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02:00 - 13:0013:00 - 00:00

3 hours ago...
2 hours later…
DES takes 12 seconds to encrypt 256mb of data
2 hours later…
@nyconing That tells me almost literally nothing without knowing CPU speeds, memory, disk speed
Reminds me of the joke about the guy floating in a hot air balloon and shouts down to someone below asking where they were. The guy on the ground shouts back, "You're in a hot air balloon!" It was at this moment he knew exactly where he was. He was over Redmond, Virginia.
also the key length and salt
That song is quite awesome
I think it's easy to categorize it as 80s music, but it's a decent song
Goooodm orniiing CeeeShaaaarp!!
Sorry I'm late
Hi everyone, kinda broad question so i would rather ask here than creating question.

In our service we start another process to generate SQLite DB for us (p = Process.Start(...)) then we wait for it to finish the job with p.WaitForExit(timeout);

It works fine however we suspect that it takes a lot of time for our service to notice that the "p" has exited.

Is there any faster way to monitor if child process has exited?
@Squirrelkiller I was waiting for your wakeup call! Now I'm late dammit!
Jul 27 at 6:38, by Xariez
user image
@Xariez My favourite joke to tell QA engineers I meet.
@Neil it's all an evil plot to make you sleep longer and be rested properly, ha!
@Squirrelkiller Bastard! I want to feel cranky and tired and attend meetings!
GoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOd Mornin' pleberinos!
@Neil wat
@Squirrelintraining Hello again
@Neil Hello Darkness my old friend.
@Squirrelintraining Hello from the other side
Buenos dias
Cómo estás?
Hahaha nice.
nested block comments.. I never knew I needed this until now
What do you mean nested
No tiénnes café?
I have big head
Also how do I put tener in the past? Or how do I generally put spanish in the past?
Tiénnes cabeza grande
@Breathing No, silly. Those are just characters in chat
Tienes* is present
Tuve, tuviste, tuvo, tuvimos, tuvisteis, tuvieron
good morning
no tengo café?
good morning everybody
who uses microservices here?
hey guys, does anyone know how i could get a filename (strictly the filename) of a file opend with the OpenFileDialog method?
Something like Path.GetFileName(returnedPathFromDialog) ?
didn't try it because i think it returns the entire filepath
The OpenFileDialog gets you the whole path. You can trim that to only the name, name+extension, only path...however you like. I think that is the Path class which does that.
There you go
thanks, I'm gonna give it a try :)
Yo tengo café :D
good morning :)
@Neil Hello.. Is it me you're looking for?
Nah I've already got mine
!!giphy teatime
@Squirrelintraining That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
I just noticed ther only tiffrence between tea and team is the m
maybe the m in team stands for me
So there might not be an I in team, but most certainly a me!
Hmm. I have a generic method that receives two generic type arguments. I check, via reflection, whether they're assignable from one to the other. Now I want to cast them. I can only do it via reflection, right?
public TLocal Receive<TIncoming, TLocal>(TIncoming payload, Func<TIncoming,TLocal> converter = null)
     if (typeof(TLocal).IsAssignableFrom(typeof(TIncoming))
         return (TLocal)incoming;
     else if (converter != null)
         return converter(incoming);
          return default;
There's always an a-hole in the team
But I can't cast, because the compiler can't know that TLocal is assignablefrom TIncoming.
return (TLocal)(object) incoming? icky.
Is there no "Cast" method for type?
I hate to say it
But use Dynamic
It might actually be useful
No, I was just being over-eager with the reflection.
if (incoming is TLocal local) will cast.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan the issue (afaik) is with structs
incoming can be a struct and therefor a cast to a generic is invalid
you have to box them first
or something
if (!(incoming.Payload is TLocalPayload payload))
   if (converter == null)
       throw ...;
   payload = converter(incoming.Payload);
@Wietlol Nope. That's exactly what generics aren't.
if both types are value types, the is check will see it and simply cast to the local type.
also, you dont use reflection in your method
yet, your method almost compiles for me
@Wietlol I don't now - my earlier check used typeof(TLocal).IsAssignableFrom(typeof(TIncoming))
That's reflection.
it is?
