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02:00 - 12:0012:00 - 22:00

with no penalty
@BugFinder It's not enter my if statement
then it barfed somewhere @Nuisance we cant tell without your directions
if anyone was interested
@Nuisance Are you sure str2 contains what you expect it to contain? Because as it stands in your snippet, it's hard to know what it contains.
so... I have this function called SelectRecursive, which is basically a SelectMany, but applies the same function to the results until... something
should the result always contain the intermediate values?
@Nuisance such as if it is a date type, and you and the server disagree on format it could be throwing a wobble because it doesnt like the date, as you havent used parameter sto sort all that out
@HéctorÁlvarez heretic
@HéctorÁlvarez You'll never be America's top model at this rate
@Neil HéctorÁlvarez is afk: Eating lunch
I bet america's top models do eat lunch
Yeah, consistent of Air with a breeze of salt.
why stream is in bytes?
what else?
just say bits?
some streams are made with water, @Wietlol.. pff
@Breathing There's no such thing as the sending of a bit
if you need 1 bit, you send 8 and use the first
in a database, columns of type bit are either represented with a byte or 1 bit is used, and the other 7 are dedicated towards other fields
point being that it is transparent, but it isn't a literal bit
at least in the context of computers
now you may have devices which have a single wire which can send 1 signal
That would be a sort of 1-bit wire if you think about it
but the protocol implementing such a thing would not likely bother sending 1 signal
it would likely send 8 signals in succession
with some sort of "i'm about to send something" signal first
so technically even more
thanks @ntohl
@Default I do indeed like music, although I prefer stuff like that:
Also hi guys I'm on sick leave until Wednesday because I burned my thumb with a B52.
@Neil Oh my god, no!
I wanted to.
darn everthing going over my head
I am porting a client to c# and I am struggling with the logic of the BeginReceive, was wondering if u guys could give me a hand... it uses a custom packet that is size + encrypted byte array, so for example: 05 00 3f 79 e9 73 c9 so its 5 bytes long... so far so good, my problem is that 1 packet can have multiple of those and it can also expand into the next packet, if its bigger than 1460 bytes, so for example 05 00 3f 79 e9 73 c9 05 00 01 df e5 24 33, I came up with this code:
// on the next packet it enters here first if we have _clientRemaining above 0
if (_clientRemaining > 0)
	_clientRemaining -= recv;
	Buffer.BlockCopy(_clientBuffer, 0, _clientTempBuffer, _clientOffset, recv);

	if (_clientRemaining == 0)

	_clientSocket.BeginReceive(_clientBuffer, 0, MaxBufferSize, SocketFlags.None, OnClientReceiveData, _clientSocket);


// get the size of the data, does not include the header, so we add +2
var expectedLen = BitConverter.ToInt16(_clientBuffer, 0) + 2;
(see full text)
but it fails on portion of the logic and I am struggling to figure it out
Is there a reason you're not just dealing with a NetworkStream? BeginReceive is ancient technology.
@HéctorÁlvarez I am disappoint.
@Neil did you dieded?
@RoelvanUden what would be the current technology to use for async?
I am dieded.
Honestly I am lost on that since most guides I see around are using BeginReceive even on the msdn page that seems to be the suggested approach
@Guapo Use a NetworkStream over your TcpClient (or whatever you're using). Then you can just use a stream reader and read blocks with ReadAsync, not having to worry about packet sizes etc.
MSDN is awful.
I see, its funny because I first made it using ReadAsync and I have the logic there working, but when it comes to BeginReceive I can't seem to get it done properly
MSDN is a terrible learning resource. There's nothing in it to tell you that, for instance, HttpClient is a safe, async-friendly and easy to use HTTP library and that you shouldn't use WebClient or HttpWebRequest. They aren't officially deprecated, but they're really not the tools of choice. Likewise with direct socket access, or goddamn ArrayLists.
There's a reason async/task based interfaces are recommended over BeginX/EndX APM methods. It's because they're so much easier to reason logically about.
well honestly I was looking on google for what would be the current way to do an async client and most of it point me to BeginReceive even when I limit it to a year worth of content
with readasync I have this which fully works for me, sorry if the code is poorly written, still learning:
var messageLen = BitConverter.ToInt16(lenght, 0);
var bytesRemaining = (int)messageLen;
var offset = 0;
if (messageLen > 0)
	var messageBuffer = new byte[messageLen];

