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:43361830 Ah there you go, you found it :P
@Xariez Oh, I remember seeing those around a while back. Always felt like it's built from two different cars smushed together.
Actually, I just went with google images. That might be a Fiat, not Renault
I can't really get it out of my head that it looks like what a car would look like if you tried to model it after a pregnant lady
can't unsee
@Neil is capable of seeing anything as a pregnant lady though
This is the worst car
@Wietlol I'll take this as a compliment
@LeeButler Looks like something out of National Lampoon's Vacation
@LeeButler this is the worst car:
I just updated to XF3, I start my application, hit a button, and everything goes black
That's all kinds of not good
Azure SignalR, y u no propagate user authentication claims to local notification hub?!
Unhandled exception in the MainActivity file
Wheres that britt
In the Android project
Thats not..
I know where the file is
I wanted your attention though. You wanted to know how my XF2 -> XF3 upgrade went
And I can tell you it went fucking shit
Well thats good to know
Probably doable but got other things to do right now that's not sorting out 100 broken dependencies xD
Oh, is XF3 released? Our XF project is stalled at the moment, but we'll probably be getting back to it soon.
A lot of breaking changes?
It is
Well not a lot i dont think
Since i got other things to do i didnt really go into it too far
But it's definetely not just a swap and go so to speak
in soviet russia, we send website markup, styles and scripts via the backend and have the logic in the views
@LeeButler Yeah, that I knew. If we had it 8 months ago, we might have gone with WPF for our desktop client. :)
I actually wanted to make the app work on desktop too but the UWP backend kept causing us issues
Apparently it's due to my liberal use of System.Threading.Threads
what is ThreadS ?
is it like PHP?
Pay attention to formatting
Multiple instances of System.Threading.Thread
writing applications that work with multiple threads isnt that hard
writing libraries that should support multiple threads is
The UWP backend didn't have the threading apis though
We had a UWP backend that ran fine on the desktop, though we ended up building a parallel UWP desktop app.
have you ever tried to make a concurrent collection?
Tasks worked fine there.
@LeeButler you dont use C# in UWP?
@Wietlol Making? No. Using System.Collections.Concurrent? Yes.
@Wietlol You do, but it doesn't run on top of the standard .NET Framework.
@Wietlol I do. The APIs Weren't there
You have a far more limited set of APIs.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan it wot?
why does it attempt to make sense?
I was speaking to a microsoft guy, and in the process of trying to get my UWP problems sorted, we did identify a genuine issue
the phone broke?
@LeeButler We ran into a couple as well.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan am I half of that couple?
A couple of issues.
I had some issues way back in 15.4 previews which broke something, but it got fixed for the 15.4 release
UWP is built on top of WinRT. In Release mode, it uses .NET Native to compile your C# code to native code.
But it also means that not all .NET library types can run on that runtime: msdn.microsoft.com/library/mt185501.aspx
Xamarin for UWP had most of the APIs, but not the threading ones that I was trying to use.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan why so?
I believe the threading APIs ended up getting added to .Net Standard 2.0 anyway didn't they?
Because not all APIs were ported to WinRT, so they wouldn't be universal - System.Threading wasn't rewritten to work on Windows phones or XBoxes.
Why were you using System.Threading anyway?
Because I was wrangling my own threads
What did you need to do that Tasks wouldn't do for you?
I don't think I even knew what tasks were, or how to use them properlt
But I've got decent thread control so it was easier for me to do that
It's like file management. You can't use the standard System.IO classes to do file IO, because file IO on phones, for instance, is a lot more constrained.
So you have alternate APIs for that, based on the underlying WinRT libraries, which use the shared model for AppLocal folders.
Bonus: newer APIs are newer, and they're all async.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan then that means System.IO is too detailed
it needs a more common interface
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan ow no...
System.IO was designed in 2001 for Windows PCs.
well... there it is (imagine giphy)
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan Let's just kill backwards comparability. Time for a new slate! A fresh start! Le revolution!
Le new language
Le another new language
Well, yes. That's what the Windows.Storage namespace is for. :)
@Wietlol This time it'll be better!
this language will replace all other languages!
on the other hand, I don't really believe we should have a separate language for everything
like a special language for data processing
a special language for user interfaces
a special language for web services
a special language to make computer scripts
a special language to make build files
a special language to make another language
why cant we have a special language that does all?
If only there was a common runtime which could do all of these things
Well, that's where you're wrong. We need one for each subset of everything as well!
Which all used an intermediate language
@Wietlol And what if I told you that that language was Java?