Right now, the is will cast if they match. If they don't, the inner block will convert or throw.
@Wietlol Sure. IsAssignnableFrom is an operation on System.Type, not on my actual objects.
im not sure if that is called reflection though
the same as T.IsInstance(obj)
Now, it isn't.
Because it's not part of System.Reflection?
i thought obj is T is just syntax sugar for the IsInstance
No, it's a core opcode in the IL.
It doesn't go through the reflection subsystem, doesn't require reflection permissions, and doesn't incur the performance overhead of loading type metadata.
instead the il operation does that natively
Yes. That's what makes it not reflection.
it is the same operation afaik
Class<T>:where T: IYourInterface
Then no need casting?
@Wietlol Logically. Technically, there's a huge difference between them. So statements like "reflection requires specific code permissions" or "reflection can carry a performance penalty" are irrelevant when using is, so using the same term for both actively makes information less clear.
@nyconing Because my Receive<TIncoming, TLocal> is generic - it doesn't require the two types to be compatible. A user can specify a converter.
It's a utility method in my SignalR listener. In some cases, I can simply push the received notification as-is. In others, I need to convert the payload to a local client type first.
This is the actual signature:
public void Receive<TIncomingPayload, TLocalPayload>(Notification<TIncomingPayload> incoming,
            Subject<Notification<TLocalPayload>> subject,
            Func<TIncomingPayload, TLocalPayload> converter = null)
public TLocal Receive<TIncoming, TLocal>(TIncoming payload, Func<TIncoming,TLocal> converter, TIncoming incoming)
    if (incoming is TLocal)
        return (TLocal) (object) incoming;

    if (converter != null)
        return converter(incoming);

    return default(TLocal);
what is wrong with this one?
What about this.. you have two signatures.. one with a converter and one without
@Wietlol The double cast is uglier.
it seems pattern matching is not allowed here though
Where has default() come from?
If a converter is provided, you call it, otherwise one must derive from the other
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan Wouldn't it have more overhead too?
In other words, if you cast it and it doesn't cast, then the caller screwed something up
@LeeButler i suppose so
@LeeButler Meh. I don't think it would be noticeable.
The casts would cause boxing for value types, though.
I didn't think string.Contains(string.toLower) vs string.IndexOf(string,StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)>=0)was noticable
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan but what is wrong with incoming is TLocal?
When you're doing it a lot though, it might become an issue
why you need IsAssignableFrom?
@Wietlol *sigh*.
Go back and read the whole sequence.
I started with IsAssignableFrom, realized I didn't need it, and changed it to is with type matching instead.
i know, you dont include the incoming instance
Anyone successfully copied and used an NFC tag using their phone?
Like, copy it then emulate it?
wait... @AvnerShahar-Kashtan what is the type of incoming in your code?
4 mins ago, by Avner Shahar-Kashtan
public void Receive<TIncomingPayload, TLocalPayload>(Notification<TIncomingPayload> incoming,
            Subject<Notification<TLocalPayload>> subject,
            Func<TIncomingPayload, TLocalPayload> converter = null)
incoming.Payload is of type TIncomingPayload.
` if (!(incoming.Payload is TLocalPayload payload))` works fine here.
i must add (incoming as object) (or something)
Strange. Are you using the latest C# version?
@Squirrelkiller Nah, I tried to long ago but I could never get it to work properly. It depends on how the tag works though
If you need to copy the content of the tag, that's relatively easy. But if it's anything security related, they usually use the ID of the tag, which you can't do I belive
but what is the current state of your method now?
Damn, hoped I could use my phone instead of carrying around the transponder.
Try reading the content of it, and see if it has any content.