		if (!IsRunning)

		var bytesRead = await _stream.ReadAsync(messageBuffer, offset, bytesRemaining);
		if (bytesRead == 0)
			throw new Exception("Unexpected end of stream");
		bytesRemaining -= bytesRead;
		offset += bytesRead;
		await Task.Delay(10);
	} while (bytesRemaining > 0);

	_receivedData.Enqueue(new PacketData(Encryption.Decrypt(messageBuffer)));
(see full text)
I guess at this point I just want to figure out how to write it using BeginReceive since I have been trying unsuccessfully :P
I hadn't seen a do-while loop since I last coded C++.
Which was a very long time ago.
Are you sure you want to do that, and not a while instead?
    while (IsRunning && bytesRemaining > 0)
		var bytesRead = await _stream.ReadAsync(messageBuffer, offset, bytesRemaining);
		if (bytesRead == 0)
			throw new Exception("Unexpected end of stream");
		bytesRemaining -= bytesRead;
		offset += bytesRead;
		await Task.Delay(10);
do you have reason to think that IsRunning will be false first time around?
Basically, this:
TcpClient a;
using (var networkStream = a.GetStream())
using (var bufferedStream = new BufferedStream(networkStream))
    var buffer = new byte[1024];
    var lengthBytes = await bufferedStream.ReadAsync(buffer, 0, 2);
    if (lengthBytes != 2) throw new Exception("Oh shit");

    var expectedBytes = BitConverter.ToUInt16(buffer, 0);
    var readBytes = await bufferedStream.ReadAsync(buffer, 0, expectedBytes);
    if (readBytes != expectedBytes) throw new Exception("Oh shit");

    // Do stuff.
(see full text)
Come on you got this mate
I find that the best way to do this is:
@HéctorÁlvarez that looks much cleaner indeed, thanks. But I am mostly wondering about the previous code I posted with BeginReceive... I guess because I am being unable to get it to properly work I want to figure out how xD
Or to do it entirely correctly:
TcpClient a;
using (var networkStream = a.GetStream())
using (var bufferedStream = new BufferedStream(networkStream))
    var lengthBuffer = new byte[2];
    var lengthBytes = await bufferedStream.ReadAsync(lengthBuffer, 0, 2);
    if (lengthBytes != 2) throw new Exception("Oh shit");

    var expectedBytes = BitConverter.ToUInt16(lengthBuffer, 0);
    var buffer = new byte[expectedBytes];
    var readBytes = await bufferedStream.ReadAsync(buffer, 0, expectedBytes);
    if (readBytes != expectedBytes) throw new Exception("Oh shit");
(see full text)
@Guapo My advice is you scrap your previous code and use what @RoelvanUden provided.
You may want to replace the ReadAsync with an extension method that ensures you get the requested n bytes back, because that's not always guaranteed IIRC (it's been a while). But at least that's a simple method to write and keeps your other code clean.
@Neil I have discovered a truly marvelous way to do this, which this margin is too narrow to contain
@RoelvanUden so I suppose I still need a while or loop to ensure the readasync did return something?
Yeah. Need an example?
I suppose the issue you mention would be when you're reading something that expands to the next packet but the next packet did not arrive yet? or something around that?
@RoelvanUden sure I would love to see how you would write it, I really like how you made my code look soooooooo clean, well not mine but compared to what I wrote
Finn the Human cartoons has ended already
Finn the Human?
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan ah, Fermat?
was that a Fermat reference?
It was indeed.
public static class StreamExtensions
    public static async Task<int> EnsureReadAsync(this Stream stream, byte[] buffer, int offset, int count)
        var remainingBytes = count;
        var remainingOffset = offset;

