cant see those things
i have no access to the logs of the endpoint
is the response supposed to be a large file?
or something like that?
the response is supposed to be an "OK"
or something similar
uhm, no wait
the response is a user name
(different call)
what about trying to send the same HTTP request through something like powershell from the server?
so you can actually see the response that is returned?
(assuming you have that kind of access)
that works
is the response correct?
is there some parsing code in GetStuff?
parsing code?
idk, it gets stuff, and an HTTP response is just text after all
do you have logging/breakpoints in getstuff so you can see where it hangs?
does the server actually send the request (in that call)?
right, it's not friday today
i think i can add some steps between the actual http call and the return
you also may wanna look at changing the end point timeout values
4 hours ago, by Squirrel in training
Why isn't it friday?
27 mins ago, by M. Aroosi
right, it's not friday today
good stuff
well... I guess I will search further tomorrow
there is some weird shit going on
@ntohl A bug on the server side that forgot to concatenate something to the root ID.
@M.Aroosi @BugFinder the point where everything crashes is where a call is done to cognito
this being the code that does it
calling that function will crash everything
if I change it to something else, everything is fine
but the code further down in the process cant run because it is missing the client
@Wietlol paste.ofcode.org/7pu5C6i9vwbsNs2SiZp4En removed indentation
also you are missing a closing brace
or not
oh, in edit mode the scroll bar hides it
why on earth is it tabs in some places and spaces in others
choose 1 and stick with it
because that is paste.ofcode bug
give me a few hints on this please --

in my db table, I have dates in the form of Jun  6 2018 12:00AM, Jun  9 2018 12:00AM .... etcetc.

I am trying to find records that are within a certain date range and so I used

			product_quantity into #temp from Orders
		where product_id=@prod_id
		order_date between Convert(datetime, @start_dt) and Convert(datetime, @end_dt)

@start_dt and @wnd_dt are my ranges...
It appears that the code is failing to compare and calculate the datetime values because I am getting nothing,
it is always tabs, except for the first line, there it is spaces
for some reason
paste.ofcode replaces that
> in my db table, I have dates in the form of Jun 6 2018 12:00AM, Jun 9 2018 12:00AM .... etcetc.
@PrabirChoudhury try DROP ALL TABLES
@Wietlol huhh?
it will fix the table that contains only dates
destroy the corrupted database
it will fix all tables that contain dates
@Wietlol seriously, if you're attempting to be a funny, at least try to be a bit more classy
its not funny
dealing with corrupt dates is never funny
yeah, but your profile pic is
my profile pic is serious
@PrabirChoudhury what data type are @start_dt and @end_dt?
I am a Majestic Green Lion
@Wietlol there
:43820115 @start_dt nvarchar(max),
@end_dt nvarchar(max)

becuase that's what I am sending from the back end api
then fix your back end api?
what date format is sent?
@M.Aroosi string,
what date format
Binary :D
:43820183    09/04/2018 format
> n my db table, I have dates in the form of Jun 6 2018 12:00AM, Jun 9 2018 12:00AM .... etcetc.
that is not what this says
is that dd/mm/yyyy or mm/dd/yyyy?
@M.Aroosi month day year
from the aoi
@PrabirChoudhury dear god why
anyway you should specify the format when converting strings to dates
@PrabirChoudhury use ISO 8601
convert every value in your database from varchar to datetime
use a unified timezone, like utc+0
@M.Aroosi picks from a date picker and that's what gets sent from the ui to the api and finally the db
the ui should send the utc+0 value in iso 8601 format
the api should check if the input is in the correct format
and the db should never have to deal with varchars again
that is how you fix it
user can input in whatever format, but communication between APIs should be in a proper format
anyway, the default format for CONVERT in sql server is mon dd yyyy hh:miAM/PM
I think communications between web services shouldnt be in json
if you want it to be something else, you need to specify it
but that is a bit extreme
@Wietlol what should it be?
@M.Aroosi IT IS WHAT?!
mon dd yyyy !?
which means, a conversion of the value at the api level to ....