If it does, they are probably using it, so you might be able to
But even getting your phone to act as an nfc "client" is hard by itseld
Contactless in the UK uses the phone's NFC instead of the physical card, right?
I'm assuming it has a lot more security involved than just replicating the card's NFC data.
Yeah it's very different
It doesn't actually copy the card at all. And the NFC in the card doesn't contain much of the cards useful data anyway I don't believe. Tldr the NFC chip gives a single use token for the payment terminal to use to authenticate a purchase. I think in a similar way to how 2FA works, but I could be wrong
I never used any mobile payment apps since they're not really common here, but I assume that the payment app has some sort of registration phase where your phone's unique ID is attached to your payment information, so it doesn't "replicate" as much as create an ad-hoc transponder for that service.
(where a private key and the time is used to generate a token, which must be used in a small time frame)
Yeah, that sounds about right, from the little I've read up on it. Smarter than just having a fixed ID that can replicated.
For me at least (Using HSBC & American Express with Android pay), the bank doesn't even give Android Pay the real card details. It provides a new card number for the system to use, so even if something did happen with it, you can easily disconnect the mobile payment platform without killing the card at the same time
I haven't actually set it up on this phone yet, so thanks for reminding me
Any of y'all use GFuel? I tried it once and kinda thinking about purchasing another one
What's that? Like, google-subsidized petrol that sends google information about your driving?
Nah, its a pretty good energy drink that you mix yourself using powder and water, supposedly more healthy as well
im looking forward to Go-Fuel
Yeah, I don't think "energy drink" and "healthy" really go together.
google having made a special language for their GFuel monitoring and payments
@Xariez I don't do enegery drinks.
Healthier , not healthy ;)
For the reasons avni just claimed
Or maybe "more healthy" in this context is "doesn't cause your heart to go into convulsions from sugar and caffeine shock quite as much as the competition"
I mean, gotta have something for the weekend
I don't drink energy drinks much, mostly because I don't feel the need - I try to stick to doing what my body is capable of doing most of the time, or at least I stick to the more common and socially acceptable energy drink, namely coffee.
I wouldn't label coffee as an energy drink though
More of a caffeinated drink
Unless you make the ultimate combination: Take energy drink, mix in some coffee powder, chug
To be honest my goto weekend drink is probably beer, but hey
I just installed VS 2017 to my work PC, maked "same settings like previous version" and the friggn programm is in german!
What the crud man?
It doesn't even provide any way to set it back to english.
only option is German and Same as windows.
Energy drinks are basically caffeinated sugar-water, sometimes with some more components, like taurine, that have similar effects.
Maybe get the english installer
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan If we want to go there though, pretty much every drink ever is just flavored water
Except sand. Sand is flavored sand.
Sand.. sand isn't a drink though
Oh yeah, that's true
@Squirrelintraining You can download language packs via the installer, if I recall correctly
Nah baisically when you have the installer you gotta be smart.
atleast use your brain.
There is a language package settings in the back
I didn't pay attention
TPSBCAK Problem.
or sth down those lines
Fuck. Our office AC is dripping water so every now and then i get a drop of water on me
Deadly? No. Infuriating? Yes. Hotel? Trivago.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan how are you?
i have managed to complete the work on the service .. but there is an issue that bothers me
there is a filesystem watcher that polls for copied event
during the copied event i call a lengthy operation .. but when large number of files are copied the heavy method does not return results as copied gets called too many number of times
im thinking of creating a list of the copied file and use a timer that operates at regular intervals
that calls the heavy method ... is there a better way to solve this issue?