        while (true)
            var receivedBytes = await stream.ReadAsync(buffer, remainingOffset, remainingBytes);
            if (receivedBytes == 0) throw new Exception("The connection has been closed unexpectedly.");
            if (receivedBytes == remainingBytes) return count;
(see full text)
touchè, sir. Touchè
Now you can just do:
TcpClient a;
using (var networkStream = a.GetStream())
using (var bufferedStream = new BufferedStream(networkStream))
    var lengthBuffer = new byte[2];
    var lengthBytes = await bufferedStream.EnsureReadAsync(lengthBuffer, 0, 2);
    if (lengthBytes != 2) throw new Exception("Oh shit");

    var expectedBytes = BitConverter.ToUInt16(lengthBuffer, 0);
    var buffer = new byte[expectedBytes];
    var readBytes = await bufferedStream.EnsureReadAsync(buffer, 0, expectedBytes);
    if (readBytes != expectedBytes) throw new Exception("Oh shit");
(see full text)
For we are a very intellectual chat room indeed.
yes, quite
Well, you can actually drop the checks since the extension can throw...
TcpClient a;
using (var networkStream = a.GetStream())
using (var bufferedStream = new BufferedStream(networkStream))
    var lengthBuffer = new byte[2];
    await bufferedStream.EnsureReadAsync(lengthBuffer, 0, 2);

    var expectedBytes = BitConverter.ToUInt16(lengthBuffer, 0);
    var buffer = new byte[expectedBytes];
    await bufferedStream.EnsureReadAsync(buffer, 0, expectedBytes);

    // Do stuff.
What's Fermat?
That looks really nice thanks @RoelvanUden for taking the time
You're welcome :-) Don't rely on MSDN's bad examples too much ;-)
Generally speaking, don't rely on MSDN examples at all. Use it for parameter reference, but not for code snippets and example.
I was about to ask, if I want to know what class or tech I should follow where should I look for? like in this case NetworkStream vs BeginReceive
maybe that came out wrong but I meant for the successor of something or the current tech to use for it
@BugFinder adventure time
Why is there a lot of code here
This is not github
As a quick example c# asynchronous client if I google that the first few results are straight to BeginReceive and even thought you guys are telling me msdn its not a reliable place it does have it up to date using beginreceive it feel weird...
Where are the memes at. It's all gone now. This room has been flooded with techy people :(
@mr5 you can blame proxy ;x
@Guapo not sure what you mean xD
@mr5 I wish I could download and install some stuff at work, at least Id have more things to mooch about on to keep me awake and entertained
@Squirrelkiller what? you don't like cats?
@Guapo I think it's mostly asking people with experience. That's why it's important to have senior developers around in a good workplace.
Slowly you learn to ask the right questions. You find X in your googling, then you run various "is x deprecated", or "what should i use instead of x in 2018" and see if anything comes up
what do I do (except crying) when I have 2 dependencies that have the same class in the same namespace?
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan thanks I will keep that in mind
@RoelvanUden looking closer I noticed you're using BufferedStream, first time reading about that, thanks. Would I need to lock it, if I would potentially have a race condition on sending / receiving packets?
@Guapo You should look into what .NET Core is doing. It only transplants the 'current' technology, as far as I know, and it's only a few years old. A whole lot better than the 12 year old crap we're seeing sometimes. There are no race conditions unless you read from two threads at once..... which is a shitty idea to begin with.
BufferedStream is a nice class, but I'm not sure if NetworkStream also has its own buffer. I believe it does, so then BufferedStrea is not necessary. I leave that up to you to find out :P
I have 1 thread to receive the data, 1 to process it and one last one to send it out, is that bad?
@Wietlol Fully qualify the names prepending the assembly and namespaces as needed.
Oh crap wait
How did you manage to have 2 classes with the same name in the same namespace?
@RoelvanUden will do, im reading it right now, I never knew it even existed, its rather interesting
Does that work if you don't force overwrite the previous one?
I believe the keyword is new.
@HéctorÁlvarez AWS
Can you tell us what name's the same
Like copy BOTH names and paste them here
Like this
Donald Trump
Oh ok
Those 2 are different, what's the problem?
those are the assemblies
Isn't Core a property of AWSSDK?
Amazon.RegionEndpoint is the class
don't you mean the namespaces?
Is there an actual assembly called AWSSDK.Core?
Hmmm I bet it's like that for a reason.
Does the .Core implementation override the other one (or viceversa)?
Or do you have actual access to both functions?
Anyway you should be able to do:
I dont think that works that way
How did you import the class (I assume it's Amazon in this context)
using Amazon;

