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VSTS pull request comment editor doesn't support emoji. A shame. A crying shame.
In this case I only intended to post a 👍 in response to an answer that satisfied me. But I reserve the right - nay, the need - to post a pile of poop emoji in a code review.
How would you best return a DAG from a web service call?
I have an API call that returns a series of steps. Right now it's just a linear list of steps, but in the future it will probably contain branchings, these branches will possibly have to merge/rejoin, and there might be cycles going back.
I'm going to be storing the steps with an ID and a "NextSteps" pointer pointing to its successor steps. I'm guessing the only sane way to return them from the API is as a simple collection of all these steps and metadata, and have the client construct the graph from them, right?
1 hour later…
Hahaha you're expecting responses on a sunday
Otherwise though, I would agree with that. However I wouldn't use next steps, I'd store the previous step. I think that's just personal preference really, but neither are really optimal if the branches are to converge...
Not expecting, no. Sunday mornings are my time to bounce ideas off empty walls.
I stored the Previous Step in a similar feature in a previous project. It was limiting when you had branches rejoin - suddenly there are multiple previous steps, and it got more complicated.
Previous step is easier to deal with until you converge. Maybe store a single ID of next and previous?
If the previous is null, it must be a convergence, and the children who reference that ID as it's next will be it's parents
And vice versa
The idea would be to build an object graph as early as possible when reading them in, so just doing steps.ToDictionary() by ID immediately, finding the root node, and then going forward, creating the graph as I go along by finding the Next step seems like the simplest way.
Then you can get away with storing a single ID in each field
I suppose yeah. I just find the idea of multiple values in the next dirty
It's actually probably going to be a dictionary mapping result to child node.
Because at some points it's going to become a decision tree. A user is at step X and gets a Yes/No choice, and each choice will lead down a different branch.
posted on August 02, 2018 by Scott Hanselman

Last week on Twitter @getify started an excellent thread pointing out that we should be using HTTPS even on our local machines. Why? You want your local web development set up to reflect your production reality as much as possible. URL parsing, routing, redirects, avoiding mixed-content warnings, etc. It's very easy to accidentally find oneself on http:// when everything in 2018 should be und

1 hour later…
Ugh, I forgot how limited the Windows command shell is. Not for lack of command-line utilities, that's fine, but for internal shell-stuff.
Like setting the prompt based on git branch/env variable dynamically.
use powershell?
Or bash.
Both require more adjustment than I really want to get into right now.
If you want easy git, get posh-git
It's just like using it from the command line normally, but it's got useful features of powershell (like tab-autocomplete) and it also shows your the status of your repo
Yeah, I installed it and the prompts are nice, but switching from cmd to ps takes time.
I'll slowly transition.
I'm trying to migrate my INT primary key ID columns to GUID. If I do that using a migration by recreating the column, will the Guid be automatically generated then or will all my data be gone?
All your data will be gone. All of everbody's data will be gone. Our data, much like ourselves, is transient, fleeing, ephemeral. All will be gone, barely a fragment of a second of memory.
@ErwinOkken why would you change the primary key to guids?
Int IDs are usually better
certain database engines do not like guids as ids
because they store their data sorted by their primary keys, which for AI integral numbers simply appends data
Jesus fucking christ I forgot how messy Greggs steak bakes are. Feels like I've been raped by the pastry monster
however, if you use guids that are generated with a much different way that auto-increment, that means that it will try to insert and shift the data on each insert
which is horrible for your insertion performance
a better solution for those engines is to have an AI id which is internal information for the database on which nothing else (except foreign keys, more internal information) is based
and then using a different column for the public identifier (which you can make UNIQUE and give it a UNIQUEIDENTIFIER as type)
your reading might be a millisecond (or less) slower, but at least nothing goes wrong when you upscale or keep the data for a long time
A millisecond is too long!
half a millisecond
Hmm. That might be manageable. Still kinda long though
it is an assumption :D
the PK lookup is basically the api of the data storage
so, doing a lookup based on the PK is always the fastest
the unique column lookup is like a dictionary
the value being stored is often the PK
so it adds the overhead of the "dictionary"
it adds some more required ram as well, but the extra time consumption is often negligible
Am I going over google maps and collecting lat/lng of prisons around Israel? Yes, yes I am.
Why on earth would you be doing that (don't say because Israeli prisons are on earth, I know that)
Setting up some demo data.
But prisons though? Is what you're doing prison related?
Potential customer
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan I would expect that information to be available
In some gov data file or whatever
@MadaraUchiha Couldn't find it on data.gov.il. Doing a quick-and-dirty hack for now, so I'm just grabbing 10 locations or so off of google maps.
Also, yo.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan Ah, I see
Actually, it would make sense that there would be a list with addresses, but not coordinates, now that I think of it.
omg we have a prison finder
But yeah as expected, it's got the address but not coords
We must automate this!
It would be easy to automate anyway. Just dump the address into google maps search, then wait for the URL to update with the coords when it takes you there
Then be ready for a knock on the door from your country's intelligence agency asking why you're googling the location of every prison in the country
When and if the project is a go, we'll get the real data from various datasources. I'm just hacking together a demo.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan That's what you're going to tell the dev who's going to inherit this system from you in a few years from now
"It was supposed to just be a hacked together demo...."
which will then be used in production because the client will want the demo "as-is"
Ah damn, close enough
@LeeButler Don't worry, they already know the answer to that.
@MadaraUchiha I vowed to nuke this branch after the demo.
I never said they were asking because they don't know
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan "Oh, I'm sorry, you needed that? I removed it as part of a routine cleanup"
1 hour later…
Measure how much space you have for the barcode in mm, and multiply it by 3.65854. Use that and turn ForceWitdth to true.
make a future task, so that it gets automatically removed in a few months
Why the fuck my long values in PHP demotes the last 4 digits to zero
from 130201411173700750 to 1.302014111737E+17 real quick
What library are you using for your long?
I'm using plain PHP
PHP doesn't support proper longs though
The manual says this is expected: php.net/manual/en/language.types.float.php
but it's for floating point numbers
so I guess they are using the same methodology in storing long
Are you trying to output the number value?
If so, try using number_format
also, I am storing it in the database
And also see this question
sprintf might be useful too
PHP is stupid (obviously) with integers, because as soon as you overflow an integer, it just magically switches to using a float instead, which may be a bad thing
Like this: echo (int) ( (0.1+0.7) * 10 ); // echoes 7! -- What the fuck php?
Yeah what the fuck is this really PHP?!?!
I am trying to get help on PHP room rn
They do have a point, if you stringify it before entering it to the database, then you're dumb because you shouldn't expect it to come back out as an integer
I think it was possible in previous version of VS to select a line with 3 consecutive clicks?
Do any one have a clue where can I enable it in VS 2017?
seems it was working some day
A: Is there any shortcut to select the current line in Visual Studio?

ZYXClicking the line 3 times does the trick

@mshwf still works for me
2 hours later…
@Wietlol Sorry for the late reaction. ASP.NET uses Identity which uses by default Guids. So on production it's guids already. But If I want to revert it, EF cannot just update all entities and their FK's right?
cannot should be: will not
2 hours later…
I see some of major projects on GitHub have the structure that has mainly two directories/ projects:
src, and project.Tests
is there a name to this structure I can read about? or it is just a de facto convention
1 hour later…
@ErwinOkken you would need to create a very detailed migration
@mshwf it is called, Java
I already have a solution. Instead of interface IEntity, I make it IEntity<PKType> :-D
@Wietlol but it is a programming language!
but java projects always have the src root
because that is how everyone does it

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