@techno How about this.. when you're copying, you set a property
When that property is set to true, you don't perform any copy when called
at the end of which, you set the property to false again
set @r = SELECT CAST ('10' as int) * 20
why this is wrong? is sql server
saying incorrect syntax near select
@Neil hmm
try putting the select statement in brackets
seemed to work for me
set @r = [SELECT] CAST ('10' as int) * 20
yea, that would work
If we need to run DateTime.ParseExact() twice on a field and compare it to a selected value, is it better to run this in the DataController before at all using the data as a where-statement, or by running everything through a foreach loop in the logic layer?
i meant: set @r = (SELECT CAST ('10' as int) * 20)
This (in the DATA layer):
var result = (from x in query
                   where DateTime.ParseExact(...) >= timeslot
                   && DateTime.ParseExact(...) < timeslot
                  select x);
Or this (in the LOGIC layer):
foreach(var item in list) {
           if(DateTime.ParseExact(...) >= timeslot && DateTime.ParseExact(...) < timeslot)
             // do stuff
I feel like the latter is easier to look at, but filtering the data in the logic layer instead of the designated data layer feels odd
@Xariez It's always better to do as much filtering in the data query, otherwise you'll be fetching way more records than you want, then filtering them in-memory.
That said, I'm not sure DateTime.ParseExact can be executed inside an EF query on SQL Server.
You might need to use the various SqlFunctions.DateDiff methods.
Unfortunately, you're right on that one @AvnerShahar-Kashtan
But I was thinking of running that var result ... towards the query that actually contacts the SQL-databases, if anything for starters
var query = (...);

var result = (from x in query
                   where DateTime.ParseExact(...) >= timeslot
                   && DateTime.ParseExact(...) < timeslot
                  select x);
That, or the foreach-way
var result = query.Where(x=>
DateTime.ParseExact(...) >= timeslot
&& DateTime.ParseExact(...) < timeslot)
@Xariez Find a way to make that query work, because otherwise you'll fetch every single record, and only then filter the ones. What happens when you want a 10-minute slot in a query that contains a year's worth of data?
Of course, the issue is that you're storing your dates as strings. That's the root cause of the problem.
Otherwise you could simply do straight-up comparisons.
Thing is, they're not as much dates-as-strings as much as the time and date part is split up in two fields
We'll never get more data than what is inside the current day, and i'm not sure how else to do it when the field contains things such as "14.30"
@nyconing Not a bad suggestion, but theres some other things that we got to do nonetheless so not extremely viable
@Xariez So basically, your data is stored in a non-ordinal fashion and you need to somehow do ordinal comparisons in the database.
Well, I guess
I don't agree with it but that's how it's built
The date field has something along the lines of 2018-08-01 00:00:00 , the time field has something along the lines of 14:33
Date has to equal to a date-string with the format ddMMyyyy, time has to be between two times with the format HHmm
That's a decent date field. It's ISO-8601.
So simply do your manipulations on your argument, not your data.
That's not ISO 8601 compliant
8601 has the T between date and time
@LeeButler ish
Still it's ordinally comparable.
It's a good format though
So what are you thinking @AvnerShahar-Kashtan ? I can't say I'm up to speed with what you mean by doing the manipulations on my arguments instead of my data
Instead of parsing "DateField" and "TimeField" into a datetime object, transform your timeslot into different string fields and compare them against your data.
@MikeBaxter yeah I figured it out too thanks! xD
@nyconing I don't get it.
what you don't get?
it's abstract
ying yang
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan Do you not mean "transform your timeslot into different datetime fields"? Because timeslot is already string
So we basically do it the other way around? Instead of trying to parse whats in the database, we parse what the user gives us?
Hoold up, how is that going to work with the time-database field though, where we only have the hour and minutes?
I just realised doing that with the datefield is much easier than I thought it'd be before
But I've got no idea how to handle the time field :c
Yeah, I really dont think we'll be able to filter the data completely in the initial query
Yeah, a format like "HH:mm" is a bit of a pain. You might have to split it to two, convert to int and compare there.
Split "timeslot" to "date", "hours' and "minutes".
I'm pretty sure int.Parse will be converted to SQL's CONVERT. I hope, at least.
If we say we got HHmm instead of HH:mm
And would just int.Parse() on that
That wouldnt work, would it?
So if we'd want to compare 14:55 and 16:55, we'd basically do if(1455 >= 1655) ?