var endpoint = RegionEndPoint.EUWest1;
So that only offers one RegionEndPoint, doesn't it?
@Guapo That's not necessarily bad, so long as each thread sticks to one responsibility :-)
It's a bit confusing... are you use the assembly without "Core" has that class defined?
either assemblies would need this code
Q: How to handle same class name in different namespaces?

e4rthdogI am trying to create a common library structure. I am doing this by creating separate projects for every common lib i want I have the following 2 namespaces: MyCompany.ERP and MyCompany.Barcode I need both of them to have a class named "Utilities" and be static. If i do that i will then need t...

Either those 2 implementations have different parameters or you are only using one namespace.
"namespaces" != "assemblies"
there are two different assemblies with the same namespaces with the same classes
There's a fair chance you're not supposed to be using both assemblies in the same project. One might be internal?
might be
someone said that the AWSSDK is not supposed to be used
but they are across different projects which are dependencies of the one project that combines those deps
so refactoring all those deps takes a while
so in the meantime, I thought maybe someone knows another solution
Yup, smells smelly.
well, it works without both now
so i guess that is fine
@RoelvanUden what I found out was that the networkstream had its performance improved on buffer and that you can use the bufferedstream on top of it for double-buffering however the bufferedstream is not intended for multi-thread, so I guess locking would be required to keep it going specially if its a high amount of in-out packets? Or I should just keep 1 bufferedstream for reading and use the network stream directly for writing?
I suppose in either case I would need a lock? using the networkstream directly for read-write I have no issues but with the buffered then it collides for me.
@Wietlol No it's not, until you actually find the reason why.
Mainly because we are all curious now about that.
I suppose
is a collection of all of the
Then you probably shouldn't be using it.
@Wietlol looks like someone bangs their head on their keyboard to make a name of their stack
that is our name
Y you guys don't like pascal casing on acronyms. It would look much better
that is much better actually
and we use that
even for 2 charachter acronyms
oh, and abbreviations
for example Id
That is some guidelines in Android too
I dont do android
I just do application structure design
Also when naming Classes
Instead of HTTPClient, you go HttpClient
I think HTTPClient has a background story to it
at first, it was called HttpClient
and when the devs talked about it, they said "HttpClient"
but some people didnt know what http was
@Wietlol that was mind blowing
so they were like "HthpClient?", "HivClient?" and "HeewClient?"
@Wietlol open your eyes on other platforms too
and the devs were like "No!!! It is a HTTPClient damnit!!!"
and the name stuck
I am open to other platforms
@Wietlol I think it was AidsHivClient
they just dont welcome me
@Wietlol I am welcoming you the the Brickgame platform where you can freely developed anything under 1mb of memeory
ackchually, I am doing some arduino stuff
and soon ill be making a smartphone app
I have typo there but I like memeory now
i hope it would be cross platform
@Wietlol ur the first kind to get on that level m8
@Wietlol please make a brickgame
no, it wont be a brickgame
Bring the brickgame back
.... what is a brickgame?
the app would be fairly simple, you can draw lines on it with your finger
U f****n wut m8!?! U don't knoe what it/is??
and it will show you the line you draw
its supposed to be some kind of controller for a game that runs on your computer
@Wietlol holyyyy. A revolutionary idea you got there m8
something like the bottom part of a Nintendo Ds
but then... on your smartphone
because many people have it
the line you draw should build a specific shape
the better you draw it, the better it is
its all very technical
but the important thing is, I will be trying to do it
This is what a brickgame looks like
Sorry I'm on phone
This fcking chrome is shit
im enthusiastic, not old
@Wietlol y not, while the user is drawing some lines, it also controls a drone. The user should be unaware of it.
@mr5 the idea is similar to lostmagic (nds)
@Wietlol shutuop granny
in lostmagic, you draw runes on the bottom part of the DS, then you have a spell
the spell is based on which runes you have drawn
No. You're ruining the project
Stop putting disneyland in your game
its not frigging disney
Or Harry potter and the likes
its not hairy potter either
Because you said there are spells duh
that means gandalf is in it?
there are more magic things than just hairy potter
Fuck you!