dd-mm-yyyy format?
ISO 8601 Data elements and interchange formats – Information interchange – Representation of dates and times is an international standard covering the exchange of date- and time-related data. It was issued by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and was first published in 1988. The purpose of this standard is to provide an unambiguous and well-defined method of representing dates and times, so as to avoid misinterpretation of numeric representations of dates and times, particularly when data are transferred between countries with different conventions for writing numeric dates...
aka The One True Format
well, the delimiters matter less than the order imo
The one format to rule them all.
@M.Aroosi cast and convert; I did use convert .....
yyyyMMddHHmmssZ should be fine
but noone can understand that shit
but I'm also fine with having other delimiters
say yyyy/MM/dd-HH:mm:ss+Z
or something else
I dont think you are supposed to look at a datetime in iso format
only when debugging and in logs
so i dont mind any delimeter
as long as it is readable
I can't change/alter anything with the db. how the dates are stored there remain as they are.
what I have to do, is do something with what date format I send from the api;
If I wasn't lazy, I'd set my phone's clock to display the current time with the ISO format
but I'm lazy
@PrabirChoudhury the dates are stored as datetime, right?
I didn't say alter the database
@M.Aroosi no nvarchar(max)
@M.Aroosi yhh
you mean the table has nvarchar(max)
before it breeds
@M.Aroosi that's a drastic type suggestion
anyway then you should also convert the values you get from the database
you can't compare a string to two dates
you compare dates to dates, or strings to strings
@M.Aroosi yeap that seems the only feasible thing in my scenario,
why cant we just have nicely designed databases?
why does every database have to suck?
@Wietlol ask the green lantern
in any case, im out
also, the dates should be the same type. you can't compare dates to dates
datetime and datetime2
I am working on a netcore mvc application
I'm trying to pass data from a form to my controller using angular js 1.4
In my model I have this -
public string TotalAmount {get; set;}
public Dictionary<string, Decimal> Order {get; set;}
From my angular script I have written a script that passes values from the form in this manner -
    var obj = {
         'ProductName': productName,
         'Amount': (!isNaN(amountSelected)) ? amountSelected : 0
    $scope.myCart[id] = obj;
And in my sendForProcessing function -
$scope.sendForProcessing = function () {
                        var data = {'Orders': $scope.myCart,
                            'TotalAmount': $scope.cartTotal
                        $scope.loading = true;
                        var url = "@Url.Action("AddInvestment", "Buy")"
                        $http.post(url, data)
                                .success(function (data, status, headers, config) {
                                    $scope.transactionData = data;
Problem is I'm getting a 400 Bad Request when I test
I console logged to see how the data is presented
Please I need assistance from anyone familiar with angular and pass data via angular to mvc
In MVC, if I set the Application Pool to have multiple Worker Processes, can that affect session data at all? Like each worker process only having access to its own session?
When the application starts using a second Worker Process, all the Session data is gone
Why is styling a WPF tab control and items such a pain in the dick
@gbade_ can you send that request in postmaster to see what the response is
@Hypersapien why do you have multi WP?
@juanvan Because I was making two calls to the webservice at the same time, both of which take a while to return, and the second wouldn't start until the first one completed.
can't mark it async?
what do you do when 33 people are making the same request?
I'm not sure how to do that with an MVC project. The information that's returned from the webservice has to be sent to the browser. How would you initiate that transfer from the webserver side?
have you ever heard of multi-threading?
@mr5 The two calls to the webservice are initiated by two different calls from the browser.
Oh gawd is Lotus Notes awefull :puke:
Programming in the IBM Designer and even worse "Debugging" is just a pain in the ass
Don't debug just write line
@Hypersapien yes
I don't understand why WorkerProcess would get hung up waiting on a call back
Funny little fact:
Earlier today I had an Agent (a small script doing stuff) wich started to throw erros.
So I started the Debug-Mode and executed him again - No error.
... weird...
Turn off the debug-mode again and start the agent again.
It blows up in my face

Turns out if that happens it only occurs during non-debug-mode.
Try not getting heart conditions when this crap happens..
Did you go gray after that?
Partly, yes.
They owe you a scotch
And just a new fun little jittle:
Some costum class of ours didn't manage to find sth.
Instead of throwing an error, it returned NULL (nothing in lotus script)
Causing a crash to happen a few lines down.

Welp couldn't figure out what caused that error, restarted Lotus Notes and...
Execuded successfully
What the acutal frigg man
Somebody just give me an axe so I can murder the original devs.
Anyways thats it from em for the day, have a good one guys
@mr5 I haven't really done a lot of multithreading and I'm not sure how to handle it inside of Ajax calls. The HttpPost method needs to keep waiting until the webservice returns its data. You're saying I just need to put the HttpPost function on hold until the webservice does its job instead of freezing the process in the intervening time.

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