Hey, anyone know how to fix this in windows: Debugging .NET. I switch windows (say I start typing in SO Chat), .NET activates because a break point is hit, and automagically it has focus.
Would there be an option or registry setting to stop Visual Studio auto focusing itself when it hit a breakpoint?
The reason why I don't want Visual Studio auto focus itself is because I tend to do multi-tasking when I debug a software. When I start the debugger, it may takes awhile for the app ...
This darn app requires me to have 4 instances of VS open to debug 1 WS call
System Tess (black box) solution, Web Solution attached to the ASPWP, a Service Solution so I can debug the service as it runs, and another attached to another service
During the processing of the web service request, certain things are locked, and because we have different feeds coming into the server, records need to be locked and unlocked based on date / priority
fricken nightmare when a race condition is met
I suggested we say screw it and let the messages fight to teh death, but that idea was shot down
I know that this is going to sound "Why in the world would you ever do this?" but does anybody know how to parse an XML schema in VBA? I'm able to get elements, attributes, and other content, but not any annotations which is a crucial thing that I need to be able to read.
I have the following stored procedure in an SQL Server 2005 database (meant simply to return the database size in MB).
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[dbSize]
DECLARE @sizeMb int
DECLARE @DB_NAME varchar(100)
SELECT @sizeMb = (size*8)/1024 FROM sys....
Sammy: Did I pass the test Teacher: You did a good job Sammy: But did I Pass Teacher: You will do better next time Sammy: So I didn't pass? Teacher: I never said that Sammy: you stupid @#)&%)#@%&@#)%@#)%@#%)&%
kept calling and calling. Finally the manager got me to fill up some form that he "forgot" to give me. then sent me to the regional manager for another interview. I still didn't get the job
I've interviewed people who phone me back after the interview and ask me why they didn't get the job. THey've asked if it's because of their race, accent, hair, purfume, etc.
I have a lot of respect for companies that tell me why I didn't get the job or respond with a letter telling me that I didn't get it (I still love you Blizzard)
I understand that the company has the right to tell me why I didn't get the job. It happens and not everyone has the time. I just think that a call or a letter saying "you didn't get it" is a good gesture.
Getting a job at blizzard is easy. All you have to do is meet one of their HR people at a conference such as the Game Developers Conference annually in San Francisco.
They are the ones that run the booth.
And then you get to move to Irvine and its game on! :)
Company I know of here in my city was hiring people based on the following conditions: 1) You like computers 2) You are willing to learn more about computers (they pay you for this) 3) You can talk to people 4) You have some college
I interviewed a web developer before that told me" "All websites need are more buttons. In my past I made websites, but I out-sourced to people to create these buttons. Like my ecomerce site. I needed a button to process pay-pal orders. I got someone to make me the button". ...
I think what he's getting at is, clicking a button to process a paypal payment is all fine and dandy
but that event could get stopped, and then the transaction is dead
So rather than rely on the event, put the transaction in a queue, that then gets processed by a broker
game dev's do similar things with their programs. Keep a queue of things to update, and background threads handle it, that way the main thread isn't overloaded
From what I understood "as a developer i don't like buttons i like automation "I shouldn't have to click a friggin button" he would rather not click the button at all
Hello i have this code in aspx:
InstanceList.DataSource = instances;
but my problem is, how can i this: InstanceList.Datasource (this code is a dropdownlist) <tr>
<td>Application Instance:</td>
@KyleTrauberman - That seems to be beyond saving. Clearly the person is mixing multiple technologies up and seems to have pasted some code from a tutorial.
I just deleted What Stack Overflow is Not, a collection of various explanations for things that Stack Overflow doesn't do, wasn't meant to do, or shouldn't be used to do. Several people put a fair bit of time and effort into it, so I felt I should take a minute to explain my reasoning...
First I...