Which could be compiled to by a variety of languages so as many people can work with it
@LeeButler the runtime can be different
@Neil it is... sort of
Actually, that language is MSIL
@Wietlol To be fair, I wasn't expecting that response :P
Java however is more like a toolkit that provides all of the above
my point was that if you decide Java isn't suitable for whatever reason, then you're proving why all these languages exist
they're all trying to fulfill something the others can't
Well, im off for today folks
CLI has absolutely got you covered if you make the wise decision to not use Java
for example, you would want to use Python for data processing, JavaScript for user interfaces, web services made in whatever language, build files in I-dont-know-shit
I don't think Java can do it all, but it does do a bit with respect to other languages
Java has Jython, GWT, Java, Groovy
Can it do it well? Well, that's another debate
@LeeButler I dont like CLI
straight on to LLVM
Trust me, we're all well aware of your hatred for it
it wat?
I'm not. Explain in detail :P
Jul 4 at 8:50, by Avner Shahar-Kashtan
Wietlol, this is getting quite tiresome. Yes, yes, C# is crap and VS is crap. Would be nice if you would occasionally dial down the negativity and contribute something else to the conversation.
pls explain to me too
Ow, yea, MicroSoft is crap
MicroSoft made CLI
CLI must be crap too then
why are you capitalising the s
Soft Micro
I think I got used to JavaScript
what does the CLI stand for?
I think I am confusing it with something else (CLR)
command line interface / command line interpreter
Common language infrastructure
CLI = Common Language Infrastructure, CLR = Common Language Runtime?
ow wait...
then I havent tried the CLI yet :D
@WilliamMariager Yes
maybe I should, but I heard it was quite bad compared to how javac handles interop
If you've ever done anything in any .Net language, you have
cabbage lounger internship
CIL = Common Intermediate Language
(previously MSIL)
(Mega Sweet Intermediate Language)
@LeeButler but if you simply dont care, you dont
carpenter's lackluster illness
and yes, I am a random number generator
No you're not. You're a horrible person no one likes.
Oh wait, I meant a nice person.
The keys are like right next to each other.
@WilliamMariager awesome!
why cant they make more meaningful names?
or abbreviations
its all common language and something else
but nothing of it is common
programmers are notorious for naming things
@Neil that is why we have a random name generator
when there's already a language called Java, why the hell would you create one caled javascript
I think Microsoft's name generator had something that reset the offset
you know, to make sure you distinguish the two
Windows 1,2,3,3.1,95,98,ME,2000,7,8,10
JavaScript was initially invented to be a scripting language for Java
i call bullshit on that one
it was also based on Java
and it was meant to be as good as Java
oh my god
you just edited that wikipedia page.. admit it
Yeah man, Java and JavaScript are essentially the same thing.
can you connect to dbeaver via visual studio?
Never heard of a d-beaver. What breed of beaver is that?
quote " DBeaver is a free, open source, graphical database management tool for database developers and administrators. "
@AdiMohan Looks like it's made for eclipse-based IDEs
then it's gonna be a pain
@AdiMohan Fully agree with you there
@Neil I would suppose Visual Studio is the closest IDE to Eculipsuh
what the hell is this review queue?
Today's been far from productive
@RoelvanUden Best DB editor ever!
Except for SSMS for SQL Server, because nobody beats that.
But for average multi-db editing? I have Access, MySQL, SQL Server...
@HéctorÁlvarez Navicat is still the best for multi-DB :-P
BTW guys do you know if I need something particular to debug on a remote computer?
I deployed an app on a server and they report they have problems nobody else has
@RoelvanUden Navicat requires you to download a new version for each DB type.
If I'm not mistaken
@HéctorÁlvarez You never used Premium I guess :-P
No, this one's free.
I like free.
I might have a look, Mysql Workbench is all types of terrib;e
> Navicat Premium is a multi-connection database development tool which allows you to connect up to 6 databases within a single application: MySQL, MariaDB, SQL Server, SQLite, Oracle and PostgreSQL, create a quick and easy access to all your databases all at once.
I have bug reports from 2 years ago unfixed
DBeaver has support to connect to as many DBs as your CPU and RAM can possible handle
DBeaver looks very Eclipsy.
The only downside is the editor is a version of Eclipse.
The UI looks like shit but at least is has a real dark theme
Yeaaah it's Eclipse.
@HéctorÁlvarez Count the database types bro.
Only 6? Dbeaver has the following
MySQL and MariaDB
SQL Server
Apache Phoenix
Apache Derby
Apache Phoenix
Any other database which has JDBC or ODBC driver.
Maria and My are practically the same, counting them seperately isn't fair
Honestly, I don't care. I don't even use Navicat or anything other than SSMS :-D
But DBeaver looks interesting as a SQLite tool. Maybe.