I Love disneyland!
yea fuck him, you love disneyland
@Squirrelintraining enchanted kingdom master race
Yeah, fuck mr5, yeah!
Efteling OP
I call upon the elders of the Internet to stone mr5 for good.
U guys are so fuckin loser. I'd rather go see hairy potter than donald trump
You guy is a fucking looser!
We are masta pizzas!
Oh I mean donald duckduckgo
@mr5 I am not from the US
@Squirrelintraining which do you prefer, sardines as sauce in pizza, or apple toppings in pizza? I love both btw
I love ketchup
@mr5 Apples cuz I am vegetarian.
@Wietlol ketchup with water?
@Squirrelintraining apple is meat u twat
ackchually, fuck ketchup
dutch curry is da best
/afk hehe
@Wietlol did they pulverize a dutch to make that curry?
I just fixed a problem with the mouse wheel that I've had for the last year with VB6 but never managed to, out of the blue.
I love it when you just come one day and and slap your rooster on the table.
Then it's all swift and cool
Time to head home
@HéctorÁlvarez stop using ballsy mouse
@HéctorÁlvarez hope you lost your keys m8. Cya
2 hours later…
@mr5 twat yu brah
has anyone ever read gamecoding complete?
Not me atleast
Any advice to reach top 1% on SO?
make it your daily job
So like be on the site and answer people every day?
Gamecoding complete is a book about game programming with C++. There is a chapter in it where he talks about composition, and how he strongly suggests it instead of inheritance. He gives a specific example where all of his game "actors" have a component map, and a corresponding method to retrieve a particular component by a calling function
If the component is not part of the actor, it returns null, and i suppose the calling object responds appropriately.
I am having a hard time understanding where to use this pattern in favor of more rigid composition patterns
@Farhad Have no life.
where you define what components a class much have at compile time
like you would with a decorator pattern
@cubesnyc FYI this is C# room not c++^^
and don't forget to have solid exact answers that will appeal to new users and veterans
@Squirrelintraining i think my question is language agnostic
@Squirrelintraining lol
No question yet asked :P
But no fear, I have no clue what you are talking about and couldn't help you :<
no clue what im talking about
yet you still insist on commenting negatively anyway
Welcome to the C# chat
Where I try to spread my love and wisdom in the only way I can...
Hey hello there
I was wondering if any of you have experience with meshes in Unity3D C#
I know this isn't exactly the place to look for that but the Unity Forums didn't help me any further
Nope again sorry.
Darn I am useless :D
Good night grills
3 hours later…
kind of strange that you can do
string test = null; var test2 = test ?? throw new NotImplementedException();
but you cant do string test = null ?? throw new NotImplementedException();
well... I dont find that the C# compiler is smart in many cases
so I can see why test ?? throw new Exception() would be "fine"
even though test would always be null
if they attempted to make null ?? throw new Exception() invalid
02:00 - 12:0012:00 - 22:00

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