You can use EntityFunctions.Left(timefield, 2) and EntityFunctions.Right(timeField, 2) to get the HH and mm.
But if you can get rid of the :, that would be better, yes.
I removed my earlier message because it looked like it would go horrible when we go past midnight as an example
Once there was this kid who
Got into an accident and couldn't come to school
But when he finally came back
His hair had turned from black into bright white
@nyconing so white is good and black is bad?
what is this racism?
He said that it was from when
The cars had smashed him so hard
HHmm HHmm HHmm HHmm
Convert.ToInt32(x.time.Replace(".", "")) >= Convert.ToInt32(fromTime)
What about that?
@Xariez If you go past midnight, your Date changes as well.
Again, make sure Convert.ToInt32 will run inside EF. I'm not sure it would.
That aside though, will .Replace() run?
If the Convert works, will the rest work you think?
Why not just store your datetime together
That's not a question for me, unfortunately
Though a question i agree with
Check out EntityFunctions and SqlFunctions to see what string and int and date manipulations you can get away with.
I will
@Xariez Hi, Will! I'm dad!
@Neil Hi dad!
@Neil Shit dad, I thought you were dead!
@LeeButler Nah, just left.
But you looked pretty dead last time I saw you
I'm dad, not dead.
Mfw my dad was actually called Neil too
oh, this is getting weird
Oh jeez
But he is legit dead lol
!!giphy tumbleweed
Well take comfort in the fact that I'm not. I suppose.
@Feeds Not now, feeds..
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan After waiting about 10 years for the query to do its thing, it's not liking int.Parse(), thats for sure
Will using Convert.ToInt() change anything or do they invoke each other?
How long does your query actually take, and what are you doing
select * from A, B, C
Took way too long now that i run it, but i suspect it was because it werent able to comlpete it?
And why are you trying to parse from somethign to an int, why isn't the database returning an int anyway?
And right now i'm trying to remove the dot from "HH.mm" and parse it to int
Ohh its that weird time parsing thing isn't it
Why not do all of your conversion on the server in the select, and return it as a datetime type, which will then be easy to work with. Get the database to do all the heavy lifting
Although storing your data badly is a bad plan in the first place (I know, my database is full of it)
I could, but i'd want to do what I can with this right now, and see whats possible
You're duplicating data, not a good sign
I mean, not necessarely
There can be many events on different times during the same day
The conversion in the selects and stuff you can do right now
Or you're transforming an old column, which would be fine if it's not being actively used
Though don't get me wrong, I'd love to refactor these tables
good rule of thumb is to focus on saving data exactly once, and use views to make convenient alterations
But you can't reliably calculate timespans if your date and time are stored seperately
Is there something wrong with having a single datetime column?
even if you don't need seconds
No, thats exactly what im suggesting
I'm agreeing with you :P
But in the abscence of having it stored as a datetime in one column, he could convert it to a datetime in the SELECT statement
I am too. But since I'm only here on a summer job, and very few people are in the office right now, I don't know how much I should or how much i'm "allowed" to touch
Which leads me to what i said earlier: I'd prefer to work with what i have right now,and debrief it with the other guys once they're back
Not ideal, but yeah that's a possibility
When you're learning the ropes, there is an unspoken rule that you don't change underlying existing database columns or change behavior of existing classes
So yeah, I would agree with Lee on this. Just make the select convert to a datetime
Remember I'm not saying you need to change anything in the database
@Neil thanks daddy
!!giphy shiver
does this icon look familiar to anyone?
Not to me
@Wietlol Something with unit tests I think? ReSharper test explorer...something?
Looks like "Real time protection is active".
Shows up beside a method maybe
Lol I don't use tests
Resharper's test annotations are a circle, not a shield.
Similar, though.
Lee dont need no unit testing
Would love to learn because it'd probably make my life a bit easier, but I don't know now and I don't really have time to learn at the moment
02:00 - 13:0013:00 - 00:00

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