I primarily use SSMS. Be great if it wasn't so slow to do anything and the dark theme worked properly
@WilliamMariager i.imgur.com/oUtUv.jpg
@LeeButler Slow? I never noticed it is slow.
You can rightclick a table and it takes like a second or 2 just to open the context menu
Opening a database and getting a list of tables in the UI takes forever
And those are both worsed significantly if the server is remote
That doesn't happen here.
Well you are lucky because that happens for everyone here connecting to any sercer
It happened in 2016 and it still happens in 2017
It feels like the bottleneck is in your servers and/or the connection to them.
@ntohl Sounds about right :P
Local databases, databases on-premise, and databases in a data center all feel snappy here.
The server's are idle and on lan
The remote one is usually under load, so I'm more permissive on that one
@WilliamMariager (colleague posted, I didn't play wow)
All I can say is that it doesn't happen here, and it sounds like a localized issue (e.g. nw)
For some reason a feature of the "Enterprise" edition of DBeaver is MongoDB access
Do any of you guys listen to audio books while working? Someone suggested it.
But I can't imagine focusing on a story and code at the same time.
I wont focus on two things at the same time
listening to music however feels natural
Yeah, music I do too. Can't stand the silence.
But music I don't have to focus on.
Audio books, podcasts, etc, needs focus.
if not for the silence, for the noise
too much noise on our department
too much talking, walking and talking
ow... and alexa
We're only like ... 8 guys in the place I'm at. All software engineers with headsets.
which talks
in our room, we are with about... 3... 6... 9... 12... 14
4 with earplugs
software engineers, system... engineers... something, testers, project manager
that's about it
Hi guys
I have 1 interface called as : IPdfService
nice name
Inside this interface i have 2 methods like below
Does this ToDataTable method violates SRP?
what does GetPdfBytes do?
what does ToDataTable do?
what does a PdfService do?
find where they dont match, then remove those
GetPdfBytes - This creates pdf stream
but to me, it sounds like none of them would match
ToDataTable - Create datatable based on properties name which then i will pass to my GetPdfBytes which will create pdf based on datatable
Sounds like two very different operations
public interface IPdfService
        DataTable ToDataTable<T>(List<T> items, out PropertyByName<DataColumn>[] properties);
        byte[] GetPdfBytes(DataTable dataTable, PropertyByName<DataColumn>[] properties);
> out
looks like DataTable needs to have a property which has the PropertyByName thing
So does my IPdfService violates SRP?
next to which, the GetPdfBytes looks like it should be bound to the DataTable
it violates SoC mostly
Sorry didnt understand
Separation of Concerns
it concerns itself with both the byte generation as with the data table generation
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan halp
public static T As<T>(this object value) where T : class => value as T;
public static bool Is<T>(this object value) where T : class => value is T;
I know you like methods like that
so you have obj.As<String>() rather than obj as string and 'obj.Is<String>()' rather than obj is string
but this doesnt work with await
public static T Await<T>(this Task<T> task) => await task;
for obvious reasons
but task.Await() feels much better than await task
public static async Task<T> Await<T>(this Task<T> task) => await task;
and this is total bullshit
@Learning-Overthinker-Confused IMHO it's not SRP nor SoC violation
tho I wouldn't use out parameter
the out parameter is a DM issue
there is no issue with defining a factory contract, which gives you a datatable as the data source or a byte[] as a datasource
it's like the interface is for generating you the DTO in different forms
the ToDataTable and GetPdfBytes look like neither of them belong in the IPdfService though
if you separate even more to create a DataTable just for the sake of SRP avoiding, and all that the DataTableCreator does is new DataTable(), you see how awkward it is
@Learning-Overthinker-Confused what is the IPdfService supposed to do?
Service is a filling word for sure. But they can be in IPdfConverter
I would recommend naming your interfaces based on the action they perform
@Wietlol it is suppose to handle pdf related operations like generating pdf for instance
for example, IPdfBuilder
> handle pdf related operations
sounds like you dont know what it is supposed to do
what is your application supposed to be able to do?
Its responsiblity is to create pdf by reading records from datatable
ok, so there are 2 operations:
1, generate pdf
2, read records from database
those records mean something
they arent arbitrary records
that meaning must be put in a structure class
you then provide two interfaces, one that builds those data structures by reading records from the database
and one that takes those data structures and builds a pdf document out of it
communication between these two will be a single object (the data structure object)
you then provide a method that takes these two services and uses them to build your pdf from a database connection + some query arguments
Stupid fucking remote debugger refusing to load a symbol file

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